
Soul Stealer

In a world where every being that is killed has it's Soul converted into energy that can be absorbed by others to make them more powerful, two battle hungry brothers are forced to wander the land after witnessing the deaths of their parents at a young age. Throughout their journey they encounter unexpected allies, evil forces, divine gods, powerful creatures, new realms, and bizarre dimensions. Their life transforms into a conglomerate of trouble and excitement quicker than they could've ever imagined, all whilst they forge their own path together in an epic search to achieve ultimate power.

Cj_Lotto · Ação
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39 Chs


It took the group a few days to finally reach Highrock…

Once there, they found that it was pretty easy to navigate the citadel with Melony serving as their guide. Surprisingly enough, many people had no adverse reaction toward Snow.

Some cast curious looks at the huge wolf and their group, but proceeded to mind their business upon noticing the sharp glare Reyes gave off.

Deep down inside he wished Melony had Snow stay out of view, but she quickly shut down any thought of that happening.

His attempt to persuade her was met with the threat of her telling everyone he was being a meanie and that it was actually he who had kidnapped her.

In order to avoid any unnecessary bloodshed, he chose to hold his tongue in annoyance.

Leezy chose to do the same but for a different reason entirely.

He thoroughly wanted someone to approach them in a reckless manner. With his eagerness to release some of the anger he had bottled up inside from his brother's comments towards him, it was a good thing nobody approached them.

Gracefully maneuvering through the large crowds of people came naturally to Snow and they quickly found themselves at the Thousand Eye HQ.

A large number of guards were scattered around with small books in their hands, reading.

Upon hearing someone approach, one of the guards closest to them quickly put his book away and shouted.

"Halt! Identify yourselves! If you all have no business here then you will have to leave!"

A large burly man sitting upon the steps signaled the rest of the guards to surround the newcomers.

They quickly entered the square and lined the walls infront of the tower, surrounding them on both sides.

Fully equipped with armor from head to toe, their red capes full of eyes blew in the wind as they all stood with their weapons brandished.

"Now this is the type of welcome I was looking for! I assume you are the leader here?"

Leezy quickly hopped down from Snow and pointed to the man who had signaled as he waltzed into the center of the square.

The large man sitting on the steps slowly rose to his feet, signaled for his men to step aside, and joined Leezy in the square.

Melony started to ask Reyes to stop his brother, but seeing the look of childlike amusement on his face, she decided to watch on in silence instead.

"I am the captain of the group you see before you and like I said before, I need to see identification. If you aren't part of Thousand Eye, then you will have to leave immediately."

"Is that so? And you're supposed to be the man that makes us leave? Is this some sort of a joke? OGs go wherever the fuck they want. I suggest you get out of my face before I embarrass you in front of your men."

Leezy's hand went straight to his greatsword that hung from his back while he spoke, forcing the guards around them take aim and begin closing in.

Abruptly, the captain held his hand out to his side and signaled his men to standby.

Prying his gaze from Leezy, he turned his attention to the two that were sitting upon the wolf.

"I will need to see everyone's identification! That doesn't mean you two are exclude-…"

"Hey! Don't you dare ignore me!"

Interrupting the captain, Leezy snatched his greatsword from his back and swung it in a blur of red steel.

The captain unsheathed his own sword and swiftly blocked the strike with a bright clash. Sparks flew as the two tried to overpower one another.

Multiple clicks could be heard as the surrounding guards took their rifles off safety.

"Don't any of you fire a single shot! This guy is mine!"

The captain moved his body to the side and twisted his sword, letting Leezy's strike slip down the length of his blade. With a smooth flick of the wrist, he used the weight of the strike to tear Leezy's sword from his grip.

Just as he thought he was going to gain the upper hand, a hard left hook caught him square in the chin and sent him reeling into a few of the guards standing by.

"Oooh shit! I know that had to hurt!"

Cracking his knuckles loudly, Leezy grinned from underneath his helmet at the captain before continuing to taunt him.

"Don't think I need all that fancy shmancy swordplay, i'm just going beat your ass the old fashioned way!"

With a growl, the captain threw his sword to the side, entered a boxing stance and quickly closed the distance between them.

"Get his ass captain!"

"Yeah! Fuck em up!"

"We need that promotion cap! Max his ass out!"

"Flex that ni**a!"

The guards around them cheered loudly while they silently gauged each other. A few seconds passed before one of them made a move.

The captain threw a swift jab that was blocked and countered with a hard uppercut. Seemingly unfazed by that, the captain grabbed Leezy's arm and wrestled him to the ground.

Blows could be heard echoing through the square as everyone watched in silence. A small crater began to form underneath the two as they rolled across the ground, battling for the upper hand.

"Enough! Captain Gama, what have I told you about th-…!"

Commander Horus was walking nearby to check the defense of HQ when he had overheard a squabble breaking out. Thinking that it was the men fighting amongst themselves again, he had come to put a stop to it.

From where he was standing all he could see was his men surrounding Captain Gama. As he approached, the sight of his captain fighting an intruder made him cut his sentence short.

Rachel, who wasn't far off, heard the commotion as well. Without hesitation, she began running toward the square in full speed.

Paying no attention, the two continued fighting as the rest of the guard stood at attention for their commander who had entered the square.

Rolling to his side, Leezy threw the captain off of him and was about to charge him when a hand grabbed his shoulder and held him back.

"I'm not sure who you are or what you are here for but settle down!"

In reaction to the hand squeezing his shoulder, Leezy tried to turn his head but found that he couldn't move. It was then he noticed there was a heavy spiritual pressure restricting his movements.

Grinning even harder beneath his helmet, he returned the spiritual pressure with his own.

Surprise couldn't even describe how Horus felt when he felt spiritual pressure close to his resonating from the man standing before him.

Letting go of the man's shoulder, he quickly cycled mana through his body and reinforced it. Silver veins began to pulse underneath the skin visible throughout his armor.

Seeing this, Leezy immediately activated the tattoos on his skin. The familiar boost of power he felt made him roar as he readied his next attack.

Before him, Horus slowly raised a hand and pointed at him with an index finger. A large ring of silver energy appeared on the ground below him and shot into the sky, forming a tall pillar of light that was transparent as glass.

"Consider yourself lucky I am going to keep you alive for questioning. Resistance is futile. You should never have come here."


Leezy began striking out with all his might in an attempt to break the walls of light around him, but to him, it felt like punching a mountain. Every blow he threw made his knuckles bleed, yet he still continued pounding away feeling no pain.

With a sigh, Horus took a single step forward when suddenly his instincts told him to halt.

Pain flowed through his neck causing him to wince slightly. A small bead of blood trickled down onto the black katana that was now pressed to his throat. He watched on in astonishment as the blood drop was completely absorbed by the blade.

The guards that were standing nearby quickly took aim. They were all ready to fire at Reyes but the murderous look they saw in his eyes managed to stay their hand.

Just as Horus was going to speak, Rachel finally reached the square.

"Reyes? Stop! That is my uncle!"

Hearing what Rachel said, he slowly removed his katana from Horus's neck and stepped aside.

"No need for an interrogation. We simply came to return Melony over there to her sister. We weren't coming to look for trouble. My hot headed brother over there was itching for a fight when your captain decided to step to him. Sorry for the trouble."

"Wait…what did you say? Melony is…here?"

Finally noticing the giant wolf standing idle nearby, tears of disbelief began to well in Horus's and Rachel's eyes as they watched Melony jump from the wolf and run towards them.

Without a second thought, they both ran over to Melony and embraced her.

"My god, I was so worried about you! Don't ever leave my sight again, you hear me!"

Rachel was so grateful her sister was okay. If something ever happened to her, she didn't know what she would do.

It took some time before Horus could recompose himself, but when he did, he turned to Reyes and gave him a firm handshake.

"My niece informed me of what happened. I am in your debt for bringing Melony back safely to us. Thank you."

In annoyance, Leezy punched the wall of light again and loudly cleared his throat.

"Ahem…Hellooo? Forgetting something important over here?!"

"Oh yes, sorry about that!"

Within a few seconds, the entire wall of light trapping Leezy evaporated into nothing.

Walking over to his greatsword, he reached down to pick it up and was struck square in the back of the head.

Catching himself before he could fall, Leezy turned back to see Captain Gama standing there triumphantly.

"That's payback for the punch you gave me earlier you pussy, if you wanted the ole fisticuffs i wouldn't have bothered drawing my sword."

"Oh yeah? Your grandmother hits harder than you bitch! Come on, throw those hands!"

In anger, he charged toward the captain but was abruptly stopped by Reyes before reaching him.

"What the fuck man?! You heard this man talking crazy! I swear on everything I love I'll have his ass eating from a straw when i'm finished with him! He only got a fraction of the ass whopping I was about to give him! Let me go!"

After a brief struggle with Leezy, he managed to calm him down and together they followed Horus inside the HQ…