
slave establishment ||

<p>.the man who came was a guard at the establishment he greeted mike and said ' follow me the head warden is inside waiting for you,mike turned around and mike the rope pulling Lucy with him.<br/>they passed through the and walked towards a door leading them to a dark corridor that is barely lit with some candles,they were passing by when Lucy saw a guard dragging a woman on the floor she was barely wearing anything on,her clothes were tattered and there were visible lines on her body as if she was being flogged,while Lucy was staring at her with fright and pity in her eyes the guard who was leading said,' she was punished because she disobeyed her master,Lucy heard this and fear entered her this gave her more reason to escape from this hell on earth.there reached the head warden office and mike greeted him,<br/>' aah mike long time no see I see you brought another goods and she is very pretty,I wonder where you get them from,too bad I can't sample her the bidding is about to start,am sure she will fetch us good amout of gold coins the head warden said looking at Lucy.<br/>Lucy shivered because of the way he was looking at her.<br/>Dennis the head warden called,lead herto go take her bath give her fresh clothes after that blindfold her and join her with the others.<br/>Dennis looked at her and gestured her to get moving,he took her to the general bathing space where all the the slaves take their bath together,when she reached she was mortified with what she saw,naked women and men were taking their bath while the guards were looking at them.<br/>she felt Dennis untied her hands which were aching because it was tied since last night,...strip Dennis said,what Lucy answered,I can't and I will not she said sturbornly.<br/>Dennis sighed because he was used to this all the girls always refuse at first before their spirit will be broken when they are continuously raped by the guards.<br/>He saw that the other guards were beginning to look their way before he said ' fine bath with you clothes on.<br/>he didn't understand what was wrong with him why was he sympathizing with her? ,is it because of her innocent eyes? he didn't know he just shrugged his shoulder and turned around to let her take her bath.<br/>Lucy finished her bath and Denise led her to change her clothes,when she finished he blind folded her and let her toward the wagon where the rest where. she entered and sat down,she was on high alert trying to see if she could see any crack but she didn't see anything because she was tied up with ropes and blindfolded as well.<br/>the carriage shook and started moving while lucy heart started to accelerate.this was it she was not a free person anymore she will be sold and be someone's punching bag or less be killed she felt her eyes start burning up as tears were rolling out...</p>