
Soul Evolution System

Reborn as Alexander Ilios Apeiro in another world "Gaia" by an unknown entity will have to embark on an adventure to develop in this new world and have a place to belong. He will have as support a system that will allow to travel between worlds to be stronger and to maintain his happiness and freedom. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I publish a chapter of 2,500 - 3000 words every two days. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Status Alexander: https://www.facebook.com/101129721342560/photos/rpp.101129721342560/213946780060853/?type=3&theater Status Venus Luciferian https://www.facebook.com/101129721342560/photos/rpp.101129721342560/216641293124735/?type=3&theater Status Scythe https://www.facebook.com/101129721342560/photos/rpp.101129721342560/219449106177287/?type=3&theater Status Leona https://www.facebook.com/101129721342560/photos/rpp.101129721342560/222242122564652/?type=3&theater ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hello everyone!! Remember to visit my p-a-t-r-e-o-n and support the novel. I will be very grateful and motivated if you could do it, thanks a lot!! https://www.patreon.com/Drack21 Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-" Also if you can go to the page of the novel and give a like there, I appreciated it. https://www.facebook.com/System-evolution-of-soul-101129721342560/?view_public_for=101129721342560 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I do not claim ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content of an anime in this novel. The cover image is not mine it was taken from: https://static.zerochan.net/Sephiroth.full.115435.jpg

Drack · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
537 Chs

Chapter 1 Alexander Ilio Apeiro [Edited]

With 28 years of life going with the flow of society, I can honestly say that I didn't have a bad life. My childhood and school life was normal, I had no family problems, I even went to a university and got a degree, allowing me to have more opportunities and greater skills in the working world and thus, I became independent.

My love life wasn't that colorful, but since my appearance was presentable and I wasn't antisocial, I got to be with several girls.

I'm not really complaining about how I lived, but humans are complicated, the more they have then more want, that is our nature and I am no exception. To put it simply, was not satisfied with my life.

With all that I have said you will ask, why? ... well, it just felt like my life is being controlled, If I want a good life I must follow and obey the rules? Its as if I was following a script and I feel like Im bound to what others call as "destiny". I wanted to break free from those shackles, but not to the point of becoming a terrorist or a criminal. I guess my greatest regret is going with the flow of society

Now you may be wondering why I am speaking in past tense. I can answer you, just as you come into the world suddenly and without your opinion, in the same way, you can also die ... or at least my case is like that.

Or at least ... I think am dead, since I do not feel my body but still have my senses. I expected to wake up a long time ago but it has not happened, so my conclusion is that I somehow died and only exists now as a soul.

"That's right, you have died"

I suddenly heard an imposing voice, a few seconds later, because of the surprise and the shock of the sudden intrusion, by instinct I ask.

"Who are you?"

"You can think of me as a superior existence, something beyond your understanding "

Oooh, it seems that I have run into someone arrogant or great self-esteem ... but if I think of a superior being I can only imagine one.

"So you are a god?"

"I don't think I am arrogant for answering a fact, but from your point of view, you can only see me as a god, and the answer to your question is no is"

The voice, seemed to come from all sides, and strangely I had the feeling that before I heard it, it had finished telling me things. But that voice surprised me by what he said.

Damn, he can read the mind, if I had known that I wouldn't think about rude things. Now I have to wait to see if he would get angry and erase my existence... then, for the fear that he would lose his patience I continue talking.

"You are not god? "

He already told me that, but I can't help asking again because I ran out of ideas with whom or what the voice might be. Besides, I wanted him to forget my thoughts about how arrogant he was.

"I will not get angry about that, I won't be bothered by something as trivial as that, especially if it came from an inferior existence, because if I did, then I would be putting you at my level or in a nearby one. And answering your question again, I am not the god that you know of, gods are only beings that are on the top of the rank in their worlds."

... That is offensive, but I put that aside because of the shock his words caused me.

"So what are you?"

My curiosity led me to continue asking questions, his way of addressing himself seemed like he was above the gods, but is that possible?

"It would be difficult to explain it to you because of your limited understanding, but if we put it in an example, let's say that plant and animal life are sentient beings. Above them would be the regular sentient beings which are the same as humans. Above these are the gods, superior beings.

Higher than gods are the laws of the world, although they cannot be called as beings...

Overcoming the previous ones are the beings that can break the laws of the world, or even create their own worlds and interact with other planes using their power. Let's call them as primordial gods of origin. And finally, my existence, who can see and know everything from an infinity of worlds"

" haaa..."

That is a lot of information to digest, I don't know what to think. Though I died and this was not a dream, I can only accept all his dialogue as something that came out of one. My mouth could only gesture that sound ... but I have no mouth ... Is this is how ghosts feel?.

"So, what does an exalted existence want from someone like me?"

I had to keep getting information because this was the only way to give sense and reason to what's happening. After my mind managed to calm down I ask a new question.

"As you can think, your existence is inconsequential for me. You can take this as having bad luck or good luck, decide it in the future. The reason why I summon you here is simple, seeing others take individuals out of their worlds and putting them in other worlds while giving certain objectives and some of their power just to see how things developed.

I was curious to see what would happened if I did the same action. You can think of this as a way venting my boredom, but don't worry I won't ask you to do something like defeating a demon lord or saving a world from a catastrophe.

Just live your life with the power that I will give you and do whatever you want, if want to help the demon lord dominate the world or save only yourself during the catastrophe is your decision."

It seems that I will become one of those people who transmigrated to another world!

A part of me could not help feeling excited since one of the hobbies I had during my previous life was manga, anime and video games. Though I wasn't at the level of collecting figures… Now I just have to see what kind of world he would send me to, he also said something about giving me a power ... I hope it is at the level of the main characters in those stories? Well, just having one and a good life would be fine.

"Which world will I go to? Or can I choose? And what will my power be?"

I asked, my voice was trembling, it was inevitable to feel excited. This will be a new beginning, a new opportunity where I could correct the regrets of my past life. I had no idea what it would be like, but what I was sure was that I wouldn't allow something to restrict me, be it society or the world in which I will arrive.

"It is a bit different from what you are thinking, since the reach I have to the worlds are not few, but it is almost infinite.

So if I sent you to one of those worlds, it would just feel like a simple blink for me, it wouldn't fulfill the purpose for which I brought you.

You will go to a higher world as a base and from there, you will move to others"


"As for your power, it is better that you develop it to your preferences and opportunities. If I granted you a power greater than what you can bear at your level, your soul would burst"

Before even letting me ask the questions about the doubts I had, felt something being embedded inside me, it's as if I was being burned and then suddenly, I heard another voice inside my head.

[Integrating soul evolution system in the soul of the host 0% ... 3% ...]

It sounded robotic and without feeling, and from what it said, it seems something is being installed in my soul.

"Explaining the powers you can receive and which you are fit to use would take me a very long time because the options are innumerable, so it is easier to integrate another existence into you which would take a role similar to that of an assistant while also being connected to me"

"Are you going to spy to me?"

[14% ... 20% ... 27% ... 33%]

I could not help showing my distaste for how he does things, he calls it assistant, but how do I know that it is not something to monitor me? Knowing that I would have someone or something watching me every second was not pleasant. I don't want to make my life a reality show.

"You don't have to worry, I won't interfere in your life, moreover, even without the system I cannot avoid seeing everything you do. The knowledge of all events in the infinity of worlds comes naturally to me. I will not judge the things that you carry out as good or bad for these things are meaningless, I will only care about the development of your story. Just take it as if someone is reading your biography"

[45% ... 58% ... 66% ... 79%]

Damn, I forgot he could read minds ... Also, every time he speaks I feel more insignificant ... it is spiritually and mentally exhausting. If he continues to be like this, I will wish to be reincarnated as plankton...

"The system is autonomous, it will be governed by the rules that I have given it. After this I will not intervene, I will not monitor you, it will only be you and the system from the moment you step on the upper world, even if you put yourself in dangerous situations you will have to manage that for yourself, do not expect me to save you. If you die, you can only blame your own incompetence and ineptitude"

" Haa ..."

[83% ... 91% ... 97% ... 100%]

I could only express that at the end of his long speech

I feel really insignificant now. I want to hate him but he doesn't even speak with the intention of offending me. What he thinks of me is without malice and that only makes me more uncomfortable. I imagine that this is what a laboratory rat feels, its existence is inconsequential, and what matters is its purpose.


Suddenly a robotic tone resounded throughout my head

[Host specifications required]

[First name…]

After the system finishes whatever it was doing, it speaks.

First name? What does it mean by that? Does it want me to give a name for it?

[It is necessary for the host to enter a name to identify himself as the user]

Then the voice explains...

Great, another one that can read my thoughts ... as if I didn't have enough. Well, a name ... I should start with a new one as a determination to change my regrets from my previous life. But which would be good ... a powerful or influential name ... Arturo ... Cesar ... Achilles ... David ... Alexander ... mmm. After thinking of several names I pick one.



[Alexander registered]

[Now enter a last name please]

Another problem ... if I use the previous name from my world, I would feel something uncomfortable, also I think that it should be original, I don't want to become a replica of some character. After a few minutes of consideration, I decided.

"My last name will be Ilios Apeiro"


[ Ilios Apeiro registered]

[Starting choice of physical characteristics of the new body]

[Select gender]


I don't have to think about this, rather why does it even ask? Right, I don't have a body now, but anyway it should be able to identify that by my mentality.

[Provide a base for physical characteristics]

... I think that if you give someone the option, no one would choose to be ugly. And what does it mean by "base"?? Can it be modified later? Besides, defining part by part would be cumbersome...


[Alexander, can you give me a mental image to capture a base form]

That helps a lot ... but now who would I like to look like ... personally, Sephiroth looks the coolest. Then the image of him formed in my mind.


[Analyzing image ... Showing the host and waiting for confirmation]

Suddenly a clear 3D image of Sephiroth appeared in my mind with more details than had imagined on my own. It was very realistic ... I don't know if wanting an appearance like this is considered vanity? I think the majority would like a handsome face, if not… plastic surgeons wouldn't exist in my old world.

But I think that being the same as Sephiroth would feel somewhat unreal and out of place each time I would look at my reflection ... let's change it a bit so that I can be comfortable with this appearance.

"Put scarlet hair and golden eyes"

At the end of the sentence, the 3D image was modified as my orders requested.


[Physical characterization of the user performed]

[Confirmation Y / N]

As if it understood what I wanted all the changes were done and system asked. I confirm in my mind and the 3D image of a Sephiroth with intense scarlet hair and bright golden eyes gradually faded and disappeared.


[Set system assistant features]

[Gender: Male / Female]


Can I also modify the system? I thought it would be something predetermined. Well, it's not bad to have my preferences.


The last thing I want is the voice of a man who accompanies me all my life inside my head. A female presence is better ... although I want to be spared by the comments that I have a female mind trapped inside a man's body.


[Choose one of the following personalities:]

Friendly Irritable Idle Proud









Then a long list of options was deployed, some of which seemed a bit crazy to me ... in fact, there was the option for the system's personality to be crazy. Seeing it caused me to feel a chill down my spine. That would be suicidal ... no, suicidal is also a personality on the list, unless someone wanted to kill himself choosing it that. I don't see the reason why they bothered for a second life. I wonder if this is a kind of joke? For my part will go for the safe option, I selected several options.

"Kind, understanding and guiding"


[Choose the tone of voice]

Like the previous one, I was shown another great list. I chose what seemed best to me and her voice ended up sounding sensual and very pleasant to the ears. I certainly wouldn't mind talking to her all day just to enjoy her melodious voice.


[Implementing ... initial parameters completed]

[Please wait until arrival in the upper world to execute the corresponding commands]

"It seems to be over, then if there is nothing else I will send you to begin your journey through the new world that awaits you"

The first voice I heard in this place suddenly sounded again. I had completely forgotten him because I was concentrated on the system configuration process.

"Then this should be the farewell since we will not see each other again. May I know the name of the one who gave me this opportunity?"

"... Cross"

With those words my conscience began to fade and I lost my senses, it was a little scary as I was only an astral form, it seemed as if I was slowly disappearing.

Even while afraid, I was excited for this new life that was granted to me. I wanted to wake up quickly to start this trip and enjoy it completely without leaving a single regret once my final moments arrived. I intended to die this time with a satisfied smile for everything I did. And maybe, just maybe, meet Cross again and ask if he found my life interesting.

"I hope your story would be entertaining… Don't let me down Alexander Ilios Apeiro"


Written by:


Edited by:



Hello everyone!!

I talk with Vyrphax and he tell me that he will try to edit at less one of the previous chapters. So both of us only ask for a little the patience until can reach the ahead chapters to edit these, thanks for the comprension.

Thanks to everyone for your support and reading SES, now there are 25 people who support the novel. Remember to visit my (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) so this novel can continue, no matter the amount of contribution Alexander and I will be very grateful and you will have the benefit of being able to read the chapters before the others.



Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

Also if you can go to the page of the novel and give a like there, I appreciated it.


Thanks for reading SES, see you in the next chapter.