
Soul Land: Living for along time

This is novel is also a mtl novel. *************** Chengying: "Why chasing me? I gave you the urgent syrup!" Little Scorpion: "Heavenly dream! Don't run! I must eat you!" Chengying: "A fool won't run! What is this special? Time!" This is the story of a stranger who has lived for a long time and is a funny teacher Douluo. Chengying: Who should start first? Is it Dugu Bo or Xueye the Great? Wow! When I was a child, the snake woman was so cute! What? Tang San's mother is about to be killed, fast ice emperor! Bring my Armstrong whirlpool to accelerate the jet Armstrong cannon! I will teach Wuhundian to be a man! What is the biggest advantage of being a soul beast? Of course I've seen you a long time ago!

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80 Chs


When the fame is big, people will naturally look upset, so some people make it difficult to say that he likes to eat watermelon, but he is too lazy to spit watermelon seeds, and asked Chengying if he could solve it.

      He even made a lot of noise about this matter. Everyone knows it, everyone knows that this is making things difficult for people, eating watermelon and not wanting to spit seeds, this is a question that can only be thought of how boring.

      Don't eat it if you don't want to spit out seeds! After all, watermelon grows from seeds, so how can it be possible that there are no seeds. Most of the people in Tiandou City had benefited from Chengying, and they were grieving for him, but they could not think of a solution.

      But she didn't want Chengying to just smile indifferently, and called a familiar footman to pick two watermelons from his melon field outside the city.

      Seedless watermelon is actually not difficult to obtain. As long as the tetraploid watermelon is crossed with the diploid watermelon, you can get the triploid seedless watermelon.

      For the convenience of eating fruit, Chengying transplanted a whole orchard outside the city and handed it to nearby farmers to help take care of it. He has tried all kinds of seedless fruits. Among them, watermelon is the easiest.

      Alcohol extracts colchicine, but she is quite skilled in taking pictures. After a few experiments, she found the concentration that doubles the chromosomes. Originally, she planned to sell seedless watermelon as a luxury item. Who knew that someone actually hit the muzzle. .

      After the footman carried two watermelons, Chengying cut the watermelon open in front of everyone, revealing the red melon flesh without seeds, and the person who immediately looked at the question was about to stare out.

      The others were also in shock. Only the little Lolita who had been inseparable from him, seemed to be accustomed to it, holding up half of the seedless watermelon and eating it, completely unaware that this was a miracle in the eyes of everyone.

      As we all know, what kind of plant can be grown from the seeds of any plant, and watermelon seeds certainly cannot produce pumpkins, but what on earth did this seedless watermelon grow? In their view, this simply violates the inherent truth between heaven and earth.

      If before, people looked at Chengying with a great sage, then they are now looking at gods...

      Chengying also took this opportunity to sell seedless watermelon as a luxury item. Although this kind of melon may not be more delicious, it is obviously not on the same level as the seedless watermelon.

      And the buyer can only be slaughtered willingly, otherwise what should be done? This melon has no seeds, can you still grow it yourself? Are you kidding me? There is no way to start!

      Chengying's reputation naturally reached the ears of the current emperor. When the emperor heard that this man was a living god, he wanted to call him into the court as an official, but it was obvious that Chengying would not become a slave.

      The emperor sent a few masters in secret to investigate, but after all came back and forth, guessing that Cheng Ying should also be a powerful soul master, but he could only treat each other with courtesy, drooling while watching.

      The people in Tiandou City almost understood it. Chengying seemed to be only interested in things that improve living conditions. He didn't care much about major national events or the rights of treasures.

      Over time, I also know what questions will be answered and what questions will be directly driven out.

      It's just that there are strange flowers. For example, some people who got Mr. Jiao from Chengying. Although he was embarrassed by this kind of problem, he has to say that it can be regarded as changing his life under limited conditions. Better still, based on the principle of not smashing one's own signs, it was solved by these people.

      Gradually, people have become accustomed to the existence of such a great sage. No one knows whether his strength is strong, but he has gained unanimous respect from all walks of life.

      Even if some people whose business has been damaged by him come to him to question, he can point out the way to these people, and they will make more money in the future.