
5.) Bella reaction and Elder meeting

Once morning came Raven woke with a yawn then she heard Bella screaming so she got up and headed up stairs to see what was going on only to hear Bella whining about her punishment and the house, "THAT IS ENOUGH ISABELLA I AM THE ADULT HERE AND AS LONG AS YOU LIVE UNDER MY ROOF THEN YOU WILL FOLLOW MY RULES" Charlie finally snapped shocking both girls, Raven lean against the door frame while she listen but stay out of it for now any ways as Bella was grounded and more then Bella talk about moving out when she finish school " which will not be happening this year because of all that time you seat in your room and did nothing, you will be going to summer school then hopefully you can graduate " Charlie said, which shut Bella up quickly " and don't even think you can sneak out when me and Raven go to work since i have camera up around the outside of the house along with having the neighbors watching plus i will be checking in randomly" he added while Bella sat their shock, then the phone rang so Raven push off the door frame and answer it " hello Swan home this is Raven" she said then heard Billy voice " hi Billy what up" she ask then listen " alright I will be over shortly" she said then hang up and walk to the front room " Billy called and need me to go over there" she said and watch her dad nodded as Bella went back to whining.

After Raven got ready she headed over to Billy's were the whole pack was along with the Elders which meant this was very important so she walk in quietly and took a seat " now that everyone is here i have set a time to meet with the cullen and tell them the new treaty but that wont happen for awhile no this moment we will be taking a vote on the subject of Bella if she would allow her to still come to LaPush or ban her for good" Billy explain calmly as the elders nodded in agreement, " WHAT WE CANT DO THAT" Jacob said strongly as he got up, making Raven growl deadly " seat down Jacob and listen to the elders" she said with a deadly glare which made him slowly seat down. " so we will start the vote, raise your hand if you think Bella should be banned" Harry ask and almost all the pack raise their hand but Jacob, " alright now who votes for Bella to not be banned " Old Quil ask then watch as only Jacob raise his hand. " alright so Bella swan will be banned from LaPush Raven will you tell your father and Bella, and now you Jacob you will remain in Lapush unless one of us give you permission to go to forks and at least two pack members are with you " Billy said then ask " Of course i will" Raven said as Jacob thru a fit so Raven got up and slapped him up side the head hard " Shut up and grow the hell up" she growled and glared darkly then she look at everyone else " anyone else want to go against the elders" she ask in a snarl and watch then shake their head quickly while saying no.

So with a sigh, Raven and the other relax around the living room till it was time to go meet the Cullen and speak of the new treaty, once lunch came around the pack went outside and transform into their wolf forms then they started to head to the meeting place with Billy who was on Jacob back, Harry who was on Jared back and finally Old Quil who was on Embry back as Sam and Raven took lead while the rest of the pack ran around the elders in a protective matter. Once they got their Raven saw Bella and knew Edward told the others who was who which made Bella face pale since she knew she was not meant to be there, " we have come together to remind you of the treaty and also tell you the swan house was now off limits to you all, remamber Forks was once our tribes land as well so if you dont like it you can leave and never return and Isabella since you are here I will now be informing you that you are banned from LaPush" Billy said and watch as Edward walk forward quickly which set the pack off and made Raven snap and attack Edward which ended up with Edward getting his arm ripped completely off then she growled deadly as she back up while Bella was screaming bloody murder " take that as a warning the pack will not stand for your crap anymore, we have set the rules and the only reason you all have not been killed is because we respect our ancestors to much but that dose not mean you can get away with anything for we are watching and are close to chasing you lot off after all the danger you have brought here" Billy said strongly as then turn and left them there.

Once they return to the Black's house everyone went their own way to think about what had happened as Raven was on her way to the police station where her father was, Once there she headed inside and wave at the others as she passed them till she got to her father's office " hi dad" she said setting a take outbox on his desk while he greeted her, "Bella was with the Cullens today and she was been Banned from LaPush by the orders of the elders while Jacob was ordered to remain in LaPush unless one of the elders give him permission to come over and then he needs at least two pack members with him" she quietly explains and watches her father go red in the face about the fact Bella sneak out then he sighs softly as she explains the rest and nodded " so I am guessing Bella already knows" he ask and got a nodded in reply.