
It's not a lie!

“Shelly?” Rose interrupted. “Is something wrong?” She could tell that her friend was worried. But why? Was she missing her mother too much?

“No…everything is wrong!” She turned to face her. “How come it’s so warm and dry out here?” She was now breathing heavily. “It was supposed to be wet and cold.”

“What? Why?”

“Because, just a few minutes before, it was raining.” She bellowed. “Yes, it started around eleven-thirty.” Rose stared at her for a few more minutes before she took a quick glance at her pink swarovski watch.

“It’s five in the evening.” She finally bellowed.

What already Five?-She heard a small voice inside her. “How’s that possible?” She walked inside and casted a look at the clock. It was Five. She fainted, that long? “When the rain stopped?” She runs her small fingers through her navy bluish reflection hair.

“Shelly, it had not rain since morning.”

Rose played nervously with her red hair and frowned confounded at the latter. She cleared her voice. “Are you sure that it was not an illusion?” She added, once Shelly told her what happened to her.

“How can it be? I touched those roses, I read that card.” She argued. She sighed and closed her eyes in despair. She thought for a few minutes, but nothing special was coming in her confused mind. Everything was like a rumble. “How can it be my illusion?” She whispered.

“Then how would you explain the weather?” Rose pointed out. “No single drop of rain, no clouds…no roses and chocolate for that matter!” Shelly had to admit that she really did not have an answer to these. And the door was

locked from the inside! “Mi Amor, you can’t ignore, that all the facts are the opposite of what you are claiming.”

Shelly gently runs her fingers on her forehead. “I don’t know Rose!” She whispered back. “I can’t tell you what’s wrong; I just need you to believe me!” She paused and looked away, wiping the warm tears off her cheeks. “But, I don’t even expect it goes any better. All I know that I received roses and a card, saying…NO MATTER WHAT, I WILL ALWAYS BE THERE, EVEN IF THE SHADOWS STOP ME! And that, my birthday is not the day I would like to celebrate anymore.”

“Maybe, that’s that!” Rose explained. “You feel that your birthday is the cause to your mother 's death…maybe that’s why you had that illusion…and you always claim that your life is in darkness….”

“Rose, what’s the catch?” She interrupted.

“The catch is that you had an illusion.” She shrugged. “It’s pretty common when you are tired…” She stopped as soon as she realized what she said. “Not that you are crazy, it’s just a small mental tiredness, that’s all.” Shelly could tell that she was thinking. “And maybe, that shadow you saw, it came from the idea your mother gave you; you know about someone who would come and guide you!” She added promptly.

Shelly, remembered those words… “No matter what, always remember that you are never alone….even if ever you feel that way, always believe that, someone will come for you…and he will be the one worth waiting….” Her mother said to her that day, before she went!

Shelly knew that if she think of it that way, it might make sense, but she refused to ignore the fact that it all happened only inside her head. It sounded so real! How come she was able to smell the roses? She personally cleaned those petals. She even felt goose bumps on her skin. She finished her glass of water and casted Rose a worried look. “Help me.” She said. She knew that only Rose will be able to help her with her. After her mother death, only Rose was there for her.

“Of course…” She sat in front of her. She gently ran her fingers on her bare shoulders. “I’ll just be back.” She walked outside the shop and came back a few seconds later. She held a plastic bag. She moved closer and handed it to her. “Happy birthday.” She smiles faintly.

“Rose, again?” Shelly protested. Rose already gave her too much. Shelly, closed her eyes in despair.

“Come on , you’ll like it I’m sure of it.”

“Rose, why do you keep spending your money on me.” She shrugged at her fate. Here’s her best friend who keeps buying her presents whenever the occasion call for it and what about her? She can’t even buy Rose a simple gift to thank her in return. Every money she would make would go directly in her aunt account. And the rest, Shelly use it to buy food stuff every month. But she can’t really disobeys to them, as they have been grateful enough to come and stay with her in her house when her mother died. They are her only guardians. Despite their arrogant attitude, it does feel warm to know someone is really waiting for you when you get home. It’s not always what she expects but it’s better than living off alone.

“Listen, what you really need right now, is a distraction. Something that would make you wants to jump off the page!”

“Which is what?” She frowned at her, having a hint to what was coming next.

“That beach party I’m organizing at Trou Aux Biches . Don’t say no.” She promptly added-sounded exhausted. “That’s the perfect bait. Maybe, it might help you restore your mental situation.”

“I don’t know and beside how do you suggest that I convince Aunt Martha?” She knew that her aunt was too stern to let her have it her own way!

“You won’t need to.” Her dark chocolate eyes were filled with mischief. “Sneak out, and meet at the bus stop next to the beach around eight. Once we’re done, I will drop you back.” She waited for another moment. “Shelly, I

made this party happen especially on your birthday and you are just bailing out on me…not fair!”

“I’m not bailing out…” She protested. “I just- I’m exhausted. I need to sleep. I haven’t got a good sleep for days.” Her voice lowered down.

“It’s the nightmare again? Is it that bad?”

“Horror, you mean!” She corrected. “Always started with mist and end up with crazy banshee cries.” Her voice sounded like a bitter whisper. “Do you think it’s because my mother. I mean every time, I have that dream-I feel that someone left far behind is trying to reach me. I feel guilty and despair. Do you think my mother is trying to reach me?”

“Shelly…you?” Rose nodded worriedly.

“I know…it sounds crazy and fiction.” She managed a faint fake smile, feeling bashful. “I guess I’ve been thinking too much.”

“More reason to come at the party…” Rose blurted.

“You really think it might work.”

“I’m hundred percent sure.” Her smile grew wider. “But, please, do me favor…don’t think too much about that. It will only confuse you more.” She added. She engulfed her into a long embrace.