
Sovereign of Death, King of Heroes: Izuku Midoriya

As a child, Izuku Midoriya dreamt of becoming a Hero like many others but can't for a lack of Quirk. With the appearance of Gates and Dungeons, the occupation took on a new meaning and changes were made. Seeing his chance, he leapt into the Hero World. Will he fail or succeed?

WorthlessMonkey · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter 6

Before he can do anything, Mars rushed forward with a grin fitting for a psychopath. A literal hammer hand swung upwards in an uppercut. Instinct kicking in, Izuku managed to dodge the hammer by an inch. Powerful wind pressure generated from a mere swing had the man fly backward, stumbling as he tried to get up.

By the time he did, Mars was already upon him. Grinning maniacally as another blow in the form of a double hammer swing came down hard. As it was brought down, Izuku knew instantly he wouldn't be able to dodge the attack.

A black shadow burst forth, causing Mars to immediately leap backward high into the air, somersaulting before landing on his feet. Perched atop the building like a gargoyle, a predatory grin on the face as the monster looked down. His hands turned back to normal before taking on another weapon, a pair of wickedly sharp and jagged blades.

"You?!" Mars gasped. The shock wore down quick and a smile etched its way in."Ah, but of course. How foolish of me to think he would fight alone. Very well, you can be my training partner."

Taking note of the monster's reaction and change of limbs for future scrutiny, Izuku got up. For now, he got work to do.

"Thanks," Izuku muttered, taken aback by Bellion who had flowed out of the shadow, standing at the ready.

The only acknowledgment was a small little nod and a faint smile before refocusing on the enemy. Sword raised and in one swing, the blade extended into a whip and thrust forward, cutting through the air with relative ease. Cackling like a maniac, Mars leaped out of the way, missing the serpent-level speed jab.

"Take care of Mars, I'll handle Phobos and Deimos," Izuku ordered, receiving a slight nod as Bellion ran forward with the sword. Leaping over the two giant fire-breathing lizards, he landed on his feet.

The whip-sword flew through the air at a blinding speed with Izuku noting he can still barely perceive their movements, even with the upgrades. In the blink of an eye, the massive wall standing before him was cut down into pieces. crashed into the so-called Construct, disappearing behind a cloud of dust as the two flew out of the building. Hearing their weapons clashing eventually became harder as they became weaker. Izuku surmised they are moving far away from this place.

Izuku's particular order wasn't just out of pragmatism but slight fear. Even though Bellion had fought on his side, he still find where that warrior's loyalty lies. For all he knew, that angelic monster is their cohorts and this entire act is a facade.

"I'll take you two on," Izuku spoke, cracking both knuckles as he settled into a boxing stance. Willing the other summons to come forth, they snarled and bared their fangs at the two larger lizards.

[Phobos and Deimos are now enraged. Their Strength, Dexterity, and Vitality increased by 50%]

[Phobos and Deimos are now incapable of feeling pain]

'Right, maybe it isn't the best choice,' Izuku swallowed down the fear building in his throat. He wasn't expecting the two to get an enhancement. Though Mars did mention how the two lizards were their parents? Wonder which one is male and female though.

As he eyed the two giant lizards nervously, he knew the Summons under him has no chance of winning. Even after all the monsters he killed, these two are still considered a threat. Implying they are quite powerful on their own. Comparing the two with the summons under him is like comparing a leopard with a rhino. The difference in size is hard to ignore and the same goes for their strength.

Excluding Bellion, none of the Summons are any higher than Normal-Grade. Truthfully he doesn't have high hopes for the Salamanders under him to win but beggars can't be choosers. Only one thing to do now.

"Half of you distract him while the other half with me," Izuku ordered, quickly running for the first hiding spot he can see all the while making sure he covers a big distance. The Summons sprung to action as they followed their masters' orders. Turning around, Izuku caught how the Summons was doing relatively well.

Keyword 'relatively' considering they're just relying on hit-and-run tactics against the two big lizards, spitting balls of gaseous flames and evading large claws at the same time. One or two summons who weren't fast enough get unceremoniously stomped to the ground, regenerating enough of themselves to get another claw for their efforts.

Bringing up Character Sheets, Izuku paled slightly at the numbers dropping steadily. One minute is what he needs to regenerate some mana but those numbers pales are dwarfed by the amount consumed. Hopefully, Bellion doesn't suffer like the Salamanders. He needs to do something to win this.

'I can't just blindly rush in, they're stronger than my summons and me combined. Quick, think, think.' he muttered before an idea popped into mind.

"Right, I trust all you guys so here's the plan." Izuku paused, taking a quick breath and exhaling before continuing. "We need to get rid of those armors. Distract them and I'll try to deal the finishing blow."

The remaining eight shared a look, uncertain about the proper reaction before turning towards him and nodding. Once settled, he signaled them to charge forth. A stupid thing to do but there's nothing else he can rely on.

Picking up two rocks, he hefted them, testing the objects' weight for a moment. Satisfied, he settled into a baseball pitcher's stance, aimed, and hurled one as hard as he can. The object sailed fast and hard through the air and much to his amazement landed squarely on Phobos' left eye. The best part was the lizard turned its head, being the one who allowed Izuku to land a hit.

[User has blinded Phobos' left eye. Target suffers 50% loss in visibility]

Snarling upon catching Izuku in its one good eyesight, it barreled forward. Naturally, the man ran for dear life towards the outside. Taking a deep breath to calm the nerves, Izuku ran towards the monster. Seeing how its mouth is glowing red, Izuku had an inkling of what would be its next choice of move.

'Closer, closer. now!' he thought to himself as he slide underneath it. Immediately, his hand reached out and grabbed onto one of the leather straps. Stopping himself dead on track in the process. Raising the rock, he smashed the object into one of the metal pieces holding the armor together.

Once that was settled, Izuku quickly crawled out and tried to get away, getting up as he did so. Sadly he only managed to move one step before getting stepped on. Unwilling to die, he raised both legs to grab ahold of it. Confusion blossomed at seeing how the clawed foot didn't come down. Pain erupted from his back, sending him sprawling across the ground and into the wall.

Looking up, Izuku's vision blurred but he saw the lizard grinning. Massive tail waving around in a mocking taunt. It didn't take a genius to figure out how that monster had tricked him. The man moved but found it hard to breathe. Every time he does so, it felt like something is pressing down on him.

'Damn you, stupid lizard.' Izuku thought.

[User has suffered 6 broken ribs. Lungs are now punctured.]

[User lost 387 HP. User is now afflicted with internal bleedings and will lose 13 HP per thirty seconds]

'Right, I guess now is the best time to use Darkness Transfer.' The man idly thought. With the expanded mana bar, he can now perform the spell, and last he checked, he still has just enough to use the spell. At first, he didn't know what to do but decided to simply place his hand on the wounded area. Taking a deep breath, he has begun to concentrate.

"Here goes nothing," Izuku muttered dreadfully, clasping onto his chest. Acting fast, he decided to cast Darkness Transfer onto himself. Truthfully he doesn't know if it will work on the user as the skill never explicitly stated such. It stated it can only be used on individuals rich with Mana of Darkness. And considering he has the skill and the mana needed, it might be worth a shot.

Cold sensation swept across the greenette's chest, enveloping the man's entire being in an instant. Taking a deep breath, Izuku concentrated harder and poured everything. The sensation was not too dissimilar to taking a cold bath; refreshing and dare the greenette to say, pleasant. The pain dissipated within seconds and a new feeling settled in.


[User can no longer feel pain]

[User's Strength, Dexterity, and Vitality have temporarily gained an increase of 20 points each.]

[User only heals 20 HP]

[Effects will last for one minute.]

[Due to low mastery over the spell, User is unable to properly heal wounds and cure the debuff.]


'Well, that's good to know.' He numbly thought. The first thing he will do after all of this is done is to experiment and practice these spells. So many things needed to be done to ensure he function properly.

Feeling the searing heat, Izuku saw a ball of gaseous flame flying toward him. Rolling out of the way, Izuku picked up a rock along the roll and got up. Aimed at the target intended and loaded hand-reared in the back, he hurled as hard as he can. Sadly, his aim was not true as the hurled object landed against the armor, breaking into small pieces upon contact.

'Oh no,' Izuku thought in dread as the large reptilian beast barreled forward. Seeing how the claws were glowing a bright red, Izuku knew full well how it will attack. Forgoing tact, the young man charged forward to meet it head-on already knowing what to do. However, Izuku only grew confused seeing how it had leaped up in mid-air.

Not wishing to lose, Izuku followed after it by leaping upward into the sky. Only to grow confused when the giant lizard was looking down on him with a. Soon enough, he saw a bright glow emitting out of the mouth. A horrible realization dawned upon the young man as another ball of fire blasted out of that mouth.

Raising both arms to guard his face, Izuku laughed as flames enveloped his entire body. He can't feel pain at all! When the flames died out, he saw the monster looking genuinely surprised at how he isn't dead yet, eyes widened in shock at the sight. Unable to move in mid-air, Phobos received a human flying into its stomach at super speed.

Sounds of metal crumpling and the unmistakable sound of bones breaking were a delight to Izuku. To say he was baffled when he can hear it growling albeit faintly was an understatement. Hence why he ripped off the metal plates and proceeded to deliver a greater pummeling into the stomach.

By the third punch, notifications poured in. Symbolizing his kill over the fire-breathing reptilian monster.


[Effects of Darkness Transfer has ended. Due to User's current condition, User is unable to permanently keep the enhancement]

[Mini Boss Phobos has been slain]

[Congratulations, User has leveled up 5x]

[User received 'Terror's Claws' 1x ]

[User received 5x Salamander's scale]

[User received a Runestone 'Great Fireball']


"Oh crap," he muttered as he felt weaker in an instant. The rewards were nice but he doesn't have the time to review all of them now! Already he missed the sensation of empowerment. Knowing all wounds disappeared upon leveling up was a relief. Falling to the ground, he quickly reached out for the falling carcass. Hands touching the caved in the stomach.

"Come on, come on, Arise! Arise!" He chortled. If this thing doesn't obey him, he might just go splat in an instant!

[What would be the Summon's name?]

"Phobos! Phobos!"

Thankfully, a shadow clawed its way out, revealing the recently deceased Salamander. Seemingly reading its' new masters' mind, it bit onto his arm gently, tickling the man. In one swift motion, the recently reborn Summon hoist Izuku up. Landing onto its back as a result with a solid thud.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." Just as he said that the entire lizard shook greatly as it landed on the ground. Slightly shaken by the entire ordeal, Izuku got down and patted the creature. To his amazement, it purred like a cat.

The remaining Salamander, Deimos, stopped in its track and looked positively appalled. Shock turned to rage as it breathed another ball of fire but Phobos launched itself toward its' former partner.

It dodged to the side and lunged at Deimos. The two wrestled before Phobos gained the upper hand, pushing it down onto the ground. The other Salamander summons roared their approval at the action. Biting down onto the armor around the neck area, tearing protective gear in one pull, and tossing it to the side. In an instant, it bit down onto the soft throat and tore out the flesh.

All Izuku could do was watch as the light left its eye out. Much to his horror and confusion, he found it to be a highly enjoyable sight. A slew of notifications popped in but he ignored them.

"Wait, what is wrong with me?" The man asked, baffled by what he had felt moments earlier. Shaking his head as if the gesture can get rid of such thoughts, he remembered one of his Summons. The first one.

The ground beneath him shook greatly, causing Izuku to fall as he was not prepared. For a moment, he wondered whether earthquakes are also an occurrence in this unique place only to remember his first summon. He was fighting Mars!

Signaling the others to follow him, Izuku and the others headed outside through the opening and saw a massive crater. Sitting in the middle were Bellion and Mars clashing blades like maniacs. Bellion looked no worse for wear but the poor Construct looked like he had been put through the wringer. Its clothing had been torn to shreds, leaving only a loincloth to grant a semblance of modesty. Small cuts all over the High Orc's body were closing up fast and Mars looked like he can still keep going.

'At least I now know why that monster hasn't died yet,'

"Bellion, restrain him!" He yelled. Following the masters' order, Bellion raised the sword up and in an instant, the whip true to wrap itself around Mars but the monster leaped high into the sky. Seizing the opening, the remaining Salamanders fired off volley of fireball. Unable to dodge in mid-air, Mars could only cry out in pain as the bombardment of flames made its mark.

"Beautiful." The only proper term to describe the explosion. A truly wonderful sight. The sight came to an end when a powerful gust of wind burst forth. Shielding himself with the lizard, he saw Mars the Construct heaving with rage, burn marks covering his body. Unsurprisingly the wounds are not healing as fast as they were before.

Cells are the constituent material of every living being and if he recalls correctly, cells are unable to heal if they were burnt. Simply because the fire had so to speak, killed them. The idea behind this attack work on the cauterization treatment principle.

Bloodshot eyes of Mars locked onto him fitting for an animal. As it fell to the ground, a consecutive series of slashes barely perceivable to Izuku's naked eye struck the monster.

Up, down, left, and right the weapon flew at blinding speed. No discernible pattern as the user kept swinging to and fro in any direction. As time goes, the wind pressure generated was starting to get simultaneously stronger and sharper. He could even feel a cut above his head.

By the time it was done, various body parts of Mars start to slide off each other in mid-air. Even the pieces began to break off into smaller pieces. A splatter of blood followed suit as the pieces of the former monster fell to the ground.


[Congratulations, Runaway Construct Mars has been slain]

[User has leveled up 7x]

[User has received runestone Arm Shift, War's Embrace, Skill Book 'Reinforcement' , Skill Book 'Bladefist' , Skill Book 'Doomhammer' , Skill Book 'Hellscream', Skill Book 'Frostwolf'

[Summon Bellion has leveled up 2x]

[Summon Phobos has leveled up]


"T-thank you, Bellion." Izuku spoke, ignoring the ridiculous amount of notifications flooding in. The amount of leveling up he gets from this entire debacle is understandable considering the Mar is an A-rank Magic Beast while the rest he had combated are simply either C-rank or B-rank.

Bellion's only response bowing in a gentlemanly manner, almost akin to a butler. A battle butler, Izuku chuckled at the sheer lucidity of such thoughts. Now the idea of Bellion dressed in a three-piece suit and waiting at the ready doesn't seem far-fetched.

"I wonder if you can wear normal clothing. Can you do that?" Izuku's question only caused Bellion to scratch his head in confusion before shrugging helplessly. Unable to help himself any longer, Izuku giggled a little bit.

"Right, let's check my Inventory." Izuku opened up the Inventory, wanting to check out the new items he has received.


[Terror's Claw]

Type: Gauntlet Rank: B

Damage: 40 X(Strength)

Magical Damage: 20 X Intelligence

A gauntlet modeled after the claws of a full-grown Salamander. It allows users to cut through hard metal and bones without little to no problem.

Special Effect 'Salamander's Flame': Able to create three burning hot claws.

War God's Might (1/3): Usage in conjunction with this set's item increases the powers of the items.

[Fear's Reach]

Type: Spear Rank: B

Damage: 25 X Dexterity

Magic Damage: 30 X Int

A spear with a jagged blade inspired by a Salamander's teeth. It can pierce through armor with relative ease

Special Effects 'Ignite': Able to fire a torrent of flames at the tip of the spear. Consume 30 Mana Points per activation and consume 25 Mana per minute to maintain

War God's Might (1/3): Usage in conjunction with this set's item increases the powers of the items.

[War's Embrace]

Type: Breastplate Rank: A

A chest armor is built to aid the user in combat. Due to the workings of the inner mechanism, it allows the user to move faster and swing easier.

Special Effects 'A Warrior's Protection': Provides 180 Defense, Plus 9 Dex and 9 Str

War God's Might (1/3): Usage in conjunction with this set's item increases the powers of the items.


"Wow! I gotta put these on now." Several clicks and all three items are worn.


[War God's Might is now in full power. All Items of this set will receive a 60% increase in all their special effects.]

[Terror's Claws and Fear's Reach will receive a 50% increase in physical and magical damage.]


To the greenette's amazement, all three pieces of equipment fit on like a glove. All three items were made for him and they felt comfortable too. The gauntlets and spear shared the same coloration and had a scaly look to them. Fitting given he received the two from killing lizard-like Magic Beast.

"I guess I can ask Intelli-san for help after this." He muttered as he experimentally jabbed at the air. The weapon felt slightly awkward in his hand.

War's Embrace provides protection and increases his speed and strength by a good degree. While it was a shame he couldn't take Mars as a soldier, Bellion's actions weren't entirely unnecessary. After all, that thing has a healing factor and a strong one as Mars was able to keep up with Bellion.

"Well, whatever. I still got some runestones out of this and powerful Summons. " Izuku sighed, smiling at the rewards he has received. "Though I feel like I am forgetting something."


The sheer volume of that cry was incredibly brutal, causing Izuku to close his ear as a result. To put it simply, it sounded like multiple walruses bellowing at the same time only amplified by ten times. The ground started to shake yet again much to his confusion.

"How dare you! How dare you! HOW DARE YOU KILL MY BROTHER!!!" If possible, the voice sounded deeper and far more beastly compared to Mars despite the almost whiny tone. Turning towards the source, he saw a giant figure walking out of an opened gate followed by several towering statues. Well, waddling is a more fitting term for the leading figure's movement.

As it moved closer, he could make out several things about this creature. A Cyclop, a powerful B-rank Monster known for their impenetrable hide and great strength. Much like their mythological counterpart, these monsters are recognizable for their single eye and their immense physical prowess. In other words, they are known to be absolute juggernauts in physical matters.

Suddenly Izuku felt the Luck stats deserve major attention. The two offensive items he received aren't very effective against this monster since they deal fire-based damage.

What drew Izuku's attention was a single spear held in both hands although he used that term loosely. The spear's blade was too long and wide unlike most he had seen. Also, the entire thing was pitch black. For reasons unbeknownst even to himself, he felt something uncanny about that weapon. Like something is compelling him to take it back.

[Runaway Construct Vulcan]

[Stone Construct]

[Stone Construct]

[Magma Construct]

[Magma Construct]

One Cyclop, and four Constructs. Or rather five Constructs. Not that any of that matters, to begin with. Memorizing the monster's unique name and the other Constructs for future reference later, he settled into a stance similar to one often used by Saiko. Vulcan and the other Golems aren't a threat, that much is obvious considering all their names are glowing a bright orange.

"Oh Mars, I told you to wait for me to complete programming the Constructs but you just have to try to stall for time." He moaned, wiping a single tear from its only eye, a smile revealing a disturbing row of crooked teeth. Izuku's skin crawled when he saw little pieces of flesh stuck between the teeth.

"But it is alright. We will complete our vision, freeing the Cyclopes from the horrible reign of that trash, Keras, and that bastard Yogumunt. Your death shall be avenged!"

"Excuse me," If it was the past him, Izuku was certain he would've wet himself under the monster's glare. Fear to him feels foreign considering what he just went through and what he has. "Hi, My name's Izuku Midoriya. I don't mean to be rude but I thought you're going to free the Orcs?"

"Hush you disgusting little wretch," Vulcan snapped, hefting the spear up. "Don't you dare mock my brother's dreams. He was kind enough to save me from our accursed king. He promised to make me king of the Cyclopes and steal Ar-Kaius' daughter for me!"

"...Okay." He spoke a moment later, leaning forward in a fashion similar to Saiko. Ignoring the fact that a Cyclop claimed a High Orc is his brother and he expressed the desire to kidnap someone's daughter, this guy is a racist like his so-called brother. Probably wants to kill him too.

"Can't we just try to get along? Look, I'm sorry to say this but I just murdered your so-called brother." Not true but Bellion does serve him and by an extension, he did it. To emphasize his point, he makes a jab towards the remains of Mars, lying at the back in that crater. "I don't want to be rude and I just want to learn about you people. So, can't we just get along?"

Vulcan paused briefly before smiling, literally glowing up in the process, and hurled the spear. Immediately Izuku rolled to the left. Getting up, he saw how the spear tore through the earth with relative ease.

"Bellion with me, the others take on the rest!" At his words, they went to work. Vulcan roared in anger as his body began to glow a bright orange in a literal sense. Already he can feel the intense heat by merely standing in such proximity. Brows matted with sweat as he tried to jab at the monster only for it to be easily deflected by a massive heat.

Bellion seized the chance to step in and swipe the sword at the shin, cutting up the leg. Blood spilled as the flesh was rendered with ease. The monster cried out in pain before reaching for Bellion. Luckily the angelic warrior sidestepped and kicked at the offending appendage. Despite the broken leg, Vulcan swung a meaty fist at Bellion.

Izuku quickly stepped in, intercepting the attack by jabbing the spear deep into the outstretched hand. Pouring Mana into the spear, the blade ignited and fired forth a burst of powerful flames. Though confusion colors the young Awakened when the monster doesn't even look annoyed. Vulcan even looked mildly entertained by the act.

"Aah, humans are truly idiotic as I had imagined. Keras might have been a bastard but he was never wrong. For your info, flames to us Cyclopes are practically harmless." The one-eyed monster laughed, delivering a kick to Izuku's stomach. Black length wrapped around it and pulled down the multi-layered legs in an instant. Pulling out the spear, Izuku rammed the butt into the knees.

[Runaway Construct Vulcan has suffered a broken knees.]

[Runaway Construct Vulcan mobility is reduced by 20%]

"Damn you!" Vulcan roared, wildly swinging both arms. The two backpedaled away, not wanting to get hit. However, Izuku wasn't fast enough and received a blow to the chest. He can hear the sounds of bone-breaking and incredible burning sensation on him. Perhaps he held a Quirk of his own? He doesn't know much about Cyclopes but he was certain none can generate heat.

Ignoring the notifications, he has begun to pour as much Mana as possible into himself. Already the bones began to mend and a feeling of empowerment coursed through him. Izuku has begun to force as much as possible, wanting more of this sensation.

Hearing something creaking, Izuku turned and saw the giant black spear begin to pull itself out of the earth and flew towards him. Jumping high up into the air, Izuku dodged and landed back on the ground. Watching the one-eyed giant laughing as he brandished the spear.

"Surrender and die for me. Your death will make Midnight grow stronger."

"Midnight? Is that the spear's name?" Out of the corner of his eyes, Izuku saw how Bellion's hand twitch. Or it might just be his imagination. What does the spear have to do with him? Seems to mean something to the angel.

"I told you to hush!" Vulcan roared by swinging the spear. The two leaped out of the way.

"I'll ask questions later. Right now, let's take down Vulcan." Bellion gave another affirmative nod and dashed forward, bringing down the sword in an overhead arc. Easily Vulcan countered by bringing up the spear, parrying the blow with the polearm's shaft. Steel clashed as the two were locked in a deadlock and impressively Vulcan proves to be the Summons' equal.

Grabbing Bellion by the head with one hand, Bellion silently screamed under the incredible heat. Kicking the monster in the belly as a result. The grip loosened, the angel leaped back using the cyclops as a springboard and swung his sword, cutting off the monster's hand as a result. The appendage fell to the ground as Vulcan screamed, clutching the stump at the same time.

Seizing the opportunity, Izuku dashed in and delivered a powerful punch to the liver using Terror's Claw. Enraged, Vulcan brought up his knees to strike but Izuku's spear met the approaching organ. Flesh gave way as the spear make way deep into the appendage, its sharp end poking out of the other end. As bonus, Izuku twisted the spear, causing Vulcan to freeze up in pain.

Unrelenting in his attacks, Izuku delivered a series of punches and kicks, forgoing the spear in favor of attacks. A wild haymaker meant to drive Izuku off was intercepted by Bellion. Despite the loss of his second hand, Vulcan's scream was silenced as Bellion joined in, twisting through the air before kicking the giant in the head.

Izuku winced as he watched the head dented, blood leaking out of the wound. Looking confused, Vulcan grabbed his head in confusion before Bellion separated the head from the shoulder. A clean and smooth cut courtesy of his very own sword.


[User has defeated Runaway Construct Vulcan]

[User has leveled up 5x]

[User has received Skill Book 'Soul Sight', Skill Book 'Soul Fusion', Runestone 'Heatwave', Skill Book 'Metallurgy', Worker's Rings]

[Summon Bellion has leveled up 1x]


"Great, it's finally over." Izuku sighed, turning towards the Summons under him. Only two Constructs remained, both were the Stone Constructs and they looked like they were on their last legs as well, seeing how some had their body parts such as a leg or an arm destroyed. The two Magmas are already on the ground defeated. It's only a matter of time now.

Izuku watched as Bellion walked to the corpse before, bowing to it. Is he paying respect to the cyclop? If so why? However, the young Hero-in-training knew not to inquire about Bellion considering his inability to speak.

Picking up the so-called Midnight. For a moment, he caught a melancholic expression on his face before the warrior steeled himself and offered to Izuku.

"For me? Why?" He asked. Bellion offered no answer and instead knelt on one knee. Getting embarrassed and slightly frustrated by the action, Izuku could only grunt before picking it up.

The spear, much to his amazement, began to shrink and became a normal-sized spear. Picking it up, Izuku marveled at the touch. Even more so at the stats, it possessed.


[Midnight Teardrop]

Type: Sword-Spear Hybrid Rank: S

Once a legendary spear forged by a god and given to his most trustworthy subordinate. When the mighty warrior turned to the dark side, the weapon followed its master as if it was alive. Transformed by its wielder in grief, it strikes down those who wield the power of light.

Now reduced to a shell of its former glory, it holds only a fraction of its true power.

Damage: 90 X (Strength +Dexterity)

Special Effects 'Locked': Can only be unlocked once it attains a certain degree of power.

Special Effects 'Locked': Can only be unlocked once it attains a certain degree of power.

Special Effects 'Absorption': Able to increase power from absorbing sacrifices. Has a 10 chance of gaining the traits of the sacrificed items.

Special Effects 'Lord of Darkness': Able to increase chances of raising the dead by 10%

Gain more of the 'King of Death' set to unlock its full potential.


"King of Death? That's rather ominous." Izuku commented. It sounded so intimidating. In any case, this weapon is very incredible. It has two special effects that are locked away. Not only that the description behind this particular weapon is very intriguing.

"Was it you the previous owner? If so, you can have it back." Izuku offered, earning a negative response from Bellion.

"Why not? It's yours, wasn't it? You should have it." He stated, forcing the spear into his arm. In response, Bellion took a step back respectfully and shook his head yet again. Seeing how stubborn he is, Izuku sighed in response.

"Fine, if you insist on some. Go help the others and retrieve Deimos corpse at that big..." He paused briefly, gesturing towards the big building. He wasn't certain if a Summon like Bellion knew of human historical structures. Getting the idea of his master's wish Bellion bowed and walked away, killing a Stone Constructs in one strike standing in his path.

The System notified how he had earned some materials but Izuku ignored it considering he earned no level ups. Having other matters to attend to.

" Might as well try out this absorption feature. No, how do I-" Izuku stumbled back by slightly when another notification popped up.


[What would you like to sacrifice?]

(Choose any)

[Fear's Reach, Terror's Claw, War's Embrace]


"So, this is what it meant by absorption?" He asked.

Does he want to increase this weapon's power? Of course, he does. But throwing away the items he recently got for one is too much. But then again this weapon offers far better stats than the ones he wields. Especially if these weapons can get even stronger.

"Might as well." Izuku gleefully stated, choosing the spear since he has no use for it. The weapon in hand disappeared in bright light. Fading away, a notification popped up and showcase the changes done. While fascinating, he has no interest as he was too tired.

"Wow, I am beaten. But before I leave," Izuku turned towards the corpse of one runaway Construct Vulcan. A powerful monster such as himself and that brother of his would be a boon.

"Now, let's see if I can get you two."


Katsuki Bakugou and the others tensed up as the Red Gate began to fluctuate. Lightning crackled and the air began to hum in power. A unique smell not too dissimilar to the smell often associated with the rain permeated the air.

"Did that E-rank clear the Dungeon?" One asked.

"It can't be. He's too weak." Another snapped back.

"Can you two just keep your mouth shut? If it's a Dungeon Break, then it is a Dungeon Break. Do you two even know what you're implying?!" Katsuki's words rendered the two shut but not before earning some glares his way. The man huffed, sparking off small explosions as a warm-up.

'No way? Did that loser clear this?' The Explosion user idly thought. It just doesn't make sense. But a small insecure voice at the back protested despite the known multiple facts.

"Magic-Users, prepare your spells. All melee combatants to the ready and I want whatever is coming out stopped before it can even take a single step out." Sir Nighteye roared.

70 Sidekicks, one-fifth of All Might's total affiliated sidekicks, complied with the man's orders. The streets were littered with men and women dressed in either medieval armor or costume. Roofs of nearby buildings had many standing at guard. Every single last one of them was prepared to fight. Weapons drawn, spells readied, and Quirks at the go. However, none of them were prepared when a single young man stepped out.

Green-haired tall and quite good-looking, dressed in what appears to be a green tracksuit covered in blood and looking slightly small, showcasing the muscles on him. Worn over that was a single breastplate looking far too expensive for a measly E-ranker.

"...hello, I've come in peace. Please don't kill me." Izuku Midoriya sheepishly waved. The entire action threw everyone in the loop. None of them were prepared for this outcome.

"Snrk, hehe." If anyone were to hear sir Nighteye, the first sidekick of All Might snickering like a five-year-old, no one would believe themselves.