
Sovereign of Death, King of Heroes: Izuku Midoriya

As a child, Izuku Midoriya dreamt of becoming a Hero like many others but can't for a lack of Quirk. With the appearance of Gates and Dungeons, the occupation took on a new meaning and changes were made. Seeing his chance, he leapt into the Hero World. Will he fail or succeed?

WorthlessMonkey · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter 9

"Is that what I think it is?"

The ashen blonde-haired man raised an eyebrow before slowly glancing at the deceased monster he had painstakingly pulled out. A deceased nine-foot-tall giant with the musculature befitting a wrestler, an eye crushed, and many other injuries covering the body, the caved-in skull is a dead give-away to what killed it. Dark charcoal-like skin covered the body and modest clothing provide some degree of modesty. A flowing mane of hair lay on the ground behind its unconscious body.

Katsuki wanted to take the twin axes it wielded as well but the Gate was already closing and beggars can't be choosers. At least its body can be used to make good blast-proof body armor. If they aren't armor-worthy, they incredibly valuable and he can sell them for a large sum of money. Those in turn can be used to buy high-quality gear.

The portal leading to that Dungeon had already closed, leaving them out in the open. Cars and motorcycles drove by on the road far from him and some pedestrians passing by paused on the sidewalks, their phones whipped out and recording the scene unfolding. If it weren't for the security guards, these people would have foolishly come in and tried to take photos.

Annoying to say the least. After becoming a Hero, he never liked the paparazzi. Not since the clusterfuck of that Kyushu Dungeon incident.

"It's an Ifrit, what about it?" Katsuki yawned. This in turn earned a sharp gasp from the pink-haired girl, who looked like she had received shocking news.

"An Ifrit? This monster is an S-rank Magic Beast, one you took down by yourself and you had the gall to ask, what about it?" Mei practically screamed. Katsuki eyed the girl and merely let go of the leg. True, an Ifrit is a very dangerous monster most A-ranker have difficulty killing. Pride is the first emotion coming to mind when one did what few can't.

But to Katsuki Bakugou, all he feels is disappointment and rage. Pillars such as All Might are proof that there are greater heights yet to be attained. The existence of Kamish and other S-ranks Magic Beast exist as well. In addition to those, there is the abomination he had faced back in Kyushu, making something like an Ifrit seems like a small prayer. Not to mention the four-winged angelic warrior was also a threat.

Just thinking of that monster that has his hand curled into a fist already. That damn monster is strong. Strong. Not as strong as that dragon but strong enough to leave an impression. Just another hurdle for him to surpass. But it's no use telling Mei that anyway.

"Well, given how the monster's body is relatively intact, I guess I can try to make something out of its body. Maybe a pair of shoes? A breastplate perhaps, what do you have in mind?" Mei questioned. Katsuki dwelled on that for a moment before settling on one object.

"A new set of breastplates. My old one apparently can't take too much of a beating." The blonde huffed, picking up his backpack. The damn thing broke in the middle of the fight against that fire giant. Remembering one other thing, Katsuki turned to Mei.

"Don't worry, I'll send the runestone to you if there is one," Mei spoke. "The Public Hero Safety Commission will reimburse you for it. Thank you."

"Just complete my request and sent the money to my Agency. Also, my gauntlet is on the verge of breaking." For further emphasis, he showed her the weapon in question. Already signs of cracks are spreading across its surface. Mei's brows rose in surprise at the very sight.

"I just fixed those two days ago and they're breaking? You Explosions sure pack a punch huh?" The pink-haired girl's fangirls Mana enhanced one's body, the Quirk also underwent such phenomenon as it's part of one. During his time in Yuuei Academy, he had trained his Quirk like a maniac, making them far stronger than ever before. Although this in turn prevents him from ever releasing them at full power since it will damage the Magic Beast, making them less profitable.

"Yep, just fix these already will you?" Saying no more words, Mei wordlessly slides off the gauntlets. Setting his hands free, Katsuki relished in the lack of weight before going over to his bag. Slinging it over his shoulder, the man walked away from the premise and waved goodbye to the woman behind her.

Katsuki Bakugou trudged down the streets of Musutafu deep in thought. Naturally, people gave way, not wishing nor seeing any reason to obstruct a Pro Hero like himself. He might not have an agency of his own but the reputation he has is noteworthy. Some took out their phones and headed his way, no doubt wishing for a photo but a simple glare sent them turning in the opposite direction. Under their breath, he can hear how they spoke ill of the young explosion user.

'Whatever, words of a nobody are still the words of a nobody.' His younger self would've greatly enjoyed the fear and awe given but now he doesn't care for them. After all, he's nothing more than a big fish in a small pond.

Every waking hour was spent throwing himself into Dungeons after Dungeons. Money earned from those was used for improving and maintaining his gear. Since Runestones are a rarity on their own, he never got the chance to buy any. The few he earned were sold off because they weren't what he was looking for. Most that were on the market are preordered while the black market is a thing but he wouldn't touch those garbage. Any Cantrips Spells worth learning, he practiced them every single day.

'Huh, look at me, I'm practically Endeavour in all but name,' he somberly thought. In his youth, he had dreamt of settling only on the number one position. In sports, in academics; essentially anything so long no one else has his spot. Only to find out that dream is harder to achieve.

Sometimes he'd wished he can undergo a second Reawakening. Oh well, no point in dwelling on something so needless.

Fishing out the phone in the pockets, he turned on the screen and checked the Hero app. See if there's any Gate nearby that he had reserved for usage. Surprisingly enough all the ones he bought had been dealt with. Although there is one that isn't his it has some open space. A C-rank Gate that has a small chance of turning red.

'It's only a measly ten percent chance though. Should I? Eh, whatever I guess.'

Destination set in mind, the young man headed towards it. The walk lasted for half a minute until he stumbled onto a local recreational park. A blue Gate, much like many others stood in the middle of the empty plaza. What surprised him however was a group of familiar people. That fellow Daigo Nise chatting happily to the super genius and...

"Deku?" He muttered in annoyance and disbelief. As if able to hear it, the green-haired man in question waved timidly with a smile. What makes matter worse was how his friend felt. Simply standing from here he could feel something about him is different. More unsettling.

His friend, the female super genius only spared a momentary glance before turning away. Doesn't matter since he couldn't care less for her opinion. Daigo on the other hand approached him and pat him on the back.

"Don't go acting like we're buddies. We ain't." Katsuki hissed, shrugging off the hand. The man in question only looked mildly offended.

"Hey man, don't be like that. We're all survivors of that horrible incident here." Daigo stated.

"Take a hike." Katsuki spat. Growing angry at the reminder. Thankfully, the man backed away while muttering colorful words. Don't matter to him anyway.

Looking around, he went over to one of the benches located far away from the others and stay there by his lonesome. Just as he was about close his eyes, imagine his surprise when a familiar green-haired fellow make his way towards him. That monocle-wearing chick tried to reach out to him but ultimately stopped.


"What are you doing?" Saiko whispered in hush tones.

Izuku walked toward his childhood friend, ignoring Saiko's words. As if sensing his approach, the blond looked up and red eyes met green eyes. A minute passed as the two stared at each other until Katsuki spoke up.

"What do you want, Deku?" At the question, Izuku fidgeted nervously as he prepared the words mind.

"Can't I talk to my childhood friend, e-eh, Kacchan?" Izuku asked, stumbling over the words at the last part. Silently the greenette chided himself for screwing up at the last second. This earned a perplexed look out of the blonde-haired Awakened. Seeing the blonde hadn't gone off like he'd always done in the past, he continued.

"I was wondering if you could become my sparring partner?" Hearing that Katsuki Bakugou looked at the man as if he'd grown a second head.

"I'm sorry, could you repeat that? Why would I help you?" Katsuki asked. Even if he accepted it, can Izuku even keep up? He had no idea what Izuku's current rank but an A-ranker like himself would turn him into a bloody paste. And that's holding his power back.

"B-because we're friends?" Izuku's stated. Hearing that only made him grit his teeth in annoyance. Even after all these years, after everything he had put him through, this person still considers him as a friend? Hearing that wanted to make him laugh.

"Friends? We are friends?" Katsuki asked. Izuku looked uncertain briefly but ultimately nodded. Hearing that only seems to have Katsuki scowled before getting up. Secretly the teen backed away, fearing for the worse. However, imagine his surprise when the former bully simply walked away.

"I'll consider that if you can catch up to me."

Izuku blinked before a smile crossed his lips. Hearing that pleases him knowing the man still thought of him as a friend. Although the second thing that drew his attention was the text hovering above the blonde. Something that wouldn't be out of place inside a video game.

[Katsuki Bakugou, Pursuer of Strength: Level 74]

[Rank as a Summon: Knight Grade]

Names, titles, levels and even the rank as a potential summon for him were put on display. He had invited him in hopes of getting to try out his strength against an A-ranker. Especially one who was widely believed to be just as strong as an S-rank Hero. Merely thinking about it has him giddy.

"I'll catch up to you. You can bet on it!" Izuku proclaimed. His proclamation was met with a mere scoff. As he went back to Saiko, discreetly he brought up the Skill List.


[Soul Observe: Level 4 (76.50%)]

[A skill created through the combination of Soul Sight and Observation, allowing the user to peer at an individual's soul. This allows them to understand their intended target better. For what purpose is up to the user alone. The higher level the skill is, the more information divulged]

[Usage Cost:10 Mana points]


After he had fused the two skills, this skill had popped up. A very interesting one to say the least. He had used it on his mother only to discover nothing. At first, he had assumed this skill might be a glitch, ridiculous as it sounds and it was reinforced when he spammed it on everybody else while getting here.

"Soul Observe." He spoke meekly, aiming it at the other two Pro Heroes.

[Saiko Intelli, Unhoned Spear: Level 62]

[Rank as a Summon: Elite Grade]

[Daigo Nise, #%^&*%]

The information on Daigo baffled Izuku. Having spent the last several hours doing nothing except spamming Soul Observe on anything/anyone, he'd learned several things. Normal people don't give any information while those who are Awakened do. What Daigo showed was just jarring.

Daigo, who was preoccupied with talking to Katsuki paused and turned towards him. In response, Izuku had turned the opposite direction, unwilling to face the man. Cold sweats built up as he contemplates this recent development.

'W-what was that about?! It doesn't make any sense. All the other people show their levels. Unless...," Izuku shook his head to get rid of such thoughts. No, it doesn't make sense. As far as he knows, Daigo is a Hero that is for certain. Not a particularly high-ranked fellow but good enough to hold his own in a Dungeon.

Sneakily, he spared a glance at Daigo who had returned to focusing on Katsuki. Now that he thinks of it, it is odd for him to be so enthused with him. Before he can dwell on it for long, a van pulled up to the side of the streets. Several rough-looking men began coming out of it.

'Criminals.' Their orange jumpsuit and tag number on their clothing were a dead giveaway. But why are they taken here? Shouldn't they be in prison? But now that he thought about it, the app did mention this Gate has a small chance of turning red and it is a C-rank Gate. If something like this turns red, the difficulty would rise by two grades.

"Oh wow, look at that beautiful man, she's a hottie." A shark-like man whistled at Saiko, licking his tongue hungrily, showcasing rows of sharp teeth befitting his appearance. Anyone with working eyes can tell the man has a Mutant-type Quirk. Naturally, Saiko feels uncomfortable at the sight but chose not to show it, opting to transform her weapon into its spear form.

"Oh, come on sweetheart, we just want a good time. Man's booty isn't the same as a pussy." Another cackled, his arms were quite large and looked like they were made out of stones.

Hearing what the other criminal spoke made Izuku paled considerably. While Katsuki didn't show it, the greenette notes his hands were clenched into fist and teeth gritted.

"Shut your mouth or I'll cut it off." One man barked in anger. The individual in question was massive, built like a strongman. He wore a three-piece black suit with contrasting white hair, striking a resemblance to the previous government agent Izuku'd met. Slung over him was a pair of massive suitcases. Growing curious, he decides to use Soul Observe on all four.

[Natsuo Todoroki, Hewn Frost: Level 69]

[Rank as a Summon: Elite Grade]

[Same Ago, Shark-Nuts, Level 49]

[Rank as a Summon: Elite Grade]

[Chizome Akaguro, Killer of Heroes: Level 50]

[Rank as a Summon: Elite Grade]

[Aka Uzumaki, Spiralling Tormentor: Level 47]

[Rank as a Summon: Normal Grade]

Reading their stats only aroused more suspicion than before. If the skills are working just fine and don't suffer any glitches, then there is a heavy implication Daigo is much more than he lets on. After all, why would the man's stats are unreadable bit the opposite went for Katsuki and Natsuo's. The theory on how a person's strength dictates the amount of information learnable is rendered moot by them.

"Oh my goodness, is that the hero killer?" Daigo spoke, trembling in fear. Now that he thinks about it, that noseless man does seem rather familiar. If memory serves him right, that man was involved in killing many, many heroes.

"It would appear so," Saiko noted, stepping away when the trio of psychopaths walked by. Unlike his other two fellow criminals, Chizome barely said anything but he did notice Izuku albeit the gaze didn't linger courtesy of the white-haired man giving him a slight nudge on the back. Begrudgingly, the curly-haired man simply walked forward without sparing even Saiko a second glance. Unlike his fellow criminals who leered at Saiko with undisguised lust.

Instinctively Izuku stepped in front of his female friend in a protective gesture. Earning a chuckle from two out of the three criminals.

"Um, sorry to ask but why are there criminals here?" Daigo asked. Natsuo, the large man stepped forward and offered a small smile. The personality change is incredibly jarring.

"It's because they're tasked to help local unaffiliated heroes to clear Dungeons as part of their penance. Although we have an A-rank amongst your midst," Natsuo paused, eyeing Katsuki before continuing. "We feel it is prudent to dispatch some criminals along the way to help out as this Gate may have a chance of turning red. Don't worry, I'm as strong as an A-ranker and these three, well, there's a reason why they're put to good use. Ain't that right, trash?"

"Okay," Daigo answered nervously, watching Natsuo glaring at them despite the friendly personas. He glanced around before pausing on Katsuki.

"You there, I assume you're the one in charge." A statement, not a question. Katsuki stood up and dusted himself.

"Yep." Katsuki leaned to the side, eyeing Izuku and the other survivors. "Unless any of you want the position."


"N-not at all."

"We're still going so might as well choose someone competent." Hearing their respective answer, Natsuo seems satisfied with the decision made.

"Great, the name Natsuo Todoroki. Anyway, you'll lead your teammates and I'll handle the criminals. We'll go our separate ways while inside the Dungeon. If it turns red, we'll still do the same." Katsuki nodded at Natsuo's plan. It doesn't sound too complex and should, in theory, work quite well. Inside it, they can cover more ground and ease some tension considering none of them seems particularly comfortable working with criminals.

Izuku took note of the name but didn't comment on it. It sounded rather familiar.

"Oh, so you've heard about my brother? Or you're a fan of my dad?" Natsuo asked, a small grin on their face. A moment passed as Izuku blushed, realizing he has spoken aloud. The white-haired man simply laughed goodheartedly.

"Aah, don't worry. Half a dozen of my colleagues questioned that as well. Yep, big bro is the Blazing Blue Hero: Dabi. Dad is the second strongest hero, Endeavor. If you want their autograph, I can get it for you." Izuku's only response was to bow in apology. Leaving Natsuo slightly baffled.

"N-no, thank you. I'm a hardcore fan of All Might." Natsuo's response was only a simple chuckle.

"I see, now that's out of the way, I hope we all have safe hunting. Good luck." Natsuo waved them goodbye and walked away, escorting the criminals as he ordered them to move faster. Katsuki only sigh tiredly before following after them who was in turn followed by Daigo. Saiko was about to follow suit until she was grabbed by Izuku.

"What is it?" She asked.

"I think you should know something. I just used one of my skills on Daigo-kun I mean, Daigo. I don't think he is what he appears to be. He might be...something else." Hearing his words, Saiko paused. She turned to him before turning back to Daigo who was occupied with Natsuo, chatting up a storm.

"What do you mean?"

"I-I used Soul Observe, it's a skill made by fusing two of my skills, it's a long story. Anyway, it shows me the nature of a person or living being. But, my point is, that when I used it, it stated Daigo is a false human." Hearing what he say, Saiko was understandably taken aback.

"False Human, you say? Why is that?"

"I-I don't know. He could be a Lizard or maybe a Construct like the ones I faced, I-I just don't know. But all I can say for now is steer clear of Daigo. Please?" Saiko remained quiet, ruminating over her friends before nodding. Sighing in relief, he felt slightly better his friend would be less careless around Daigo. Katsuki, well, he's strong enough on his own so there should be nothing to fret over.

"Let's go," Izuku spoke. The two walked to the portals where the others had already entered. Saiko entered the portal and Izuku followed after. Just as he had stepped into it, a notification popped up.

[User has now entered the Kingdom of Three]

'Wait, what?'

Those were Izuku's thoughts as he stepped on the other end. Currently, their group finds themselves in a massive forest. Trees taller and thicker than any building stood high and mighty, shadings provided by the large clusters of dark blue leaves. Although what stood out wasn't the beautiful and incredibly exotic vegetation, it is in fact what stood before them.

Standing several feet away was a massive rhinoceros beetle-like monster and an eagle-like monster, both feasting on an undead monster. The former was a massive humanoid insect-like monster, standing as tall as the trees around them. It's chitin armor has a dark blue hue to it and a single horn on the head, protruding menacingly.

Meanwhile the avian bird is the complete opposite, possessing a lithe but powerful build. Brown and white feathers interspersed one another which makes it look incredibly beautiful. What stood out was the crown-like crest on its head.

Whatever had happened before their arrival must have been an epic battle since the place looked like it was torn to shreds. Despite that, the two monsters looked no worse for wear save for some scratches and nicks. Both looked up and Izuku, out of curiosity, turned on Soul Observe on all three monsters.

[Runaway Construct Takemikazuchi, Groundbreaker, Level 77]

[Rank as a Summon: Elite Knight Grade]

[Runaway Construct Garuda, Undying Predator, Level 75]

[Rank as a Summon: Elite Knight Grade]

[Failed Construct Dracula, Blood-Drinker, Level 80]

[Rank as a Summon: Elite Knight Grade]

"Oh, snap," Izuku muttered. He forgot to check the map. There's a chance it must have triggered this transformation. Or did the map trigger it to change either way?

For a moment, no one acted. All hell broke loose when Katsuki leaped forward. Explosions propelling him like a flying human missile. Snapping back to reality, the eagle-like monster took flight, spreading its massive wings. In a single beat, it took flight which caused a large cloud of dust to kick up in the process. As a result, most shielded their eyes to prevent any from getting in. On the other hand, Katsuki was blown back and sent flying through the air, and crashed into a nearby tree.

Wordlessly, Natsuo drew a deep breath and blew at the air. The air around them drastically dropped in temperature as the dust gets covered in ice. Unlike most, this was colored brown as a result of the dust gathered inside. They weren't able to marvel at it for long as the massive gorilla smashed it down and the hideous leering face of the accursed monster make itself known.

Wordlessly, everyone split into action and scatter. Takemikazuchi's head swiveled and a grin decorated its face, pursuing Saiko immediately. However, it never made more than a single step when a single spear of ice flew toward it. Grabbing it in mid-air, the insect-like hulk broke it in an instant and glared at the maker who had begun to make more.

Attempting to exhale, Garuda swoops down and grabs Natsuo. A brief yelp escaped the white-haired man as the two suitcases were dropped, rolling out of the way. Three spears of ice were made in an instant, hurling them at blinding speed. It attempted to flew but failed when Katsuki jumped onto it's face, blinding the creature. As a result all three made it's mark, embedding deeply into the right legs. Seizing an opportunity, Saiko rushed forward and swung the spear, cutting the stabbed limb.

Now lost a leg, it proceeded to roll on the ground. Hoping to hit Katsuki. Despite getting slammed into the earth multiple times, the A-ranker merely laughed. Almost as if he was whipped into frenzy.

Three spears of ice flew and all three made their marks. A single deep breath and Natsuo froze the appendage entirely. Together, Saiko and Natsuo brought down their full strength onto the frozen appendage, shattering it in the process. Color the two surprised when it instantly regenerated a new pair of talons, looking no worse for wear. Despite the lacking humane feature, Izuku could tell that damn bird is amused.

Finding difficulty in the process, Izuku looked around only to discover all three criminals had escaped. Though he did catch the retreating back of one of the criminals who were busy carting off one of the two suitcases. But he wasn't able to discern any notable features before his back disappeared.

'They'll be dealt with later, I need to protect everyone. Bellion, come out!' At this thought, all of his Summon came out in full force. Bellion rammed his sword into its chest while the Salamanders clawed and bit down on the monster. Phobos and Deimos ran their claws along the surface of the massive ape-like monster but all it did was only make it angrier.

Running on fury and bloodthirst, Takemizakuchi the rhinoceros beetle monster ignored the small rabbles and grabbed Bellion. Barely putting any effort the monster crushed it in an instant but the angelic warrior simply regenerated. In one swift motion, it spun in mid-air while swinging around the extended whip-sword. However, they made no damage as the monster merely chuckled.

Undettered, Bellion jerked the blade forward in a fencer-like position. Blade in hand extended yet again and flew at blinding speed towards the head. Izuku's hope turned to shock as it had bit down onto the very tip. A bemused smirk on their face as it but harder. Irritation grew within Bellion as it flew towards the monster with a kick. Only to get knocked aside and flew straight into a tree, destroying it in the process.

Izuku turned towards the others and saw Saiko reached out for Natsuo who was busy scrambling away while firing off shards of ice at its legs while Daigo tried to escape. However, Daigo failed and was caught. Natsuo fling a spear of ice bigger than a tree trunk while Saiko provided support fire but it proved futile, their projectiles performing slightly better than the undead Salamanders.

Katsuki Bakugou attempted another leap but struck down by the Garuda when it performed a barrel-roll in mid-air, talon hitting the man's face. The last Izuku saw of his childhood friend/bully was him flying into a nearby tree. Garuda merely screeched before rushing towards Saiko.Before Saiko was caught, Natsuo pushed him out of the way and suffered that fate.

"Help Todoroki-san and protect Intelli-san." Izuku's orders were heeded and the salamanders went into action. Biting and clawing and breathing fire onto the giant bird-like beast. Hatred and annoyance gleaming in its predatory eyes, the bird of prey cried out this time and managed to unleash a powerful cry, far more piercing than the previous ones. This causes Izuku and the others to close their ears in an attempt to drown it out.

Seizing its chance, the Garuda quickly flew into the air and took off, kicking up a large cloud of dust. Katsuki attempted to follow it for a second time but the heavy wind pressure sent him off-balance. It might've been just him but Izuku swore the insect monster looked mildly annoyed by its fellow Construct's action, only hollering angrily at Izuku before leaping backward, spinning mid-air before landing against a tree.

It hollered as it pounded its chest with the free hand, red eyes boring on them murderously. Much to Izuku's surprise, it ran its free hand along the neck in a slitting gesture. A human gesture and yet it performed it. It attempted to roar in anger before a large chunk of a tree bark flew and smashed its teeth. Everyone turned and saw Katsuki, flipping the monster off with a pair of ghost fingers.

"Suck on this!" Katsuki roared, throwing another piece. Only for it to swat away the offending object before hollering again. After that, it quickly jumped away with only Daigo's cry for help as a trail. Even then, the sound is quickly quieting down.

Izuku wanted to give chase but couldn't as the ground begun to shook. Feeling something bad is about to come, Izuku quickly stepped back. Just in the nick of time as a single horn popped up where he had stood. One by one, humanoid rhinoceros beetle-like monsters made themselves known. Each one has dark-blue chitin for armor just like Takemikazuchi and is one-fourth of the insect Constructs' size.

[Blue Myrmidon, Level 30]

[Rank as a Summon: Elite Grade]

What unsettles Izuku is how every last one is holding a weapon of some kind. Some have simple wooden clubs while others held weapons. The rust on them gave Izuku some ideas about where they had originated.

"Take them down, I'll try to save Natsuo." Katsuki snapped, flying into the sky. Before the remaining Awakened could say anything, he had already left their sight. Although none of them could contact him given how loud the explosions are. Relegating rescue to the explosive man with great reluctance, Izuku and Saiko only prepared themselves for the incoming threat.

One of them, an insect chittered incessantly. As if emboldened by his actions, the others leaped down from the trees. Some didn't make it as a wide swing of a black sharp and deadly whip cut through the air, singing as it sliced through the body cleanly. Those that did were greeted by massive fireballs, sending them howling and crying out in pain.

Smells of charred flesh filled the air and Izuku felt repulsed by what he had done. Enemies or not, these guys are living beings. But he reminds himself these guys are the enemies and therefore must be dealt with.

"My goodness, this is a slaughter," Saiko commented, looking positively pale. Secretly Izuku agreed with her sentiment but now he could care less. Shadows loomed over them and Izuku looked up, noticing Katsuki fighting in the air against several monstrous birds. Several of them are falling to the ground. Seeing that, Izuku considered sending Bellion up to help him but this would leave them vulnerable.

'Screw it, Kacchan needs the help and I need the experience points.' Coming to a decision, Izuku sent one quick command to Bellion who only gave a slight nod before heading up in one beat of his wings, Summoning Inventory, Izuku drew Midnight Teardrop and headed into the fray.

Two arms descend upon him with murderous glee. Pulling as hard as he can, the blade tore through them with little difficulty. Blood filled Izuku's vision and the familiar foul stench of blood polluted his nostril. Undeterred, Izuku lunged at a beetle spear-sword first and burrowed it deep into the monster. Still alive, it flailed and was true to make a grab but couldn't.

"Eeh, eeh!"Turning to the speaker, he saw several coming down. Kicking one away only for two to come down. He was about to accept it until their heads were blown off. Sending gibs everywhere as a result.

"Use your weapon's size to your advantage!" Those were Saiko's words before parrying one insect's shoddy spear. Nodding in understanding Izuku swung wildly instead of well-timed and precise attacks. Bones, flesh, and skin gave way to the mighty spear. Izuku ignored the notifications to focus on the monsters.

Remembering one of the few things he unlocked due to infusing one weapon into it, he poured Mana into it and activated the gauntlets special effects. As a result, black and orange torrent of flames erupted out of the spear blade making it longer. Upon such sights, some of the monsters seem hesitant until their largest yells at them. Emboldened or perhaps hiding their fear, they mimicked that act, causing a cacophony of high-pitch shrills.

'They...fear me?' Upon such sights, Izuku had felt different. In a good way. It's like winning your first home run in an important tournament kind of way. Hesitantly, another swing was delivered and more black flames washed over the monsters. Their cry of pain felt oddly delightful.

With less reluctance, Izuku began using the spear with greater abundance. Briefly, the young intellectual watched her friends' progress with worry but shook it. Now isn't the time nor the place.


"Power, Power, Power, Power," those were the words he had been chanting every since he flew into the air. Hopped on the powers provided, Katsuki fired off explosions after explosions whilst dodging the flying predators. Thinking about that giant bird made him pissed off as it had casually blown him off. At least he'll settle for their shitty kids.

One flew in beak first to which the young hot-head simply flew over it before pelting it in the back with an array of tiny but highly explosive blasts. Sadly he doesn't have time to enjoy the sight as another come down and grabbed him in its beak. Briefly, he was greeted by a terrifying sight of a row of beak-like teeth jutting out.

"Eat this." Sparks roared to life and a blast was almost unleashed only for a black blade suddenly burrowed deep into its belly, poking out of the back. Confusion was shared between the two and the bird-like monster was promptly torn in half when that blade was violently yanked out. The other bird monsters were frightened by the display although Katsuki had bafflement. Turning towards the trajectory source, imagine the young man's bafflement when it turns out to belong to that winged warrior he'd fought once.

"What the heck are you doing here?" Katsuki snarled, twisting his body just when a Garuda whizzed past him. The poor bird was split into two by the warrior who only pointed downward before aiming back at him. Slightly irritated at the mute, Katsuki glanced down before it suddenly clicked. Understanding dawned over him like cold water.

"Wait a minute, that guy says he can only summon two of those lizards! Why he got you and an army of them?!" The mute warrior made no reply, only choosing to turn its attention to a bird and kill it in one blow. Watching that only frustrates the young brawler.

Another one flew past Bellion, objective clear on who. Dodging it, Katsuki was greeted with another sight of a bird getting cut down in half. Growing irritated at its speed, the fierce A-ranker propelled towards an incoming Garuda with renewed frenzy. A hand raised and thrust forward, firing off a chain of powerful explosions. Its horrible, agonizing sound was a familiar tune he'd played many times.

Bellion only watched the young man lashing out with small interest, focusing on one of the avian monsters and kicking it in the beak. The poor bird was destroyed in a single blow, reducing its beak to pieces alongside the head as well.


Izuku Midoriya had never felt this joyous in his entire life. Raising the massive spear in hand, he brought it down as hard as he could, cleaving a monkey in half. The resulting action also caused a wave of black flame-like energy to destroy anyone unfortunate enough to stand in its flight path.

Watching these monsters burn, cleaved, and dismembered brought something Izuku had never learned. A single thrust grants a simian monster a gaping hole in the chest. Anywho tried to engage in a contest if strength were utterly trounced in combat, their broken remains as hard and factual proof. None of them seems to provide even a decent match at all!

Spinning across the air as he extended the spear, tearing through the insects as a deadly spinning top. Hence he was baffled when he felt something smashing against his spear, halting his momentum. Only to find a blue rhinoceros beetle equipped with a halberd.

It hollered at him and kicked but Izuku nimbly leaped to the side. Recovering just in time to see an incoming ax swinging down hard. Immediately, he brought up his spear to block it, causing sparks to fly as steel clashed against steel. Both were locked in a bind as neither side wants to give up, knowing what it will spell for the loser.

The monster grinned, revealing sharp mandibles, and attempted to bite down on him. Only to receive multiple blasts of lasers, sending it stumbling back. Taking this opportunity, Izuku tried to swipe at it but had to backpedal when it began flailing wildly. Impressively enough, its eyes already healed, and looked far angrier, attempting to take a swing at him. Inhaling deeply as he channeled all the mana he has into the spear, igniting a black pillar of fire and firing it off.

Much to his frustration, the ax-wielding insect leaped to the side and came rushing in. It would've reached Izuku had it not for Saiko, who intercepted with a pole vault, slamming the spear right into its skull. However, the monster managed to block it in the nick of time. Grinning at the young woman who, in a mix of annoyance and anger, kicked at it whilst in mid-air.

Surprisingly the blow made contact, causing the monster to spin only for it to use its momentum to deliver another kick as retaliation. Turning off the black flame, Izuku quickly leaped to Saiko, catching her mid-air. Driven by the combined momentum of his and hers, the two went skidding across the ground. Just as he was about to put her down, a black shadow loomed over him. Looked up just in time to catch the sight of the ax-wielder.

Before he can descend, Phobos and Deimos tackled the monster, sending the duo flying several feet back. Claws drugged deep and flames breathed down upon the beetle monster but it only hurt him by a little as it quickly get rid of the two. Once settled, it quickly got back up before finally noticing its surrounding. Carcasses of its allies are now dead, showcasing it's the only one left alive.

For a moment, Izuku saw anger in it's eyes. However the monster never managed to do much when a massive eagle corpse fell down. Izuku and the insect leapt out of the way. Curiosity getting the better of him, Izuku looked up and soon realized what caused it. Both Bellion and Katsuki are descending, with the corpses of the bird monster carried by Bellion.

"Arrorro. agh! Agh!" It hollered in frustration before leaping away into the woods. In just three leaps, it disappeared from their sight, leaving Izuku and his fellow Awakened.

Izuku attempted to gave chase but was held back by the lavender-haired woman. Who gave him a disapproving look.

"What the heck happened to you?" Her question shook the young man out of bloodlust. Taking several breathes, he seems to have realized what he had gotten himself into. Izuku even looked flustered.

"N-nothing. Just got over excited." Saiko only kept quiet and had a worried look on her face. While the blonde remained pensive, looking at their surroundings with varying degree of wariness. Orange flames is licking up the carcass of insects and the local floral.

"Since apparently you can summon the undead, I guess you can use these."Katsuki gestured towards the deceased birds and undead. "Unless you have some unique method of calling them so nevermind I guess."

"No. Thank you for that." Izuku bowed.

"We'll need to find shelter and fast. I don't know how strong you've gotten but I don't want to be around when more of them comes back. Also, we'll need to out out the fire. If we don't want to cause a forest fire here." Saiko spoke.

Izuku and Katsuki shared a look but they both knew she wasn't wrong. Katsuki merely sigh tiredly as he think about his entire situation.