
Sound Of Betrayal

Prepare to be seduced by a tale of forbidden desires and passionate encounters in a kingdom consumed by lust. As the story unfolds, readers will be drawn to a tantalising love story ,where boundaries are pushed , inhibitions are shattered,and the intensity of the desire reaches new height . Get ready for a steamy journey that will leave you breathless…. …… Victoria asked “ did you come all the way here to flirt with me? “ well….. this is my house and I can tell just by looking at you that you are trouble . Alex says as he traps her in between his arms. Reaches for the drink in her hands and says “Hey thanks I’ve been waiting for that”as he takes a sip as he stares at her in the eye. Stop!! Stop!! she says and pushes him aside and tries to walk away from him. He catches her hand and pulls her backward in a way that she was now trapped between him and the wall and he whispers in her ear “Do you have any idea what you did to me last night , tormenting me and torturing me because you knew I would not do anything now you are walking away like nothing happened. I couldn’t sleep all I did all night was imagining you and f**k you weren’t wearing any damn clo….. you know what scrap that cause I am going to make you pay for what you did” he said as his nose started moving to her neck then back to her sensitive earlobes and then he whispers again “Do you know what I mean want to do to you? he asked with his deep voice that was doing things to her body and compelled her to answer like she had no control over her body .“What” she found her self asking. Immediately she asked that question she closed her mouth and scolded her self in her kind “Victoria shut up”. “ Good”she heard him say “I am going to take you to heaven and hell and back…. , should I start he asked “ His eyes compelling her ……….

Bretteny_Stone · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Chapter 7 : Sexy Librarian

Victoria's long black hair was tied into a ponytail with soft curl at the end . Her outfit was a simple white shirt and a black pencil cut skirt that stopped right above her knees. The pair of black polished heels that she wore wasn't too high as she was already blessed with the height . She didn't look too lacking and her clothes were just right for function. Yet despite all these preparations, it did not calm the fast beating of her heart.

She had just arrived at the top floor of the Blackwood Enterprise when she noticed manager Kim was not on her desk .

Pursing her lips , she could feel the pounding of her heart . She bit her lower lip so hard that it almost bled while she was trying to braze herself before going to before the big boss.

She could remember what he did to her yesterday . With that scene in her mind , tye image flashed once again and she could imagine her erratic heartbeat while anticipating his perfectly chiselled jaw and soft lips approach her face.

Exhaling a long and deep breath Victoria shook her head clear, slapped her cheeks as if she was trying to erase the memory from her mind. " stop thinking about it, Victoria!!" She scolded herself.

Clearing her throat,she straightened her back and plastered on a forced smile as she raised her right hand to knock on the door. Just as her knuckles were about to hit the hard door, it opened and Alex appeared before her.

Startled by unexpected appearance of someone by the door, Alex's brows raised as he looked at the woman whom he had been waiting for since yesterday . His gaze landed on her raised hand and wonders if she was going to hit him with it . He could remember the pain.

Shocked that her boss suddenly showed up before her, she stepped back and abruptly lowered her hand . " Good morning, President", she greeted Bowing her head slightly.

Seeing that she looked " tamed" compared with yesterday, Alex tried a more gentle manner approach." You're here, I thought that you said you were going to quit "?

Victoria eyes darted to the side , pursuing her lips while she thought how she was going to go back on her words in front of this obnoxious yet handsome man. Her thoughts were obviously fighting against each other .

She straightened up and looked at him in the eye withoutx reservation. "I apologize for my behavior yesterday,president. But I need this job",she spoke with a smile on her face.

Noticing that she tried so hard to say those words,Alex chuckled inwardly and a faint smile slipped on his face. "Come inside".

She followed his command and the moment she got inside she heard him ask " Do you know your job as a female secretary?" She nodded. Then she heard him say " okay". He then stood up from the chair headed to the door and then he said " follow". They went into the elevator and then he said "follow".They went into the elevator and then he said " As my female secretary , you have to always be with me . You go wherever I go . Stick to me like a gum sticking on a shoe or hair".

Victoria's lips twitched upon heating her boss ridiculous words . Did he just tell her to be a gum on a shoe? I don't know how to feel about that?

"Also...….," Alex looked at her from head to toe . " why are you dressed like a liberian ?

Confused , Victoria looked at her reflection in the mirror of the elevator " Liberians wear this ?" She didn't see anything wrong with her outfit. She was wearing very decent clothes. Reaching the ground floor, He stepped out and said " yes . A sexy Liberian"

Victoria bit her lips as a blush crept on her cheeks. She clenched her hands as she watched his sexy broad back walking towards the exit. "This guy..."

"Move fast , Miss Nightshade" , Alex called, making her walk faster to catch up . When she caught up with him, she was supposed to hold the door for her boss to allow him go inside but to her surprise, Alex let her in first. Something was weird about the scene but there was no time to ponder over it as they were in a hurry. So for now , she'll just zip her mouth and shut and endure the rest of her first day with her boss. Everything will be okay right?

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