
Soul Swallowing Goddess

Amaris Nacht, a high school girl, is thrust into a demonic dimension following the tragic demise of her parents. For two decades, humanity has battled these dark entities in secret, defending their home world against the relentless onslaught. Amaris's destiny takes a cruel turn as she finds herself trapped in a realm overrun by demons. Unprepared and vulnerable, she faces a relentless struggle for survival in this nightmarish domain with no apparent means of escape. In a stroke of luck, Amaris witnesses a fierce battle between two otherworldly beings, culminating in the emergence of a mysterious black ring. Driven by a fractured mind, she instinctively touches the ring, absorbing its essence into her own body. With new found powers that could change the course of fate, she’ll have to decide on what path she wants the world to take.

Gibeu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

String, Bottle, Cycle, Trust?

Xylothar just stood there, not saying a word. His finger tapping on the side of his leg, pondering to himself. 

Amaris didn't realise her mistake until she turned to look at Xylothar. Her face stiffened, and she belittled herself.

'You stupid girl. You just gave away your secret that you've been hiding.'

Amaris didn't regret swallowing the soul ring that much, because her wounds were healing and she ranked up. She also felt a change in her third eye, but didn't know exactly what.

Xylothar stayed silent for a few minutes, his crimson eyes fixated on her. An eerie silence hung in the Underground Bloodhole as Amaris and Xylothar stared at each other. Amaris couldn't tell what Xylothar was thinking, and this caused her anxiety to grow.

Finally, Xylothar spoke, his voice calm and even, betraying no hint of emotion.

"Girl, what's your name?" he asked. Amaris stared at him, unsure of how to respond. She didn't know why Xylothar asked for her name, and this caused her anxiety to grow even more.

Her mouth felt dry, and she swallowed hard, her eyes not breaking eye contact with him.

"Amaris… Amaris Natch," she replied. Xylothar nodded slightly, as if confirming something in his head.

Xylothar broke eye contact and looked around. His eyes scanned the area around them and looked up at the ceiling.

"You remember where you came from since entering this Bloodhole?" Xylothar asked. He spoke more than normal, which caught Amaris off guard.

She pondered his question for a moment, trying to recall the path they took, but her head was blank. She had been following him this entire time and could not retrace her steps.

Xylothar didn't mind her being unable to recall the path. He looked back at Amaris and asked her another question, catching her off guard again.

"Do you trust me, girl?"

His crimson eyes bore into hers, their gaze intense and penetrating. Amaris could feel her pulse quicken as she struggled to answer. She just met the guy a couple of hours ago, and he nearly killed her. Why would she trust him?

She wanted to say no, but something about Xylothar compelled her to say yes. It was more like an instinct to live.

Xylothar didn't force her to respond, and walked back the direction they came from.

"Come, if you want to rest. Resting in here might get you killed." Xylothar said as walked down a random tunnel that led upward. Amaris didn't hesitate and followed. She has been travelling around here for hours straight, and could feel her body getting heavy. She didn't have the energy to argue, and followed him.

After about 30 minutes of walking up a tunnel, they arrived in a different section.

Amaris felt the dusty wind against her face, and she realised she was back to where she came from.

Xylothar took off his jacket and sat down against the wall. Amaris, not having the energy to question him, also sat down on the other side. 

The two sat in silence, and Amaris felt embarrassed by the atmosphere and spoke up.

"Say, you're a soul elite, yeah? Why are you here in the Underground Bloodhole?" Amaris asked him. Xylothar kept quiet and didn't respond. He didn't open his eyes or make a sound.

Amaris felt awkward and tried asking him a different question.

"Are you looking for something? Or someone?" Amaris asked, trying to get him to respond. Xylothar stayed silent, as if not hearing her, and kept his eyes closed.

Amaris couldn't handle the awkward silence anymore and kept her mouth shut and lean her head against the wall.

"Looking for something." Xylothar said after minutes of silence. Amaris, half asleep, jumped slightly at his response. She didn't think he was going to respond, and looked over at him. His face was as calm as usual.

Xylothar sensed Amaris staring and opened his eyes, causing Amaris to turn away quickly.

Xylothar didn't mind her and continued to talk.

"I am looking for answers," Xylothar responded. He kept his head leaning on the wall and staring at the yellowish orange hue sky, making Amaris uncomfortable.

Amaris looked over and asked, "Answers? Answers about what?"

Xylothar shifted his head and locked eyes with Amaris.

"I'll tell you, but I wish for you to join my side," Xylothar answered, his crimson eyes piercing hers.

Amaris froze on the spot, not understanding what he meant. Joining his side? Join what side?

Xylothar saw Amaris wasn't responding and asked her a question instead.

"Girl, what exactly do you think this reality is? A mere string of fate? Or is it just an empty bottle waiting to be filled, only to be drunk again?" Xylothar asked, causing Amaris to ponder.

Xylothar continued, "You see, girl, this world is merely a cycle. Angels kill demons, demons kill angels, while humans are used as the strings to create a god. Do you understand what I mean?" Xylothar finished, his hair blowing in the wind. Amaris eyes widened, not understanding what he meant fully.

She asked Xylothar another question.

"What? So the Church of Light is evil?" Amaris asked. 

Xylothar Shook his head, but then nodded.

"You're being used as a tool, just like any other lower being. Humans are inherently weak in their base form, making them easily manipulative. Angel's whole stick is to help the weak, but ask for something in return. Don't you find it funny?" Xylothar explained to her, Amaris was listening intently.

She couldn't deny what he said was true. She was being used, yet she's done nothing wrong. All she asked was for a place to live here and the location of the demon that killed her parents. Angels should be holy and righteous, meaning that they shouldn't have to ask for anything given her current situation.

Amaris agreed, but she didn't know who Xylothar sided with. She just met the man, and does not know whether to believe him.

"What about you? Who are you siding with?" Amaris asked Xylothar, her eyes searching for any sign of insincerity. Xylothar locked his crimson eyes with hers and said.

"Myself." Xylothar said simply. Amaris couldn't blame him, though. If it was herself, she would side herself.

"I don't side with the angels, I don't side with the demons, I don't side with the humans. But I know myself that if I want to achieve my goals, I'll never be able to achieve them. But you…" Xylothar said as looked back up at the sky. Amaris felt her body shiver slightly, a sense of unease washing over her.

Amaris, realising that Xylothar wanted something from her, stayed silent and asked a question.

"Say, what do you want from me? Xylothar," Amaris asked Xylothar, observing his reaction. Xylothar didn't mind and locked eyes with her.

"Girl, I need your power. Your unique soul possession and soul swallowing ability. If I were to side with anyone, it would be you. Together, we can achieve our goals," Xylothar revealed, his crimson eyes burning with intensity. Amaris, shocked by his response, didn't know how to react. Him wanting her powers? Amaris couldn't help double questioning herself.

Xylothar realised Amaris wasn't responding and continued.

"Girl, think it over. We might not even meet after leaving. No, actually we will. Once I see you the next time we meet after I finish cleaning the Underground Bloodhole, I hope you have your answer." Xylothar stood back up and dusted off his jacket and then put it back on. Amaris didn't respond and nodded her head.

Xylothar, locking eyes with Amaris, disappeared from her sight.