
chapter 3

I stepped into the airplane after my ticket was being checked by the air hostess, apparently my tickets were first class tickets.

Dad is definitely the one behind this

But that thought made me smile

Dad can be the cutest sometimes, especially when it comes to me.

Not to brag or anything.

Just then, a male host appeared in front of me and smiled.

“Welcome miss, may I take your bag please”

I nodded with a smile


He took my bag and led me to my seat. I never knew first class passengers were treated so formally.

I like it.

“This is your suite miss” he said opening the door of the suite and dropped my bag by the side, my jaw dropped….. SUITE.

A freaking one person suite that could fit almost three of me. I looked around and noticed some of the suites weren’t as big as mine.

“Wow” I exclaimed. Someone chuckled behind me.

“You like it miss” I turned and met the male host’s gaze, he had a little smirk on his face. “we get that a lot, although you are one lucky miss, your suite is part of the four best suites on the flight, that’s why it’s this big and it can be both for singles and couples” he explained.

Well that explains it.

Four of the suites he explained were sitting on their own each by the window while the rest were doubled.

“Ahhh that explained much. Thank you err…mm…what’s your name” I didn’t even ask of his name. I sat down on the chair as he picked my bag and up it in the compartment that’s beside the door of the suit.

“It’s Matias but just call me mat, everyone does”

He smiled.

What a cute smile.

“Alright matt, I’m Marissa, thank you for your help”. I smiled back

“Alright Miss Marissa, I hope you have a pleasant flight.” He said with a little bow. I could feel my cheeks heat up.

What, it was just a little gesture and I’m blushing like a fool.

“Would you like anything to drink before we take off, there is water, sparkling water, beer, juice, tea and coffee”, he offered.

“Just water please”

He nodded and excused himself, closing the door behind him.

I sat back on the chair and took a deep breath.

The chair was so soft and comfortable.

I could never get used to it.

I mentally thanked my dad.

I looked at window, it was so dark, and my seat is on the right side of the plane, so all I see is pitch black, although there are some lights on the runways.

“Miss, your water”. I turned and saw matt standing above me holding a small tray with my glass of water on it.

“Thank you matt”. I smiled taking the glass from him.

“If you need anything, don’t hesitate to press the call button on your arm chair, and we will be taking off soon, and please feel free to use the Wi-Fi, the password in the envelop located in the pouch below your seat, so you be comfortable”. He bowed a little and smiled.

I nodded and gave him a big smile before he turned and left.

Free Wi-Fi, could this day get any better.

I took a deep breath and drank my water, it was refreshing.

Just then my phone vibrated, I dropped the glass on the counter by the window and took my phone, it was Nancy


“Hey nans, what’s up?”

“I’m so sorry I couldn’t take you to the airport, I’m already missing you so much”

I smiled and replied her

“Its okay nans, I really understand, I miss you too, I’ve boarded the plane already, I’ll text you after takeoff, I have access to free Wi-Fi ;)”

“No way….. That’s so cool, take care of yourself okay, I love you, oh and Sam say’s hi, I can’t believe I have to babysit a 13 year old “

I could imagine her rolling her eyes at this point.

“Hahahahaa I totally get you, gotta go nans, and say hi to him back for me will you, oh and yeah, I’m on FIRST freaking CLASS”

“NO WAY!!!!! That’s so your dad, I’m jealous right now, come to think of it, that explains the free Wi-Fi.”

“Exactly, I’ll send you pictures later, one more thing, one of their male flight attendant is a hottie ;)”

“Sorry miss, we are about to take off, could you please switch of all your devices”. I looked up and saw a female yet stunning attendant. She had a big smile on her full colored red lips.


She heard me

I smiled feeling embarrassed and nodded.

“Sorry nans, I got to go now, I’ll text you later”

I hung up and switched of my phone and put it into the pockets of my hoodie.

I turned and looked out the window at the same time a female voice from the intercom started to talk.

“Goodevening ladies and gentlemen.First I’d like to welcome everyone on star break fligh LH477. The captain has turned on the Fasten Seat Belt sign. If you haven’t already done so, please stow your carry-on luggage underneath the seat in front of you or in an overhead bin. Please take your seat and fasten your seat belt. And also make sure your seat back and folding trays are in their full upright position.

If you are seated next to an emergency exit, please read carefully the special instructions card located by your seat. If you do not wish to perform the functions described in the event of an emergency, please ask a flight attendant to reseat you.

We remind you that this is a non-smoking flight. Smoking is prohibited on the entire aircraft, including the lavatories. Tampering with, disabling or destroying the lavatory smoke detectors is prohibited by law”.

I turned to the window, mentally bidding goodbye to the airport.

and my parents.

The plane started to move,


Its been 9hrs now into the flight, my butt hurts like crazy, although I have been going up and down in the plane, not to be jet lagged, but it didn’t work, im that type of person that’s always not in one place, I mean, I don’t like sitting in a place for a long period of time, even though I have enough space in my suite, still not enough. A few times, I went to the back of the plane to meet the cabin crews, and to spy a little on matt, the first time I went they were a bit confused, but I went back think four more times after, eventually, they got used to it. We did have a good talk with them, and I got to know some of their names, besides matt, there was lily, marina, Candace, Owen and London. Matt, marina and lily were in charge of the first-class passengers, while Owen, London and Candace were in charge of the economy class. It was actually refreshing to talk to them, we even had a good laugh, being a flight attendant is not an easy job, literally, you have to take care of everyone, and MUST be polite. After my fifth round with them, I came back to my suite and had a long sleep, almost 4hrs I think. I woke up and there’s still an hour to go, I’m so tired I could jump out of the plane out of frustration.

I sighed and sat up on my not real but so comfortable bed, it was my seat that was turned into a bed, how crazy, lily helped me with it when I was about to sleep, it was really fascinating, maybe I should consider being an air hostess, it should be fun, weirdly.

I was interrupted by a knock on the door

“hello Marissa, are you awake yet” it was lily, she gently opened the door and peaked in.

“Yes I am lily” I sighed yawning. I have been asleep for hours but I am still sleepy.

“great, I was wondering if you’d like to eat something since you missed dinner, we will be landing in about 55muinets, but before then, you can freshen up in the lavatory before you eat” she sounds just like my mom when she’s in a good mood, even though she is older than me with 5-6 years, she’s quite good.

I nodded and stood up from the bed.

“Here, use this “she handed me a bag, I looked at her confused.

“It’s toiletries” she chuckled. “I will change the seat back to its normal position as you freshen up”.

I took the bag and walked to the lavatory. Really though, how expensive is this flight, everything is so fancy about it, even the toilet, it’s like a hotel.

I knocked on the door before entering, who knows there might be someone in. I waited for a response but there wasn’t any so I entered.

The light inside were so bright I had to squint my eyes, the inside of the plane was dark because of the passengers sleeping. I closed the door behind me and made sure it was locked. I looked around the bathroom and sighed, I have been doing that a lot since I woke up.

I will never get used to this treatment.

I finished with the bathroom, and by the time I returned to my seat, it was back to normal. I sat down and put the toilet bag on the floor. I took my phone trying to reply my messages, five from my mom, two from my dad, 6 from Nance, Thomas too, the only crazy one was Aiden. He never stops.

I rolled my eyes as I replied them all.

Later on, lily brought me my dinner, and I had my hundredth cup of tea, I am a sucker for tea.

Like really, who doesn’t love tea.

I ate my dinner quietly while I watched a movie on the screen in front of me, and just like that, the last hour passed.