

[ Reboot of my Story, Source: A Multiverse Travel ] Many people have asked questions like how it all originated... What came first, the chicken or the egg? Was God the one who created everything? Are we the product of a species that gradually adapted to the world? Welcome User to Source, here you will be able to discover the answer that so many wise men have been looking for but it will be a hard road... full of dangers in every corner where not only your intellect will be put to the test, but also your power, your will and your preparation. Are you lucky enough to make it to the end? Are you brave enough to take the first step? Can you find the strength to keep going? That... only you decide... advance or give up... Only you will decide how far you want to go... Welcome to Source... Do you want to start your journey? -- Donate Me On PayPal https://www.paypal.me/Xuefang1 --- WARNING : hey guys I'm using Mobile and my laptop was having shorting problem and I don't know when I'll be able to fix it So there will be grammar and spelling mistakes Hope it'll be readble UPDATE SCHEDULE : NOT FIX --- Original Author : GenoXX Original Name :: Origen (Espanol) ---- I'm just Translating

Xuefang1 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
719 Chs

Chapter-60<* Prologue - Sephiroth *>

"What's your name?" - asked a pretty girl with brown hair combed in a ponytail. Her round rosy cheeks and her tender expression could cause massive damage to those who saw her.

"My name..." - said the boy who was in front of her.

"Don't be rude, Houki!" -exclaimed a black-haired boy while he looked with annoyance at her friend- "Don't you remember that before asking someone's name, you have to give yours?"

"Right... my name is Houki, Shinonono Houki"-said the girl with a smile as she took the boy's hand.

"My name is Ichika... Orimura Ichika" - said the black-haired boy.

"My name is..." - said the boy.

* * * * *

". . ." - a young man about 14 years old with black hair, slowly opened his eyes - "That dream again..."

He slowly looked at his alarm clock and noticed something that left him frozen, "Shit! I was supposed to be out half an hour ago!"

His name was Orimura Ichika, an ordinary young man with an above-average appearance, although unfortunately for the girls interested in him, it was accompanied by extreme density.

"Chifuyu Nee is going to kill me!" The boy exclaimed as he dressed at full speed. Today would be the day where he would finally meet his older sister who had gone abroad for a job. He was supposed to meet her at a school, one that was designed to test girls capable enough to pilot suits of armor called IS.

More than 10 years had passed since the day Shinonono Tabane showed the world the technological marvel known as IS, mechanical armor that could only be piloted by women. This brought a lot of controversy from the men but after years of research they came to the conclusion that it was 99.9% impossible for a man to pilot an IS.

Times had changed and women had risen, although there were still men who thought they were far superior despite the handicap, but that was a separate issue.

Ichika was currently running full speed to school because it was the first time in years that he would see her older sister again and honestly, he didn't want to screw up because he would know that her sister's punishment would be disastrous.

* * * * *

". . ." -a beautiful brown-haired girl stood up silently as she sighed regretfully- "6 years..."

She could only shake her head as she remembered the events that had happened during this time. She had met a mysterious boy, a boy who captivated her with just a glance. He had blond hair, blue eyes with a slight green tint, slightly slanted pupils, and a calm demeanor that, now that she thought about it, shouldn't be present in a boy that age.

"Houki! It's time for you to get up and go test for the IS academy!" - exclaimed a man from the first floor of the house.

"I'm coming, Tousan!" - Houki exclaimed as she dressed with great speed, although as she did so, her gaze fell on a somewhat old photo where Ella, her older sister Tabane, Ichika, her childhood friend with her sister Chifuyu and a blond boy appeared. that she can't forget, who was smiling happily - "6 years..."

* * * * *

"How is the project going?" - Asked a high-ranking military man.

"The suit is perfect...the problem is that we can't make it work with people other than agent S"-said the scientist as he shook his head.

"Can you find the reason?" - Asked the soldier with a frown.

"Negative, the reason is still unknown" -sighed the scientist- "We tried to test the Subject but we did not find anything strange, only that his blood is much heavier than that of a normal human"

"How did the cloning projects turn out?" - asked the soldier.

"Negatives... every time the DNA chain was formed, it was quickly destroyed" - denied the scientist - "Agent S is impossible to clone..."

The military man frowned when he heard this because he never thought that he would find someone as particular as Agent S, in fact, he was lucky to find him and this was only because his physical abilities were superhuman.

Strength, dexterity, reaction speed, agility, intelligence, combat instinct. Agent S was the perfect human, the peak of human evolution

"What about the fertilization process?" - asked the general. That was another method they had thought of, extracting sperm from Subject S in order to create a new humanity.

"Negative sir, it's as if his spermatozoa had their own conscience"-said the scientist. Every proposal or solution they put forward was quickly destroyed by the wonders of Subject S's body.

"How much control do we have over him?" - asked the general.

"Zero, sir" - replied the scientist - "No method we use is effective. Mental control is useless, he has developed immunity to sleeping pills or sedatives, so we cannot implant any bomb to threaten him and when he sleeps he is always alert. It's amazing how effective the Subject is"

"Family?" asked the general with a frown. This was getting ridiculous.

"No sir, the subject is an orphan or it is better to say that it is as if he had come out of nowhere" - the scientist replied again - "There is no report of his birth and after doing a DNA test we discovered that there is no coincidence with any registered DNA"

"Is it impossible that the Subject came out of nowhere?!" - exclaimed the general furiously - "I want you to search...?!"

But before he could continue, a soldier appeared running at high speed-"Sir! We have a problem! The subject has managed to escape and is wearing the suit!"

"Impossible! Subject was guarded by an entire squad of elites!" - exclaimed the general.

"Dead sir! They're all dead!" -exclaimed the soldier with fear- "The subject was hiding his strength from him all this time! He was much stronger than we thought!"

"Shit! We have to escape!" - exclaimed the Scientist with fear.

"Go!" - ordered the general.

"There is something else sir" - said the soldier.

"Speak Soldier" - agreed the general.

"Sir... you won't get out of here"-said soldier while a sword appeared out of nowhere and pierced the general's chest who could only ask why, although the answer came only when he saw how the soldier changed completely. In front of him was a boy about 14 years old, blond hair and blue eyes with a green tint along with slanted pupils. He was wearing a fully mechanized tight black suit (May be inspired by Raiden from Metal Gear, although Cloud is not an Android, he just wears a suit)-"Camouflage..."

"I have to admit that it's not a bad addition to the suit" - said the boy coldly - "But that doesn't change the fact that I've been locked up in this prison for 5 years..."

The boy was none other than Cloud.

When he came into the world, he had lost his memory for 3 years, the first two he was with Ichika and Houki as his childhood friend and thanks to him having lost his memory, he had acted like a normal child. When he was 8 years old, some government agents kidnapped him since they saw that his physical condition was far superior to that of normal children, so they came up with the idea of ​​making him one of his agents. During the first year, he was trained by a lot of masters of different styles and a year later, he regained the memories of him. Cloud couldn't believe what was happening but decided to continue as if nothing had happened, after all, the things he was learning were interesting, although everything changed when they started experimenting with his DNA, a blessing that the system blocked that kind of situation or this world would have gone to shit with so many Cloud.

Cloud was resisting in these facilities for 5 years, hoping to have learned everything necessary to be able to escape, but not before killing all the bastards who were involved in the project and destroying all the information he could.

"D-Don't kill me!" - exclaimed the scientist - "I can give you whatever you want!"

"The only thing I want, is your life…" the blond answered coldly as he cut off his head. He was not a kind person with his enemies, much less those who had been responsible for endless annoying situations.

"Trash…" the blond muttered as he went to the mainframe, "I appreciate these idiots teaching me computer science and hacking…"

Cloud quickly entered the central computer and began to destroy all the information that was in them. Data, results of experiments, information about the suit and its user, everything had been completely eliminated - "Now it only remains to blow up this base... let's see... where is the self-destruct system?"

He was about to continue but his senses sharpened when he heard the door begin to open. He slowly turned around and noticed how a beautiful woman with wine red hair was looking at him with a smile and half-asleep eyes-"Shinonono Tabane..."

"And I thought I would be your heroine"-the woman sighed as she looked at the boy-"How have you been C-chan~? Or do you prefer that I call you by the name of your file~? Subject S or Sephiroth~? "

". . ." -Cloud just gave the woman a look while he saw how she smiled at him- "What do you want, Tabane?"

"Don't you call me anymore, Tabane Nee-chan~?" - the woman sighed - "What happened to the sweet boy I met?"

"He Disappeared when these sons of bitches captured me"-answered Cloud coldly.

* * * * * * * *

I finally gave him the beginning he wanted, one in which I feel comfortable


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