
Sovereign of Death, King of Heroes: Izuku Midoriya

As a child, Izuku Midoriya dreamt of becoming a Hero like many others but can't for a lack of Quirk. With the appearance of Gates and Dungeons, the occupation took on a new meaning and changes were made. Seeing his chance, he leapt into the Hero World. Will he fail or succeed?

WorthlessMonkey · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter 10

"I-I think we should stop now." Aka Uzumaki breathed out as he came to a stop. Inhaling and exhaling precious oxygen after running for who knows how long. Sparing glances at his fellow inmates, one who had a large suitcase carried behind him. Coincidentally the noseless man was also the one who doesn't looked out of breath.

"So...," Same drew in a breath before continuing, glancing nervously at the two others. Aka noted the manshark's fist tightened up nervously. Standing a good seven feet away, the inmate saw anxiousness creeping up his face.

"What do we do now?" Same asked.

"W-what do you mean what we do now?" Aka stuttered, flabbergasted by the question. "There's no we. I wanted to just...stay alive when you two followed me."

"Dumbass, in a Red Gate like this we better stick together." Same spoke, swallowing some saliva as he tried to regain his breath. "I don't know about Noseless but it'll be nice if he's in."

A sensible idea, Aka silently and begrudgingly agreed. Even the red-haired maniac hadn't expected something like this to occur. On the off-chance, however small that very chance is, Aka had wanted to use the monsters within to die inside a Red Gate. He's rather die than fighting in some Dungeon to commute his sentence.

A single Dungeon cleared is only worth three months regardless of the rank. Doesn't help that he was sentenced to prison for 60 years for a measly twelve murder. So, it will take forever for him to get out.

Only for it to change when he came facing those two giant monsters. Never had Aka felt so fearful when he saw the two monsters. Stupidly he ran in the heat of the moment and apparently, the other two must have had similar ideas. For reasons even beyond him, somehow they ran in the same direction.

"Can I just ask, why did you two followed me?" Aka asked.

"No way I'm gonna die alone here. We need to stay in a group if we want to survive." Same spoke. Aka only raised at an eyebrow, skepticism oozing at the brims. Having heard about Same's infamous and horrible exploits, he had expected someone more fierce. Never had he expected someone so cowardly.

After that he looked towards the infamous Hero Killer for his own. The man merely set down the suitcase before attempting to open it. Watching the man struggle had Aka scoff in disbelief.

"Hey, those stuff are ID-locked, you can't just-" The words in Aka's mouth died when the metal case groaned slightly. Before he knew it he saw the upper half of the suitcase came off. Almost casually, the infamous Hero Killer threw the torn off metal case away. It flew off into the back before crashing into one of the trees, embedding itself into the trunk deeply.

Hidden inside the case were their weapons stashed inside. Weapons that they were meant to use inside the Dungeon. Weapons that belonged to them prior to getting arrested by the law enforcers.

"Open it. Huh. Thanks." As he went to grab the gauntlets, Stains' suddenly placed one leg over the case in a protective manner. Surprised, Aka's mind tried to understood the reasoning before coming to a single possibility.

"Look, what is it that you want? Money? I can give you after we kill those three Heroes and that stupid handler of ours."

"No money is necessary. What I want is your two cooperation in helping me killing those heroes." A nasal voice spoke up, eyes boring down on the two. Aka's only response was a simple but smug smirk.

"Dude, that's easy. It's what's I would've done as well." Aka spoke. Except for the A-ranker. That guy might be a hard one to deal with but the green-haired moron and that bitch by his side. Those two will be easy pickings. Though he was a tad skeptical on the requests. There's no way it could be that simple considering the man before him is the hero killer. Someone with that nickname on the streets doesn't earn that by being kind.

Heck, he had seen one of the poor hero who fought him and that poor woman is a crippled for life last he heard. Stain is an honest-to-God a full-blown psychopath. It would be prudent for him to work with him since he would have a higher chance of survival.

"Deal." Aka spoke after some thinking. Much as he loathes to say it, in a place like this people like himself are only fodder. There was only one way to survive and that is to follow the prison etiquette; grouping up.

"No deal." Same spoke, growling and flexing his muscles. Aka only shot the mutant a surprised look. The sudden change in behavior is jarring to say the least.

"What's up with you? You wanted to team up so badly and now you want out?"

"This fucker here's the Hero Killer." Aka's brow rose in surprise hearing that. At least he now knows why the man looked so familiar.

"You kill Heroes and occasionally target Villian like myself. What's stopping you from turning on us?"

"You don't." Those were his only words.

Before he could do anything, Same lunged forward headfirst with his jaws snapping up and down. With grace more befitting a leopard, the man leapt over him and delivered a brutal kick to the back of the head. The Hero Killer landed gracefully as the manshark crashed facefirst into the dirt, momentum slowly disappearing as more dirt were dug up.

Same quickly got up and attempted to rush forward for the second time. A right cross delivered by Same received a counter courtesy of the Hero Killer's own punch. Stain merely weaved past that punch and struck with one of his own. Even with a broken nose, this didn't seem to deter the shark-like man as he attempted another bite. It missed and Stain used that moment to elbow the jaw, sending teeth and bloods flying whilst knocking the man down.

For the third time yet again, Same attempted to get up but failed to do so. He moved as hard as he can but despite all that, his body did not obey him. Aka noticed the man had licked some blood on his elbow in the time span of the man-sharks' attempt to get up.

'Is that his Quirk? Stopping someone's movement by licking blood?'

Aka watched as Stain kicked the man in the shin, causing the man-shark to cry out in pain. Despite that he was unable to even held the injured appendage.

"Do you have problems with me now?"

"N-no." Same whimpered. Seemingly satisfied, Stain got up and turned towards Aka who only gave a helpless shrug.

"Hey, so long you're not trying to kill me, I'm cool. Let's work out our difference once we get out of here."

"Great, now let's introduce ourselves. My name is Chizome Akaguro. You may call Stain."

"We're on an island." Saiko Intelli stated in a matter of factly tone. If it weren't for the training given by Uncle Reid, she would've freaked out.

Granted she had her Uncle supervising her but this is an entirely different situation. She's stuck in a place filled with magical monsters possibly made from humans or rather imbued with their powers. Doesn't help that the only ones she can trust is a Quirkless guy with low self-esteem who doesn't even want to accept that his childhood friend is a bully and said bully is the second companion.

"Skree." The familiar chittering snapped Saiko's attention and she turned to one of the many Myrmidon assigned to her. Wearily she sighed to herself as the monster begun to gobbling down the live fish in hand. Raising up the spear she wields, Saiko gave it a single solid smack across the jaw.

This naturally caused it to grow angry, sending some bits of that fish gibs onto her face. It attempted to attack her before a black blur jets past her and slapped it really hard, causing the monster to fell backwards. Saiko turned around and saw Bellion, the winged angel who only gave a disapproving look at the monster.

The two monsters glared at one another before the insect relented, bowing deferentially before picking up the half-eaten monster and walking to the beach. It dropped the fish in the man-made basket before returning back, fishing for more with it's bare claws.

"Thank you." Saiko spoke. In all honesty, she still can't believe how this absolutely dangerous monster came into Izuku's servitude. Several days ago, it had attempted to kill her and everyone else but now it is helping her.

Bellion nods before turning it's attention to the other Myrmidons. Who were diligently doing what she had ordered earlier; fishing. Thankfulyl Saiko had asked Izuku to assigned Bellion to her to help out with the fishing. Saiko had a hunch that the Summon still had egos corresponding to how they were when alive. Good thing to find out they were proven correct.

"Pardon me, but can you tell me how you come into service of our common associates," Questioned Saiko only to no avail as Bellion only quietly stared at her. He then started to do multiple gestures which Saiko couldn't be bothered to try and comprehend.

'It appears he's a mute. Or can't speak human language at the very least,' Noted the young intellectual. A shame in all honesty as she would've loved the prospect of communicating with a Magic Beast. Species such as High Orcs are murderous towards humans for reasons unknown. Another perspective towards the collective monsters known as Magic Beast; their cultures, species and languages would be groundbreaking.

In the distant, she spotted an undeniably large fin surfacing briefly before descending back underwater. Based on the shape, she knew by a first glance that was a Megalodon. One of the most deadliest breed of aquatic Magic Beast. Incredibly dangerous is only putting it mildly as well.

'Great, one more thing to worry about.' Saiko sighed, stabbing another fish with the spear. It struggled briefly but eventually it succumbed to the wound, it's eyes losing life as blood pours out. Satisfied, she placed it inside the basket before spearing yet another fish. They'll need as much food as possible should they need to survive.

'I hope Izuku-kun is doing well.' She somberly thought, stabbing a fish before tucking it into the basket. A small part of her had hoped the two of them doesn't stumbled upon the criminals. If they do, it would spell trouble. Her friend may have gained newfound strength but he is still that kind-hearted boy she'd met.

Bellion spared a small glance at Saiko. He wondered briefly how he can comfort her but ultimately decided against it. Becoming mute is a pain in all thruthfullness.


'This is awkward.'

Those were Izuku Midoriya's only thoughts about his current predicament. Saiko had left in an attempt to find a source of reliable food considering a Myrmidon's flesh is poisonous, leaving the two Awakened males by their lonesome. Garuda's aren't edible because it's too hard.

Which left the two boys by their lonesome. Izuku had been tasked to protect their hideout whilst Katsuki went hunting. After a while, Katsuki had returned with several one-horned rabbits. Small magic beast that are only harmful to low-ranked Awakened.

After that, the dismantling process was rather off-putting. Settled, they begun cooking the meal and neither fellow had spoken since. With Katsuki turning the makeshift spitroast made out of wood. To put it simply, he felt incredibly awkward. Neither had attempted to start a conversation and Izuku doesn't really want to set him off.

"So, what do you think of this cave?" Izuku asked after some thinking. Secretly he chided himself for asking such a stupid question but nothing good comes to mind.

"You serious?" Katsuki asked, looking up towards the greenette. A telltale of surprise were in the tone of voice. Gesturing around the area before looking at the greenette dead in the eye.

"We're in a cold and dank cave, cooking two rabbit monster a'la barbecue style and you ask me what I think of this place?"

"...yes."Izuku answered after a brief moment of contemplation. A deep and meaningful inhale taken by the blonde explosion user before an equally deep exhale were conducted.

"Fine actually. Really great. I just love hanging out with a Quirkless nobody like yourself." Drawled the blonde as he eyed the cooked meal.

"R-really? No wait, you're being sarcastic aren't you?" Izuku question received a scoff courtesy of the blonde.

"No. What makes you think that? Me? Being sarcastic? Of course not." The blonde waved off. One look and Izuku could already tell the man is lying but decided not to press against it.

"You mind if I ask you something?" Katsuki spoke up suddenly.

"Y-yeah, sure. Go ahead." Izuku responded. Nodding, Katsuki jabbed a finger at the carcass he is cooking.

"This thing here has no Essence Stone. Same goes to the birds and insects we've killed. Which struck me odd to be honest."

"Y-yeah. That did rubbed me off in the wrong way." Agreed the young green-haired man,, reminded about one of the things that makes Izuku curious about them. It's common knowledge that Magic Beast contains an Essence Stone, a major source of income for Pro Heroes.

Much like how the concept of Pro Heroes have changed, humanity learned and begun to use the Gates to their advantages. Essence Stones found within the Gates' denizens were harvested and used for a wide plethora of things; energy source, construction and so forth. Hence the fact none of the Constructs nor their underling dropping a single Essence Stones was rather weird to say the least.

"In any case, why do you think it's like this? Same goes to that larger Garuda we've fought. My knowledge on monsters' isn't the best but I sure as hell remember they don't have regenerative abilities. Lightning maybe but regeneration powers a big nope."

"I...see," Izuku commented idly, rubbing his thumbs together while contemplating on this fact. The encyclopedia published by Intelli-san did mentioned something like that. Though this might be due to the fact they are artificial living beings.

"Well, what do you think it might be the cause of that?" Izuku questioned.

"I have no fucking clue." Katsuki confessed, rubbing the hair furiously. "I mean, could be a mutation or a subspecies or whatever nonsense pulled out. But you know what I think, I think it has something to do with you."

"M-me? That's a little ridiculous Kacchan. I don't have any special powers or anything." Izuku quickly defended but the blonde wasn't convinced. Scoffing as he pulled the roasted rabbit away and setting it down on the makeshit wooden plate before roasting the second rabbit.

"Call it a hunch. Cause y'know why?" Asked the blonde, smirking to the increasingly anxious greenette.

"Because for the first time since I've met you, I keep getting pulled into crazy stuff. A low-rank Dungeon turns out to be some kind of hidden secret one that contains a dangerous monster. And you broke and survived a normal Gate turned red that rightfully belonged to my affiliated agency all by your lonesome. What's more odd is that Sir Nighteye chose not to take any legal action because he doesn't like making exceptions even for those who make him laugh or chuckled. There's also this shit." He spoke, gesturing to the area around them.

"...o-okay." Izuku spoke, lapping up the lips hungrily at the smell of the rabbit. It might not looked scrumptious but he had realized he hadn't eaten as of yet.

"Can I have that rabbit?"

"No." Barked the blonde.

"Well, okay then. Cause I want to ask you something, Kacchan." Izuku paused, gauging for the mans' reaction who remained impassive. Seeing how Katsuki isn't saying anything insulting nor threatening him, Izuku saw it as a positive sign.

"I've met Bakugou-san when I visited that cafe and she told me how you've been jumping into Gates after Gates."

Hearing those words, Katsuki was rendered into silence. Izuku watched the reaction and was slightly expecting the hot-tempered blonde to lash out. Only colour the green-haired young adult surprised when he begun to sweat. Katsuki's lips were trembling and hands were shaking.

To say he was surprised is an understatement given the fact Izuku had never seen Katsuki turned...pale or even afraid. Briefly, Izuku was reminded of his younger self. How he had acted when Katsuki attempted to bullied him.

'Hehe, serves you right,' Izuku thought to himself. Only for him to immediately realized what he had just thought.

'What am I thinking? Kacchan's my friend. Why would I think of him in such a manner?'

"Kacchan, are you okay?" Izuku's sudden question seemed to have snapped him back to reality. As the blonde shook himself to get rid of the stupor, the blonde only glared at Izuku as a response. However Izuku noted how it seemed more forceful.

"Of course not. I'm better than fine." Katsuki snapped. "What made you think I'm not?"

"Does it have to do with that incident? The Kyushu Dungeon you mentioned back in the Double Dungeon?"

Now that he remembered, he did read about it. Although the information on it is rather little and the only reason it left any impression was because that Raid was supposedly lead by a sidekick of All Might. And if memories served the green-haired man right, that was also recorded as the first and only loss the All Might Agency has ever suffered since it's conception.

But what does that have to do with Katsuki. Unless, no, Izuku shook as he refused to believe but at the same time, it sounded so...unreal. And yet, sounds so wonderful and makes sense to some effect.

'No,' Izuku shook yet again. People died in that dungeon because of someone's mistakes. Or incompetence. Or generally bad decision making. Not that he knew what actually went down given little information on such horrid incident were disclosed.

But that's the general consensus since no monster broke out.

At his words, the blonde tensed up. For a moment Izuku assumed Katsuki would punched him but the anger returned.

"Mind your own fucking business, Deku." Katsuki snapped. Izuku noted the hands were clenched tightly. He doesn't know much about psychology but Izuku could tell there's a high chance he is suffering greatly from the failed Kyushu Dungeon. Whatever he had went through, the man must have gone through a lot of hardship.

At least he got a possible hint on why Katsuki wanted to get stronger.

'I wonder if this System of mine can help others to get stronger,' Izuku hummed to himself. It would be nice to see Saiko's strength improved.

"What the fuck?" Katsuki's swearing drew Izuku's attention. Words died in Izuku's throat as he saw what appears to be a floating textbox in front of Katsuki. While the words were inverted he could clearly tell what was written on it.

"Do you wish to accept an invitation to Player Izuku's party?" Katsuki read in pure disbelief before turning towards Izuku with a baffled look before focusing on the textbox yet again. Mouth agape wide in shock.

"A-are you the cause of this? Is this from that Double Dungeon Incident?! Is this the reason why you were able to become stronger?!" By this point, it had turned from a simple questioning to fill blown shouting by the understandably shocked blonde.

"...Surprise?" Izuku spoke with an uneasy smile. The blondes eyes twitched vehemently and a long dragged out sigh followed suit. Closing the eyes together as he tried to collect himself and once he did, he opened them.

"What the fuck has happened to my life?" Groaned the boy in clear annoyance. Peeking at the text briefly before exhaling, glancing at the green-haired for a moment before focusing on the floating thing in front.

"I...I think I may have accidentally offered you a chance to become stronger?" Izuku spoke uncertainly. Truthfully this isn't something he had expected the System can do. Although it does make sense since some video games does feature a multiplayer or a team for players to use. Maybe Saiko has a chance of getting stronger and same goes to Katsuki.

"You think?" Katsuki snorted, shooting a disbelieving look at his childhood friend. In fact the entire situation feels so unreal. Shaking the head as if he couldn't believe how he had gotten into this situation, the blonde pondered on the benefits of Izuku's unknown power.

"Whatever, I'm not gonna touch this. Who knows what I might get." Katsuki stated, tapping the 'No' option. to say Izuku was shocked is an understatement. There are so much unknown variables about this thing. Having came into contact into Izuku, there is a possibility he might wound up like Izuku.

"It's okay, Kacchan. It helps more than it hurts you. Or at least th-that's what I went through. Also, I-I haven't found any part of it that might do what you just said." Izuku's words doesn't gave much comfort to the explosion user who only arched an eyebrow at the greenette.

"Really?" snarked the blonde in amusement. "Or maybe you just haven't found any yet. After all, who's to say this thing might give me something else aside from your weird, chilly aura?"

"Y-you're not wrong at all, Kacchan. But who's to say it will give you any bad side effect?" Questioned the greenette back, taking the blonde by surprise.

Briefly, Izuku wondered if he should mention the weird, chilly aura as Katsuki puts it is only caused by the different type of Mana he contains. Mana of Darkness is something that only high-end Magic Beast such as Kamish possessed. Or that's what Saiko tell at least. On second thought, he better withheld that information considering what it entails.

"What a pain you have become, huh, Deku?" Katsuki spoke, gnashing his teeth in frustration. "You know what, why don't you tell me all that you know about this newfound power of yours."

At that, Izuku obliged his friend. He told everything; from how he received this newfound power, gaining the ability to summoning the dead and so forth. He even went as far as stating the items it can create based on the defeated enemies; boss and normal monsters with the whole 'Mana of Darkness's' information witheld.

"So, let me get this straight, this weird ass ability of yours allows you to live like a video game character; leveling up by doing Quest and killing monsters, get drop items from killing and even let's you improve your stats using points? And you can even resurrect the dead?" Katsuki spoke in a disbelieving tone.

"I-I think that's covered everything. Yeah, you got all that right."

A pregnant pause settled down between the two as they stared at one another. A second paused, Katsuki Bakugou merely jabbed a thumb at him.

"Your power is bullshit. That's all I can say. If this is a Quirk, I call bull because there's no way you're a late bloomer."

"True." Izuku agreed. "So, what do you want to do then?"

At his will, the same offer came up once more. Katsuki read the words before sparing a glance at Izuku before focusing on the floating textbox. Begrudgingly Katsuki tapped on 'Yes' button. As soon as his textbox disappeared another shows up.

[Congratulations, you have now gained your first party member.]

"Right, there's that." Katsuki muttered with finality as he dismisses the object. "So, what do you think I can have access to?"

"I honestly have no clue. Maybe...try to say Character Sheets?" Izuku spoke with a helpless shrug. The blonde merely looked at him before heaving a sigh.

"This is stupid but whatever. Character Sheets."

At his words, a page much similar to Izuku's Status Page appeared. However, it naturally depicts Katsuki's own stats. Inching over, Izuku took a peek at the stats.


[Name: Katsuki Bakugou]

[Title: Pursuer of Strength Quirk: Explosion]

[Class: Warrior Level: 76 ]

HP: 21600 MP: 18825

[STR: 89+84.27+22.25=195.95 DEX: 100+75+65=240 CON: 87+65.25+21.75=174]

[INT: 49 MN: 70+52.5=125.5 LUK: 21]

[10 Stat Points.]


'What an insane stats. but it does fit someone as powerful as him.' Izuku gasped as he read through them.

The physical stats were almost in the triple digits whereas Dexterity is the highest stats. It does baffles Izuku at first but when he think about it, it make sense. Katsuki relies primarily on his speed and strength overpower the enemy, pulling off aviation maneuver using Explosion requires a great deal of dexterity. Especially when the explosion Katsuki caused comes primarily from his palms.

"So, where you're gonna put the Stat points into?"

"Isn't that obvious?" Asked the blonde before allocating them to the desired stats.


[Name: Katsuki Bakugou]

[Title: Pursuer of Strength Quirk: Explosion]

[Class: Warrior Level: 76 ]

HP: 21600 MP: 18825

[STR: 99+74.25+24.75=198 DEX: 100+75+65=240 CON: 87+65.25+21.75=174]

[INT: 49 MN: 70+52.5=125.5 LUK: 21]

[0 Stat Points.]


"Guess what you say is true." Katsuki noted. A telltale of a smirk crept up on Katsuki's features as the blonde imagined the possibilities. If this can even grant him what it did to Deku, then he might have a chance to even surpass that accursed monster. The bonuses must have came from the skills he has.

'You're not gonna pour some stats into Mana or anything else? You use a Cantrip Spell."

"Cantrip Spells use the words as a focal point to gather the mana around us to do whatever that spell does. So no need for that. I'll handle other parts later. And you," spoke Katsuki before jabbing a thumb at him.

"Don't try to cancel this. I'm using it to surpass All Might and your dad."

"O-of course. Can we at least check your Skill list?" Izuku asked.

"Sure. But I'm doing it cause I want to not because you say so. Skill List." At Katsuki's the aforementioned list appeared and he went to check on the Passive Skill List. Mostly because it was the only one that has any skills whatsoever which baffled Izuku.

[Passive Skill List]

Touched by Light (Lvl 20)

Where there is darkness, there is light. Those who fight darkness and it's creatures must become a paragon of light in order to have a fighting success. This skill symbolizes your affiliation to the light. Only through strengthening your virtues, can you become truly stronger.

Note this skill cannot be levelled up through any conventional means.

Passively increase Strength, Dexterity, Constitution and Mana by 75%

Gains 45% increase in damage taken and dealt against beings with Mana of Darkness.

Warriors' Hunger (Lvl 1 (0.00%))

Strength is a commodity everybody have and yet they crave more for whatever reason they may have. For the sake of strength, for the sake of protecting those they cherished or even to lord over others. Whatever the case, this skill symbolizes your mastership over such. Having dedicated yourself to honing your physical might, you are able deliver crushing and more powerful blows than the average person.

Passively increase all physical strikes by 25%

Every level-up increases your strength by 4 points

Quicksilver (Lvl 49 (75%))

Speed is key to everything; getting ahead of others, outrunning others and generally if you want to stay ahead of others. Having dedicated yourself to becoming faster and more skilled with your hands, you are able to attain a degree of skills far greater than the average person.

Passively increase movement and attack speed by 65%

Chances of slipping up wielding any items reduced by 65%

Increase all damage dealt by weapons by 65%

Stone Wall (Lvl 1(0.00%))

Much like the stones that were used in building, you are as durable as they are.

Passively increase Constitution by 25%

Every level-up increases your Constitution by 4

Every CON points worth 150

Mana Core (Lvl 28 (74%))

Mana is a powerful source of energy that humans can hope to replicate. A source of energy that can only be attained by delving deep into one's soul can a person truly understand themselves.

Every Mana points worth 150 points.

Passively increase Mana Regeneration speed by 42 %

Passively increase user's resistance against all magic-based attacks by 24%]

"You sure got some interesting set of skills there, Kacchan." Izuku muttered. All three are quite something on their own. Warriors' Hunger, Quicksilver, Ungiving Man and Mana Core gave an increase to the blonde brawlers' already impressive stats. To see them going even further is a terrifying thought but this little venture does gave him a nice insight into certain things.

Though what stuck out the most is the 'Touched by Light' passive skill.

"What the blazes is a Ruler?" Katsuki asked. Izuku could only shrugged helplessly as he himself have no knowledge about it. The one that stuck out like a sore thumb would be the one concerning the 'Touch by Light' or rather the last part. Whoever they are, one thing is made clear is that they're enemies against people like himself and they're engaged in some kind of war.

"You think they might be the cause of people becoming Awakened?" Izuku asked. From the way this System describe it, it might as well just say the Rulers were the ones who did it.

"Seems like it. And they're fighting against darkness. I mean, how do you fight against something that doesn't have you inside it? It just sounds...stupid. Like something out of a fantasy webcomic or webnovel." Scowled the blonde.

"Well, I-I guess I can improve on my stats." Izuku's quickly called forth the Character Sheets.


[Name: Izuku Midoriya]

[Title: Quirkless Hero (Unremovable) Quirk: None]

[Class: Necromancer Level: 55 ]

HP: 5375 MP: 875]

[STR: 29 DEX: 36 CON: 50]

[INT: 70 MN: 50 LUK: 11]

[65 Stat Points.]


'Strong Heart and Ghoulish Fervor is coming in really handy,' Izuku noted with a smile. Strong Heart grants him an increase in health by 25 points for every level up whilst Ghoulish Fervor does the same except it's for Mana. There was also an addition of regenerative speed for the health and mana but it's only a measly 10% every two minutes. If this is what they do for him, what will the skills granted by the other stats once they hit a certain milestone.

In addition, the System notified that every level up past the fifty milepoint essentially allows him to store five more summons, making it six summon per every level up. Since he levelled up five times past the level 50, meaning he can store at least 30 more. Which were used to brought back 18 Myrmidons and 12 Garudas. A shame he couldn't brought back the so-called Failed Construnct Dracula though but they would have to suffice.

For a moment, he pondered on what to focus on. Recalling the battle against that one particular insectoid monster, he realized just how much he had to struggle. If it weren't for Saiko's help, he wouldn't even get the chance to deal with something like this.

'Laughable, Even now, I still need others to help me. What a joke.' he somberly thought. Though he quickly shook such negative thinking. No, it's different. If it hadn't gotten stronger he wouldn't have even stood a chance against those insect monster.

'I need more power. And that's what I'm going to get.' Already knowingw hat he wishes dto focus on, he allocated the points into the desired stats. Settled, he tapped on the 'Yes' option to finalize his choice.


[Name: Izuku Midoriya]

[Title: Quirkless Hero (Unremovable) Quirk: None]

[Class: Necromancer Level: 55 ]

[HP: 5375 MP: 875]

[STR: 54+9.72=63.72 DEX: 50+9=59 CON: 50]

[INT: 70 MN: 50 LUK: 41]

[0 Stat Points.]


Once it disappeared, another batches of notifications popped out.

[Congratulations, you have gained Young Orc's Strength for reaching the 50 mile stone in Strength Stat]

[Congratulations, you have gained Dexterous Hands for reaching the 50 mile stone in Dexterity Stat]

Checking the Skill List, Izuku's eyes widened in shock at the description.

[Young Orc's Strength (Lvl 1 (0.00%))

An Orc's most defining trait are their physical prowess. Even a younglin have the strength to wrestle bears into submission. Having this skill means you are physically equal to that of an Orc in terms of strength alone.

Boost physical strength by 18%

Every level up grants 4 points in STR

Dexterous Hands (Lvl 1 (0.00%))

Hands are an important part of any living being as they are quite versatile and can be used in a number of ways. For humans, a pair of hands is essential to carry out their daily routine.

Increase movement and attack speed by 18%

Increases all weapon damage dealt by 13%

Reduce chance of slipping up while using weapons by 7.5%]

Just as he was about to be joyful at such an occasion, he felt his Mana sapped away. Brows furrowed in confusion at such feeling. This could only mean one thing and it's not because he's using spells.

"What's the problem? Someone attacking your undead soldiers?"

"Yes," Izuku answered, extending his senses towards one of the soldiers assigned to Intelli-san. Through the eyes of a Blue Myrmidon and saw they were in a jungle. WIlling the creature to move, it obeyed and much to Izuku's relief, Intelli-san is fighting alongside Bellion and the other familiar. But what stuck out was how a group of Myrmidons much like the one he commands is attacking her group.

"We need to go now." Izuku got up as he hurried to the exit. The greenette 's sudden change in behaviour took the blonde by surprise.

"Why?" Asked the blonde, in midst of chewing the food.

"Because Intelli-san's getting attacked, that's why!" Izuku spoke, dashing off as soon as possible.

Alarmed by what he heard, Katsuki dropped the meal and followed suit. Their surroundings blurred as the two ran as fast as they physically can. In mere seconds, the sight of the looming forest enters their vision and Katsuki soon was in the lead.

Envy filled the greenette 's mind but he buried them down. Soon, he tells himself, he will catch up to the blonde and surpass Katsuki. But now he must focus on the task at hand.


Saiko Intelli dodged to the left as she jabbed at the Myrmidons chink in the exoskeleton. Green blood dribbled down the gap because of the recently created wound. A shrill cry of pain erupted as the one-horned monster raised a hammer fist and slammed into the ground where she stood moments ago. Rearing the spear back and only to ram it right into it's eye.

"Skreee!" An ungodly pained cry rang out as it lashed out. Using the spears' shaft to block, the force behind such blow sent her reeling back, feet digging into the ground as momentum pushed her. It came to an end but Saiko didn't have time to recover as it came down on her.

"Shield, shield, shield, shield." Chanted the girlas fast as she can. At her words, her skin and clothes glowed a bright blue but the shimmer subsided. Before she can do anything else, the fist came down but made no contact as Bellion restrained the appendage with his whip-sword. A simple tug had dismembered that very limb. Before it could even opened it's mouth, the Angel lunged forward and punched. A simple but violent gesture that which destroyed it's entire head in one strike.

"Wow." Saiko spoke, wiping the sweat in her eyes. "Thank you."

A single affirmative nod given before he jumped back into the fray, slashing down any Myrmidons that came into his way. Looking around, Saiko paled at the carnage unfolding before her eyes. Insects of incredible stature and musculature violently thrashing each other, sending bloods and limbs flying. Some of the Salamanders Izuku sent out on patrol had joined in to help but they wound up as nothing more than extra punching bags.

'Oh god, Uncle Reid stated fighting Magic Beast is gruesome but this is just too much,' If it weren't for the lack of food, the young lavender-haired girl was certain she would've lost all her meals here and now. But sadly this isn't the right time nor the place hence Saiko merely took a deep breath and steeled her nerves.

Watching which one in need of the most help, Saiko jumped in to lend a helping hand. Unbeknownst to the young girl, she is been watched by a trio of criminals.

"Fuck we're doing hiding out here?" Aka whispered to their de facto leader. Chizome or Stain as he had preferred only shushed the man. Same, on the other hand, chuckle. Or at least Aka assumed he is doing just that since the broken nose made it hard to tell.

"Ih thonsh wev killing heroes. Lesh goh." The shark man replied irritably.

"Patience lest I cut off your nose." Chizome whispered, peering past the foliage to focus on the young girl fighting. Judging by her clothes earlier, he had expected her to be an easy prey. An arrogant, rich girl who lead an easy life due to being born with a silver spoon. Never had he expected her to be a skilled spear user but nothing he can't handle. All the other heroes he killed have far greater experience and skills.

She is only one of the many who will perish.

"Well, mind telling me why we're waiting then?" Aka asked, glancing around to make sure no one is around.

"We'll wait for her friends to come and..." Chizome paused in his sentence as the two other target had literally jumped into the fray. A greenette brandishing a massive sword spear and a blonde who wields Explosion.

Black flames and bright orange blast lit the battelfield as the duo fought against the enemies, cries of pain escaping the bipedal herculean insect monsters as they were either engulfed in black flames or powerful blast of explosion, ripping them apart in one shot.

"Whash wev dosh?" Same asked with a daring look. Chuckling at what their foolish question, Chizome drew the blade and for a brief moment, saw the reflection inside it. Instead of his visage appearing another visions of a giant dragon, the same one he had constantly seen, descend from the sky. It's terrifying visage was one that had always frightened the killer but this time, much to his surprise isn't the same like always.

Instead he saw a black knight rose up, a massive sword in one hand. He valiantly charged towards the dragon, weapons at the ready much like how the dragon's maw begun to puff with flames. However the vision ended before he can even see them trade blows.

Grinning in satisfaction, he held himself into a stance to which the other two flinched slightly.

"Now, we fight." Chizome stated, knowing now that this might change the future for the better.