
Soul Evolution System

Reborn as Alexander Ilios Apeiro in another world "Gaia" by an unknown entity will have to embark on an adventure to develop in this new world and have a place to belong. He will have as support a system that will allow to travel between worlds to be stronger and to maintain his happiness and freedom. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I publish a chapter of 2,500 - 3000 words every two days. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Status Alexander: https://www.facebook.com/101129721342560/photos/rpp.101129721342560/213946780060853/?type=3&theater Status Venus Luciferian https://www.facebook.com/101129721342560/photos/rpp.101129721342560/216641293124735/?type=3&theater Status Scythe https://www.facebook.com/101129721342560/photos/rpp.101129721342560/219449106177287/?type=3&theater Status Leona https://www.facebook.com/101129721342560/photos/rpp.101129721342560/222242122564652/?type=3&theater ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hello everyone!! Remember to visit my p-a-t-r-e-o-n and support the novel. I will be very grateful and motivated if you could do it, thanks a lot!! https://www.patreon.com/Drack21 Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-" Also if you can go to the page of the novel and give a like there, I appreciated it. https://www.facebook.com/System-evolution-of-soul-101129721342560/?view_public_for=101129721342560 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I do not claim ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content of an anime in this novel. The cover image is not mine it was taken from: https://static.zerochan.net/Sephiroth.full.115435.jpg

Drack · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
537 Chs

Chapter 515 End Of Military Training

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"A-Angel -san… I-I mean, Alexander-sama, we should go now... I think the others are waiting for us, w-we have to prepare everything for the graduation"

[ chu ~]


After one last kiss, quite reluctantly, I separate myself from Mikasa's body that was pressed against a wooden wall of this warehouse where we were! Also, from what I can see, even though she was a bit nervous about what we were doing here… in her eyes I could still see the desire to continue a bit more!

It seems that I was not the only one who had a hard time stopping with this! Unfortunately, in the end her shame overcomes her desire, and she speaks up to stop me!

Yes, several things had happened during these weeks! And I must say that some were quite unexpected… but obviously, I don't have much to complain about all this! Who would complain about being able to get close to a pretty girl during this time?!!

Well... what can I say? I think I'm just a sinful man… I couldn't resist the temptation!

[Fufufu … no, I think you're just a pervert, Alexander]

It's okay, I have no problem being a pervert, Aurora! At least it's much better than the alternative of not being one! I strongly believe that!!

Also… I think it wasn't all my fault! This time, probably more than half of all this is to blame on this girl! I don't want to sound like a coward by holding her responsible for this, but…it's just the truth!

How could I not get closer and closer to Mikasa when she was usually the one who tried to stay by my side whenever she had the chance?! My heart is not made of steel but meat and muscle!!

The determining moment to end up having a relationship with Mikasa was a few days ago during the last test of military training. This one was about spending several days trying to climb a snowy mountain while supporting each other.

They separated us into groups, and by fate, we both ended up in the same one. Not only that, for some "strange" reason both of us ended up lost during a snow storm...

[…I think it was highly unlikely that given your current abilities. Not to mention that you have a map in your head thanks to the system... it was impossible for you to end up lost on a small mountain, you know?]

K- Kohon… t-that's why I said it was strange, right? There are still mysteries that are difficult to understand, Aurora! The mysteries of the world are infinite… just like the mysteries that hide women's breasts!

[It's okay, you don't have to justify yourself to me. I'm not blaming you… I'm just telling the truth, fufufu.]

Anyway, to protect ourselves from the cold… or more precisely, to help Mikasa endure it, we could only hide in a small cave while hugging each other… and well, one thing led to another, and then soon we were passionately exchanging kisses!

…it must have been our bodies pushing to get more heat! I think that's what happened at that time!!

And if you also add to that that she had now become one of the girls with the highest affection gauge according to the system… or even maybe the one with the highest digit now, it wasn't hard for things to end that way! In fact, I don't remember very well who was the one who gave the first kiss... but I'm inclined to think that this time it was her who took the initiative!

Well, it's not like we got to the end of the matter either... until now, things had only stayed at the level of caresses and kisses! Although… maybe it wasn't because we didn't want to, but because it was difficult to find the right time and place for it!

It was hard to do with the eyes of several other teenagers on you, you know?! And more so when the other boys who were passing this test would also surely not let one of their group get ahead of them in order to enjoy a good time with a girl!!

…Damn guys, I must praise their spirit of unity on this matter! Even after beating them unconscious while practicing fighting skills, they somehow manage to come to their senses quickly!!

Perhaps the best time to take Mikasa as my woman was on that mountain. Unfortunately…

"…you take too long! The others have been waiting for a while!! "

"…we're coming"

" I-I'll go ahead, Ang-…Alexander-sama! "

…there was a girl with literally the nose of a wolf! So it's not hard for her to find me! And just like now, it was hard to be able to do anything else with Mikasa in the mountains when I knew that this girl was outside the place where we were!

Yeah, when Mikasa and I finished sorting out our clothes that had gotten out of kilter due to what we were doing, the brown-haired girl opened the door to the warehouse in front of us... and with a grumpy face from probably having to wait outside, that's the first thing that greets us!

…Seeing this, Mikasa can't help but run away with a bit of embarrassment showing on her face. On the other hand, Horo's mood improves upon seeing this and my disappointment!

Bad wolf!!

" You really do look like a monkey in heat…until recently, you spent all your time copulating with those two girls! Now you've even got a new one, unbelievable! "

"Yes, even sometimes I am surprised at how amazing I am…"

"It wasn't a compliment!!

Haaa~ Leaving that aside, that girl's eyes look dangerous… I've seen them several times on some people, and usually they can end up doing crazy things… so, be careful"


Umu … even though Horo complained about me, I could see that she still cared about me…

"…good girl-wolf"


Before I knew it, my hand was caressing her head… her reaction was a bit curious, at first she seemed to enjoy my touch as if she couldn't help but succumb to her instincts… sadly, a few seconds later she recovered and her piercing gaze stabbed my heart… so I quickly withdraw my hand before her fangs can sink into my skin too!

On the other hand, I understood what she was saying… in Mikasa's eyes, more than love, it was idolatry that I could see in them! No doubt this, to some extent, was something dangerous!

In fact, knowing this, before deepening my relationship with her, I tried to get her to stop looking at me that way… I thought if her idea of me being someone perfect or divine was broken, then she would stop looking at me with those eyes!

Who would have thought that the first impression of a person was imprinted in someone's mind so strongly?!

Even after telling her that… I had several girls, for her this was only natural! She was not disappointed one bit as I had thought would happen!!

Since that didn't work, I tried to explain more about myself and the girls… that we were just people from another world with some special abilities, but we were still human! But after all my speech, in the end, she just bowed her head as if she just didn't understand very well what I said... yes, in my desperation I forgot that! For normal people, my story surely... at best, just would seem like the ramblings of a madman!

No... things also could even get worse!

The truth is that if you think about it… and if the person believed in my words, that might be as surprising as seeing an angel descend from heaven! So instead of insisting on it, I could only give up trying to change Mikasa's mind and just let her believe whatever she wanted.

Although... now that I've formed a fairly close relationship with her, maybe I just had to try again slowly. I may accept that a girl idolizes me… but, deepening and continuing such a relationship, as Horo says, could be something bad!

They say that the distance between idolatry and madness is only one step! Therefore, it was better to prevent her from advancing that small distance!!

But now I'll use another approach to try to change that… I just have to change that idolatry of hers into a much more normal love! The closer we get, I think I can pull this off!

I can carry this out slowly…

Either way, I guess things aren't as bad as Horo thinks. At least, what I feared or worried about the most, I think was difficult for it to happen. Seeing how Mikasa reacted to the fact that I actually had several girls, I don't think she'll end up becoming a Yandere!!

As long as I don't disappoint Mikasa's expectations, things shouldn't get out of control. I just must work on that until I believe that the idolatry she feels towards me will change!

"Let's go with the others"


After adjusting my new equipment a bit, the two of us move through the air passing one building after another! This was one of the things that the 4 of us had achieved during this time! Learn to use this equipment!!

In fact, Shigure and Saeko must be messing around with these teams a bit again… but that was inevitable! The feeling of moving in this way was not bad at all!!

"...I still think that using my feet is still better for me...I can move faster that way!"

Well, it seems that we don't all think the same… either way, I'm glad that she could learn to use these things normally!

Seems like my earlier concerns about Horo being a bit clumsy in her human form were unnecessary… even though she's definitely weaker in her current state than in wolf form, she kept up with the other soldier recruits at least!

All 4 of us were able to pass without any problem the tests related to this! Also, some exams we had to do about titan information and other things we did weren't difficult either!

Before, when I found out that there were such exams, I couldn't help but sweat a little! Of course I was worried that Horo and Shigure would fail at these!!

The good thing is that the first one made it clear why she calls herself "wise"! She could learn and understand things pretty fast!

About the other girl… she surprised me a bit more! It seems like she just has a little trouble expressing herself, but she definitely has a good head on her shoulders!

Well, she wasn't a genius for nothing!

As for Saeko and I, we didn't have a problem with this either. She was quite a smart and dedicated girl. And thanks to my rebirth in this new body, it seems that my head was also better than before!

…the only bummer was that these instructors really seemed to be trying to push us to the limit!

While at night they tried to fill our heads with new information… which probably the others had to learn for several months, we had to do it in weeks! During the day it was exams or physical tests!!

All this reminded me a bit of my time at university in my other life when it was time for exams or final papers…thank god I had a much better physique and head this time!!

Well… the truth is that these last few days are not the worst I've had… at least the physical torture was still far from my time in the Ryozanpaku! Compared to that, this training was pretty light!

"…you should put up with it for a bit, Horo. It wouldn't be good to have a huge wolf running around in this place. Besides, this will probably be over soon! "

"…Yes, yes, I understand"

Yes, being only a few hours away from military training graduation, this mission would be over soon! I was looking forward to that! I wanted to go to the citadel and see its current situation!!

…and of course, I was dying to get some intimacy with Shigure and Saeko again!

"…You're thinking perverted things again, right? "
