
Soul Land: Rise of a God!

"Oh, so I was sent to a new world... Ok! where is my system?" — Clichê: Mc died of unknown form and was sent to the world of Soul Land, falling into the same village as Tang San.

OrigemWorld · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

- First Fight-

This spiritual Beast was called the Green Flame Python. It was extremely powerful and had a poisonous body, so even one drop would be enough to cause a person's death.

Also, this guy's snakeskin was extremely tough. Unless someone was a great master or spiritual elder, there was almost no way to defeat him.

When he thought about the power of the Green Flame Python, Long Yun worked even harder to circulate the spirit energy within his body to increase his speed. He wasn't even thinking about it too much, reacting purely with his body instinct.


The Green Flame Python's eyes revealed a murderous look as it continued to spew venom and chased. He didn't seem to plan on letting Long Yun go so easily. He wanted to kill him.

"Swoosh! Swoosh!"

Streams of poison spread around Long Yun's body, corroding everything in its path as green smoke rose. Long Yun also had poison in his martial spirit, but he couldn't use it without a spirit ring playing the role of a catalyst.


At this time, a nearby tree was corroded by the poison. It abruptly broke at the waist, blocking Long Yun's path.


The Green Flame Python took the opportunity and bit Long Yun with its massive head. There was no way around it!

Fear followed by cruelty flashed through Long Yun's eyes as the spirit energy in his body surged like a tide. Her right foot landed on the floor as she broke the floor, slamming it violently. In her hand, a golden sword bathed in flame slashed toward the Python's great Green head.

Sword of Desolation!


When his sword struck, the air exploded with the sound of an explosion, creating a current of fire towards the Python's body. The fire was too intense for any ordinary person, being extremely powerful. But it didn't do much damage to the Green Flame Python. On the contrary, it only made her angrier!

Hisss! Hisss!

Green Flame Python only stopped for a moment to get rid of the foreign flames, and in the second moment, it hissed angrily at Long Yun and with an extremely fast speed, this Green Flame Python leapt towards him.

"Fuck! Why is my luck so bad?" Long Yun dodged to the side, avoided the fatal blow of the Green Flame Python. Then he turned around and smashed it fiercely with another blow!

This time, he performed this move as if he were using a hammer to crush the Python to death. And not only that, the instant he attacked, his sword was also once again bathed in flames making a spectacle against the python's robust body.


A forceful slash of the sword penetrated the Green Flame Python's skin and the sun's flame penetrated its body, causing it to scream miserably.

However, before Long Yun could rejoice, the Green Flame Python's tail swept over him mercilessly and landed on his body.


The mountain force caused Long Yun to spit out blood. His body was like a thousand jin stone as it flew horizontally.

"Bang! Bang!"

Long Yun's body crashed into a large tree, one after another. After flying for over thirty meters, he finally fell to the ground.

"Cough! Cough!"

Long Yun coughed with a mouthful of blood as he struggled to get up. A bitter smile appeared on his bloody face.

"My strength is simply too weak. If only I can advance to at least the level of a spiritual master with a hundred-year ring, I'm sure I can kill him!"

Unfortunately, there was no 'if' in this world!

The Green Flame Python recovered, raised its head and roared, and attacked him once more. Long Yun was preparing to use his hidden weapons - Hidden Stones - when abruptly the snake's huge head leapt out.

His speed was comparable to an arrow that exploded out of his bow. As she was advancing towards him, she spat droplets of a sticky, poisonous liquid towards Long Yun once more.

"Fuck this!" Long Yun cursed as he quickly backed away, dodging.

Although Long Yun hardly had much experience in actual combat, his body was very strong after consuming the health pill. So he was confident not to die, at least not so quickly. 

The instant the poisonous mist dissipated, the power in Long Yun's legs was pushed to the limit, as his body transformed into a mirage. Behind her body, an overwhelming image of a black Python with a golden horn appeared pressing on the Green Flame Python bloodline, making her extremely scared.

"This is my only chance!" – Long Yun muttered a little apprehensively.

He subtly recovered and then hurled the two stones into his hands at a cunning angle, with lightning-fast speed, taking advantage of the Green Flame Python's moment of weakness.


A howl of deafening volume resounded as the Python's body writhed and writhed in that small space. Long Yun, who had no room to maneuver, was thrown explosively through the air and crashed into a mountain wall.


Both Long Yun and the Green Flame Python roared and screamed simultaneously in pain.

The Green Flame Python roared because it suffered a serious injury from Long Yun's sneak attack. He couldn't believe that Long Yun's attack, which was like an ant's attack on his eyes, had managed to harm him to this extent.

On the other hand, Long Yun screamed because he felt his shoulder was burning like hell. As the Nine Suns Sword was no longer in his hands, he naturally felt that not only his shoulder but almost half of his body was burning as if a terrible flame was burning him along with the pain of his bones being broken in several places. At the same time.

Long Yun would have probably lost consciousness from the pain at this point, but he managed to bear it very well after having his body completely reshaped without any anesthesia.

So even though she was suffering, she knew she wasn't in danger of dying from these injuries alone.

Long Yun looked closely and found that only the parts of his body that were burning were the same ones that had come into direct contact with the blood of the Green Flame Python.

Green Flame Python, as its name describes, must have something to do with flames. But from the beginning, it never attacked Long Yun using its flame. Only now did Long Yun understand that the blood of the Green Flame Python was not really an elemental attack, but rather his own corrosive blood.

Long Yun stood up once more and again, in a fit of madness, he once again attacked the Green Flame Python's head, wanting to kill it. In his heart, he was gradually feeling his blood boiling as he felt this battle unfold. 

With his bloody body, Long Yun, with an evil smile, looked straight into the Green Flame Python's single eye.

"Do you want to dance one more time?" 



Yes, this chapter was copied from a novel already written; after all, I don't have the skill and creativity to write battle scenes in good detail. Still, I hope you like it.

OrigemWorldcreators' thoughts