
Soul Land: Living for along time

This is novel is also a mtl novel. *************** Chengying: "Why chasing me? I gave you the urgent syrup!" Little Scorpion: "Heavenly dream! Don't run! I must eat you!" Chengying: "A fool won't run! What is this special? Time!" This is the story of a stranger who has lived for a long time and is a funny teacher Douluo. Chengying: Who should start first? Is it Dugu Bo or Xueye the Great? Wow! When I was a child, the snake woman was so cute! What? Tang San's mother is about to be killed, fast ice emperor! Bring my Armstrong whirlpool to accelerate the jet Armstrong cannon! I will teach Wuhundian to be a man! What is the biggest advantage of being a soul beast? Of course I've seen you a long time ago!

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80 Chs


"I'm fine." The indifferent voice trembled a little for some reason. Dugu Bo stood in front of Chengying. The Wannian spirit ring increased his height by two centimeters, but he still had to look up at the teacher.

      As he said, two yellow, one purple, and one black, four spirit rings were released from his body, circling him, and that touch of black looked so gorgeous at this time.

      "Teacher, I succeeded!" Dugu Bo trembled as if the pain of last night had not been dissipated from him.

      "It's okay!" Chengying hugged Dugu Bo, the donkey's lips were wrong with the horse's mouth, but there was no sense of disobedience.

      Compared to whether or not his disciple could become the first person on the mainland to break through the limits of the spirit ring, Cheng Ying was always more concerned about their safety.

      In the morning light, this scene where teachers and students embrace each other is like the most beautiful scenery in the world.

      After a while, Chengying let go of Dugu Bo and quietly sucked his nose and said, "Come on, show the teacher your newly acquired spirit skills!"

      "Good!" Dugu Bo didn't have any expression on his face, but his neat movements, Obviously also eager to try.

      "Use it against the teacher!" Cheng Ying reminded him. With his cultivation base, the four-ringed spirit master would never hurt him unless he used the eighty-first hammer of the chaotic cloak hammer method.

      Dugu Bo didn't hesitate, Chengying's cultivation base still had some concepts in his heart, and he was not worried that he would be injured.

      The pitch-black fourth spirit ring flickered, and then a spider web was thrown out by him. It turned out to be the same as Tang San's third spirit ability. Cheng Ying raised his hand to block it, but it was still enveloped by a huge spider web.

      The spider web was like a fishing net. After hitting Chengying, it immediately tightened and enveloped him. It was impossible to avoid him if he was replaced by a spiritual master whose cultivation base was similar to Dugu Bo.

      Chengying did not hide, letting the spider web tighten, and then tried to tear it. With his strength, the spider web could be torn apart easily, but there was no way to tear it off.

      The spider web will be pulled thinner, but it won't break, and the toughness is very good. If you replace it with a four-ringed spirit master and be hit, I am afraid that it will be difficult to move the spider web, let alone pulling it.

      It took Cheng Ying half a day to remove the sticky spider web from his body: "It is indeed a very strong control system spirit ability. If the same level is hit, it will be very difficult to break free, and ordinary sharp blades are also very difficult to attack the spider web. It works.

      Unless it is a martial arts spirit like scissors, it can easily break this layer of a spider web. The only regret is that there is no toxin." Cheng Ying looked at Dugu Bo, and a little sorry, two kinds of fairy grass made Dugu Bo's body. It can't generate any toxins, but if he doesn't eat the two immortal kinds of grass, it is impossible to merge this highly poisonous spirit ring.

      "By the way, is there a limit on the number of times you can use this spirit ability?" Cheng Ying remembered that Tang San could only use it three times a day.

      "No, but it consumes a lot of soul power, and it consumes nearly 20% of the soul power at a time." Although this soul ability is not perfect, Dugu Bo still appears very happy, although it is difficult to see this from his face.

      "It's a pity after all that there is no poison, but it is not impossible to solve it. When the teacher gets you a soul bone someday, this problem will be solved." Although the soul's bone is a bit troublesome for him, after all, this thing can be bought with money. No, but Chengying still plans to give it a try.

      Dugu Bo heard this and nodded, and did not doubt whether Cheng Ying could find the soul's bone.

      "Let's go! And Xiao Meng's spirit ring hasn't been dealt with yet!" Cheng Ying once again released the spirit probe and began to search for the spirit beast for Meng Shu.

      "Big Brother's soul skills are so powerful! Can you say that the teacher can find me such a powerful soul beast?" Meng Shu asked Tang Chen in a low voice.

  "It depends on luck. You can't absorb the ten thousand year spirit ring." Tang Chen immediately gave Meng Shu a blow.

      But before he was lost, Cheng Ying's eyes lit up: "Good luck! There is a suitable one! Phoenix-tailed cockscomb! Six thousand years of cultivation! Chasing! It flew away to the west!"

      Meng Shuwen Yeah, when his eyes light up, the ten thousand year soul beast doesn't have to think about it, but he knows very well that there is simply nothing more suitable for him than this soul beast.

      Although the Phoenix-Tailed Cockscomb is a snake, it can fly and is extremely fast. The dragon and the snake are close relatives, and they have a high degree of compatibility with his martial soul. Maybe they can gain the flying ability at the fourth ring.

      It's just that the phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake is so fast that it is difficult to catch. Meng Shu felt that it would be difficult for a few people to have a chance to catch it.


      then he was grabbed by Chengying and thrown on his back, looking down, Tang Chen and Dugu Bo were being carried one by one by Chengying.

      "Hold tight! My teacher will tell you today, what is catching shrimps!" As

      she said, Chengying stepped on the ground, and the whole person swished out and then started flying fast to the ground, surrounding scenery Being drawn into blurred lines at extreme speed, Meng Shu hurriedly hugged Chengying's neck in fright.

      Cheng Ying's poor performance in the previous battles made Meng Shu underestimate his cultivation level. Looking at this flying speed, his cultivation level is simply terrifying.

      The Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb also sensed the chasers behind and tried hard to join in the forest, making various turns and detours, trying to get rid of the shadow.

      It's a pity that although it is a soul beast that is good at flying, it can't stand the difference in its cultivation base. It was chased within ten meters of the shrimp catchers who were generally polluted by shadows.

      "It's up to you, Tang Chen!" As Cheng Ying waved her hand, she threw Tang Chen out, just on top of the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb. Tang Chen was not polite at all and summoned the Haotian Hammer. Hammered the fiery red giant snake to the ground.

      "Go! It's yours to get rid of his spirit ring!" Cheng Ying also threw the Meng Shu on his back. He didn't intend to go there personally. It's just a thousand-year spirit beast. If a few apprentices still can't deal with it, then he too No need to mix.

      Meng Shu, who was thrown out, had also expected that the dragon rod in his hand swelled in the air, the dragon head suddenly became huge, and he opened his mouth to bite the tail of the Phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake.

      After landing, he threw the phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake over the shoulder with a power that was completely incompatible with the spiritual master and hit the ground.

      Chengying saw this scene and didn't care if he fell on the ground with Dugu Bo. The phoenix that landed on the ground is not as good as a chicken. The Phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake that was dragged from the sky was beaten by Meng Shu with a dragon stick. Without reaching the north, it seems that he can kill alone without help.

      Tang Chen simply didn't make any more moves, his soul beast could defeat it by himself, and he would have a psychological advantage when absorbing the spirit ring, and his safety would be greatly increased.

      It was just that Meng Shu had just beaten the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb Snake with a breath, and there was an exclamation in the distance: "No! Daddy! The Phoenix-Tailed Cockscomb Snake was chased by them!"

      Looking in the direction where the voice came from. , A little girl with a blue vertical pupil was running over with a middle-aged spirit master who also had a vertical pupil.