
Sovereign of Death, King of Heroes: Izuku Midoriya

As a child, Izuku Midoriya dreamt of becoming a Hero like many others but can't for a lack of Quirk. With the appearance of Gates and Dungeons, the occupation took on a new meaning and changes were made. Seeing his chance, he leapt into the Hero World. Will he fail or succeed?

WorthlessMonkey · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter 1


"Yes, mom?" Izuku asked while looking up from his meal, staring at the woman sitting on the opposite end of the table.

His mother glanced down and twiddled her thumbs together. The years of stress eating had made her gain some weight and lost her old figure. A worried expression decorated her face, something he had seen every day since he received the news of becoming Quirkless.

"How long have you been hiding you were a working as a Hero?" She asked.

Hands paused and mouth ajar, the pickle clenched in-between the chopsticks mere inches away from him. What she said surprises him as he never told her. Now that he think about it, he did caught her snooping around his room two weeks ago. She must have found out through that.

"I'm a Provisional Hero. Temporary. I have to clear several more Dungeons and solve several cases before I can take part in the Hero final exams. If I pass the finals, then I can finally be a Hero." He paused briefly before continuing. "Y'know, I'm surprised you found out about this. Aren't you gonna stop me before I hurt myself or worse?"

"Don't you sass at me young man," She barked but frowned when he shot her a skeptical look; raised eyebrow but it didn't quite reach his eyes. Oh, much as she loathes it, he was right. Did she provide a word of comfort when they found out the bitter truth? No. All she did was ignore it, acting like it never existed.

"I just want to talk to you about the whole Hero business."

"You want to talk about that? I thought you hated it?" His words caused her to fidget nervously and she offered a weak smile.

"Yes well, since you have-Awakened was it? I think I want to give my input."

Izuku stared at her in silence, face blank. Despite that, a torrent of emotions swirled within. Taking a deep breath he pushed them down and forced a weak smile.

"Sure mom," he spoke. "But can we do this later? I have work to do now. Don't stay up now "

Inko tried to say something but was unable to do so as her son immediately gotten up. Just as she managed to get the first word out, he had already left through the door. Leaving the poor single mother by herself.


'Was I a jerk back there?'

Izuku Midoriya wondered as he walked down the streets of Musutafu, pulling the fabrics of his clothes around him to preserve his body's warmth. Secretly, he chided himself acting so...dismissive towards her Was it wrong of him? Selfish perhaps? Does it even sound rude of him to speak like that?

Probably. He'll have to go back to make amends later if possible. He shouldn't have done that. But it has been ages ever since he was diagnosed Quirkless. And when she found out he had Awakened, she acted as if everything she had done in the past doesn't exist. As if she was....relieved. Talking about his career as a hero-in-training.

It doesn't sit right. Especially when he looked at her in the eye. Those pitiful and melancholic looks. He wanted to leave her behind but doesn't have the heart to do it. It just doesn't sit right with him. Even after all the crap he'd gone through, she was still the few that cared for him.

"Mmm, maybe I should've not worn my hero outfit." He thought, wrapping the clothing's fabric around him tighter. The tracksuit he wore was meant for efficiency, not preserving bodily heat. Sometimes he wondered why he didn't inherit either of his parent's Quirk. If he had one of his own, perhaps trips to Dungeon wouldn't be so hard after all. Nor does he have to try to maintain nor replace weapons at a fixed interval! Finding good service is rather difficult for someone of his financial debacle.

"Oh, what would I do to get a Quirk of my own." He mumbled under his breath as he continued walking, making a sharp turn to the left. Walking for what felt like ages using the Hero Application on his phone as a guide, he finally found his destination; a small playground. Arriving here, the green-haired man remembered how he would often play with his friends as a child.

During the early days of Gates and Magic Beast.

Scattered around the place was a group of people of myriad ages; some young and a few looked like they have one foot in the ground and the other out of it. Some of them were familiar faces as some of them were people he worked with while others were complete strangers. Each one of them carried a traditional weapon of some sort; bows, swords, spears, and so forth.

Sitting in the middle of the playground was a big blue portal the size of a small shack. A Gate, a gateway to a dimension teeming with monsters called Dungeon. Looking at it only reminds Izuku of his misery. The first of these things appeared twenty years ago and like the domino effect, more popped up. No one knew why nor how these things came to be, similar to the origin behind Quirks.

"Hey, Izuku, nice to see you." One fellow called. Izuku only smiled back to the person. Even though people laugh at him, he doesn't mind as long as they're happy. Much like All Might, he wants to help people. Not only that, while he is a Hero-in-training, almost everyone here is a Pro Hero. Albeit none are affiliated with any Agencies. Too weak to become one.

"Hello!" He yelled, bowing to everyone. "I hope we can have a p-productive dungeon raid together!"

The exclamation took everyone aback and snickers and mocking words were shared amongst each other.

"Wow, I just...wow." One murmured in shock.

"Man, I thought the rumors were just rumors but to see it to believe it."

"Hey, Quirkless Hero, thank you for gracing us with your presence." A female Hero yelled, flashing Izuku a thumbs-up and a bright grin. Several shot her a surprised look, wondering whether she is playing around or being for real. To some of their horror, Izuku only gave back one in return.

"Thank you so much." He stutters, bowing again. "I do hope we get along. If you guys need me for a Dungeon or a Gate, I'm always up for more."

He then walked away, took a deep breath, and smiled. After all, he has a reputation to live up to.

The Quirkless Hero. A special term derived from the strongest Hero's nickname, pinned on him to embody his status as the weakest Awakened in all of Japan. A rather ironic nickname given how he isn't still a Hero, merely one in training and even more so considering Heroes in the past must have a Quirk to be a Hero. Then again, Weakest Provisional Hero doesn't sound quite catchy. It was odd how everyone learned about it but he didn't had the time to care.

He felt happy knowing everyone felt at ease whenever he was around. Sure, they're laughing at him for being weak but knowing that they become slightly braver as they believed the Dungeon they'll face is easier than anticipated is good. It felt good knowing he can help people in this fashion. Unorthodox certainly. But still a way to help others.

Oh, he can imagine the people's faces when they saw him, the Quirkless Hero. He'll make everyone smile in the face of danger and threats. Why fear monsters and Vilian if someone like himself is on the line. Someone like him, who is so weak, can take on monsters and thrive! If a person like him becomes a Hero, then everyone else can as well. All he has to do is pass this Dungeon and then he can take the Hero License Exam.

After that, he'll get to realize his dream.

When he saw the news detailing such events, he was giddy as the young man believed he can finally become a hero without getting a Quirk. But sadly, life isn't kind enough.

Sometimes Izuku wondered what kind of divine deities took pleasure in making his life miserable. Before the pre-Gates time, being a Quirkless person would earn you scorn and ridicule from your peers. In the current times, being a weak Awakened is practically the same thing. If a person have these two traits, then they're tremendously pathetic.

The green-haired man looked around, hoping to find a spot away from all these people. Only for his stomach to growl and he'd grabbed his stomach, recalling how he hadn't finished his meal. After searching, he found out a hotdog stand set up at a respectable distance away from the blue portal. Just as he arrived, imagine his surprise when this phrase came out of the hawkers' mouth.

"I'm sorry, sir. We've just sold out." Izuku tried not to let his disappointment show, offering a smile in return to the stall owner's own.

"Oh. Okay then. Thank you." Oh well, given how there were so many people here, it was bound to happen. He turned around only to catch a young woman with lavender hair dressed in very stylish and prim and proper attire, befitting someone of a rich background. She stuck out as most were wearing a costume while the young woman wore semi-casual clothes. Said woman even has a monocle worn over her right eye.

"Sorry for buying the last hotdog. If you want, you can take it." Izuku glanced at the food offered before turning towards the owner. Izuku only smiled and shook his head.

"O-oh, no need. It's yours." However, Izuku's body betrayed him when it let out a long growl akin to a roaring bear. Heat rushed to the greenette's face as the woman tittered, amused at what occurred.

"No need to act so abashed. It's only natural if someone were not getting the necessary amount of proper food," Izuku, not wanting to put the gift in the horse's mouth and having starved took it and chomped down on it quite greedily. Her tittering snapped him out of the hunger-induced frenzy and he quickly apologized, wiping the sauce stains using the tissue given.

"S-sorry about that," He muttered, wiping some of the stains with the tissue in his pocket. "I'll pay you back someday."

"No, no, it's only a natural reaction caused by swallowing excessive air. It never reaches the stomach but..." She paused, looking positively embarrassed. "My apology, it appears I have done it again.

Izuku shook his head and smiled gently.

"Th-the fact you've noticed means you're aware of that. That's good." He spoke.

She smiled. Izuku noticed the large state-of-the-art crossbow slung on her back. Its quality stuck out amongst the ones carried by others around here, given it was made with a pristine white metal. The very device looked like it was plucked straight out of a science-fiction game.

"So, how's your work going?"

"Thank you. It's....alright, as the common people say." She amended at the last second, giving the young man a look over, and Izuku felt slightly embarrassed under her gaze. He had assumed it might have something to do with her Quirk coupled with natural talent.

It made him aware of how lackluster his Hero outfit looks compared to her. Sure, it doesn't do much except provide little protection but it's comfortable and easier to run in and it's made with green fabric, his favorite color.

"Do you want me to buy good Hero equipment for you? No offense intended, but that suit of yours is rather...lacking." She spoke. Mild confusion flooded Saiko's face when she saw her friend negatively shaking his head. She had seen him wear the very same low-quality outfit on multiple raids, baffling to a great extent. It provides little protection against low-ranked Magic Beast. The very fact that he isn't dead at the hands of a goblin or a dhole is a feat on its own.

"This?" He gestured to the suit he had on, a green jumpsuit with black markings shaped like a wide smile. "You don't have to do that. While I-I'm grateful for the offer, my friend's dad made this for me and I prefer to use this. I-it's what I wanted and I don't want to throw that away."

"Money isn't an issue for someone like myself. The inventions I made are far more lucrative than any Dungeon work I've done. But if you so chooses so." She shrugged helplessly at the end.

"I assume whoever he was must be a hero costume designer. Aesthetics aside, the materials used are often used by legitimate Pro Heroes. Low quality but good material nonetheless."

"Yeah, he was."Izuku spoke, smiling at the memory. Bakugo-san was kind enough to make him a Hero Costume when he had applied to be a Hero-in-training. Even now, he was surprised how Katsuki's dad was willing to make it for him without any price. It was nice of him, especially considering how expensive Hero's equipment is. It was nice to know someone believed in him.

Even better-knowing someone believed in him. A shame his mother doesn't do the same.

"Interesting," she mused. "Very well, whatever floats your boat or so people often say."

"Hoi Deku!"

Everybody winced at the loud calling and Izuku wished he could just disappear when he heard that voice. The loudness and anger behind such a voice could only belong to one person. Slowly, the young man turned towards the source, catching an ash blonde-haired man approaching him with a scowl. Izuku noted how his long-time childhood friend wasn't wearing his standard Hero equipment, opting for a black tank top and matching track pants and green boots. Judging by the sheen near the tip, they must be steel-tipped boots as well.

"Kacchan," A mix of emotions swirled inside him at the sight. Happiness and confusion with a hint of fear. "I thought you were attending the S-rank Gate in the other part of town?"

"Huh? How'd you know about that?" The hot-tempered man waved off moments before Izuku can explain. "Aah whatever, you probably watched the news anyway. Yeah, I did and we had finished it early thanks to All Might." His childhood friend, Katsuki Bakugou, cussed with a smirk.

Two emotions swirled inside him; joy and anger. On one hand, Izuku felt happy for his friend who succeeded in what he wanted to do. The man had climbed high like he often bragged about. On the other, he was angry at himself for not able to not even being able to hold a candle beside Kacchan. It was frustrating, to say the least.

"That's great to hear Kacchan." He meekly muttered.

"But enough about me! Why the blazes a Deku like you is doing here? Someone like you don't have the right to be here." He shrank under the man's hate-filled glare, stumbling over his own words as he attempted to reply. However, Kacchan waved him off and instead focused on the gal who had been looking at him impassively.

"Is this a friend of yours, Izuku-kun?" She asked.

"Hoi, Deku. Who is this chick? Your girlfriend?" Kacchan asked, a look of genuine amazement mixed with incredible shock directed at him. The greenette swore he heard a smidge of pride seeped in. No, he must've been mistaking it for something else. Why would Kacchan be impressed by him? It makes no sense whatsoever.

"She's not my girlfriend." The answer was quick, earning a raised eyebrow from Kacchan. How can someone like him date someone like her?! He's a Quirkless for goodness sake! A lowly person like himself can never get it on with someone like Saiko.

The man snorted.

"Huh, I guess you're right. You don't strike me as that sort of guy." Katsuki spoke, turning to the woman. Her face was expressionless though he caught a slight tense up. He offered a hand to the lady. "Katsuki Bakugou. What's your name?"

"Yes, I've seen you on the news. The rising star of Japan's number one agency. My name's Saiko Intelli," answered Saiko tersely.

After some quick thinking, she took the offered hand if only out of common courtesy. Saiko noted, through the fabric of her gloves, it was rough and callous. As expected of one who uses Explosion Quirk. From what she had heard from Izuku and the social media concerning him, she had set the bar low. Color her surprise when he returned the gesture properly. No overreacting. No forceful shake.

None of the temper he was infamously known for.

"Huh, our personal genius of the millennia." Katsuki snorted. "Why someone like yourself is hanging out with a disappointment of the millennia like him?"

"Haha, yeah."

"I have my reasons. Tell me, why someone like yourself is hanging out with Izuku-kun?" She repeated the short-tempered mans' words. Her question earned a look of genuine surprise as if he can't believe what the woman had asked. A quick look shot at Izuku who wilted before quickly turning back to her.

"You don't know?" He asked, genuine disbelief in his tone.

"Yes, he is Quirkless, that is correct. What of it? Is heroism not about doing what is right? To help others simply for the sake of helping? Noblesse Oblige is one of the core aspects of heroism."

"Well, yeah. But have you ever heard of a Quirkless hero? Heck, I don't think there's any weak Awakened like him. Most E-ranks work as miners or normal day-to-day jobs." Izuku deflated at Kacchan's words. The truth. A piece of completely factual information that has been confirmed even by many.

"While that is statistically true and proven, young Midoriya is your friend no?"Saiko asked, earning a derisive snort. "He often talked highly about you. I'm rather shocked you would treat your friends in this manner."

"Hey, hey, I call him weak because it is what it is. Sky's blue and people with strong Quirks can be heroes. Course having Mana is a must as well but the point stands." He stated, turning towards Izuku. "I quit if I were you. You're honestly weak and I'm impressed how you're not dead yet."

"Thanks." He meekly muttered. "For the compliment, I mean."

The man looked at him in slight disbelief before scoffing and walking away. Out of the corner from his eyes, Izuku saw and caught how several people were snickering. His hand tightened into a fist but was eventually released.

Who is he kidding? He can barely take down a goblin by his lonesome. What would be the purpose of nursing grudges against any of these people? Weaklings like him can only move onwards, doing their best to get by. A Quirkless person likes him best just forget it. Watching the people around him made him crack a smile though.

Heroes. Usually, it meant a person who fights for the greater good and a person without any moral scruples. Almost everyone around him is nothing but just...bullies. It's so ironic.

"Why do you let him trample you?" Saiko asked. "When I heard how you spoke highly of him, I had expected to see something else. But the fact he acts just as foul as he is on the news speak volumes of his character."

"Oh, that's just how he is." Izuku waved off, chuckling all the while. "He's just trying to look out for me. Y'know what are friends for and all that? Anyway, let's get going already."

Before she can say anything, Izuku immediately left. Saiko watched the man retreating, shaking her head as she did so. She can't force him to accept help. Huffing, the woman followed suit.


"Regrow, Regrow, Regrow, Regrow."

Saiko kept chanting and Izuku could feel the healing touch seeping into him. It was a mild unpleasant feeling similar to how a person feels when they ripped off a band-aid.

"Thank you so much." He bowed politely but stopped partway when he felt the wounds closing up. Saiko only offered a kind smile, brows coated with sweat as her healing magic continued her work. The gloved hand kept glowing a green hue and Izuku watched with fascination as the wound slowly regenerate lost flesh.

"It is alright. This is what friends are for naturally." She states with a haggard smile. A side effect of overworking her Cantrip spells. Needing to heal Izuku constantly is a hassle on its own given how self-harming his fighting style is. The choice in weaponry and usage of armor also plays a factor in how often he gets injured.

"Again, thank you for the help." His words earned only a muted nod from her. "I'm so sorry for asking you to use Cantrip on a Quirkless like myself."

"Just... forget it." The woman waved off. "You know, you're harder to heal, slower I mean." Her sudden words took him by surprise. But Izuku merely laughed as he scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Yeah well, I guess you can say it's a Quirk of mine. Haha." Izuku laughed, ignoring how the woman only stared blankly at him. Truthfully even he didn't know why his body can't heal very well. In addition to being weak and Quirkless, Healers took longer to heal him. Medicine work just fine but when magical means like a healer's spell are involved, they just don't work very effectively.

Izuku attributed it to his mana levels being so low. Several doctors and people on the Internet agreed so, it's got to be true. Even Intelli had expressed it might be that reason.

"Yes, I have to agree with you. You heal slower using both normal magic spells and Cantrip spells. Not only that but the training regime I recommended to you had only improved your performance by a small amount." Saiko spoke. "Tell me, can you use the Cantrip spell I taught you a week ago? Regrow is the name."

"Uh, yeah, about that. I chanted as you instructed but it just doesn't work. The plant doesn't grow any bigger." He replied, causing her to hum thoughtfully. He felt embarrassed telling her this as Cantrip spells are considered to be the most basic of spells. They work similar to normal spells used by Mages but are weaker in general.

"Odd. The Regrow spell is something even an E-rank can do. Like the other Cantrips, all you had to do is chant the word repeatedly and the potency of the spells increases proportionately to the times it was chanted. You are certain it doesn't work?"

"Yes. The training regime you recommended did help me. If only by a little."

"I see," Hummed Saiko. "How about you visit me after this and we'll run some tests? Same like usual."

He nodded somberly.

Yes, there's also that dilemma of his. Most Awakened are...well, awakened with a certain set of mana that dictates their rank and physical and magical performance. Naturally, the higher the mana in a person, the more powerful they are. However, Izuku was an odd case as there is so little mana in him, he might as well be a normal person.

Well, as normal as a Quirkless person can be.

Cantrip spells, feasible to any Awakened regardless of rank, draw energy from the surrounding through the repetitive invoking of a Runic character, which is something he can't even use as well. Working out has proven to be an excellent albeit more tiresome method to become stronger yields few results.

Almost like there's someone out there, some higher power is purposefully making his life miserable.

"Excuse me, have you ever considered quitting the Hero business?" Izuku looked at her in shock, a frown settling in. From what she had garnered, Izuku doesn't come from a poor family. He isn't poor nor does he suffer anything tragic like a mother needing expensive medical treatment for a next to an incurable disease. Instead, he chose to endure these brutal tribulations for whatever reason unknown to the intelligent girl.

"Why the question?"

"I will not mince words with you, regardless-no-exactly because of our friendship, I must say this straight to you. You can't fight, you are weak and Quirkless. You can't even use rudimentary spells like Cantrips. Sooner or later, you're going to die. Either by a Magic Beast or Lizards." She spoke heatedly.

"So, why have you not quit the Hero business?"

His friends' words cut a deep wound in him but he didn't retort, knowing she was only looking out for him. What she said was correct as his strength isn't even enough to compete with E-ranks. Weak monsters can take him on and Lizards are a much fearsome opponent given their nature.

Naturally, people would wonder why he chose to work this line of occupation.

"I...well, call it cheesy, but I want to be a Hero." He answered truthfully. "I just want to help others because well...you know who my father is and All Might is an idol of mine. There's no deeper meaning to it. I want to help people. I like helping people."

"You do know Pro Hero isn't the only occupation, correct?" Saiko asked. "You can be a teacher, a doctor, or a fireman. There is quite literally a multitude of other types of occupation where you need not risk life and limb and you can still contribute to society's growth."

"You're not wrong. I can do that but it's just not what I want. I want to follow my passion. What I wanted as a child and even now, I still want it. Sure, I can help others with other methods but it's just not what I want."

She stared at him and took a long, meaningful breath and exhaled, trying her best not to lose patience. Illogical. A very apt term to describe Izuku. From her one month of interaction, she had learned he is a very illogical person.

"If I hadn't known you, I'd take you as a sadomasochistic person. There's a fine difference between heroism and plain stupidity, Izuku-kun." A peal heartfelt laughter escaped him only to turn into yelps of pain as the lavender-haired woman pinched his stomach, a small pout on the face. Izuku winced and begged her to stop.

In another corner, he saw Kacchan sitting by his lonesome away from everyone with several members of their group shooting him a stink eye. The young man continued to chug down the bottle in hand without even acknowledging them or anyone else, seemingly wrapped up in his own thoughts. Some people shot him a stink eye but their target ignored it.

Kacchan might be a temperamental foul-mouthed man with an ego rivaling All Might's musculature but those are backed up. During their youth, Kacchan was often praised for his Quirk and after undergoing the Awakening process, it became greater than ever. But despite all his friends' flaws, Izuku knew he doesn't care about the fame or money brought by becoming a Hero. Only wanting to choose to do good.

'If only people can see past your mistake.' Izuku thought. Kacchan's most admirable trait would be his drive. His powers were impressive and stood out in their ways but it was that desire that pushed him forward. Back when they were kids, he still remembered how often the two declared wanting to be the best and strongest Pro Heroes ever existed. It frustrates him to no end given how weak he is. Nothing he does seems to work at all.

"Everybody listen up," All turned their heads towards the source, a middle-aged man by the name of Jan Ken. Despite his golden years, the man was fit as a fiddle, as working as a Hero needs to have a certain level of physical fitness.

"As the Dungeon still hasn't crumbled yet, it's best to assume the boss is still not dealt yet. My good friend, Hoshi," He gestured at a man just as old as him.

"Has discovered a secret tunnel while fighting. There's a high chance said boss is somewhere along that tunnel. Normally, I'd say we retired and called for backup. But since this Gate is on the seventh day already and we have an A-rank on our hand, I say we go for it. Bakugo-san has already promised not to take any of the rewards from this raid."

Izuku shot Kacchan a surprised look who ignored him. When did those two have such a discussion? Was it during the earlier break?

"Right, we'll put this vote to make sure everyone is on board. Anybody who says we shouldn't go for it, raise your hand."

Surprisingly there were only two people who voted no and to make it even more surprising, it was Katsuki and Saiko. Everyone else had an equally surprised look on their face, baffled to see two of the strongest Heroes of their group not wanting to continue.

"Excuse me, Bakugo-san and Intelli-san, why do you two vote no?" Ken asked, curious at the reasoning. The older man had a hunch but want to make sure. "Care to explain to us lowly Heroes?"

Both people in question have a different reaction. Katsuki snorted and tilted his head to the side with a look mixed with thinly veiled anger and annoyance. The female Hero only fixed the monocle in place, a small and subdued smile.

"I just don't want to spend any more time in a place like this. The monsters here couldn't even be a warm-up for me." Katsuki snarked.

"I only wished to get this pointless drivel over with. I'll need to attend my lecture soon."Saiko answered.

It must be nice being strong, thought Izuku. Hearing their response only reminds him of the gap in strength between him. This particular Dungeon which is bad enough for him seems so trivial in front of them.

"Haha, must be easy." Ken laughed. "Well, if you two wish to leave, go for it. Alright then, all in favor?" All hands shot up including Izuku. Soon enough, they have begun to move for the next several minutes.

They kept walking until they reached the end of a tunnel. Standing before their big group was a massive, extravaganza double door made out of silver and gilded with gold. An intricate carving consisting of an angel back to back against a horned demon was proudly displayed for all to see. Izuku noted the way they were arranged resembled the Yin and Yang symbol. Positive and Negative.

"Why aren't we entering?" Izuku asked, curious why no one is pushing open the door. Loud metallic clang rang loud as Ken slammed on the door repeatedly with his mace. Each strike doesn't even leave a dent! The older man huffed in annoyance before motioning to others to give it a try. He watched as others began to push, putting their backs into it. Just looking at them and he could tell what was the dilemma.

"Aargh! Out of the way already." A familiar blonde angrily yelled, pushing anyone in his path aside.

Oh dear, Izuku quickly backed away and the same went for others, not wanting to be caught in the crossfire. Sparks ignited in his palm and once he slammed the gate, smokes and fire exploded to life, a cacophony of sounds reverberating across the cave. Izuku noted how the explosion seems to be far more potent; given the sound and its overall power. It was a miracle how this place hasn't crumbled. Katsuki must've improved during his work as a Hero.

'Wow, you've gotten stronger.' Even now, he still admired his friend greatly. It was a sight to behold. And if this is how much power he possessed, surely the gate would've crumbled.

"Huh?!" Kacchan's words baffled him and Izuku saw surprise and confusion colors the expression of others. If his words were anything to go by...

Surely enough, when the smoke had dissipated, everyone's eyes went wide when they saw the massive ornamental gate still stood tall and strong. Only smoke wafted through the air and soot covered the metal door and the ground around Katsuki. Despite all that, the gate suffered no visible damage.

"Why is this still standing?!" Katsuki roared in frustration , he had blasted it twice as a precaution but was furious at how it is still standing. It doesn't make any sense! His explosion had destroyed more monsters greater than a mere door and to see this still standing is utterly ridiculous!

Raising both hands and bringing it down, he stopped at the last second when strange characters belonging to none of the existing written languages of any human culture, appeared. Katsuki recognized it as the language of the Gates, Runes. To those who aren't Awakened, they wouldn't be able to make head or tail. But to those who are, they would.

It just sort of clicked. There's no other way to explain it. Like how a person would laugh at a joke because they understood it.

"To those who wished to enter, they must choose the weakest to open. Only he holds the key to victory. Trials and tribulation await those on the other end."

Katsuki read out loud, baffled at this particular instruction. Why does it want the weakest to fight? Shouldn't it ask for the strongest? Also, he never heard of a Dungeon that has an instruction.

No, something tells him this Dungeon is a little different. A Dungeon with a set of instructions is enough to warrant heads to be turned and regardless of how strong he is, death is an uncommon occurrence in Dungeons in general. Something tells him there's something off about this one. It's best if they just pull out and call for backup. In any case, he'll just lie to them it's too strong for him to break down and hopefully, it will deter them. Worst case scenario, other Heroes can handle the monsters that come out during the Dungeon Break.

"Hey kid, what's the problem?" Ken's sudden question jolted him. He caught how the old man peered down on the plaque. Crap!

"Oh, I see." Ken nodded with satisfaction, turning towards the masses. Before she can do anything, he yelled:

"Hey, Izuku, come out! This door can only be opened by you." Izuku raised an eyebrow at what he'd said, surprised by the words. The young man walk towards the door and after sharing a look with his friend and saw a hopeful look on the older man, egging him on silently. Seeing no reason, Izuku pressed his hand against the door. Much to his surprise, it groaned and moved, gradually opening by itself and showcasing a long dark chamber lit by braziers on the wall.

"Thanks, kid, anyway, let's get a move on already." Ken barked, walking past Izuku while patting him on the back. Others began to followed suit and Izuku seeing no reason to dawdle, quickly does the same. Katsuki watched the large entourage move forward but caught a distressful look on Deku's friends' faces.

"I suggest you make your choice," He barked at the girl, walking past her.

Saiko wondered about the choices at hand. One, she can simply leave and avoid any more future delays. The bus for Tokyo leaves in the next three more hours. Besides she has a lecture to attend and work on her thesis. Logically, this raid should be easy to solve as there's an A-rank amongst these weaklings.

But then she remembered how he had decided to save her even though he is for lack of a better term is a weakling.

Well, help is too strong of a word. Perhaps distract is a proper one. Since he was immediately taken down once the element of surprise disappeared. She was still thankful for what he had done as he managed to call for help. A shame they had committed suicide together during custody and their leader escaped. She would love to see them face justice.

"Meeting you is something I can never consider a bad thing. Despite how tiring it is for me to help you multiple times." Saiko muttered, following after Katsuki Bakugou. If it means wasting her precious time, she'll protect Izuku Midoriya.