
4.) A new home and Bella return

Once morning came Raven smirk since she sent her dad off on a fishing trip with Billy and the others early this morning while the pack came over and help her with her plan, of course, she let her dad take her car instead of the police car so he could get his mind completely off work. Once the pack came they start to pack everything up and put It away in a storage unit for now than had the house taken down which took up the first day of the rebuilding, of course, she plans to keep the basement only to make it easier to get out at night so she doesn't wake her father, then her father gets the master bedroom then Bella gets a normal size room which compares to the others is the smallest which she could hate but Raven doesn't care really.

Raven rolled her shoulders as Wednesday they start on the foundation then move on from that then Thursday and Friday they work on building the house then move on to the inside and done everything need inside, which they finish Saturday then Sunday they got to painting the walls before Monday since that was when they put the furnisher and all that inside then unpack. "well done everyone we got it done and it all ready for tomorrow for when they get here" Raven said as the pack stood out front with their imprints look up at the new and improved Swan house "plus we found a way to make money and be our own boss "Sam added calmly, while the other agree since they all did feel guilty by having to eat more then normal making the others spend more money for food but now they could help by making the money when they didn't need to do pack work. "well it late so it time for everyone to go home but you are all welcome to come see his reactions" Raven said simply with a smirk while the others chuckled and said their goodbyes then headed home, while Raven headed inside and down to her room which was the basement again to make it easier, her room walls and that was painted like that of a wolf den, then everything else was wolf related while also on her book case was stuff about weapons and surviving in the wild while also teaching her about tracking and what safe to eat or how to make it safe to eat.

While the rest of the house had a country theme to it besides her father office which had a comfortable sheriff office so he had somewhere he could look over files and that safely and where he kept his weapon safe as well which held his weapons and some new ones that Raven had bought for him, and of course Raven made sure the wifi and stuff like that were up today along with the house having its generator since Raven was a Writer she didn't have to worry about money, so none of what they did was coming out of her father's pockets but of course this also gives him a chance to move on since everything is much different, the house in itself had three bedrooms, three bathrooms, and an office but of course Bella would throw a fit over something or not having a chose in what happens to the house but Raven didn't care since the girl didn't care about her family.

As the sun came up on Tuesday morning Raven woke up with a yawn then got ready for the day while she starts to get excited to see how her father would react to the house, as the day went by Raven was just relaxing on the couch till it hit noon, then she went to the front door as she heard her car engine then she opens it with a smirk as she walks out to see her father shock face along with Billy, Quil sr and Harry who was laughing at her dad "I figure it was time for a change " she said calmly, as she was yank into a hug since it was true the house was old and filled with bad memories but of course, there were good ones as well, but now it was time for a fresh start that they need but also the house now was cover in the pack scent in case the Cullen come back so this will also point out that this place along with the tribe was now off-limits.

Once the tour was over Raven left her dad to do what he wishes while she went to the new kitchen and start to make lunch as the elders had gone home to join the pack so they could they be informed of what they had missed, Once Lunch was done they went and start to watch the latest football game that was playing in the Living Room since she had gotten these folding tables which a load them to eat in there unless there was a time where they want to eat in the dining room. Raven had explained how she put the weapon safe code as his office number till he changes it to something he wishes it to be, Raven finish eating then she leans back into the couch "this is an amazing house you and the guys had did a great thing and we got word Leah and Seth had shifted" he said calmly "ya they did but they are learning control and other stuff they need to do" she explained, while she was careful of what she said since she couldn't tell him about vampires unless he guessed, Raven and her father spent the rest of the day relaxing and catching up with each other, till it got late then they went to bed only to be woken up to Bella returning being carried by Edward who tries to get passed their father only for Raven to show up and block the way with a growl, "you and your family are no longer alload in this house a new treaty will be formed where the swan house is off limits " she snarled as her dad carried Bella to her room then she slammed the door into Edward's face.