
Soul Evolution System

Reborn as Alexander Ilios Apeiro in another world "Gaia" by an unknown entity will have to embark on an adventure to develop in this new world and have a place to belong. He will have as support a system that will allow to travel between worlds to be stronger and to maintain his happiness and freedom. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I publish a chapter of 2,500 - 3000 words every two days. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Status Alexander: https://www.facebook.com/101129721342560/photos/rpp.101129721342560/213946780060853/?type=3&theater Status Venus Luciferian https://www.facebook.com/101129721342560/photos/rpp.101129721342560/216641293124735/?type=3&theater Status Scythe https://www.facebook.com/101129721342560/photos/rpp.101129721342560/219449106177287/?type=3&theater Status Leona https://www.facebook.com/101129721342560/photos/rpp.101129721342560/222242122564652/?type=3&theater ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hello everyone!! Remember to visit my p-a-t-r-e-o-n and support the novel. I will be very grateful and motivated if you could do it, thanks a lot!! https://www.patreon.com/Drack21 Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-" Also if you can go to the page of the novel and give a like there, I appreciated it. https://www.facebook.com/System-evolution-of-soul-101129721342560/?view_public_for=101129721342560 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I do not claim ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content of an anime in this novel. The cover image is not mine it was taken from: https://static.zerochan.net/Sephiroth.full.115435.jpg

Drack · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
537 Chs

Chapter 223:  Day 7 (Part 3)

Hi!! New chapter!!! Also, the previous chapter now is edited!!

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(POV Alexander)

After some thought, we all got out of the construction and moved to a location several meters from those three. After looking clearly at our faces, we resume our conversation.

" So, what do you want to talk about? "

"…We have been searching for people with our radar for several days on this Island, but we have not been able to find someone else until now that we return here and met with all of you.

It seems that there are only corpses left… and the crystals have been removed from their hands. I suppose the survivors that fight against them have already left this place as the one who organized this game said"

...no, from the number of crystals that I counted previously, it means that most of the people who came to this Island are now dead and probably no one else could collect 7 crystals. Well, there may still be those from who we only removed the crystal from their hands, but since they cannot be found with the crystal radar, he should not have found them.

In fact, I think he was lucky to find us since we shouldn't be sending a signal either...

"Then what? Do you want to obtain our crystals to leave this Island too? "

Although I know that his conclusion is wrong, I didn't have to correct him. Surely if he knows that I had almost 40 crystals with me that belonged to the people who fell from the plane before, the most obvious thing is that they would think that our group is just crazy and we are soulless people and then we will end up fighting... unfortunately I may not be able to deny that.

So the best choice is to see what these people want and that's why I'm asking him that. But what I get in response is something unexpected...

"I have 12 crystals with me now, counting the 3 that we have in our hands, but I need 21 to be able to make those people come for us to this Island.

But don't worry, I don't intend to fight with you for the ones we lack... I'm almost sure that you must also have some that belonged to other people, so I would like you to lend them to me.

Of course, it is not for only the three of us to get out of this place… I don't want to just follow what the people who made this game want, and in fact, I prefer to be able to get revenge on them for what they did to us.

So I intend to hijack that helicopter when it appears! Then, you too can escape with us. What I want is for our two groups to form an alliance! "


I don't know if this guy has a very high morals or just doesn't like being screwed up and wants revenge, but there is a problem with his plan. I have no problem with carrying it out, and I'd rather do that than having to fight with this group. After all, their group is made up of a pretty attractive woman and little girl...

The problem is that although we should have the necessary crystals for the organizers to come for us, they have not done it yet. In fact, from what the girls told me earlier, it seems like a group of people did come after our battle with Idiot-san, but sadly they didn't seem to be coming to congratulate us on finishing the game.

...that bothers me a little. I practically followed the rules of their game, so they should reward us in the same way as the others! But they didn't, and that causes me to feel discriminated...

"What do you think? Are you willing to help us? "

"Well... I don't see anything wrong with trying what you propose"

Maybe since Me, Mary, and Revy weren't official participants in this game, then those bastards decided to just abandon us on this Island. If the ones trying to contact them is their group instead, then it might work.

In fact, I hope it works! Otherwise, the following things I have to do after finishing this game would get complicated!

"Good! So if you have nine crystals with you, I'd like to borrow them. If not, it may be a bit annoying, but we will need to get the crystal out of your hands. If even after that they are not enough, then only I and Hidemi will try to attract the helicopter..."

It seems like he had thought things through quite… well, he didn't have to worry as much since I have many more than just 9 crystals.

"You're lucky, we have exactly 9 crystals"


"Seriously? That is good!"

As the girls give me a slightly accusing looks at my words, I walk over to him while taking out the 9 crystals. What do they want me to do? Tell them that I have most of the crystals of the people who were on this Island in my possession? That would only complicate things...

So, when I give these to this man, two things happen ...


[Mission / Main "Collection of Radar Crystals"

Rank: "F"

Description: All of the people who descended by parachute carry a crystal in their right hand, if you collect them you will be able to obtain generous rewards.

Rewards per Radar Crystal:

5K x Crystals [C]

50K x Gold [G]

1x Treasure Chest [ Wood- Iron]

Rewards for collecting 10 Radar Crystals:

50K x Crystals [C]

500K x Gold [G]

1x Treasure Chest [ Iron ]

Rewards for collecting 25 Radar Crystals:

500K x Crystals [C]

5M x Gold

1x Treasure Chest [Bronze ]

Rewards for collecting 50 Radar Crystals:

55M x Crystals

50M x Gold

1x Treasure Chest [ Steel] ]

[ Mission Completed

Total Radar Crystals Gathered: "69"

Total Accumulated Rewards:

6,645,000x Crystal [C]

69,450,000x Gold [G]

1x Treasure Chest [ Steel]

2x Treasure Chest [Bronze ]

6x Treasure Chest [Iron ]

69x Treasure Chest [ Wood- Iron]

NOTE: The rewards will be sent to the Interdimensional Inventory of the User.

The number of hostile participants on the Island is 0. User restrictions have been lifted]

... I-Indeed, it seems that these people were the last on the island and after confirming an alliance this game is over, or at the least for the system. Also, it seems like since I created an alliance with these people, it was like getting their crystals too!

This time the system didn't mention something about an additional reward, but damn, with those rewards it's more than enough! I'm rich again!

"I-Is something wrong?"

"Eh? Kohon! No... it's nothing "

Due to the great excitement I was feeling, I started jumping excitedly while raising my arms. So that must have surprised this guy quite a bit… no, not just him, the others were also looking at me.

Coughing a little, I resume my serious attitude. I was certainly glad for the rewards, but more so for the fact that I could now use all my weapons! I really wanted to take them out now and put them on my waist!!


Unexpectedly, before I can do anything, a helicopter is visible in the sky and is rapidly approaching where we were.

"That was pretty quick..."

"Yes... m-more importantly, I think you all should hide now!"

"Boy, I think it's too late for that... they already saw us"

I agree with Revy's words, it is useless to hide now as this guy wants, they should have already noticed us from that height. So ignoring this guy's words, we simply waited for the helicopter to descend near where we were.

After feeling the discomfort of the wind generated by the propellers after its landing, then in no time, several people begin to go down from the helicopter and enter on a formation in an organized way... that was a somewhat impressive exhibition, it seems that the creators of this game like to do things outlandishly.

"F-Finally... it seems that we finally know each other! I was really worried that when we arrived you all would disappear again!! "

The first to speak was a fat man with glasses who looked at me with quite penetrating eyes... this person was a bit similar to Hirano, the difference was that the Hirano had a pleasant environment around him, and the first impression this man gave me is a bad sensation.

Well, it's not like I came here to become friends with this guy, the important thing is that the previous guy's plan worked and they came. Although... their base must be very close since they arrive so soon.

"You're late fatty. We have long since collected the necessary crystals for all of you to appear… well, since I was indisposed at that time, then I will forgive you. "

"Y-You... rascal... do you think you still have the right to ask for the prize of this game?!!"

"…Of course. Why else would I want to see you? Here, you can count them and you will see that I am not lying "


Since I had received the reward from the system for the crystals and now I didn't need to hide the number of crystals I had either, I threw the small bag at this guy and it ends up hitting his face... it was supposed for him to catch them. Come to think of it, maybe I should have removed the crystals I got from the optional missions from the system... well, I don't think that matters now.

"Before you give me my reward, I would like to go first to your base if possible..."

"Hahaha... you stupid brat! Don't worry, at this moment all of you will go directly there!! You all will be our important guests!! "

Oh~ that's good. Although... I got the feeling that something is not right... unfortunately, before I can find out what it was, the guy next to me intervenes.

"You damn bastard!! How can you treat people's lives this way?!! You have to pay for everything you did in this place".

"Ah, I forgot that you three were also here...well, your performance was also something boring and useless during this game, so you will also share the fate of these women!"

Looking with great resentment at this fat man, the guy next to me takes a bomb from the bags on his waist and takes a position to throw it... wha~ Man, if you want to kill him, do it after I accomplish my goal!

Strangely, none of the people who got out of that helicopter seem to care about this guy's actions. But then with the following words of the fat man, we know the reason for this...

"Don't waste your energy, boy. The bombs have been deactivated since the moment we decided to come here and are useless now. "

"Oh! It is true…"

Hearing what he says, I quickly grab one of my bombs and try to activate it but nothing happens after I press the button multiple times.

[Now that you can use your interdimensional space, you can have the system activate them again]


[A blocked BIM has been detected. If the user wants to activate it again, it is necessary to pay 1 thousand crystals]

Following Aurora's instructions, I send the [Timer BIM] I was holding in my hand to my inter-dimensional storage and immediately hear that notification. Damn… will you really charge me for this? Well... it's not like I'm short on money right now.

" Fucking bastard!!"

"Hahaha, you, group of idiots. I will really make you pay for everything I had to go through these days!!"

"���Wait. What happened about my prize? Won't you take me to your base?! "

"… Stupid, of course I will take you to our base! But we will make you all talk about everything you know and why you came here!! "

"A-Alex-chan… i-is this not bad? We don't even have the bombs to defend ourselves now… besides, do you have any fondness for messing with anyone who crosses your path! "

Shit! I don't think I did anything wrong to make this fat man hate me! That surely is unwarranted resentment!!

"Catch them all!!"

""Yes, Takanohashi-san !!""


"Shit, this is bad... those guys have weapons"

"Fuck! Can't we really make these people pay for everything they did? "

"D-Damn Oda! That's why I told you that we should only follow the rules of those guys!! "


With such orders, the other people at his side start walking towards us making everyone else nervous about this. This was understandable, after all, as this guy says, these men were holding assault rifles and we couldn't use the bombs.

Well, the only exception to this was me and Mary... I do not know if the latter is because she is overconfident, or simply immune to stress. But the reason why I am calm is simply that the bombs did not matter to me now... although, I could continue using them.

Haa... the truth is that I wanted to reach their base peacefully and once we infiltrated there, the rest would be easier. It is a pity that we have to take the difficult path...

"If you don't resist, then we won't hurt you to much."

"Hehehe, although I would be happy if you did, that way I had a justified reason to touch you roughly"

"Stop playing and simply make what Takanohashi-san order us... he is already angry, so do not give him a reason to vent his anger on us "

[Bang] [Bang] [Bang ]…

While these men casually approach us, I take out my pair of RS-h 12 and start shooting at them… Ha ~ I really missed them!

These men seemed to be wearing bulletproof clothing similar to what I was wearing, but unfortunately for them, the caliber of the bullets and the chargers for these weapons that I chose were armor-piercing bullets that made their equipment useless.



Several screams of agony later, the only one who was still standing from the men in front of us was the fat guy who some soldiers called Takanohashi.

"W-Why the hell do you have weapons?!... no, where did they come from?!!"

"That's true, brat! If you had weapons, why didn't you give me some earlier!! "

Because of this, not only that man was the one who was surprised, the people in my group also looked at me with astonishment on their faces. The one that recovers faster is Revy, but the bad thing is that instead of being happy about this, her complaints begin to rain on me.

"I couldn't take out weapons before, is not that I wanted to make things difficult for you"

"Whatever, if you have weapons, then give me some!!"


Since it seemed that the only way to calm this woman down was to do as she told me, in the next instant I make some weapons appear in front of her so she can choose one.

"Fuck… did you have an armory with you all this time?!"

"I-I think that's not the important thing here... w-why do weapons appear out of nowhere? W-Where did they come from? "

Unlike Revy who started taking each of the weapons to test them, the other people were more in agreement with Emilia-chan's opinion. Since there is no time to go into detail even though they were looking at me as if they wanted me to respond, I decided to ignore them for now.

In the end, between the M-16, AK-47 and other assault rifles, several sniper rifles, and also pistols, Revy choose a pair of Barretas and several of their magazines.

"Ha~ Damn! I finally feel like I'm complete~ "

"Okay, for now let's follow that guy's plan and hijack the helicopter."

In the end, it seems that we should follow the plan that the guy proposed. So, I quickly advanced to the man named Takanohasi who had been watching everything that was going on with his mouth and eyes wide open and immediately pinned him down.

"Gyaaa! L- Let me go, damn bitch!! "

"Well, we will take your cordial invitation and go to your base now..."


Written By Drack

Edited By XArezzX