
chapter 3 the rangers are back

Saving the earth fighting for justice, and fighting monsters ho go power ranger×2

don't you ever stop go go power ranger

Ranger together defending forever power ranger ×3 SRT

New chapter

The rangers inserted the rescue crystals to the morpher and morphed, then it come with new weapon, red sword blue double blasters, black axe, white bow,purple, daggers.power rangers,together they defeated Nicotron 1 and they combined their weapons together, dana called rescue bird then they fired all at him then he was destroyed, the rangers were happy and every where is safe again,they teleported back to their base,drey thank Dana for her help and she told Dana that she might be going that the situation here on is under control,he thanked her, and she left to marina bay back,Drey told said and bai to take care of the injured before helping the others, yes sir they said,then drey said Gizz are you done with the mega vechiles it almost done sir,Leo,Lucas ,Blake,sai,bai you have been chosed to defend the city from arcanon,the alarmed beeped again,Nicotroniz 1 is attacking,Drey said rangers suite up,they morphed,then went to the mega vechiles to save the city,the entered it mega v 1 activated, mega v 2 activated mega v 3 activated, mega v 4 activated, mega v 5 activated,they blasted they were flying mega vechiles,they blasted Nicotroniz1,then they formed the mega rescue megazords,mega v 2 blasters, mega v3 axe slash,mega v1 final slash and he was destroyed, then the girls went to save the injured and they were treated.Drey said mission no 2 is pass but be ready because arcanon will not give up until he destroys the city and take earth for his own