

[ Reboot of my Story, Source: A Multiverse Travel ] Many people have asked questions like how it all originated... What came first, the chicken or the egg? Was God the one who created everything? Are we the product of a species that gradually adapted to the world? Welcome User to Source, here you will be able to discover the answer that so many wise men have been looking for but it will be a hard road... full of dangers in every corner where not only your intellect will be put to the test, but also your power, your will and your preparation. Are you lucky enough to make it to the end? Are you brave enough to take the first step? Can you find the strength to keep going? That... only you decide... advance or give up... Only you will decide how far you want to go... Welcome to Source... Do you want to start your journey? -- Donate Me On PayPal https://www.paypal.me/Xuefang1 --- WARNING : hey guys I'm using Mobile and my laptop was having shorting problem and I don't know when I'll be able to fix it So there will be grammar and spelling mistakes Hope it'll be readble UPDATE SCHEDULE : NOT FIX --- Original Author : GenoXX Original Name :: Origen (Espanol) ---- I'm just Translating

Xuefang1 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
719 Chs

Chapter-67<*Entering in Style*>

"If I'm going to enter the Arena... I guess I'm going to do it with style..." - the blonde muttered as a sadistic smile appeared on his face - "I think I know very well how to do it"

[How sir?]

"Do you know how to create music?" - asked Cloud - "I think it's a good time to honor my 'Agent Name'"

[The question offends sir, I can identify at least 300 types of edible, poisonous or simple grass, I can identify the slightest change in an enemy's pattern... I think I am more than capable of creating a simple melody]

"Exactly the words I wanted to hear" -nodded the blonde as he began to indicate what to do to his AI-"I guess I'll give them a show they won't forget... it's the least I can do knowing that I won't be able to have fun"

* * * * *

[The fight is about to start, please don't get close to the barrier]

When Chifuyu finished saying those words, a barrier began to expand from the center of the battlefield and Cecilia appeared at full speed in the Arena, only to rise with a grace that made all the girls take pains.

"That was impressive..." - a girl said when she saw how the Representative of the United Kingdom, turned around when she reached the center of the Arena and rose without even raising a speck of dust despite the suddenness of her movement .

"As expected of a Representative" - ​​said another girl.

The girls were about to continue but fell silent when they felt their backs begin to sweat. Slowly the doors of the blonde's dressing room opened together a song that shocked the girls

(Insert Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children OST: One Winged Angel)

". . ." - The girls could only watch in silence as the blonde's steps slowly approached the Arena while the orchestra continued playing.

(Estuans interius ira vehementie! stuans interius ira vehementi! Sephiroth!)

". . ." -Cecilia, who was in heaven, could only see how the blonde appeared walking calmly with a mechanical suit that covered almost his entire body, with the sole exception of his mouth, which had a wild smile.


Cloud just looked up, silently watching as the girl recoiled slightly from the aura the blonde was radiating, though she wasn't the only one. The other girls were just as shocked because they had never felt a presence like the blonde's before.

(Estuans interius ira vehementie! stuans interius ira vehementi! Sephiroth!)

"What's wrong, Princess?" -asked the blonde as he looked at the girl's expression with an even bigger smile- "Didn't you say you would teach me a lesson?"


He had to admit that it was fun to make these kinds of entrances, especially since he felt that he had his body in complete control.

(Sors immanis! et inanis!)

Cloud slowly reached out his hand and out of nowhere, a two-handed sword, this was none other than the sword that had accompanied him during his journey through the world of Highschool of the Dead.

(Sors immanis! et inanis!)

"I'm ready whenever you want, princess"-Cloud said as he pointed her sword at the girl, who still couldn't understand how to react.

She understood that the blonde was bothering her but the pressure she was feeling was making her unable to respond to her insults.

"If you don't want to start... I guess I'll have to do it myself"-muttered the blonde, although he said it so loud that everyone present could hear it.

(Estuans interius ira vehementie! stuans interius ira vehementi! Sephiroth!)

Cloud quickly disappeared from his location and in a matter of seconds, he appeared in front of the UK girl.

"!" -Cecilia quickly made a strategic retreat, only to feel how the blonde's sword collided with her shield, reducing it by at least 5%.


"It was a good damage…" Cloud said as he swung his sword back to the ground. Raiden had pointed out the damage he had done to the girl's shield and it was much more than he thought it would be.

"What was that speed?!" A girl exclaimed in surprise.

"How can he reach that speed when only ISs customized exclusively for speed can move that fast and it's only possible when they burn through their shield energy!?" - exclaimed another girl who was a little more informed.

". . ." - Houki could only give the blonde a narrowed look. She now understood what her sister said when she called her last night.

'He's the perfect human being...no...he's a monster'

"Cloud's suit doesn't use energy to cover his body... it doesn't have a core either..."

- Houki said seriously while looking at Ichika - "That means that the speed he reached is his own or that the increase achieved by [Raiden] is impressive... but I don't think it will be the second one because otherwise, there would be more of those armors out there"

* * * * *

"What's wrong, princess?" The blond asked as he once again pointed his sword at him. "Too fast?"

The music continued to play with a spectacular solo.

"H-How... did you do that?" Cecilia asked as she felt her hands begin to sweat.

"You could say that my physical condition is excellent" - the blonde replied as he gave the girl a calm look - "Although I don't think it's the time to talk"

He could feel his instincts starting to lose control when he was standing still, so it was better to keep fighting so he wouldn't have an accident.

(Come, come, you came, I didn't die facias!)

"Are you going to attack?" he asked with a frown because he honestly didn't find it funny to attack Cecilia when she doesn't even fight back. It was like having sex with a corpse.

(Come, come, you came, I didn't die facias!)

"I'm sorry for my attitude"-said Cecilia while she regained her calm. She still felt a lot of pressure but now at least she was a little calmer.

(Come, come, you came, I didn't die facias!)

"It's a little better"-nodded the blonde as he made his gun appear and took it with his left hand-"Let's play a little more"

At least by fighting he could keep his mind busy enough to relax.

(Come, come, come, I didn't die face!) (Gloriosa)

"Time to turn things around! Come on, Blue Tears!" -exclaimed the blonde as she pointed her assault rifle at him- "Let me tell you that I am one of the most skilled Snipers in the world"

(Come, come, come, I didn't die face!) (Generous)

"Let's see if you compare to a certain acquaintance of mine" -the blonde replied as he smiled at the girl again.

(Come, come, come, I didn't die face!) (Glorious)

"Cecilia Alcott is no less than the others," Cecilia said with a frown as she released the support drone from her, "Let's see if you have fun being the target..."

(Come, come, come, I didn't die face!) (Generous)

Cecilia only fired with great precision as her drones flew around the Arena shooting the blond from her blind spots.

(Come, come, come, I didn't die face!) (Glorious)

Cloud gave the girl a bored look as he easily dodged the drones' shots, "Really? I guess it's time I showed you a bit of my shooting capabilities"

(Come, come, come, I didn't die face!) (Generous)

*Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound of gunshots echoed through the Arena.

"Basic ammo?" - Ichika asked with surprise - "Is Cloud using something so obsolete?"

"Maybe it's obsolete"-Houki said while he saw how Cecilia's drones fell one after the other with the blonde's shots-"But that doesn't take away from how effective they are being"

(Come, come, come, I didn't die face!) (Glorious)

"Impossible?!" - Cecilia exclaimed with surprise - "My drones were designed to withstand even impacts from energy ammunition!"

(Come, come, come, I didn't die face!) (Generous)

"But they are not completely invulnerable" - Cloud said calmly - "Everything has a weak point... and in the case of your drones it is a small opening that is 5 centimeters from the center"


"!" -Cecilia was surprised when she heard this because it was true. Her drones had a small opening in that area so they could join together to create an even more powerful shot-"How did you know that?!"

"Let's say I have good eyesight"- the blonde replied as he pointed to his mask- "Let's see how your shield can hold up now that you're practically uncovered"

Cloud smiled again when he said this as he started running towards the girl with his gun drawn.

[Sir, Blue Tears' shield has been analyzed...marking the least protected spots]


"!" - Cecilia was surprised to see that the blonde had disappeared again, only to notice that now he was not in front of her. but behind. She quickly made her core consume some of her shield in order to increase the speed of her escape but to her bad luck, the blond had already started his attack.

*Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound of the shots was immediate while Cecilia watched as her IS shield fell little by little.

[Shield in critical condition... 5% left... please go back to the ground]

"I can not do it!" - Cecilia exclaimed with a mixture of fury and surprise - "If I go back to the floor, then the battle will be over!"

[Shield in critical condition... 5% left... please go back to the ground]

Cecilia could only sigh regretfully as she returned to the floor, only to feel something cold touch the back of her neck.

"I think that would be all for today…" Cloud said as he pressed his gun against the girl's head and at the same time, ending the song.


". . ." - The girls could not believe what they had seen. The boy had not only defeated his opponent, but he had done so with ease.

[Fight over, winner, Cloud Strife]

"Now if you need me... I need to take a little break..." the blonde said as he left the Arena because he felt how his body was beginning to increase in temperature.


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