
Sovereign of Death, King of Heroes: Izuku Midoriya

As a child, Izuku Midoriya dreamt of becoming a Hero like many others but can't for a lack of Quirk. With the appearance of Gates and Dungeons, the occupation took on a new meaning and changes were made. Seeing his chance, he leapt into the Hero World. Will he fail or succeed?

WorthlessMonkey · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter 4

Inko Midoriya sighed tiredly, looking at her unconscious son's body lying on the bed. Deep down, Inko knew she wasn't the perfect mother but she had done everything to make her son feel normal. Maybe it hadn't been the right choice, ignoring the elephant in the room that was her son's lack of a Quirk but what was she supposed to do?

Almost everyone that she knew doesn't face this sort of problem, birthing a Quirkless child. Call her cynical but that knowledge would spread like wildfire should her friends aside from Mitsuki catch wind of those stories. Everyone would run their mouths like motorboats.

Whenever Izuku is around or watching, Inko wouldn't use her Quirk just so he doesn't feel self-conscious about his lack of one. She tried to plant interest in other topics for her baby boy. For a time, he rejected it but decided to go along with it. When he was 12, her son claims to want to become a writer. Her heart soared higher than a kite, believing he was finally moving on.

But apparently, those were lies. as he had gone on her back and joined up Hero work. Truthfully she had mixed feelings about her son's love for that particular line of work.

A small motherly part of her felt happy for him because he is happy. But the logical part, the copter mother as Mitsuki puts it, grew horrified at the knowledge, fully aware of the hazard that comes with that line of work. After all, that's how her beloved husband went missing and the poor woman believed she might not be able to stand the thought of losing another family member.

So what if he became an Awakened? Even if he has a Quirk, the thought of her son becoming a Hero frightens her. People often say death is a horrible thing but she believed living with crippling damage is even worse. She'd seen how some heroes lost their limb in the line of duty, long before the times of Gates and Awakening roam the world. Magical monsters were bad enough but they only appear in those Dungeons.

'Oh Hizashi, if only you were here,' bemoaned Inko. She missed her husband. Much as she hates to admit it, he was great with kids, even better than her in all honesty. Hizashi got along incredibly well with their baby.

Pushing the peeling knife against the apple's skin, the middle-aged woman wondered how she had gotten here. While at work, she received a call from Mitsuki, notifying her how both their sons are in hospital due to Hero-related injury. Stricken with panic and fear, the woman dropped everything and went straight to the hospital.

She managed to meet up with her son's friend and his mother. They told her everything that occurred. She even saw the wounds and well, she may have fainted.

She can still vividly recalled every little detail. A deep gash starting at the shoulder , reaching down to the stomach, revealing the organs and bones inside. It was a ghastly sight, something Inko wished she can erase. Supposedly during the surgery, a bright light engulfed her child and by the time it died out, the wound had disappeared, leaving Izuku as fine as before.

Reawakening they had called it. A process where an Awakened undergoes a second awakening, boosting their powers immensely. According to the doctors, it isn't uncommon for Awakened to heal life-threatening wounds through this process. She was even told she should be thankful because her son was at death's door by the time he had gotten here and that for an Awakened to undergo one is quite rare.

That had been three days ago. Every day during lunch break, she would come by and check up on her boy, hoping he will wake up from the coma.

"Oh, my sweet baby, I'm so sorry for what life had thrown at you." Inko fought the tears from spilling, brushing a lock of his hair aside. Her child looked peaceful, dozing away without any care.

When her son suddenly screamed, the pudgy woman reflexively stumbled back out of surprise and straight into her chair. Unable to take on her weight, the chair reeled back along with her and the two fell to the ground hard. Despite the pain, Inko quickly got up and looked at her baby boy, who was looking at himself in shock. As if even he was surprised by his presence.

"M-mom?" Asked Izuku, baffled by what he's seeing. The young man was certain his mother was not dead in any way. "You're not supposed to be dead."

"Silly, you're in the hospital." Inko laughed, wiping a tear away. "Anyway, I've gotta leave now. My break is almost ending."

"Break? Oh right, you're working at a local cafe." He muttered, distinctly recalling about her new job. She mentioned it once."Okay. So, how was it?"

"F-fine actually." She answered. "Everyone over there is quite nice and kind. Mistuki showed me the ropes and Rai-chan and Sakura were kind to me . Your friend, Saiko and Katsuki are doing fine."

"Good, good." He muttered, not knowing what to say. Guess she must've met Saiko during his time at the hospital. It felt awkward knowing how their last conversation went. Now that he think about it, he never really asked about her life. In those dying moments, he had thought he would die. How he would never get to see her again.

"Anyway, I'll got to leave now. Break is about to end." She stated, getting up and heading towards the exit. Izuku called after her, causing her to stop in her track and turned towards him.

"Can you see this thing?" He asked, pointing at the front. The woman followed where he aimed but shook her head a moment later. After that she left.

"Guess I'm the only one who can see you." He stated, turning towards the floating textbox. It had appeared just as he opened his eyes.

[Welcome to the System, User: Izuku Midoriya]

[Experience accumulated by the User before gaining the System will be calculated and transferred automatically.]

[These are the features provided by the System: Character Sheets, Skill List, Cantrips Spell List, Summon List, Quest Log and Inventory. To access any, please say their name or think of it.]

'Okay, Character Sheets?' he thought hesitantly. If this isn't a fever dream he might as well check out this thing. It felt odd but colored him a surprise when another screen took its place. In contrast to the previous one, it contains information about him, showcasing stats about him.


[Name: Izuku Midoriya]

[Title: Quirkless Hero (Unremovable) Quirk: None]

[Class: Necromancer Level:1 ]

HP: 1300 MP: 10

[STR: 9 DEX: 10 CON: 13]

[INT: 17 MN: 1 LUK: 1]

[O Stat Points. Go earn some]


[Name is self-explanatory. Titles are special epithets gained through actions that can even grant special effects. Quirks are your special powers. Class is a special job that allows you access to special skills exclusive to that rank. Levels dictate how experienced you are.]

[Your stats consisted of six parts:

Strength: How strong you are. Plays a role in how much damage you can deliver

Dexterity: How fast and skilled you will be. Plays a role in how much damage you can deliver.

Constitution: How many hits you can take and how fast your wounds heal. You will recover one percent of your health points every minute

Intelligence: How fast you can think and how potent your magic spells will become.

Mana: How many magical energy you have and how fast you will recover them. You will recover one percent of your Mana points every minute

Luck: How much luck you have. This results in little things such as probability, drop rates of items and many other things.

[Hit Points: how much health you have is decided based on a combination of the CON Modifier multiplied by a factor of 100. Mana Points: How much magical energy you naturally have which is a result of the MN modifier multiplied by a factor of 10]

[Stat Points are the sole object that can increase your stats]


"Okay," he murmured in surprise, baffled by what he is seeing. This isn't what he had anticipated, its entire structure reminded him of a video game. Even without the long-winded explanations at the end describing them, he could hazard a guess on what they meant having played his fair share of video games.

The numbers representing each stat are fair in Izuku's opinion. Strength and speed aren't something he specialized in. Constitution is only natural as he had to suffer the brunt of attacks. Intelligence is something he took pride in as he was the second-highest achieving student back in middle school. Looking at the stats of both Mana and Luck is very depressing.

"There's a lot to take in," Izuku muttered, surprised by the entire thing. It was nice knowing how much each point to certain stats affect him but he grew curious at how the damage setting works. He's not living in a video game, that much is certain.

And there are several more features to this System as it had called itself. It's not a Quirk given that it listed him as Quirkless. But what struck him was the Necromancer class as Izuku knew very well he is unable to perform any magical spells; no elemental magic, summoning spells, or even support-type magic. Cantrips spells aren't even feasible and logically raising the dead should be beyond him.

And yet he is labeled as one. A curious thing on its own.

Then there's that title of his. Which infuriates him as it only reminds him of his lack of a Quirk. The fact it is unremovable makes things even worse. Hopefully, it provides a special effect to the people around him.

Growing curious, he decided to bring up the Skill List. Something about what the Systems notification stated left an impression on him. If it is true at all.


Skill List contains all your skills gained. Skills are gained through a myriad of ways; ranging from repetitive actions or Runestones. There are three types of Skills: Passive, Active, and Class Skill.


[Skill List]

Passive Skills (4)

Active Skill(0)

Class Skill(2)


Izuku grew intrigued by the description of the Skill List. It stated that he'll gain skills through repetitive actions. If that is true, why didn't he gain any for washing, sweeping, brushing and et cetera? He helped his mom around the house many times o those skills should exist. Unless the System only considers combat-related skills as viable options?

Maybe he can get Saiko's thoughts on this, she might be able to provide further insights into this. Perhaps several experiments can be conducted to find out the exact range or limit. Maybe even exploitable loopholes are a thing.

Without any further ado, he pressed on the Passive Skill Bar, curious at what would be the skills under it.


Observation (Lvl 35: 31%)

As one who analyzes heroes and villains and monsters for almost your whole life, you are able to discern certain aspects of anything if given enough exposure. The amount and accuracy of information learned depends on Int and your own knowledge.

Pain Tolerance (Lvl 12: 34%)

As one who endured pain and suffering, you are able to withstand a substantial amount of physical attacks. This negates every damage caused by physical-based attacks by 18%.

Knuckleduster Mastery(Lvl 2: 86%)

As a user of knuckledusters, you are a complete novice and this skill perfectly reflects that. Attacks that incorporate knuckledusters increase its damage by 3%.

Free-Style Fighting (Lvl 3: 34%)

As one who sticks to no martial arts, you work best by fighting however you wish. Anything goes: punches, kicks, and even biting. The only thing that matters is winning.

Any weapons used in conjunctions receive an additional increase of 3% and using personal body parts to fight receives an increase of 4.5%.


"Okay, he muttered. He wasn't expecting such a basic piece of information on the four Passive Skills he has. They were adequate and spot on but it annoyed him knowing they will contribute very little. The only silver lining is knowing two out of four of the skills have good synergy. Having done that, he turned towards the Class Skill. Observation sounds quite useful but confusing at the same time and Pain Tolerance, well, guess he makes an excellent punching bag then.


Soul Extraction (Lvl 1)

One of the few abilities fundamental to a Necromancer, it allows users to extract the targeted soul and made them subservient to its users. It only works on beings that possess Mana, energy of all living beings and can only be used on the same target three times. The level rises as the user grew in power. Chances of success is based on multiple factors and the cost increase depending on the targets' power level.

Mana Cost: 10 MP peruse.

Soul Storage (Lvl 1)

One of the few abilities fundamental to a Necromancer, it allows the user to store a summon bound to the user and prevents Summons from getting permanently destroyed. The amount of summons allowed to be kept depends on the level of the skill. The level rises as the user grew in power. Currently able to store at least 1 soul.

Allows user to share senses with those preserved

(Current Souls in storage: 0/1)

Mana Cost: None.

Darkness Transfer (Lvl 1)

An ability wielded by those who use Mana of Darkness. The user can enhance the overall powers of the intended target or heal themselves. The former effects are only temporary but will be permanent should the target can withstand the energy. However, it is best not to use it on beings with Mana of Light.

For every 4 point spent, user recovered 3 HP

Has a 10% chance of clearing out any debuffs

Increases Strength, Dexterity and Vitality by ten for every 8 points spent

Mana Cost: 4 MP per second.


He blinked, taking in the information as he did so. Everything about it sounds surreal. Izuku found it odd how two out of three of the given skills are maxed out. It made him laugh knowing the two skill that cost Mana is unusable because he simply doesn't have the Mana for it.

Unlike the first two skill list, the Class Skill list seems to goes on and only counted a dozen or so but none were readable as every last one were blotted out. Though there was something that stuck out the most.

'What's a Mana of Darkness?' he questioned. The third skill mentions that. It sounded like something inside a comic book during the pre-Quirk era. Whatever it is, this skill implies he has that energy. After all, why would he gain a skill if it isn't usable?

This power, whatever or whoever gave it to him, seems to get worse as he think about it. None of the class skill seems useful and he doesn't have the energy needed to use on them. To make matters worse, he can only get stronger through-quite literally-killing. Getting an undead minion sounds difficult as he will need to kill them. He was certain no monster would be willing to serve under him.

'Forget getting new skills, I can't even get stronger with this powerset.' he groaned in disbelief, hitting the bedside. If he had gotten some form of superpowers like super strength or shape-shifting, then maybe he'll have a chance of becoming stronger.

"Why can't I just get lucky for once?! Huh? Bad enough I got no powers, now I gotta go through life with this?!" He yelled, punching the pillow repeatedly.

Izukus' rant were cut short when he heard knocking on the ground. Turning towards the person, he caught a disheveled-haired man, tall and lanky, standing at the doorway. He wore a three-piece suit, something often seen on those government agents like the ones in movies and television drama. If the bags under his eyes were any indication, poor man seems to haven't got enough sleep.

"Hello, my name's Yokumiru Mera. I'm an official of the Public Hero Safety Commission and we would like you to cooperate with us," He introduced formally while flashing his badge, a proof of what he says are true. The way he performed sounded rehearsed as if he had practiced multiple times.

"Oh, hello. My name's Izuku Midoriya." He bowed courteously, cooling himself. A small part of him hoped the man hadn't heard him. He noted Mera-san gave him an apprehensive look as if he didn't believe what he heard but the look appeared briefly.

Turns out Mera-san only wished to hear his side of the story about the incident three days ago and checked whether he has truly Awakened. The Double Dungeon Incident as the people had taken to call it. Apparently the hospital had been ordered to notify them if he woke up, hence why he had arrived so fast.

Naturally, he told him everything that happened; the traps, how people died via a flood, and even that angelic beast. The man remained impassive and appears to be listening half-heartedly though he was jotting down everything.

"I see." He muttered. "Can you give me your hand?"

Izuku did as he instructed and offered it. Mera-san pulled out a device that looked like a tablet with a crystal on the top. It did a quick scan but the same numbers showed up. The exact amount of mana displayed by the System.

'Odd,' Yokumiru thought. The doctors clearly stated all wounds were magically healed on their own. Neither Quirks nor healing spells were used on the young man if the testimony are true. Perhaps they were wrong? Then again, it isn't unheard for Re-Awakened to gain a special skill in place of mana increase.

'Maybe I'll have someone keep an eye on him. Maybe the rookies can handle this. They need the experience after all. Who knows, he might be powerful down the line.' He thought, putting the tablet back into his pocket. The poor man looked downtrodden which is a natural reaction. Most E-ranked Heroes are only stronger than the average human by a tiny margin. A non-Awakened with a combat-oriented Quirk can easily take them on and win.

After all, it's their only way for them to get a better salary as a Hero. Training and hero equipment can only take them so far and even then, they require constant maintenance to ensure functionality is good.

"Cheer up young man," The man stated. "There's a chance you gain a special ability of some sort. It isn't unheard of anyway. South Korea's S-rank Hero, White Claws is one of them."

"I know. I've heard how some people believed it might be that transformation power he wields." Izuku replied glumly. Yokumiru noted the younger mans' eyes lit up briefly at the mention. Just from that Yokumiru knew what sort of guy this person is. He's one of those who wants to follow in their idols' footsteps. Nothing wrong in that but one needs to face reality. A weakling like him will only die sooner or later.

All he can hope for is that the young man grew stronger or realized the futility of his actions.

"Right, thank you for your time, Izuku-kun," Yokumiru bowed and took his leave, seeing no reason to stay any longer than he has to. Moments before he exited the room, Izuku called after him.

"Um, excuse me. Are the others doing alright? Daigo-kun and Ken-san, I mean." He asked. Yokumiru wondered who he is referring to until his eyes lit up.

"Nise-san has returned to work but Ken-san has chosen to retire due to recent events that had transpired." He replied plainly. It saddens Yokumiru knowing they had lost multiple heroes in a single Dungeon. Horrible in all honesty.

"Oh." He muttered, disheartened hearing about the old man. He was kind to him when others weren't. "Thanks."

Yokumiru left the room, thinking about his interaction with the boy. His last name matched the late S-rank Hero, Orochi. Perhaps they are related or it could be pure coincidence. Midoriya isn't a very common surname but it isn't exactly rare.

'I guess it wouldn't hurt to look into it.'


Izuku placed the key into the keyhole, twisting it as he did so. A click came as the inner mechanism of the doorknobs turned. Satisfied, he then pulled the door open, entering inside.

"I'm home." He called out. He knew no one is at home but it just slipped out, basic etiquette taught to him as a child. It felt nice coming back home even if mom is busy working. Sure, there's no one to welcome him but it is comforting.

Taking off the footwear in favor of the household-exclusive, the young man wandered down the empty hallway of his home with Izuku's footstep as the only sound disturbing the silence, making his way into his bedroom.

Stomach growling, the young man sighed and made a beeline for the kitchen. If he's gonna conduct some experiments, he might as well do it on a full stomach. A lunchbox was sitting on the table and a note sticking on the top.

"Please eat this. Sincerely, your mom and P.S, Katsuki's dad had fixed your hero suit."He read. A wistful smile cracked up after reading the letter, feeling bad for how he treated her. God, what had gotten into him on that day? Folding the papers, he tucked into the pocket and opened the box, checking for the content and promptly gorged on the meal prepared. Satisfied, he washed the box and headed for his room, locking the door behind him and closing the windows curtain.

"Right, let's do this." He muttered, taking a deep breath before checking the Inventory. He hadn't expected the System to give him a gift but he won't look the gift in the horse's mouth.


Bellion's Soul (1x)

A great warrior who had chosen to aid you in your quest for power. He will help you so long as you have him.

Rank: Knight

Map to Success (1x)

A map specially crafted to reveal the Gates that can help you fight and become strong. The special effects of this item will only kick in if you enter a Gate on your own.


Bellion. A name fitting for a character from a fantasy-esque setting. It's rank which states itself as a Knight drew his attention. He had no idea how powerful a Knight-ranked summon is but it's probably a powerful one. If modern video game logic is anything to go by, it should be something good. After all, beginning players need an edge to survive future ordeals.

"Whoever you are, thank you for helping me." Said the young man. Tapping on the soul sprung up an interface, asking if he wished to add him to the Soul Storage.


Another pop-up came up, where the System asked if he wished to give it any names. Before it even asked him, he decided to give whoever this Bellion was its original name. Whoever this person was doesn't deserve to have its name changed by a stranger like himself. It's the least he can do for this person. A simple notification followed suit, telling him the process is already completed.

'That was fast.' He grinned. Another screen came up and he groaned.


[What command code do you want to use? Please note that it is permanent.]


He blinked, taken aback by this question. What should he use? Something short and simple should work.

"I know, Arise." A notification popped up, telling him it went unhitched.

"All right then, arise," he commanded, wanting to see who this Bellion was.

At his words, his shadow stretched to the center of the room and rose, solidifying and taking the shape of an all-too-familiar warrior. Luckily, the summon, as the System had labeled, manifested in a kneeling position, preventing it from hitting the ceiling. It's horned helmet almost touched it.

It no longer had its wings but the majestic armor still adorned it's body. Sheathed comfortably at its side was that terrible whip-sword. The armor itself has turned from an ivory suit of armor gilded with gold to one dark as the night and constantly flickers, as if it is trying not to disappear. The organic parts of the monster contrasted the darkness, glowing a bright blue.

"You're Bellion?!" He asked in shock, instinctively backing away. He hadn't expected this monster of a monster, the one who wiped out the remaining members of his teammate, to become his first recruit. Worse, this implies it had chose to end it's own life.

A sudden chill ran down his spine as the monster lifted the head, Izukus' green eyes meeting those bluish orbs for eyes. It was a chilling experience, like staring into the eyes of death. A few seconds passed and since how it isn't reaching for his throat, he realized something is off. Made more apparent when it's hadn't lunged for his throat.

"You're not gonna kill me?" He asked. The monster remained speechless and only shook its head.

Izuku breathed a sigh of relief, clearing some fear away. Though this does raise some questions; particularly why this thing chose to fight for a Quirkless like him. It has no reason to do so. Heck, it's the very one that did kill him and not to mention his friends. Also, this implies it had killed itself.

"So, why are you doing this? Why did you kill yourself? Heck, why did you kill me?" He yelled in anger while trying not to panic. He blinked back the tears. Yet again, it remained silent, watching him with an inquisitive expression.

"W-well, speak up already!" He cried out, attempting to hide the growing anxiousness. "What is it that you want from me?"

It raised its left arm and Izuku flinched only to be dumbfounded when it flexed its arm, boring that blank expression. The action looked odd and he would've laughed at the display.

"Y-you're trying to help me get stronger. Is that it?" His question earned another approving nod. Baffling Izuku moreso.

"Why? What's in it for you?" A simple but logical question. Money is out of the question given the fact that this is a monster and therefore it has no need for such material. And he hadn't even paid it anything. So why is it doing this?

Seeing it didn't answer, Izuku only growls in frustration. It sounds very tempting to simply release him but rather wasteful at the same time. He had seen the monster's abilities firsthand, how it fought Kacchan on equal terms and almost won when that blade was drawn. Though the Soul Extraction skill never stated the target would retain the same strength they had in life.

"Never mind I'll keep you around. You can go now," he stated to the soldier. The angelic warrior bowed yet again and wilted down into the shadow. For the time being, it's best to keep him around but to use him in combat is an entirely different thing. He never knew when it will decide to ram that sword into him.

"Maybe I should call Saiko." He decided, taking the mobile phone and dial her number. It would be nice if he has her help. After the second beep, the phone picked up but notified him it was going to the voice mail. Izuku stated what he wanted and had it sent to voice mail, hopefully, she'll get it.

Now onto the second task.

"Quest Log."


The Road to Power

Having gained several helpful items, you can now fulfill your lifelong dream. Use the map given to you and find the Gates that will help you. With it, you will come closer to your dream.

Objectives: Become stronger

Side Objective: Gain three or more Knight-grade Summon (1/3)

Side Objective: Reach level 100 in one month's time (1/100)

Rewards: It depends.

Failure: You get nothing, be nothing and die as a nobody

Time Limit: 3 months

Note: This Quest cannot be rejected. It is a mandatory quest.


The rewards went unstated but whatever they might be, they must be good. After all, it's asking him to accomplish several tasks in three months' time. He has no idea how to accomplish the third task but he'll do it. He must do it.

"Whatever it takes to win." He muttered, reciting his father's favorite phrase. "Whatever it takes to win."


Izuku wandered down the streets of Musutafu, weaving through the large crowds of people while making sure he doesn't bump into anyone. Using the map as a guide, he spent almost an hour doing nothing but walking and occasionally taking a bus only to get off and going back to what he did earlier. Thankfully, it came to an end when he stumbled upon a construction site.

People waiting around it and he noted all were Heroes. Given the condition of their equipment, they must be at least C. He recognized some of them as members of All Might's agency from the newspapers and television. Which meant only one thing.

Why the heck this map brought him here?! It doesn't make any sense! Then again it did not stated the Gates that can help him isn't bought by an agency in the first place. Oh no, trust the magical map the Quest Log say.

[Title Quirkless Hero is now in effect]

'Gee thanks,' Izuku thought in dismay. His single title, Quirkless Hero, has only two effects: boosting the morale of nearby Heroes by a small margin and turning him into a source of comedy. To make matters worse, it doesn't have any effect on monsters and therefore it is useless. Much as he hates it, there's nothing he can do about it except press on.

"Excuse me, ID please?" One of the guards at the entrance, a Public Hero Safety Commission worker, motioned and stopped him at the same time. The two looked like riot police squad given their equipment; a riot shield in one hand and a baton in another. Naturally, Izuku showed him the card.

"A little too big for someone like yourself but then again, the agencies weren't picky." The man stated, giving him back the card. The guards words baffled him.

"What do you mean?"

The one in front of him snorted, Kaoru, gave him a look mixed between disbelief and arrogance.

"You're serious? You came here for the job you're meant to do and you don't even know what's your job?"

"I don't know. Why did you think I asked?" He retorted, glaring at them. He didn't meant it in that way but it was too late as the two shared a look of mild amusement.

"Nah, All Might's agency had asked for any low-ranked Heroes unaffiliated with any agency to help out with this one," Kaoru jabbed the baton at the swirling blue portal behind him. "Apparently their agency has been running short on members and wants some help. Fat load of good it do for him. Should've hired some As and Bs more. Maybe he'll finish the work even quicker."

"What's wrong with hiring weak heroes?" Izuku asked, puffing out his chest and staring at him in the eye. The greenette felt the need to defend his hero. "A Hero's job is to protect others. It doesn't matter if we're weak."

"Listen here you little-" Kaoru was cut short by the second guard, another fellow buffed as he was and had a beak for a mouth. The name tag had the name Aoki on it.

"Look, forget what my friend says and just get in already. They're about to start soon." He stated. Izuku nodded and walked away.

"Hey," Izuku turned to the caller, the beak-for-mouth guy, gave him a thumbs up.

"My name's Aoki Nise. You probably met my little bro, Daigo Nise." Aoki stated before bowing. "Thank you very much for saving his life."

"Oh, you're welcome." He stated before walking away. Did that guy just thanked him? It felt great, trying to ignore the rude guards' words about All Might. That man gave low-ranked Heroes a better chance of survival and monetary gains. Heck, he's one of the most vocal supporter to give E-ranked Heroes better equipment and training. He would've joined if it wasn't so full.

As he looked around, he noted their gears were better than most Heroes he fought alongside. While their gears aren't particularly flashy, he can tell they're in excellent condition. Suddenly he felt rather small compared to the likes of them as all he has is a spandex suit and a knuckle duster.

'It's alright, I got Bellion.' Izuku assured himself. The Summon bounded to him should prove an adequate help. It's a shame he couldn't get Saiko to help out but he'll have to make do.

'Sorry, guys but I got to do this.' he secretly thought, feeling bad for ruining these people's paycheck. All they wanted is to get by but he made his choice. Whatever it takes to get stronger.

Quickly he ran as fast as he can. Some took notice and yelled at him to stop but he ignored them, quickly jumping into the portal before anyone can stop him. Once the boy disappear, the Gates suddenly expand in size and turned red.

The mana radiating off of it frightened the nearby Heroes.

"You have got to be kidding me? This Gate just turned red!" One man cried out. "Somebody notify All Might now! We've got a Red Gate on our hand.