
SoulsBorne System (Starting in Dark Souls 1)

MC with a SoulsBorne System. Goes to Dark Souls 1, 2, 3, Bloodborne, Elden Ring, Witcher 3, and an (Original World). Not in this order A Soulsborne veteran gamer gets the chance to reincarnate into the multiverse. He will conquer the various worlds he travels to and will become the sole God of his new World. But unknown to him, Other Beings see him as a threat to their rule and domains. and have decided to eliminate him and all those he care about. i do not own the image or the from software franchise. the image is by Windcomet36 on Instagram, he has created a masterful piece of work that represents the souls community and all we have been through. With the infamous Moonlight Greatsword to Demon Souls to Dark Souls to Bloodborne to Sekiro and finally to Elden Ring which holds all these games together in one amazing instalment by George Martin and Miyazaki.

Knight_Riku · Videojogos
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59 Chs

Chapter 8: Dealing with a Golden FaP..I-I mean Rat

Artreus: "There is a magic Channeler on the first floor that will attack us and support the others by enhancing them. You take care of the Channeler with your Mirickes and I will handle the big guy over there."

Solaire: "A sound plan. Leave it to me."

When they entered the church, the three Blader Knighrs rushed them. Artreus dealt with the one on the left side first by turning into a Bull and ramming into the Balder Knight, crushing its body into the wall in the process.

Solaire was in a battle with the closest Balder Knight on the right side. The third one further away saw this and made its advance to Solaire.

He turned into a Horse to Gallop to the Third Knight before Solaire was double-teamed on.

Artreus then turned around pointing its rear to the Knight.

That was when the true meaning of 'Horse-Power' was realised in this world.

He did a full power rear kick with his rear Horse legs at the Knights head.

Needless to say that it was now dead...by being kicked in the head...to being headless.

After his failed Rhyming he turned into his Human body and drew his Bloodskaal Blade, he also summoned his Snow Elf Armour and charged at the Large Knight at the alter of the Church.

He sent out waves of energy from each swing he did with the Bloodskaal Blade. The Knight blocked this naturally with its body sized shield.

Meanwhile this was going on, Solaire was dealing with the Channeler above by hurling Lighting Spears at it.

Artreus turned into a bird and flew behind the Knight, reverting back into a Human, he then slashed at its unarmoured heels.

The Knight lost its balence and fell on its knees. It swung backward at Artreus with its mace. Artreus choose not to didge it willingly as to conduct a test.

He was hit it the chest, which sent him flying onto the Altar with the Firekeeper corpse on it. He quickly 'borrowed' the Firekeeper Soul whole he was there and looked at the pop up he received.

[Light Armour Skill raised from (0 ---> 3)]

As to why this happened now, it simple.

Light Armour and Heavy Armour skills is obtained through personal experience, whereas all his other Skills, from his visit to Nirn, can be learnt fro. Books.

Speech, Blacksmithing, Magic, Alchemy, One-Handed sword techniques and skills, proper method if Archery and Lickpicking...it all can be learned from books or records, which he already obtained.

He had his Limitless Potential Wish which allowed him to have Limitless Potential in all aspects, including his mind.

Not only that but thanks to Luna, she had integrated the knowledge into his mind directly when ever he picked up the new book. That was how he had all his Skill levels already maxed put at 100.

After he concluded that his test was over and a success, he became a bird once more and landed on ghe head of the Knight. He became Human again to stab it through the brain.

The Knighr fell dead, along with the Chamneler that Solaire had just finished.

Making their way up the stairs, dealing with all the Hollows and the Balder Knight was simple.

Artreus did an Double Jump over the Knight on the stairs to go behind it while Solaire dealt with it from the other side.

Solaire made his way forward and did a Wrath of the Gods Miracle to deal with all the Hollows.

Artreus: 'Makes sense he would know more Mirqcles than what was used by him in game.'

Artreus had told Solaire to wait for him since he needed to deal with something.

He made his way to the boarded up area, which he broke down and entered. Upon which he spotted the one and only Golden-Fuck Boy Lautrec.

Lautrec: "Oh? Still Human, are you? Then I am in luck. Could you help me? As you can see I am stuck, without recourse."

Artreus: "Unfortunately, I do not have the key to your cell...however, I think I know of another way to free you."

Lautrec: "Truely? Thank you then. I would be most appreciated if you could do this for me. I promise to reward you once I'm free."

Artreus: "Don't worry friend. I will 'free you from this cell'. Until then, don't screamto loud."

Lautrec: "What do you mean? Wait! Your body?!"

Artreus had turned into his liquid Adamantium state and began to writhe his way through the bars and into his cell. Once inside he completely covered Lautrec within his boiling liquid metal form.

Lautrec had tried to scream but couldn't as Artreus had more if his form enter through his open mouth as he yelled from the pain if being burned alive.

This of course, would not kill Lautrec as he was Undead. That is why he used his liquid Adamantium form.

Once the Adamantium is cooled from its liquid state, it will solidify and become a nearly indestructible solid. Or at last that is what William Striker had said to Logan.

Artreus could control the state of his form since he obtained it in its liquid state, he can remain in it indefinitely if he wanted to.

He then cooled his body so it could harden, only a small droplet of his body was on the floor. The rest of his body had now solidified and made Lautrec into a permanent-living-encased-Human-metallic-statue of himself.

The droplet of Artreus's body was not killed and or damaged and thus he can and did regenerate the rest if his body mass. He reverted back to his Human Form once again.

Naturally, he touched Lautrec's ring during the process in order to duplicate it.

Upon which, Artreus created 10 Rings of Favour and Protection (FaP Ring), which he promptly equiped. He made his way back to reunite with Solaire.

Solaire: "Have you dealt with what you needed to?"

Artreus: "Yes, I have. Nothing more than a mere 'Rat' to deal with."

It seems Solaire caught onto my words as he nodded his head. No doubt that he had dealt with a few 'Rats' of his own during his lifetime...however long that is.

They finally reached the roof where the first Gargoyle came to life and jumped down.

Artreus could not use his Fauna form as it would possibly cause yo much weight to the roof of the Church and cause then all to collapse through it.

Artreus: "Deal with this one! I'll be back!"

Solaire: "Yes!"

He, instead of fighting the first Gqrgoyle, made his way in his avian form to the unawakened second Gargoyle. It must have thought he was an ordinary bird as it took no hostile action against him in the slightest.

Artreus took advantage of this and entered the mouth in his water form.

He then had his liquid body create many duplicated Alchemical bombs and placed it all inside the body.

He quickly left and flew back to Solaire. He heard an explosion behind him and the haed of the Gargoyle fall on ghe rooftop below him.

Artreus hovered above the first Gargoyle and turned back to his Human vessel, along with his Champion's Cudgel.

As he fell, he did the first ever Plunging Attack on the Bell Gargoyles Boss.

The bodies head was crushed by his warhammer while it was breathing fire at Solaire.

He received 10,000 Souls from the Boss.

He and Solaire did Praise The Sun, before making way to the first Bell of Awakening.

With that done, he had completed his easiest trial.

Next was to deal with making his way to the horror of all places.

Since he wanted to get a few things and save a few NPCs, he had no choice but to take that route.

His first stop was the Capra Demon, the first Boss on his decent to the Hell of all Hells....the infamous and one and only....




...FPS Town...Blight Town.