
Tea Time

Bonnie eyes swept across the garden. She spotted 3 servants nearby and immediately called out to them. "We need an extra seat!"

A single male servant came forward carrying a chair. Bonnie beckoned the other two with a crook of her fingers and chastised them all.

"Why were there not 4 seats already in place? Did I not specifically say I would be bringing both my sisters to get acquainted with our guest? Did you suddenly forget how to count?"

The servants lowered their heads. "We apologize for our incompetence, Young Master!"

"Don't let it happen again." Bonnie retorted. "I will not tolerate any disrespect being shown towards Felicia. Remember, she is your master too!"

The three were puzzled. They had heard about how Master Alexander went to retrieve Lady Felicia from the annex and how he was being kind towards her again, but they still couldn't wrap their heads around it.

Why had the scorned first lady suddenly been forgiven? They couldn't bring themselves to openly respect Lady Felicia when she'd been treated as a black sheep for years.

But they could not afford to offend the Duke's heir, either!

Nor could they offend the Duke! Now that he's given The Emerald Green Room to Lady Felicia, he's clearly taken an interest in his first daughter again.

This sudden development was confusing. It made the servants anxious.

Dismissing them with a wave of her hands, Bonnie took her seat. Helena followed suit, sickened to hear him defending Felicia again.

Liam pulled out a seat for Dixie like the gentleman he was and ensured she was comfortable before taking his own seat.

"So Liam, how is the academy?" Bonnie asked.

"Hectic, stressful and lots of work to do. But at the same time, quite fulfilling. There were a lot of new subjects opened. Unfortunately, there are a limited number of hours per day and I can't study them all." He replied calmly, sipping his tea.

"Congratulations on your success, Lord Liam. To achieve higher marks than all of you classmates across a broad range of subjects is an inspiration to me! I truly admire you!" Helena praised him.

"Thank-you, my lady."

"So you are a man hungry for knowledge, Young Marquis?" Dixie asked, a finger on her lip.

Liam smiled. "Indeed, Lady Felicia. I can't ever be satisfied with what I know, I always crave more."

"Well, the more we know the more we become aware of how much more we don't know." Dixie added.

Liam smiled. He was very impressed by this intelligent, emerald eyed woman. He also began to see a hint of beauty behind the hallowed out face.

"We know less and less about more and more." Bonnie carried on, quoting Christopher Hitchens. 

It was a real bummer she couldn't flirt with this sexy man in her current occupation. Dixie gets to have all the fun.

Helena tried to think of an intelligent thing she could say to contribute to the flow of the conversation.

"Liam, how are the princes? Did they finish at the academy as well?" Bonnie inquired, drawing on more of Alex's memories from before the book.

Liam nodded. "Yes, they finished. Prince Florentine left first as he was deployed back to the border. The conflict there has only grown worse. Prince Constantine left a month later. The time for him to choose a queen consort and take his father's place is approaching."

Helena's fists clenched as Dixie perked up.

"Marquis Liam, can you enlighten me on Prince Constantine's character? I have been chosen by the Emperor to become the Crown Princess!"