
Soul Crown

"Born into this world with a bare soul, he embraced the bloodline of the werewolf, crowning it with glory."

Kevin_Cianci · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
100 Chs

The Balance

In the heart of the forest, two werewolves clashed in a savage battle, their claws slashing through fur and flesh, jaws snapping with lethal intent. Each attack, every move, was designed to kill.

Adam could feel the murderous intent in Kin's every strike. Covered in wounds, Adam roared and charged at Kin once more. His mind, usually filled with calculations and plans, was now singularly focused on one goal: defeating the opponent in front of him.

Kin met Adam's charge head-on, laughing wildly. They collided with such force that Adam staggered back, his arms flailing to regain balance before he ultimately fell to the ground.

Moonlight filtered through the leaves, casting its light on Adam's face, triggering a distant memory. He remembered a time when his skin had been mostly dissolved, his legs and one arm broken, crawling through the mud with his one good hand. Despite his shattered body and exhausted spirit, Adam had continued to move forward, driven by sheer willpower. It was then that he had first sensed his bloodline, transforming into a werewolf.

Now, under the same moonlight, a voice spoke softly to him. "Bless you, my child. May you always be safe," it said, filled with hope and warmth. More voices followed, each one a whisper of strength and purpose.

"Never forget our mission, the mission of our family."

"Fight forever."

"Never stop!"

"Follow in the footsteps of Ralph Ronny Trindell."

The voices blurred, melding into a powerful force that seeped into every part of Adam's being. His soul seemed to transcend its limits, with all past experiences transforming into nourishment. Time, space, and reality twisted and vanished, leaving only his soul traversing the void.

In this moment, Adam felt as if he had gained a new perspective. He saw himself lying in the forest, glimpsed the streets of his past life, and witnessed countless other worlds. Then, his soul began to descend, returning to his body like a feather settling on a scale, activating his physical form.

Baring his teeth, Adam stood up, his dark red eyes fixed on Kin. A palpable sense of oppression emanated from him, his aura so intense it seemed to materialize, radiating from his body.

From Kin's perspective, an indescribable energy swirled around Adam, like clouds of mist or an invisible force enveloping him. Just as Kin's presence could manifest as black smoke in the perception realm, Adam's aura now shone even brighter, directly interfering with others' senses without needing a perceptual projection.

"So, this is his awakened ability?" Kin felt the oppressive force and was somewhat disappointed. The ability was strong, but not among the most elite.

"Maybe his ancestors weren't powerful enough," Kin speculated. A purebred werewolf could trace their lineage directly to their ancestors for blessings during their bloodline awakening. However, if a purebred's parents weren't also purebred, the tracing could only go so far.

But before Kin could think further, the battle resumed. Adam, now exuding an intimidating aura, moved with blinding speed through the trees.

A dark shadow lunged at Kin, who turned and slashed, only to find he had hit an illusion. Adam appeared right in front of him, claws raking across Kin's chest, leaving deep, bone-revealing wounds.

"My senses are suppressed by his aura, and he's faster and stronger than before..." Kin grabbed Adam's other fist, bracing himself against the ground to maintain balance.

Suddenly, a terrifying force exploded from Adam, disrupting Kin's combat rhythm and momentarily sealing his senses. When his perception returned, he saw Adam lifting a fallen tree and swinging it at him.

Kin was thrown across the ground, carving a deep furrow in the earth. As Adam let go of the tree, he leaped towards Kin, who barely had time to react before Adam's aura surged again, paralyzing his senses.

From above, Adam pounced with both claws, tearing into Kin's flesh and exposing his organs. With a final grasp, he ripped out Kin's heart and roared triumphantly to the sky.

The heart shattered in his grip, releasing black smoke that drifted toward Adam. He turned to see another Kin standing there, the corpse beneath him disintegrating into dirt.

"Round two?" Kin asked, tilting his head with a grin, his eyes glowing red, shrouded in black smoke like a demon from hell.

"You're not dead, so why stop?" Adam replied, standing tall as his overwhelming aura surged again, stronger this time. Even without perception, the sheer presence was visible, swirling around him like an ethereal storm.

Kin's vision blurred with hallucinations of angels, saints, and mythical creatures. "A werewolf with angelic visions? Really?" Kin sneered, black smoke forming spears that dispelled the illusions, only to find Adam already upon him.

Kin barely had time to react, throwing a punch that Adam caught, using the momentum to slice at Kin's neck, leaving a deep gash.

"You learn fast," Kin noted as his black smoke stemmed the bleeding, supporting Adam's falling form.

Kin observed Adam's numerous injuries, reopened by their intense fight, still bleeding profusely.

"This round goes to you," Kin said, raising his hands in surrender. "I yield."

The black smoke enveloped Adam, staunching the bleeding and setting his bones. Adam tried to resist, but his vision blurred and his body weakened, causing him to lose consciousness and revert to human form.

Kin caught him, slung him over his shoulder, and began walking back to the slums. He started to laugh but winced, touching his neck. "That was a heavy hit."