
chapter 4

I never knew traveling alone could be so hard and stressful, especially when you have so many suitcases to take with you. I have been standing at the baggage claim area for more than fifteen minutes waiting for two of my suitcases to come in, so far I have just one and my duffle bag with me, and the one is filled with my books, not one of my clothes is here, how annoying.

After another fifteen minutes, my bags finally arrived and I could go.

I stepped out of the airport, the warm air blowing my hair, remembering that I had my hood covering my hair, it was really cold in the plane and the airport, now that I am outside man its hot. I removed the hood from my head and tied my hair in a messy bun, compared to Sydney, Caple tow is actually way warmer, like way warmer.

I pushed the rolling cart that I put my suitcases in further out the airport. I stopped the cart and pulled out my phone from my pocket to check the time, its 9am, which means, it’s like 5am back home. Just then my phone started to ring. It was dad.

“hey ruby-loo, I see you have reached, didn’t I say to call me when you land, anyways since I called first, how was your flight, did you like my surprise” I chuckled, really, how could I be so lucky to get an amazing man like my dad, and man that man has a sharp mind, I totally forgot about the phone call.

“yes pops, I loved it, and yes, I’ve arrived, and yes again, you told me to call you , but pops, I just arrived, let me breathe a little, in fact, I just stepped out of the airport now, I’m trying to look for a cab that’ll take me to my dorm”

“Alright then, if you need any help, call me, your mother says hi, she’s still in that zone, after you left our whole ride back home that woman wailed” I could see him rolling his eyes.

“Sure thing pops, I’ll call when I’m there, I love you” I laughed

“Love you too”. He ended the call and I put the phone back into my pockets.

I looked around trying to find an empty, cab, but there’s just so many people coming out of the airport, it’s too crowdy.

“This is going to suck” I muttered. Just then, I was hit from behind.

“Ouch” I exclaimed as I tripped and fell flat on the floor.

Could this day get any worse?

“sorry” the stranger said, he was working with his face buried on his phone, he didn’t even look up as he walked pass me.

How rude

“Hey are you okay” a hand was stretched out in front of me, I looked up.

“Yeah I am fine thanks” I took his hand and he helped me up.

“You need to be careful, there were a lot of flights today so the airport is really busy.”

“I figured” I muttered dusting my butt and checking my pockets if anything of mine fell. Now we don’t want to lose anything on the first day don’t we?

“Thank you, for helping me” I smiled extending my hand.

“It’s noting, by the way, I’m celeb”. He smiled, shaking my hand. Now that I’m at eyelevel with him, I could see his face clearly. He has blond hair which looked kind of messy, I am guessing from the flight. He had glasses on too but if I do say so, he is really cute, not nerdy cute, but cute nerdy and hot kind of way, if I am making any sense.

“I am Marissa” I smiled back.

“Nice that is a lovely name.”

“Thanks” I blushed tucking a loosed strand of my hair behind my ears

“So where are you headed too, you seem confused”

“I am actually looking for a cab, I am new here”. That sounded embarrassing coming out of my mouth.

“Let me help, where are you going too” he offered. I just met him, should I tell a stranger where I am going, what if he follows me, kidnap me or worse,…..

What’s worse?

“ don’t worry, I promise I won’t do anything fishy, though even if I do, don’t blame me, a cute girl like you shouldn’t be going around all alone” e chuckled as if he read my mind.

“and that’s what weird people say all the time, but what the heck, I do need the help, I’m going CTSA, and again, can we move away from the middle of this crowd, I’m not ready to be mashed potatoes, because it seems like we will have more audience very soon” I turned and pushed my cart as he followed me close behind.

“That cool, I am headed there too actually, we can go together, will you trust me” I turned and stared at him, he is my only hope right now, do I have anything to lose.

“Can’t say I trust you but I do need you, so I will take your offer”.

He just smiled and shook his head

“What an interesting lady” he muttered, I heard him but decided to say nothing.

We got a cab immediately, thanks to Caleb, and we were headed to campus. We talked on the car ride, and I got to know more about him, he’s a sophomore and majors in music, also, he’s 22 years old, that’s three years older than me. Anyways the car ride was bad, it was comfortable.

After an hour and half, we finally reached our destination, I was being dropped first in front of the female dormitories, but not after we exchanged numbers with celeb.

“Thank you so much celeb, I will see you around” I waved at him as they drove away.

I stood there staring at the building in front of me, its huge, like HUGE, heck it doesn’t look like a dorm at all, it looks more like a hotel.

I looked around the parking lot if I could find a cart to push my things in, and yes I did.

I walked to the reception of the dorm, surprisingly is empty, except for the lady behind the counter, who looks like she’s in her middle thirties.

I walked up to her.

“Hello good morning, please I’d like to check in to my dorm room”

“Of course young lady, may I see your ID please”.

A week earlier, the school send me my ID and other necessities I need for official use here in school. How convenient, I don’t have to go around looking for offices to get me details.

I opened my duffle bag and took out my folder, I like to be organize, I keep my school stuff away from my social stuff.

I handed her my ID card

I stood there looking around the reception as she clicks on her computer. Not bad, it’s actually really nice looking. Glass windows and doors everywhere, very bright lights, not to mention all the artworks on the walls, even the cushions are beautiful. What could you expect from an art school?

“done, here is your ID, I have programed it so that you can use it to enter your room, your room number is 199, it’s on the 10th floor, also there are no keys for your dorm rooms, so please, try not to lose your ID its your key to everywhere, dorms, lecture theater, gym, sport centers even purchasing of stuff anywhere in the school compound. As a student you have that privilege. Have a nice stay here miss Marissa, if there’s anything you need, please come to the reception desk here, we will be able to assist you. There’s an elevator, when you walk straight and turn left.” I took my ID and nodded, thanking her with a smile.

I pushed my cart to the direction she showed me.

Finally, I get to see my dorm room for the first time.

I’ve got so much work to do before school starts in 4 days.