
8.) Meeting Gandalf and the company

Raven woke up calmly and slowly sat up as inhaled then smelled a new scent and look over " you must be Gandalf" she said and watch him nodded " and you must be Lady Raven," Gandalf said after taking the pipe out " yes I am but please just Raven " Raven said as she slowly sat up, then look over to the wizard who explains he had a dream of her coming so that was why he was waiting, "they brought me here a couple of months before the quest so I can get used to the world and more" Raven said as she looks around while she listens to the area around them while Gandalf told her who was friendly and who was not while also added who the enemy was.

The two was seating around a campfire after hunting who Gandalf help her understand the world even when she was given the history of all of the Middle earth but that didn't mean she understood the races and that, Raven look around calmly as she listens to what was going on since she was in a new world so her wolf side was on guard and more. This was normal of course with her being a shapeshifter who turns into a wolf which is a predatory animal, once they rested and morning came the two separated and gone their ways, so Raven can explore and learn the land while Gandalf starts to plan the journey and more.

Raven shifted and stumbled with the shock of the new height and weight as Gandalf starts to laugh but also shock since Raven did tell him what size her wolf was, so to see her shift and become a much bigger wolf well that was truly shocking but once she had gotten used to the height and weight, she gave a gentle bark to Gandalf the disappear into the trees to start her journey of Middle Earth. As Raven travel, she helps those in need even manage to save a handful of Skin changers with one being Beorn who was a bear skin-changer then she helps them with bonding with their animal side so they have their minds in the animal forms.

Once she made sure they found a piece of land they wanted to build a home on and had even helped them built it then she moved on, Raven even meant the rangers of the north while also meant Lord Elrond, Lord Dain, and some other people but not Thorin or anyone who lives in the blue mountains. As the months passed Raven have came used to the land of the Middle Earth, Then finally came the time where the quest is meant to start Raven meets up with Gandalf before he went to speak with the little Hobbit Who was named Bilbo, Gandalf chuckled as he saw Raven with a horse resting in the meadow they first met at. Once Raven saw Gandalf she shifted back " I didn't think it was a good idea for them to travel with my more massive wolf form since it would drag attention, but I also will not lie about what I am to the company," Raven said and point to Gandalf to make her point than the two got traveling to the hobbits home where they will talk to Bilbo and Raven will stay with him.

After some time they finally got to Bilbo home and spoke with him then Raven staying with him, now it was dinner time which was the time the Dwarves where coming so Raven made a large amount of food since now Bilbo was warned of the amount of them coming and more since Gandalf did not tell the poor guy about anything so Raven did. But of course, she did not tell him everything since she knew that wasn't the right thing to do so she didn't but that also meant it was not right that Gandalf was going to leave the poor hobbit clueless. So she plans to rip into him about that when the right time comes, but for now, their leader has finally got here so now they where all seating down around the table after Raven explain what she was, "excuse me Gandalf what right, how do you know what the right thing when you leave this poor hobbit clueless about his guest and more just for your amusement" Raven ask which made Gandalf shut up quickly and said he was sorry after some very colorful threats.

Raven smirk calmly once she got her point across then gave a dark and deadly growl to make everyone shut up and speak more calmly, about the quest than she laughs " trust me if you saw my wolf side, you would understand why I am not worried about Wargs " Raven said calmly then smirk since she was a massive wolf when she shifts and knew once they saw it as well they would understand as well. Raven listens as the others talk up till Bilbo passed out making her slap her forehead then with a sigh she picks Bilbo up as if he weighs nothing which shock the company then walk to the chair that in front of the fireplace.

Raven could hear Thorin and Balin talk in the hallway as she was standing in front of the fireplace then she told them goodnight and headed out since there was no way she could sleep in the tiny home so she headed out to the forest and shifted then fell asleep peacefully under the stars while her horse Diesel came over and lay down with her and fell asleep as well. Once morning came Raven woke up and yawn then she shifted back and stretch then headed back to the hobbits home and waited for the others wake while she was making breakfast.