
Sovereign of Death, King of Heroes: Izuku Midoriya

As a child, Izuku Midoriya dreamt of becoming a Hero like many others but can't for a lack of Quirk. With the appearance of Gates and Dungeons, the occupation took on a new meaning and changes were made. Seeing his chance, he leapt into the Hero World. Will he fail or succeed?

WorthlessMonkey · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter 13

"So, how have you been doing?"

Saiko's mouth opened agape only to close moments later. The young girl wanted to find the proper words but was, for the first few times, left stumped. Or rather undecisive would be a far more fitting term. Her uncle is many things and one of them happens to be proactive.

"...I have been doing well," Saiko spoke after pondering for a brief moment. A short huff could be heard from the other end.

"3 seconds. That's how long it took for you to answer me." The man spoke, stifling a yawn. Saiko felt rather dumb for not recalling the different time zone between America and Japan. "You rarely pause when you answer a question. I assume it has to do with that Red Gate you accidentally entered."

"...Yes." Saiko relented much to her reluctance. It doesn't take a genius for her to figure out how her godfather figured it out considering how much influence said man holds over the American Public Hero Safety Commission.

"Yes, my ass." Snorted the man. "In any case, you wouldn't have called me if it's something important. Tell your Godfather Reid what is it."

'Well, since I come this far I might as well go ahead.'

"Right, you know about this new friend of mine right? Izuku Midoriya." Hearing a muffled grunt, Saiko continued. "You remember how I mentioned he has an awful little amount of magical energy correct? He...kinda developed Mana of Darkness inside him."

After finishing her sentence, Saiko waited with bated breath for anything. Much to her surprise, the man on the other end merely sigh. His reaction was rather subdued but Saiko made no mention.

"Mana...of Darkness you say? As in magical energy exclusively found in the monsters of the Gates? And you say the quantity in him has grown."

"No, Uncle. You misheard me. Of course, you heard me correctly."

"Yes, I've read the document you sent me two days ago, no need for sass. From what I've read, he's a rare combination of mediocrity; Quirkless, has little Mana and despite all that, he is the son of a powerful Hero. What a fascinating individual" Saiko nodded at his words.

"I see. Is there anything else you wish to share besides this?" Christopher asked. Saiko's mind recalled the most recent shameful experience. Hands shaking as she remembered the so-called Monarch, Yogumunt's old and gnarly face leering at her. No normal Heroes or Awakened can hope to defeat him, that much she can safely say. If Katsuki and Izuku nor the S-rankers couldn't hope to defeat him, then what can she do?

Hence there's only one thing she could do now.

"I was wondering if you have the time to train me again. And my friend would love to have your guidance."

Silence dawned in and Saiko felt a little awkward and briefly wondered if she had turned off the phone by accident. A quick check revealed it was not the case.

"I'm afraid not. Paperwork has been piling up again and my research needs my full attention. If you need anything else, you have my phone number. Also, before I go, please remember you're not in America." A stifled yawn followed after that, making Saiko feel bad for her uncle in all but blood.

"Regardless, I'm happy to hear you doing well. Goodnight."

Before she can say anything else, the line went flat. Dialing the same phone number yet again, she called only for no one to answer. Realizing it's wastile, she tucked the phone into her pockets as she walked back into the hospital through the front entrance. One of the staff took note of the action but Saiko quickly explained it was not alcohol, merely tea. Satisfied, the nurse went on about her own business.

Walking up the staircase, she contemplated the earlier conversation. Her uncle, while not much of a social person, cares a great deal for her and would often try to fulfill any wish within reason. While his work had often piled up, he rarely let it get to him. To hear him proclaim how they have been getting to him is disheartening, to say the least.

Downing the flask's content, the young intellectual relished in the spiciness of the Masala Chai. Already she can feel some stress alleviated but not much. Even if she ignored the prior conversation, there were the recent events that constantly plagued her.

Yogumunt's appearance and choice of wording; specifically how he was a Monarch and a King. Ignoring the redundancy, it struck the young intellectual as odd how said 'Monarch' refer to himself with two different titles. Never had Saiko faced any monster capable of casting spells of varying effects. Even S-rank Magic Beasts such as Orc Shamans and Naga Vizier are only capable of a handful of spells.

If she were to take into account the brief mention of the other kings from Izuku's skill books, Saiko feared the possibility of multiple kings on par with the so-called Yogumunt. Worse, she heard Yogumunt mentioning he has a friend which meant there's another one out there.

Feeling another migraine coming in, Saiko took another gulp as she turned to the right in a corner. Color the young woman surprised upon finding someone else standing at the door to her friends' ward. Unlike most times, he is now dressed in casual clothing; a black shirt with a white skull mask and brown cargo shorts with a pair of sneakers as a finishing touch. To increase the confusion, a small plastic container was held in hand.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out what he is doing. But figuring out the 'Why' needs one.

"Bakugou-san?" Saiko's tentative words caused the crass blonde to only glance at her in a bored fashion. Almost as if he was expecting her arrival.

"Oh, it's you. What do you want?" Katsuki asked. "You looking for your guinea pig?"

"W-what rubbish are you spouting?" Saiko gasped, feeling appalled by the wording. "I should be asking what you're doing here."

"For some prodigal genius, you sure are slow." Katsuki waved the container in hand. "Wasn't it obvious?"

"But why? You hated his guts." Saiko's words earned a contemptible snort.

"Yeah but my mum asked me to do this. That and my superior wants to offer him something. Also, there's the...ugh never mind." Katsuki's words earned a single raised eyebrow of skepticism blended with curiosity.

"I did not know a Pro Hero is a mother's boy." Saiko snidely remarked.

"Eh, made up whatever theory you want. If you want to visit Deku, knock yourself out." Katsuki yawned, opening the door with a single pull. As he walked in, Saiko followed not too far behind. The two young Awakened were gifted with the sight of a young greenette looking at thin air. To those who don't know any better, the young man might be daydreaming but the two know better.

"Hey Deku!" Those words earned a startling yelp out of the greenette, causing him to swipe away at the air immediately. Only for the fearful expression to change upon realizing who are the recent newcomers.

"Intelli-san, Kacchan, thank you for coming." Izuku bowed to which Saiko waved off.

"Anything for a friend." Saiko smiled lightly. Katsuki on the other hand merely grunted and muttered something under his breath. Her enhanced senses picked up something but they weren't anything pleasant. Hence why she chose to keep those to herself, hoping her friend's hearing was not enhanced by the magical energy.

"Yeah, anyway, my mom wants you to have this. Tell you to get well soon enough." Katsuki grounded out those words. Despite the obvious bile, Izuku only smiled while nodding in gratitude.

"Also, there's another Gate that will be popping up soon. It's an S-rank Gate that might turn red. There's a chance that old hooded mage man might be in there. Might, we don't know in all honesty so, you want to come along?"

"Sure. Thank you." Izuku spoke. "Oh, and also, Kacchan-"

"If you're not going to say anything, I would like to speak with my friend here. You can leave if you like." Saiko interjected.

"But I want to discuss something with him," Meekly returned the young man.

"Eh, I already said what I needed to anyway. Bye Deku." Katsuki drawled, turning and making a beeline for the exit. Saiko had wished for this to occur but the happiness was extinguished relatively quickly when Izuku called after the blonde. Pausing in his steps before he turned, just enough to catch the duo in his sight.

"What is it?"

"Well, I mean, you've been putting my powers to good use and I think you should at least repay me." Izuku stated, giving a nervous smile. After those words were uttered, the temperature felt colder of a sudden as the blonde marched towards the blonde. Tiny sparks exploded to life as the approaching man snarled fiercely, blood red eyes pulsating with murderous rage.

Cold sweats ran down her back as Saiko could remember was the elderly man caressing her throat. The cold and ghastly sensation was accompanied by the leering look.

"Hmph, if you're just gonna freeze up because of some guy, then I suggest you leave." Katsuki's words snapped her back to reality. Finding the young man standing only but a single foot away from her. Frightened, she couldn't help but stumbled back by a step but managed to recollect herself, steeling her nerves.

However, confusion grew when she saw Izuku gesturing negatively at her action. Feeling conflicted but ultimately deciding to simply trust him, Saiko relented to her friend's wishes. Katsuki snorted at the sight.

"Right, what did you say again?" Katsuki asked, cracking the neck. Izuku merely chuckled at the sight.

"I-I say that you should at least repay me for helping you. " Izuku spoke in a slightly shaky tone. Even Saiko can tell Izuku is uneasy by the blonde. "Help me get stronger and I'll let you use the System. You've seen how strong Yogumunt is and I highly doubt you'll accept the fact you lost."

Hearing the request the blonde brawler snort in derision, shrugging an arm off Saiko. Leaning in closer as he regarded the bedridden man.

"And if I don't help the little worthless Quirkless Deku, what you're gonna do?"

" I'll just take back the System from you. I mean you wouldn't be able to allocate your stats anymore and I can tell you've gotten stronger but as you already know, " Izuku paused, letting the implication set themselves in.

"A-are you blackmailing me?" Katsuki asked surprise and disbelief presenting themselves in his tone. The same went for Saiko who had been observing the entire exchange.

"Well, it's your choice. Either work with me or I'll take back the System " Izuku spoke. The blonde, was reduced to silence as he ruminate over the proposal. Saiko glanced at the young man, the very same individual whom she befriended in a simple trip had become far more confident. She couldn't help but wonder whether thishads something to do with the increase in the cold presence he was emitting.

"...fine then, I'll help you." Katsuki grounded out, looking positively furious as he attempted to grin. "What is it that you want?"

"Sparring partner and access to several Gates. Before you say something on how you don't have access to those things, everyone knows that you're the few Heroes that enter Gates by their lonesome due to your Explosion Quirk." Izuku spoke. Katsuki slowly nodded, chewing the inner side of his cheeks before nodding.

"Is there anything else?" Tersely asked the blonde. Nodding, Izuku popped a hand into the open air, disappearing only to come back out with a single green scale piece-roughly as large as a small pate. Anyone experienced enough can tell it belonged to a Salamander.

"I want you to find someone that will buy these in bulk. It's from the first Gate I broke into, I'm certain you remember them and I've got more where this comes from. I'll let you have 30 percent of the profit."

If Saiko's memories serve her right, the market is currently high in demand for fire-proof gears and Salamanders scales have the second highest heat resistance in spite of being weaker than Naga scales. Katsuki glanced at the small piece before snorting. Call Izuku a fool but he can see the greed behind his eyes.

"Make it sixty to forty."

"Fifty-five to forty-five. My last offer, I'm taking the fifty-five and the other half is yours. Not that it's a perfect split but you get the picture."

"Fine." Grounded the blonde. Satisfied, Izuku tucked it away into the Inventory.

"Anything else I should be made aware of?"

"No. Intelli-san, I hope you don't mind what I'll do next." Izuku said nervously to which the young woman merely sigh.

"Fine, do whatever you like. " Saiko relented.

"Great. Alright, Kacchan, please listen to me very carefully. The monsters we'd fought yesterday were not normal. Saiko and I believe they might be the result of grafting Quirks into Magic Beast. And-"

"Wait," Katsuki interrupted. "It wasn't yesterday. It was three days ago. Also, what did you say about that first part?!"

"W-what?" Hearing that surprised the young man, turning to the young woman.

"Izuku-kun, it's been three days since our visit to the Red Gate." Izuku blinked in surprise hearing his friends' words. At least that explained why the nurse from earlier looked positively shocked and why his throat felt drier than usual.

"So what happened while I was out?" Izuku asked, taking a drink set by the side. Gulping down the cooling plain water soothed the man's throat, moaning in bliss at the taste.

"As you already knew, All Might and heroes affiliated with his agency saved us from Yogumunt. Bakugou-san and myself were treated by their best Healers while your non-standard Re-Awakening prevented Healer from fully healing you." Saiko spoke, noticing Katsuki's arched eyebrow. The young greenette himself only chuckled nervously at the reminder.

"Right, ignoring the chilling-to-the-bone aura, ability to summon more summons than the average mage, and a game-like ability, Healers having a hard time healing you doesn't sound weird. Even though that sentence itself is already pretty weird." Katsuki muttered, shaking his head at the mere idea.

"In any case, your mother was notified about your...transfer to here."

Hearing Saiko's words Izuku's heart dropped. Suddenly he remembered about the only person he has left and felt bad for making her worry. Once this entire ordeal is done, he should spend some time with his mother.

"Really? How is she?" Izuku asked.

"Fine actually. Aside from the ridiculous amount of tears, she seems to be holding up well. " Katsuki butted in. "But enough of that. Let's talk about our little deal. Anything else you want to throw in?"

"I'm sorry but I wish to hear about my mother," Izuku stated, staring boldly into Katsuki's eyes. This action caused the young blonde to raise an eyebrow at the sudden surge of aggression but decided not to comment on it.

"Fine, she's at her own home. " Katsuki muttered. "My mum is visiting her last I heard."

Izuku pondered about the blonde Awakened's words but decided to take Katsuki's words for it. Remembering what he wished to change, the greenette willed Inventory to life and pulled out a mighty black spear. Saiko and Katsuki had to take several steps back out of fear of getting poked in the eye.

"Can you find someone who can melt this down and forge it into a pair of gauntlets and boots?" Izuku asked.

The two other Awakened glanced down at the weapon and felt the weapon is rather ominous. Curiously, Katsuki attempted to touch it but upon the faintest of touch, a terrible chill unlike any other swept over the blonde. Firmly securing his grasp on the spear, he tentatively lifts it and down, testing the weight of the weapon. It felt light, to say the least.

While he may not be a weapon expert, Katsuki can immediately tell it's a good weapon. Quality alone easily proves that and even the untrained eyes would even be made aware of it. Even the weapon's dark metal seems to have an exotic flair to it.

"Fingers crossed on that. Though I don't know who would be willing to work on something like this." Grunted the blonde. Izuku merely nodded at the answer. He can't be particularly picky but hopefully, it will be done nonetheless.

"Kay, want anything else thrown in, Captain Deadman? Cause if you don't, let's address the elephant in the room. Like the part where Quirks getting grafted into freaking Magic Beast!" Yelled the blonde in anger, huffing as he glared at the greenette before turning to the pale lavender-haired girl.

"Don't tell me you know about this crap?" Katsuki asked. "This is ridiculous. You're saying the people that vanished in Red Gates are having their powers extracted?!"

"Yes." Saiko's simple affirmation combined with the cold expression had the blonde's eye twitched vehemently, his mind processing what information he had garnered. Taking a deep breath, he closed both eyes shut before opening them once more, eyeing the duo in front of him, and gestured to the two to continue. Naturally, Izuku complied, stating what he and Saiko had theorized. By the end of it, Katsuki looked like he had consumed terribly made food.

"Right, so why tell me? Why not go up to All Might or one of the others?"

" It's because of the appearance of Vidar. The one with large feet," Izuku sighed as he reclined in his seat, recalling the Perfect Construct, one who was named after someone. Unlike the few Constructs he'd faced, Vidar was a cut above the others.

"I believe there's a chance, a very small one, that these Constructs have been disguising themselves as humans. Daigo Nise, one of our teammates was a Construct." Saiko spoke. It seems the most likely theory considering what he saw and how Daigo reacted the last he recalled.

At Saikos' words, Katsuki's eyes lighten up with realization as he recalled how Daigo hadn't turned up. He had assumed the barely-memorable fellow was eaten or escaped safely.

"In addition, we don't know whether there might be more in hiding amongst the human populace; local or abroad. For all we know, almost every Hero in our country is Yogumunt's sleeper agent." Saiko added, creating more headaches for the trio.

All three paled at the thought. Imagine the only line of defense for the civilian are teeming with the very thing they fear. In addition, if the mass populace were to catch wind of this information; pandemonium of a great level would break out. No one would trust anyone; the civilians wouldn't know which one is a monster and the heroes couldn't trust their allies fully.

"Although we have to take into account Yogumunt doesn't have that many. He did state that he had only just tapped into the human." Izuku weakly amended, hoping this small piece of information could reduce some stress.

" Well, I know why so many Heroes have been dying inside Red Gates. But what makes me trustworthy?" Katsuki asked, scowling at the duo. "I could be a Construct. Or you could be a Construct. Anyone of us might be one of these monsters."

"No. One of my skills allows me to see a person's identity. And unlike Daigo or Vidar, yours and Saiko are normal." Izuku stated only to realize what he had implicated. There's a chance his parents might have been replaced as well. Hands tightened into fists as he considered the terrible possibility.

"Okay, lets' say I agree to all of these crazy shits, how do we find the ones that has Constructs? I highly doubt you're gonna jump into every fucking Gate that appeared and decided to just rip and tear every fucking monster until you hit the so-called King?" Katsuki asked.

"Not at all." Izuku rebuked, procuring the Map within the Inventory and throwing it at Katsuki. Catching it in mid-air, Katsuki gave the object a brief inspection.

"That map came along with the System. With it, it will lead me to any Gate that will turn red. Or Gates that contain Runaway Construct, I'm not so sure in all honesty. I call it that because that's what the System label them so-"

"Okay, that's enough. I got the gist already." Katsuki snapped. "You got this thing here that can show us which Gate will turn red. One of those might lead us to Yogurtmon."

"Yogumunt." Saiko corrected.

"Whatever, so this is our hail Mary pass then. " Katsuki's choice of phrasing was more than proof that he had hit the bullseye. Seeing how the young man nodded slightly, the explosive blonde snorted as he shook their head at the confirmation. Unfurling the scroll, the blonde grew shocked at the sight.

"There's nothing here." Surprised to see hear such words, Izuku reached out for it only to be handed with a disgruntled look by the blonde. Taking a look he can see the mapping, showcasing where he is currently.

"What do you mean? I can see the direction just fine." Izuku replied. Katsuki growled and was about to retort only for Saiko to interject in.

"Maybe it's because it only works for him?" Saiko suggested. Growing curious, Izuku handed the map to her for the test. Understanding what he intended, Saiko took a gander and shook her head afterwards, conforming to the greenettes' suspicion.

"Fan-flipping-tastic." Drawled the blonde, throwing up both arms into the air before turning to the two.

"You got a deal. If you'll excuse me, I need to get back to work. I'll get into contact with you guys." Waved off the blonde as he left the room. Izuku called out after him but he ignored it, heading out before the greenette could say anything else. Heaving a tired sigh, Izuku glanced at Saiko who took one of the fruits out of Katsuki's fruit basket.


"Thanks. Wash the apple just in case." He replied. Watching Saiko doing what he asked reminded the greenette what he wanted to do. In hindsight, he should have offered it to her first all things considered but the situation went beyond what he'd expected. Moments later, Saiko jerked slightly

"I'm flattered. Forget the girl who treated you with respect despite knowing you for several months and focus on the jackass who treats you like a used-up girl ever since he earned he can make bigger explosions." Saiko's words caused the greenette to chuckle nervously, scratching the back of the head.

"R-right, sorry. It's just....he's the only guy who-"

"Who pays attention to you." Saiko finished, carefully cutting the apple into smaller pieces and putting it in Izuku's hands. A brief and quick 'thank you escaped the greenette before he chewed it up, taking in the sweet taste.

"N-no, I meant he's my only friend." Izuku amended. A single baleful look that screamed 'are you serious' out of the young girl had him chuckle, averting eye contact.

"Well, whatever floats your boat and I guess it's nice to have an additional ally," Saiko stated distastefully. "So, do you wish to know what happens to Stain?"

"What about him? I thought he-you know, kicked the bucket after what happened." Thinking back, Izuku couldn't help but wince at the poor man. Getting kicked in the family jewels isn't a pleasant way to go.

"No. He was taken back into prison after getting healed by All Might's healers. Though I also heard he had broken out of truck mid-way and is now on the loose at the moment." Saiko stated, wordlessly handing another slice of an apple.

"You're not mad at me, are you?"

"I don't see a reason to get mad at you for stopping me from taking a life of criminal scum. A fully charged plasma shot to the head would've killed him instantly." Saiko uncharacteristically snarled, slightly startling the greenette due to the amount of hatred pouring out. Even with Katsuki, she was courteous to some extent.

Somewhat perturbed by her words, Izuku gingerly took the apple piece and consumed it. Even knowing the murderer's reasoning and choice of action doesn't do any good because murder is still murder at the end of the day.

Stain had no way of knowing whether his actions would benefit people aside from looking at a reflective surface. For all they know, it could have been Yogumunt manipulating him from afar, tricking the poor man to kill people who can play a bigger role as a hero or in the grand scheme of life in general. Or perhaps someone else for an entirely different reason.

"Speaking of the deceased, what about the two other criminals that died? Did All Might manage to get them out?" Izuku questioned.

"Yes and no. After Yogumunt's escape, the agency had an island-wide search party to pick up the goods. Naturally, they took all of the corpses but they couldn't find the boss's body nor the deceased criminals and even Natsuo's body. We'll have to assume the worst." Saiko stated.

Izuku knew very well what she meant by 'goods'. All Might's agency remained at the top for a good reason aside from having three S-rankers.

"Anyway, mind if I were to impose some questions?"

"Sure," Izuku spoke, attempting to grab another slice only for her to snatch it back.

"Why exactly did you chose not to bring the criminals under your thrall?" Saiko's question had the young man frowning.

"What is thrall?" Izuku asked.

"Long or short explanation?"


"Servants. Familiars. Someone subservient to another. Apple?"

Taking and biting down on the apple slices in his hand, Izuku contemplated her question; somewhat confused by her mild obsession with this particular subject. Saiko returned his stare, unmoving like a statue.

"They're not my servants but my summons. It's like how Mages have their contracted spirit but I can see your point. And I already stated it once because they're human beings. The monsters are animals that attack and kill us without discrimination. Even the ones capable of speech like Orcs don't even try to explain themselves." Izuku spoke.

"Do you, like, have a problem with my power? Ever since the last Red Gate, you've been a little antsy about it. Shouldn't you be thankful that I'm getting stronger?"

"How do you think a Mage forms a contract with an elemental?" Saiko's sudden question had the young man paused in his track. The lavender-haired gal merely released a resigned sigh, similar to a psychiatrist making progress with a difficult patient.

"I-I don't know. Most of us low-ranked Awakened doesn't get that kind of knowledge. It's not like one would pick us anyway." A bitter truth as that particular knowledge is only given to those who are at best an A-ranked Awakened. Elementals are a unique Magic Beast as they do not brutally attack humans out of an unreasonable amount of bloodthirst. Contracting one would bolster an Awakened's combat capability by a great deal but they're very picky to say the least.

At least that's what the Ultimate Soldier ofSouth Korea had stated in an interview.

"W-wait, what am I saying? Don't change the subject, answer my question." Izuku glared at her but what surprised the young greenette was how she merely shook her head. Tired by the ongoing

"I would be happy for you if your powers does not feel unnatural. Ever since your exposure to it, all it has done is making you more aggressive than usual; temperamental, violent. You even rose to a stupid provocation of some monster. That is not normal of you." Saiko glared at the greenette. "I do apologize if I do not wish to lose my friend."

Izuku tried to formulate a retort, a reply or even an argument to prove she was wrong but found himself tongue-tied. She wasn't wrong in any form or way; he'd been more confident ever since the power-up. Saiko huffed as she stood up and headed for the exit.

"Wait." Izuku spoke, realizing he had shouted a little too loud. Face growing red as he attempted to compose himself.

"I-I was wondering if you're not busy this weekend. I need your help with something."

"You need my help?" Saiko echoed, perking a single eyebrow in curiosity at the greenette. "Why not your Ka-chan? You seem to have a great opinion of him."

"Y-yeah well, this is something only you can help with. You're smart after all and I don't know anyone else beside you that fits the bill."

"I see. I'll see what I can do. I'll call you if I have the spare time for it."

The greenette waved her goodbye as she left the room. Closing the door behind her, Saiko willed the supposedly Status Page to life, inspecting her own stats. Based on what she's looking, they're rather on-point. Closing it shut, her walking pace hastened as a single cellphone was fished out of her purse. Scrolling through the contact list, Saiko clicked on the one she was looking for and tapped into it.

"Mei-chan, hey, I understand you're busy but I would like you to hear me out. Remember that spear project we've been discussing about? Yes, I would like for you to work on it now."


"Thank you," Izuku bowed lightly to the nurse at the admission desk. Poor gal looked like positively unnerved by him but tried to smile. Before long, he quickly turned away and headed to the exit with a destination already in mind.

Prior to the second Dungeon, people would only feel slightly uncomfortable but now everyone seems to actively avoid walking closely towards him. It saddens the greenette knowing this is how people would react around him. He chuckled, knowing full well all of this had started due to his newfound power.

Idly he brought up the Status Page and was greeted by a slew of notifications. Looking around, izuku headed towards a nearby bus stop and decided to sat there. Taking a deep breath, izuku mentally psyche himself to read them one at a time.

Already knowing what he wanted, he took a glance at the Skills List, curious at how much he'd progressed. There were also the Skills he'd gained prior to the so-called Three King Dungeon.

Reading them had the young greenette became crestfallen. Some were incredibly underwhelming as Strong Heart and Ghoulish Fervour only respectively increases his health points and mana points by a small percentage of the base stats. Monkey's Wit only improve his ability to form plans in the midst of combat; a rather niche skill.

Only Young Orc's Strength and Dexterous Hand prove some degree of uses and yet only the former passively increase the Strength Stat by percentage with the added benefits of boosting said stat at every level-up. Dexterous Hands prevents him from messing up whilst in combat though it does improve his weapon-wielding skill by a faster pace.

For a moment, he considered what Stats to focus on but recall the book he still has. Already knowing what he wanted, Izuku pour them in.


[Name: Izuku Midoriya]

[Title: Quirkless Hero (Unremovable) Quirk: None]

[Class: Necromancer Level: 75 ]

HP: 7417.5 MP: 26250

[STR: 124+22.32=146.32 DEX: 50+9=59 CON: 69]

[INT: 100 MN: 100+50=150 LUK: 50]

[0 Stat Points.]


[Congratulations, you have gained Elder Ogre's Strength for reaching the 100 mile stone in Strength Stat.]

[Congratulations, you have gained Arch Lich's Energy Pool for reaching the 100 mile stone in Mana Stat.]

[Congratulations, you have gained Gambler's Luck for reaching the 50 mile stone in Luck Stat.]

Satisfied, he closed it off in favour of the new Skills obtained.


Elder Ogre's Strength ( Lvl 1 )

Out of all the known existing race of monsters, Ogres are known for having incredible physical strength and are only surpassed by the Giants and Dragons. Their strength were reputed to be enough to shake mountains by a single punch, earning their King's personal favours.

Strength stat increase by 500%

Every strike delivered has a 100% chance to deliver critical damage. Doubles when blows were landed on vital areas.

Arch Lich Energy Pool ( Lvl 1 )

Arch Lich are a particular species of undead monster known for their fearsome ability to raise the dead but it is their incredibly arge amount of Mana reserves that make it possible. However, the summoned minions of an Arch Lich were of lesser quality in comparison to the mighty King of the Dead.

Mana Pool increase by 300%

Mana Regeneration speed increase by 200%

Gambler's Luck ( Lvl 1 )

Luck is often described to be something one doesn't need so long they have the appropriate components needed to overcome any hurdle. That is simply untrue as one needs them as the challenges sometimes imposed unto the people are sometimes beyond one's own ability; mind, body and skill.

Increase rarity of items dropped by 30%

Increase chance of critical hit by 30%

Increase chance of facing stronger opponent's by 30%.


Sargas Might (Lvl 5 :89.78%)

Armor shaped and forged in memory of a true hero. By spreading the Mana of Darkness across one's body continuously in an ample amount, user is able to don a suit of armor that enhances his physical parameters by a great deal.

Amplifies User's Strength and Vitality by 120%

Amplifies User's Dexterity by 70%

Activation Cost: 500 MP . Requires 300 MP every one minute to maintain it.


Ddraig (Lvl 1: 20.56%)

Flames empowered by the magical dark energy of the abyss. By concentrating a great deal of Mana of Darkness in one's stomach, user is able to unleash a powerful purple blast of fire. Depending on user's desire of usage, a great ball of fire or a continuous blast of flames can be unleashed.

Special Effects 'Darkness Embrace' can reduce targets' regenerative properties by 20%.

Activation Cost: 150 MP. Requires 50 MP every 10 second to maintain it.


[Midnight Teardrop]

Type: Sword-Spear Hybrid Rank: S

Once a legendary spear forged by a god and given to his most trustworthy subordinate. When the mighty warrior turned to the dark side, the weapon followed its master as if it was alive. Transformed by its wielder in grief, it strikes down those who wield the power of light.

Now reduced to a shell of its former glory, it holds only a fraction of its true power.

Damage: 90 X (Strength +Dexterity)

Special Effects 'Nox Burst': Emits a powerful burst of magical energy in the form of fire that can reduce a person's regenerative abilities by 50%.

Special Effects 'Locked': Can only be unlocked once it attains a certain degree of power.

Special Effects 'Absorption': Able to increase power from absorbing sacrifices. Has a 10 chance of gaining the traits of the sacrificed items.

Special Effects 'Lord of Darkness': Able to increase chances of raising the dead by 10%

Gain more of the 'King of Death' set to unlock its full potential.


"Nox Burst, Darkness Embrace, Power over Death, just what is it?"

Izuku couldn't help but raised an eyebrow reading the details pertaining to all three stuff. Despite their differences, the one similarity all three have is their connection unknown energy; the so-called Power over Death. Midnights' special effect, no doubt courtesy of Terror's Reach, has a similar effect to Ddraig.

Vidar had claimed someone like him shouldn't have access to Power over Death. Whatever it is, it might have to do with this power he wields. Or does Mana of Darkness is another term for Power over Death. Recalling how Vidar had hysterically become and chose to commit suicide instead of dying to massive spears flames, it must be something terrifying.

Odd, Izuku thought to himself, what is the power over Death? Is it the very same he wields or perhaps something greater. In addition to that, Yogumunt, someone who is above the Constructs in power and creator. Although he couldn't help but feel apprehensive given that Denki, someone who's lower levelled than the self-proclaimed Monarch was able to keep up with him.

'Argh, I'm just going around in circles. I should have discussed this with Saiko!' Izuku admonished, fuming at how stupid he is. Taking a deep breath to soothe himself, the greenette made a note to discuss with her about this later.

Stopping at the bus station, he watched as every other people waiting stopped shivered despite the current season. When the bus came after waiting for ten minutes, Izuku waited for the others to go up before his own turn. Moments before he took a single step, a loud explosion vibrated across the air, starling the green-haired youth.

Turning to the source, he saw plumes of smokes flying up and telltale of figures; local Pro Heroes leaping to the scenes. Realizing the direction happens to be where his apartment were located, Izuku quick sprung into action; running as fast as he can. I

At a simple thought, Sargas Might was activated and the world around him blurred even further to the point of becoming no more than distorted colors. Izuku's heart pumped with fear at the horrible possibilities fueled by earlier revelations.

A quick survey revealed the surrounding as a familiar one, having passed by them countless of times. A standard apartment complex built to suit the needs of many is now lit aflame, pungent black smog wafting through the bright blue sky as an orange colored flame burn fiercely.

Willing his summon to action, they sprung out and into the building in an attempt to find and rescue any survivors. Izuku knew enough to estimate the local stationed Pro Heroes' time to get here and they should be able to get here soon enough. But what drew the young man's attention were two figures standing atop the building. One of them getting held in the grip of another.

"Mom?" Izuku wondered, baffled by the sight. He watched as the hideous monster-like creature let her go. Mind snapping back to reality as he quickly leapt up to catch her. Having a proper hold on his mother, two Myrmidons Summon came to his aid as he instructed the two to get her away.

With great care, he handed the middle-aged woman to the two Summons. Understanding dawning on the he two make a break. Looking upward, Izuku practically growled as he leapt up into the air, landing on the building.

On a closer look, the figure was human in the loosest sense of the word; having blonde hair and a lean figure. A mane of flaming lime-green hair flowed gently in the air under the winds' caress. Dark grey armor covered the body where only the face is exposed, revealing a pale-faced albeit incredibly handsome man. Lime-green eyes glowing positively with bloodlust as their owner regarded the greenette.

"You may not know me but I am-" The mysterious monster never finished it's sentence courtesy of Izuku charging forward with a single kick. All he could think was how this blasted monster had outright tried to murder his mother.

Despite the heavy blow, Izuku couldn't even make it budge. The stranger even looked bored.

[Warning, Keras is using Adamantite. ]

Raising a clawed hand, Izuku quickly leapt back as he unleashed a short burst of Ddraig. Purplish black flames engulfed the entire monster as Izuku landed. A great deal of wind pressure was unleashed, blowing away the flames and showcasing the entity is relatively unharmed. A bored and somewhat annoyed look adorned the monster's expression, idly inspecting the flames before scoffing.

Using Soul Observation, Izuku attempted to learn his identity.

[Keras, Monarch of Iron Body and King of Monstrous Humanoids.]

[Level: 101, Rank as Summon: Not Possible]

"So it would seem the monster-makers' words were true. I would've given you courtesy but seeing as how you must have learned of my identity through some sorcery, I guess it's not needed. But I shall do it still. My name is-" Keras' words were abruptly cut off when Izuku leapt up, turning his lower body to kick the monster. Only to find it was blocked by an arm. Annoyed, Keras thrusted out with an open palm.

'Fast,' Izuku thought to himself, guarding the incoming strike. The blow sent the boy flying by a couple of feet before he skidded across the concrete floor. Barely stopping at the edge.

From what he seen, this must be Yogumunt's so-called friend. Ignoring the incredibly disturbing slasher smile of Keras, Izuku called Bellion and the named others to take part. Keras' attack certainly had the same strength as Yogumunt if their titles were any indication

Rushing forward, Izuku's shadow-coated hands grabbed onto the foot as Izuku pulled him, delivering a staggering blow that onto the chest. Under the heavy blow, small but undoubtedly a crack begun to spread. It didn't went far as a heavy blow landed onto Izuku's head. Shaking from the heavy blow, Izuku latched both arms around the monster's neck, pulling him down as he brought raised a knee up and landed it firmly into the hideous king's belly.

[Warning, Keras is using Hellscream.]

Shortly after the notification, a bloodcurdling scream unlike any other send Izuku into a massive headache. Unwittingly letting go, the greenette received a kick to the chest courtesy of Keras, knocking him back by several feet. Reeling from the blow, Izuku barely have enough time to dodge another attack; a backhanded blow. However, the king of monsters didn't have time to do another follow-up courtesy of a . Bellion raised the sword and struck, the metal extending itself as it approaches Keras.

Moments before it reached him, Keras grabbed hold of the whip and yanked the angel forward. Bellion's kick was greeted by the grey claws of Keras. Crushing the shadowy limbs in an instant, Bellion twisted his body, bringing the other leg to kick in Keras' head on the side. It connected but Keras bellowed with mirth despite the cracks.

A single hand held up, all four fingers and thumbs held tightly together as Mana gathered around the monster's hands.

[Warning, Keras is now using King's Blade.]

Even without the notification, Izuku dashed forward and together with the twin Salamanders, brought down their full force onto the monster's hind legs. Deimos and Phobos bit down on Keras's left leg whilst their master kicked the humanoid creature's knees in the back. Losing its balance momentarily, Keras growled as he spun on the ball of his feet, attempting to struck them but they quickly retreat allowing Bellion to wrapped his blade-whip around the monster's throat.

Using the monster's head as a springboard, Bellion kicked him and sent him stumbling forward. Izuku and the two others gave the stumbling monster a wide berth.

"Bring him down!" Izuku commanded, pulling out Midnight and smashing the large polearm onto the heel repeatedly. The two Salamanders converged and blasted powerful balls of fires at Keras' back. Before he could deliver the third, a powerful blow too fast for him to see connected against his stomach, sending the greenette flying into the air. Quickly Bellion flew towards his master and catch the young man.

An attempt to follow up was cut short courtesy of something small flying towards him. By the time Keras caught it, he was surprised to hear an odd beeping sound. Curiosity piqued the monster's interest as he inspected the device, no larger than a tennis ball and built out of metal.

Understanding dawning on the Monarch, he quickly threw it up into the air and just in the nick of time as a small explosion blew up in the blue sky. Izuku was surprised by the explosion, baffled by who had caused such thing only to have it satiate soon enough.

Standing on the building opposite to them was Stain, dressed in something besides a prisoner suit. Kneeling down, Stain managed to leap far enough to reach the building Keras was standing.

Bellion flew Izuku down and set him a healthy distance away from the flaming building, somewhat concerned by the sudden appearance of the criminal. Although the man's action were driven by a somewhat noble purpose, he still find the mad-man off-puttng. Based on whatever his vision shows him, there's a chance Stain might lash out at him.

Keras' hands twitched and before he could rush him, something sharp flung towards the so-called King. Keras' hands flew up, faster than ever and caught what appears to be a literal dagger in-between his jagged claws. Gripping it slightly had the entire piece of weaponry crumple like a paper.

"It would seems those pigeon bastard had not been hiding. Odd, none of the Ruler's Host are here so how are you able to use their powers?"

Making quick note of what he said, Izuku grew curious at the Monarch and Ruler as a whole. He would love to find out more but now isn't the right time nor place. Unlike the last time, Izuku saw Stain's lips move and his body exploded in a powerful burst of light. Black shadow wings came up, covering the young mans' vision.

As the light died out, Bellion removed the wings and Izuku bore witness to something that should belong in a children's sci-fi show. In Stain's place stood an armored figure; blood red jagged armor stood in his place with the most prominent aspect being the criminal's arms ended in sharp blades.

"I am Stain, chosen by God to find the saviour! I will see my mission through regardless the cost! Come, wielder of the black spear and show me I am not wrong " A blood-curdling scream of pure follow suit, piercing the bright blue sky as Stain charged forward.