
Soul Land 3: Legend of the Jade Emperor

A man is transmigrated in Douluo Dalu 3 world with the powers of Okhwang from God of Highschool. First novel, please cut me some slack. Trying to improve.

IHaveNthToDo · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
115 Chs


When I came to, I was on a bed, looking up at wooden panels above me.

My mattress was lumpy and uncomfortable. My slight movements caused creaks and squeaks to sound out.

Lying down with my hand reaching up, I, "Huang Yu", was hit with a sudden throbbing in the head.

My body was wet with sweat, though it wasn't because of the heat. Rather, it was a cold sweat that sent shivers down my spine.

Twisting and turning in the bed, the throbbing in my head was like an unbearable torture.

I could feel bile coming up my throat, but I forcefully swallowed it all down.

As the throbbing in my head slowly faded, a sense of relief filled me. Finally, the unbearable torture was beginning to subside.

"W, what is going on?"

I slowly sat up on the bed. The creaks and squeaks of the old mattress frame protested loudly from my loud movements.

Looking around, I noticed that I was in a room. I didn't recognise this room. Despite that, I felt a sense of familiarity here.

Gently getting off the bed, I stumbled and fell face first onto the ground.

The thump was loud. A loud groan emerged from above me. It appeared that I was sleeping in a bunk bed.

I ignored the person's groan. I was more surprised than hurt from the fall.

Slowly getting up, I looked down at my body. My arms and legs were strangely small.

It felt really strange. My body felt too small. Yet somehow, I knew it was my body. It was that strange sense of familiarity again.

Sighing gently, I made my way to a mirror and took a good look at my reflection.

I was met with the body of a child. A handsome child, but a child nonetheless.

There were rather striking features on me, namely, my spiky, red hair and my similarly coloured eyes.

I slowly sighed. I had a bad premonition about this.

I turned around to look at the person in the bed above mine. He was beginning to wake up and I could tell that he was around 9 years old.

The pain in my head was all but gone now, but my memories were still fuzzy at the moment.

"Hey Huang Yu, you ok there bud?"

A sleepy voice came from the boy on the bed. He sat upright, but his eyes were only half open.

I looked at him silently for a few moments, trying to recognise his face. The fuzz in my brain was beginning to clear up.

I still had no recollection of this person, yet I had to give an answer. As I collected my thoughts, my mouth began moving on its own.

"I'm fine Cheng Yan. Just feeling a little bit under the weather right now."

"I can tell. You look horrible."

Cheng Yan gave a yawn as he got off the bed. He approached me with his eyes still only half open.

"Do you want some medicine? I got some antibiotics in my bag."

"No thanks. I just need rest. Can you tell the teacher that I won't be going to class today?"

I gave a small smile. I didn't know why I said that, but I decided playing along with my disobedient mouth was the best course of action.

"Sure bud. No problem. I'll just tell him you got sick. I'm sure he'll understand."

Cheng Yan gave a drowsy smile before taking a change of clothes.

I let out a mental sigh. He didn't find anything wrong with my acting. Going with the flow really was the best choice of action there.

At this point, the fog in my head was lifted and memories, some that should be mine and some that shouldn't, appeared in my head.

The memories were strange. Some of the memories were of this world. This world was a world of cultivation. People here had martial spiritss and could cultivate to become powerful and influential.

I could remember my past clearly. I was a child of a merchant family who had gotten lucky during the awakening ceremony. I awakened at Rank 4 and had a decent martial spirit.

My parents were thrilled at the fact that I could become a Spirit Master, sending me to a Spirit Master academy without my consent.

I was sent to live at the dorms of the academy, known as Eastsea Academy as my parents lived too far away.

During my time here, I was an average student. My grades were normal and the cultivation speed was consistent with the others.

I had spent 3 years at the academy and I didn't really have any friends.

Cheng Yan was just a roommate.

A kind one, but still a roommate nevertheless.

However, there was also another set of memories.

A set of memories belonging to a person of a different world.

In that world, there were no Spirit Masters or martial spirits. It wasn't a dog eat dog world, rather a world where there was order.

I was a normal 25 year old man, working as a politician. I lived a busy life, having a large workload.

When I was free, I liked reading novels and manga whether they be Japanese, Chinese or Korean ones.

I was also a practitioner of Taekwondo, having it forced upon me by my parents at a young age.

'It was for self-defense' they said.

I didn't really resent them for it as I quite enjoy Taekwondo as well.

As the memories flow through my head, I let out a flinch. holding my head as I could feel a headache forming.

Noticing this, Cheng Yan came and supported me as he helped me get back to my bed. With a look of worry on his face, he tried to advise me,

"Huang Yu, I think you should get a doctor." Cheng Yan was speaking seriously at the moment.

"Rest assured, I'll be better after a bit of rest. Just go out. When you come back, I'll be as good as new." I reassured him with a smile. Cheng Yan frowned and moved to the door.

"If you say so. In that case, I'll be off now. I'll go eat breakfast." Cheng Yan waved a goodbye as he left the room.

I close my eyes and sigh. I was sorting through my memories.

The first day of class would be tomorrow so I could relax for now.

After a few moments of contemplation, I had come to a conclusion.

I had been transmigrated to another world. This cruel world where the strong devoured the weak and where one could die anytime at the whims of others.

To survive, I needed strength. I had to gain it, in order to protect my own life.

At this moment, I, Huang Yu, a normal person in my past life, a child in my current life, let out another sigh.

This new life… how troublesome...