
Soul Evolution System

Reborn as Alexander Ilios Apeiro in another world "Gaia" by an unknown entity will have to embark on an adventure to develop in this new world and have a place to belong. He will have as support a system that will allow to travel between worlds to be stronger and to maintain his happiness and freedom. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I publish a chapter of 2,500 - 3000 words every two days. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Status Alexander: https://www.facebook.com/101129721342560/photos/rpp.101129721342560/213946780060853/?type=3&theater Status Venus Luciferian https://www.facebook.com/101129721342560/photos/rpp.101129721342560/216641293124735/?type=3&theater Status Scythe https://www.facebook.com/101129721342560/photos/rpp.101129721342560/219449106177287/?type=3&theater Status Leona https://www.facebook.com/101129721342560/photos/rpp.101129721342560/222242122564652/?type=3&theater ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hello everyone!! Remember to visit my p-a-t-r-e-o-n and support the novel. I will be very grateful and motivated if you could do it, thanks a lot!! https://www.patreon.com/Drack21 Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-" Also if you can go to the page of the novel and give a like there, I appreciated it. https://www.facebook.com/System-evolution-of-soul-101129721342560/?view_public_for=101129721342560 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I do not claim ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content of an anime in this novel. The cover image is not mine it was taken from: https://static.zerochan.net/Sephiroth.full.115435.jpg

Drack · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
537 Chs

Chapter 2 Aurora[Edited]

[Alexander, the recreation of your body will start soon, I recommend choosing a younger age than the one shown in the image, preferably between 12 to 13 year old, since it's the period in which a human body usually adapts to growth changes]

The pleasant voice that I set for the system was heard in the dark, well, it seems I am about to step on the new world, if I'm not already there. What the system said seemed reasonable to me, it would be undoubtedly strange and the sudden change would cause me a sense of incongruity, adapting to the development of a new body growing over time should be better. Although I admit that it would not be totally enjoyable to experience puberty again.

"Okay, let's set it at 12yo"

Without knowing how much time passed since I answered, (it could be seconds or hours) it was difficult to distinguish the passage of time in a state in which only my mind worked. Suddenly, I had the sensation of a light gust of fresh wind crashing into my skin, instinctively opening my eyes.

By squinting to adapt to the light, I bring my right hand forward to block the sunlight, observing my own fingers I give the order in my brain to close and open my fist to confirm that it is my body while visualizing the movements. As I expected, it was a bit strange, I noticed that my point of view it's a lot lower than the previous one, and that my red hair was against my back.

[Welcome to Gaia Alexander, for now you should first look your status to start with the basic explanation]

"Status?... Ok"

Things will be like video games for what it looks like; well it's not that I'm complaining, it's interesting in its own way. So, how do I see my status? Do I have to say it, think it, or make a sign with my hands? Then I look for a way to display my status.


Name: Alexander Ilios Apeiro

Race: Human

Age: 12 years old

Level 1

Soul Level: 1

Hp: 100/100 Source energy (SE): 0

Strength: J

Resistance: J

Dexterity: J

Intelligence: I

Agility: J

Magic: (-)



[Will of the Worlds-I] [Soul of the Emperor-J] [Blessing of Origin-SSS]

[Inter-dimensional Inventory -SS] [Evaluation-SSS] [Fire Immunity-S]


-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------


[ Multi- Elementary affinity (Sealed)] [Wings of the Sun (Sealed)]


[Luck-S] [Charm-C]

Wives: 0 Lovers: 0 Followers: 0 Summons: 0

Gold: 0 Crystals : 0

Current world: Gaia (Upper World)

Suddenly a great variety of information was introduced into my head confusing me a lot, it wasn't until everything was processed in detail that I was able to organize it in my mind, making a bit of sense, although I did not know if the values ​​were good or bad. But assuming that I am just starting should be the lowest ...

I still had doubts about some things so I decided to consult them with the system to solve them.

"Previously I have heard that this world is a superior one, what does that mean? What is the difference whit the one I was before?"

[All worlds are graded by levels as follows:

1-3 Low Level Worlds

4-6 Middle Level Worlds

7-9 High Level Worlds

Above these are the superior worlds. Why they are classified in this way is a simple matter, first of all, it is because of the level of soul in which allows the soul of the individual to grow, in addition to its extension, resources, energy (mana, ki , Chakra ), beings that inhabit it , etc…]

"Soul level?"

Another of my doubts, I noticed in my status that I had a level 1 soul, can the soul become stronger? I thought it was something like our deepest and most basic existence, which allowed us to have an ego, not something that could be quantified.

[Each sentient being has his soul, the strength of the soul is also valued by levels, the higher the stronger the individual will be and the harder it will be for him to die. Although not accurate, to understand soul levels would easily be:

1-4 Mortal

5-7 Divine

8-9 Primordial

You can interpret the level of existence in that way, but there can be exceptions or irregular people. In addition, within each level there would be sub-levels, but just keep this in mind for now. The important thing is that you must understand that if you want to become stronger you have to have a high soul level]

"So you mean that the soul level can be strengthened and isn't it something that remains the same for the rest of life?"

[Yes, a level 1 soul is the beginning of a being that develops wisdom and usually the physical level of the person has a limit of 100 in this and unless it increases it will remain stagnant]

"So I'm only limited to level 100 and if I want to be stronger, I need to raise my soul level to 2?"

[Right, but it would be much easier for you to level your soul than a normal person in this world, the first reason for this would be your new body, but you will discover the difference when you get more used to it. The second reason is that because of the resources that will be at your disposal from the system, it will be like having multi- universes for you alone]

"And how do I increase the level normally?"

No doubt the system would be a great help, but as they say, there is no free lunch in the world, it must have a price, if it cost nothing then Cross could had made me the strongest person in this world. So I should also strive to increase it like everyone else.

[The level of the soul depends a lot on the mental state of the individual. For example, overcoming challenges the person can go through a spiritual transformation that will make him grow mentally, having firm ideologies also helps, of course there are also objects or natural areas that provide reinforcements to the soul. Anyway, you have a variety of options to do it]

Well, I should focus on that, if I want to be totally free I must be among the strongest, otherwise I will surely be suppressed by other people.


[Mission / Main "The beginning of the journey"

Every adventure begins with the first step, opening new paths to walk and move forward to achieve the desired objectives.

Requirements: Take a step in the world of Gaia

Reward: 100x Crystal

1,000x Gold

1x Beginner Package

1x Scroll Skill -J

1x Lizard Skin Armor -J

Mission completed: Rating: A

Additional reward earned: 100x Crystals

1,000x Gold

1x Weapon ticket -I]

An unexpected notification rang in my mind when I start walking with my right foot, I was a little baffled because I thought the system had a female voice, but it had returned to the robotic tone from the first time. Noticing my doubts, the system this time switched back to the sensual intonation she had spoken previously.

[That was the system interface, it will only give you notifications, it will not interact with you in any other way. You can say that it does not have intelligence, I am the one who will help you on your trip and if you ask yourself, yes I do have a thought of process]

I did not expect that, but in this way it can be confusing to refer to two different subjects as a system. I think it is better for the female voice system to have a name by which to call it, or rather I have not asked if it has one.

[I don't have a name assigned, but if it makes things easier for you, please give me one. Certainly it is uncomfortable to be called the same as something without intelligence]

Now she put me in a difficult situation, I have to think about it since it will be her name from now on. It doesn't feel right ​​thinking of any random name and believing that you can change it later conveniently, mmm ...

After thinking about it for a few minutes, I chose one that represented a beautiful natural event and it didn't sound bad.

"OK, from now on you will be Aurora"

[Thanks Alexander, it's a nice name, I really liked fufufu …]

"It's good that you liked Aurora"

This solves the problem, now let's see the objects that I receive when completing the mission, although more than a mission is like the help you get when completing the tutorial of a game, with the difference that I have not done anything, anyway is a benefit well received.

"Aurora I don't see the objects of the reward appear, where are they? "

[Every time you finish a mission they will automatically enter your inter-dimensional inventory, you can find them there]

I guessed as much, but it's not bad to confirm it. When I thought about wanting to use the inventory, I felt a large space divided into small slots, somehow I knew if they contained something inside and if it did, I visualized an image of what it was.

So deciding to try it, I wanted to take a crystal from within one of the slots in which the 200 crystals were, in an instant I realized by the weight of the object that materialized in my right hand, it had an appearance of a white quartz not so crystalline about 3cm long and 1cm wide in the shape of a rhombus. Intrigued by his use surprisingly its information appeared in my head.


Crystallization of the natural energies of the worlds, normally found in areas with high energy rates or formed inside creatures]

I think this must be my evaluation skill working and wanting to confirm my ability and objects, I continue taking them out of the inventory to identify them.


Gaia World Currency ]

[Beginner Package:

Contains the basics to perform explorations: 10x Resistance Pills

3x Simple clothes changes

3x Underwear

1x Mirror

1x knife-J

1X Canteen-F

1x Flint

1x sleeping bag

10x Potions Hp-J]

When taking out the beginner's package it was like a small box which shone and became several objects. I honestly don't find the logic behind this.

[Skill Ticket-J

Activate to redeem for a skill of the same level in the system store]

[Weapon Ticket-I

Activate to redeem a weapon of the same level in the system store]

[Lizard skin armor-J

Chest protector, can guard against bumps and cuts to a certain level]


Simple knife for exploration with moderate edge, ideal for stabbing causing great damage to the target]


it stores a quantity of 1000 liters of water in an internal dimensional space, it has the function of creating water from the atmosphere and purify it. Requires one crystal per use]

Some objects were too simple that by activating the evaluation skill you only get things like clothes in the case of simple clothes and underwear. And others only said things that I already expected as in the case of the potions that were to restore health or the resistance pill for a meal replacement.

All seemed useful in some way, what bothered me was that the best was a canteen ... the only exception was the mirror, I began to think that the system considered me a vain person and tried to satisfy my desire ...

But when I used it, it caused me three surprises, the first one, although thinking about it, this is logical and I should have noticed it from the beginning, I was completely naked. The second that almost made me spit blood, was that my appearance was quite feminine. Imagine Sephiroth, although whit a refined appearance he is still quite manly in my point of view, with a toned musculature, Adam's apple and a male face, but that is because he already has the body of a fully developed adult man.

On the other hand, my body that has a rather delicate appearance, milky white skin and long hair that touches my back and a 12-year-old body that is just beginning its development ... I have to admit it if I saw such a person I can only see it as a Beautiful young woman with a very promising future ahead.

I look the reflection in the mirror, almost instinctively lower my look slowly, in the process I pray to all the gods I know, I remember perfectly choosing male as a gender. I was practically sweating and my fear grew when my gaze passed over my navel, but I had to confirm it, so I continued towards my crotch to see what was there.

" Wooh "

And this was the reason for my third surprise, although it was gratifying on this occasion or at least I think so ... yes, I still have the same package that all men have, it was a great relief, I almost wanted to kneel and thank all the gods for hearing my prayers.

The only thing that prevented me from that was the astonishment that caused me to see him ... honestly, is that the thing a 12-year-old boy should have? ... he is quite large ... and it is in his calm and asleep state, as it will be when he is furious?

I didn't know that Sephiroth was so well endowed ... it will certainly become a heavyweight when I completely become an adult.

With this thought I could tolerate the current aspect of the image in the mirror, I just have to wait to grow a little ... I should also pay attention to it by training my body.

[Although I don't know what Sephiroth would be like, that part of you is the result of not specifying the parameters for the formation of your body, the option most desired by people in your world was set as default ]

" uh ... well, whatever, as I thought about this at first I think, it's not a bad thing and should be fine not to worry about it. Also, its function won't come into play until after a few years, I'll think about it when the time comes"

While I was talking to Aurora, I started dressing, I didn't have the fetish to exhibit myself, although I could surely walk around with pride with my head high, that would only cause me problems with a certain group of perverts and I can't be so optimistic thinking that this world doesn't have them.

What can I say, the clothes were not bad or uncomfortable, as the name implies they were simple, something you regularly wear. With the equipment on, I put the rest that are not useful for now in the inventory.

"Well, from here on it will be our beginning, please take care of me from now on Aurora, I tend to be a little careless and inexperienced, I will have to count on you for many things Aurora"

[ Fufufu ... Leave it to my Alexander, let's work hard and reach greater heights together, we have many things ahead of us but surely we can overcome them]


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