
Chap 4- Blonde Thoughts

Chap 4- Blonde Thoughts:


{City of Guildford; Town; 09:33 a.m; POV Mordred}


I walk back to town with a shovel that I needed to get for one of the Sister.

Thinking about what I have sawn today, Rey... she probably is finally starting to think about her future, must be thinking I will let her behind and stuff.

I just can imagine that big head of hers thinking a bunch of complicated things *sighs*, It's one of the first time I see her like that...

Wait... It's the first time I see her like that, so what if, she's always like that alone? Brooding about herself getting behind?

But she sleeps most of the time I am away, but she could just pretend to do so.

That big head of hers is smart, she probably has been picking stuff quickly, about me getting ahead of her in various areas...

As I walk I rationalize about it, all the things her she does.

I am not good at this detective stuff, not here nor on the Moon.

But I can remember some patterns in her way of acting, like how she can go from enjoying something to a completely being blank faced when she sees something that make her uncomfortable, it's the small things ya know?

I enter the town's garden, where the Sisters are currently working on, walking on a road with these little pebbles, going towards where they're.

As I walk thinking about what I should do, I look at the flowers.- 'Giving her a flower like those princes wouldn't work, she probably will say something like -' Should have given me something to eat at least.'- Knowing her, she will probably do this, or eat the flower...'

Flowers, foods, drinks... I need something, so I can tell her to not worry about it, the little things like falling behind, I am sure she'll catch up, like I am nothing!

Hmmm... I know! I just need to give her something to be on equal footing to me!

Next year I should start school... But if I ask Sister if wildy can already join together with me? She already learned the basics of reading, and is better at counting than me... that's shameful, I know, shut up.

But back to the point, that should give her a boost in moral! Like she's entering school at a young age, she will at least think she's a little better than me?

Could work... I will talk to sister Kath when I get back to the orphanage, should be a pretty nice way to motivate her to learn even more.-" She'll 100% not want to fall behind from what I can see, heheh, she will probably get smarter than me..."

I stop walking a little...-"*shrugs* Not that I care really."

Walking towards the Sisters, I give them the shovel and ask if they need any other help.

"Fufufu, you can go home Little Mordred, you have already helped enough."- She gives me a bar of chocolate for doing 'A good job' and I nod, turn back and walk away.

I run back home 'home', passing by some small markets, and a cafe they're building currently, maybe I get Rey one day there to eat those pizzas she loves so much when they finish it.

Getting close to the gates of the orphanage I see it, in daylight is way easier to see it's state.

It's not falling down, but it's pretty meh, It's a two store building, mostly gray and a light blue, that's already pretty washed away by the rain probably, it has a main entrance with some Greek pillars supporting the little ceiling above the entrance, so when It's raining the entering people don't get wet.

There are two other buildings connected by corridors on both sides, the bedrooms we sleep in it, there's about 25 rooms in each building, and they have one window each, you do your math there.

I open the gate, it's pretty rusty, and it makes a lot of noise, Rey one time drop-kicked it because it wasn't opening, and I miraculously picked her midair, if she had fallen down at that time it would've hurt her...

But I didn't do anything when she got injured kicking the tree... -''Ahhhhhhg moooohhh''-, I want to kick myself in the face now *sighs*.

Walking towards the entrance I tap my shoes on a carpet we use to clean our shoes.... Anyway, I go inside.

But before I even say.-' I am back.'


A black bullet hits my stomach at full speed, making me be thrown back to the entrance, and something heavy is now sitting on my chest, or better someone.

I look up at the face of my attacker, she's serious, and looks straight at my eyes.

'What did I even do to earn a headbutt?'- I was about to say it loud, but a finger pointing to my nose stops me.

" I decided!! Or you train me, or you'll not get your gift!"- I am a little confused, but a look at a calendar on the wall inside the orphanage makes it all makes sense.

'Today is my birthday... She said gift, must be her way to try and get what she wants.*sigh*'

"Hmm, that's a very difficult choice for me to make, wildy...*thinking face*"

She looks upset at my thinking face, she's about to shout when I sigh.

"Okay, okay.... but first, the goods."- I stretched my left hand towards her face making a 'gimme-gimme' motion.

She brightens up, and puts her hands on her short pockets, and get a red piece of cloth? With some little cut details.

"Get up, but stay sit down, I will put it on for you!*smiles*"- I follow my orders like a knight would.

She hums a little song as she gets up and goes behind my head, and rummages my hair, and start to play with it, and after 3 minutes she finally is done.

"Done!! Now you don't need to worry about it too much!"

I look at a nearby puddle from one of the rain we got from these weeks.

My hair in up in a wild ponytail, it's not the most beautiful, and it's pretty shabby, but she has done it, so it shall be kept!

I get up and hugs Rey, and she gets a little startled because she was talking about how great her gift was with closed eyes.

I laugh a little and let her go just to throw her on my shoulders.- '' EHHH?''.

" We shall conquer any feast that they got for us comrade!"- My smile almost going out of my mouth.

She looks down at me and understands, nodding she smiles wide.

"Wooow! Let's go end the cookies monsters!"

I laugh and march forward.

●Cute isn't? I am trying my best here, but my diabetes medication for cute stuff isn't working well.

●And another thing, don't expect a 100% same Mordred, she'll still be herself to the core, but she'll be a lot different because well, she don't have Arturia to worry about, the damn war, but she'll still be the same, maybe one action of another will change but nothing 'breaking character'.


ReyKalecreators' thoughts