
Soul Bound Heroes Universe: My Boyfriend and My Dog

A wholesome slice of life story about two highschool boys who met because of a dog and become fast friends. Starring Adalin Pompey, a Germone/Dutchness (German/Dutch) transgender boy, who's had trouble with school and making friends due to his father's job as a sailor having to be moved around a lot in a year to two years times and Owen Cheindome, a cowboy and hunter from the state of Hope living among the people of Masacara trying to be as normal as he can be aside for the fact he's far from that. Sadly for the hunter things can't stay normal forever as his secrete gets out and his life begins to change to adjust for his hunter needs. At least Adalin is with him supporting him through the craziness. Seems nothing is going to separate these two boys from another, but perhaps that's because they both don't realize their biggest enemy might be time itself. Find out what becomes of this wholesomely cute fated pairing as they face the unknown future together bravely!

Tealiah_Eddards · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

(8) Dinner With The Fam

The summer time air blew gently on the pair as they hiked up the windy hilltop of the mountains they all lived on. The cars and vehicles were carefully passing them on the paved highway while they stayed safely on the smooth sidewalk.

Most folk chose to walk up the mountain side, bike or skate as the road can be very dangerous at times even with their magical thermal powered dome protecting the cities from the cold of the state. It was kinda interesting to see that it was snowing outside the city mountains as the tiny little flakes would touch the magical barrier making the seemingly invisible barrier sparkle with a transparent rainbow hue.

"Kinda neat huh?" Owen chuckled seeing Adalin staring at the barrier and she shyly blushed.

"Yeah. It's strange to think that this state is working with mages to make magical tech and yet still everyone is very uninformed about them." Adalin explained as they continued to walk.

"The mages here are working up the courage to come public in this state by helping our scientists come up with new ways to improve our living situation with their magical capabilities. A lot of them are anti mages who descended from the long journey." Owen explains.

"The long journey..." Adalin whispered deep in thought.

She heard of the long journey. It's were all the Nikonese had to leave their homelands and sail across the world to find a new homeland to call their own and most either settled down in the islands known as Sanctuary and here in Masacara. The anti mages were the ones that sealed away the homeland with their magic to keep the deadly robots that took over from escaping. Yet, only the children of the anti mages survived as they were much to young to help with the barrier's seal.

"So... Rufus's parents...." Adalin whispered not meaning to.

"Well not all the anti mages here are from the long journey most are from Dutchness sent to help watch over the states and the countries. Rufus is definitely from old Dutchness... he's a mystic from the Mystic Wars. He's about over one thousand years old. Mystics tend to stop aging. He's known as the black knight." Owen explains as Adalin looks at him in shock.

"He's that old?!?" She cried in horror.

"Well yeah. Mystics are like vampires they immortal." Owen nodded.

"Are you immortal?" Adalin had to ask.

"Two hundred years is the oldest we hunters get." Owen admits.

"So... you'll out live me..." Adalin felt a bit sad by that.

"Haha. Don't worry. Most hunters don't make it to one hundred, because of our reckless nature." Owen admits.

"That doesn't make me feel any better." Adalin shakes her head.

"We can become mystics of you want." Owen gives her a cheeky smile.

"We can?!?" Adalin stepped back in shock.

"Yeah, but don't let the church catch you playing with chaos magic they'll not like that." Owen nodded.

"Does it hurt?" She asked as she ran up to catch up with him.

"Not that I know of... I mean... Rufus became a mystic by falling into the Mystic Falls. We can jump in ourselves after finding it and boom mystic powers." Owen chuckled.

"That's because Mystic Falls got tainted with chaos magic that seeped into this plane from the chaos realm right?" Adalin recalled this from one of her history lessons back from home.

"Yup! You can even call upon the chaos god himself and he might bestowed his blessing of chaos magic upon you making you a mystic that way." Owen nodded.

"Who is the chaos god?" Adalin asked.

"Hmmm... Kaosu is one, but he's not the original god of chaos. I think a few sailors call the original one Kimos. Though the church denies it and will only accept Kaosu. I've heard some sailors say that Kimos is the true creator of this universe that our ancestors came to discover and settle in." Owen explains.

"Kimos... I think I've heard of him. He's the god of change and direction... he's a chaos god?!?" Adalin asked in shock.

"Yup. Sailors are probably trying to worship or honor him in secret as change and directions are very important to sailors. Dutchness would rather erase h from existence as Apollo is their lord and savior. Apollo sees chaos as a cancer and threat to all." Owen explains.

"Hmm... I mean... what even chaos?" Adalin wasn't sure as they passed the flower shop and the skating store.

"That's a hard question... most say it's the unknown. A catalysis for the impossible to become possible. A mix and mess of energies to create an unpredictable and unstable result of energies. Rufus would know more about it and if you ask him... It's the primal energy of madness, insanity and savagery. It's something very ancient and old. Something that perhaps we all needed at one point to survive the pure and true wildness, but now that we have modernize... It's like us hunters... dangerous, predatory, and wild... It's a magical power that can't be tamed or controlled. It does what it wants and has a tendency to destroy what it wants." Owen sighed deeply.

Adalin touched her chest in deep thought, "That can be anything. You can almost say... the future is chaos. That life itself is chaos..." she paused for a second and Owen stopped to look at her softly.

"I don't think any magic not even chaos is inherently evil... it's how you use it. Of course not understanding the magic you use... It's going to lead to mistakes and mishaps. Which will often lead to unfavorable results. If you understand something.... You're able to keep that thing from lashing out. That's what I think anyways." Owen shrugged.

"That's a good thought. I want to believe that too." Adalin smiled and nodded.

Owen smiled taking her hand to hold it staring at her with fondness in his gentle rose colored eyes, "You can even say people are chaos. Because everyone acts so differently and has their own mental perspectives that they are going to be unknown forced to another. Through their actions they can bring horrible destruction on themselves and others around them or created a better lifestyle or improving lifestyle for all." Owen chuckled.

"And if we understand each other more... Maybe we'd all be less likely to lash out against another." Adalin nodded.

"Exactly. I want that kind of world for us." Owen beamed.

"Who doesn't?" Adalin chuckled.

"But sometimes it's takes more than understanding to fix things. Actions are needed to. Along with courage." Owen let's Adalin lead the way.

"Courage..." Adalin smiled taking the lead.

"Yeah. No one is going to talk down some unstable person with a weapon of you think about it. To dangerous and it's just easier to just punish them. Than trying to be the pacifist that helps them see that it's not to late to fix their lives and change their ways." Owen sighed, "But luckily that's why we hunter's exist. That's our job." Owen bragged.

Adalin looked at him worriedly, "But..." she really didn't want him doing anything dangerous.

"This town is pretty chill. I doubt I'll have to do anything like that, plus there is a hunter's guild here. That means more trined hunters can handle it rather than me or give me back up at least. Besides we can see people's intentions pretty easily. We can sense if they truly crazy or just need some help." Owen purred.

Adalin relaxed and nodded, "I'm glad than."

Owen paused, "We just passed your house." He realized.

"Huh?!?" Adalin looked around confused, "Oh we did... how did?" She asked.

"Big fluffier is scratching and barking at the door, because he smelt us." Owen chuckled.

"You can heard that?!?" Adalin blinked.

"Hmm.... Yeah, but it helps that I'm more naturally attuned to dogs. I hear a lot of things that I've just learned to ignore over the years. I've learned if I focus on one thing the rest of the noises just kinda drown out and don't register with me. It's a bit harder to do at night. I try to focus on pops falling asleep to the tv. Doesn't always work. The tv is constant changing it's noises and I need a constant sound that doesn't change in pitch or volume." Owen explains.

"Huh... than why not listen to your heartbeat?" Adalin asked and Owen looks at her in dumbfounded shock.

"That's genius!" Owen looked so ecstatic, "Imma have to try that!" He looks so relieved as he leads the way to Adalin's house.

"Kinda mean of your dad to leave the tv on knowing you're a hunter." Adalin replied.

"He keeps it on the lowest volume possible. He's got insomnia so it helps him fall asleep. So it's not that bad. When I was little I'd curl up next to him on the couch and fall asleep next to him listening to his breathing..." Owen blushed shyly.

"Awl that's so cute!!!" Adalin gushed just imagining it in her head.

"Dad's pretty restless when night comes. I think he'd be better off trying to live as a night owl, but society kinda doesn't allow that kinda of lifestyle that much." Owen sighed as Adalin prepared to open the door.

"I get that. My dad is kinda just not really good at other jobs. Sailor is just all he's really good at and fishing." Adalin sighed deeply.

"Yeah most Germone's seem to be like. If they aren't sailors they are in the navy... Though there's a few landlubbers that are brewers and other things. Though the life on the sea seems to be heavily in their blood and souls. Than you got Dutchness, who are more like the ones who stick to the land or even the skies." Owen nodded.

"That be true. That be true." Adalin hated to admit it as she owned the door and the big white fluffier pounced on the both licking them like crazy.

"Down. Sit!" Owen ordered and the dog sits and stares at him intensely, "Good boy." Owen pets the dog nuzzling his face in the dog's fur.

Adalin hugged her dog and did the same glad Izzy is safe and well. Her father chuckled as he walked over to them.

"Welcome home my son. Izzy has been waiting for you to come home." Her father explained.

"Yeah. Is that right? You miss me? I missed you!" Adalin pets the puppy, who licked her in the face and made her make a face as she laughed.

"Um... Not to impose, but I was wondering if my father and I could have dinner together with you... I uh.... Need to talk to you both about something..." Owen shyly explained, "I'll help with cooking dinner and even buy some food!" Owen replied quickly.

"No need. I've already prepared dinner. There's enough for you both. So go head." Her father nodded.

"Thanks... I uh... going to call dad real quick." Owen shyly explains and walks away to pull out his phone and make that call.

This was going to be an interesting dinner. Trying to explain to both their parents about going to be training at the hunters' guild together and Adalin being Owen's soulmate... She just hoped it goes well.

"Well uh... you need help setting the table?" Adalin asked shyly and her father nodded.

Adalin brings Izzy inside and closed the door to look at Owen softly, before going to help set the table.


Owen waited two rings, before his father picked up, "Owen? Is something wrong?" His father asked.

"Nah nothing is wrong per se... I have a new friend and well... they my mate." Owen just decided to proclaim.

There was a moment of silence on the other end, "A mate?!? Are you sure?!? You're so young! I'm not ready for grand babies! You sure it's not a mistake?" His dad was freaking out.

"I want you to come met them yourself. They agreed to have you and me over for dinner." Owen just shake his head and smiled.

"Wait! Wait! So their parents know?!?" His dad wanted to faint.

"Yes and no... just come over. There's a lot more to talk about." Owen explains.

"You aren't getting married are you? Already?!? It's so soon! I know they your mate, but give them a little time to know you at least. Or is it just like that intense. Oh gosh... please tell me there isn't a baby already involved in all this. I don't think I can handle this." His father sounded very panicked.

"No! No! Just no!" Owen went blood red, "My mate does know they my mate, but we haven't... we just taking it slow okay?" Owen explained.

"Alright... alright... I'll get ready. Text me the location. Best I hear all of this. Oh boy." His father sighed.

"It'll be okay pops... but bring a few handkerchiefs with you just incase." Owen sighed smiling.

"Oh you going to make me cry ain't ya?" His father ask.

"Possibly. Oh and my mate... They are transgender. They haven't told me, but it's like how they knew I wanted to talk things slow and just try to build up our relationship and have things feel normal to me... yet they never had to ask about that." Owen blushed.

"Okay. So... what pronouns should I use?" He asked.

"Him slash he." Owen explains.

There was another moment of silence, "Well you've gotta be the bigger man in the relationship and make sure you're both safe if you two get intimate. I know you will, but... You are a lot stronger and you know that we don't really make proper accommodations for hunters.... So..." His dad tried to explain.

Owen went red nodding, "You don't have to worry about that to much... I'm.... I'm going to get training from the hunter's guild from now on." Owen replied.

There was a moment of stifled crying from the other end, "Okay. Okay. Imma be there soon. I want to hear the full story." His father decided.

"Okay. See you soon. Be careful on the way down here. Try not to blindly run into anyone. Just breath. I'll give you a hug when you get here." Owen felt a bit bad.

"I love you. I hope you know that. I'll see you soon." His dad tried hard not to cry.

"I love you dad. See you soon." Owen smiled softly hanging up as he put his skateboard next to the house and heading into the cute little living room as the big fluffier rushed across dark mahogany wooden floors to try and tackle him.

Owen steadies himself catching the dog and holding the puppy in his arms as it wags it's tail happily while licking his face.

"Hahaha. Izzy really loves you." Adalin walked toward him and Owen smiled at him fondly and lovingly.

"He knows that Imma protect you just as much as him." Owen replied happily.

"Not this time you promised." Adalin reminded him with a cute pout.

"Haha alright." Owen gave in and walked over to Adalin as the dog turned to lick Adalin now as it stayed very still for Owen as he held the big boy.

"He must be heavy." Adalin pets the dog nuzzling his face into his fur getting happy licks from the dog.

"Eh... not really. Probably no heavier than my dad, and that table." Owen shrugged and set the dog down so he can run around happily.

Adalin looked at Owen shyly and Owen blushed. It was weird for him to be here and yet there was a sense he belonged her with Adalin.

"Table is set and dinner is ready. Is you're old man on the way?" Adalin's father asked.

"Uh. Yes sir." Owen shyly responded wanting to be very polite as he didn't want to be imposing on them.

"Very good. Come sit. Let's talk. Just you and me." The father sat down and Adalin looks at his dad and Owen worriedly.

"It's going to be alright." Owen assured her as he sat down at the table with Mr. Pompey.

Adalin decided to sit with them as Izzy stick next to her side with his tongue hanging out of his mouth wanting more pets. Adalin decided to pet the dog as Owen tried to focus on mister Pompey. He was really worried about being rejected by the man after all family isn't just important to just him, but his mate as well. While, they both love and accept each other, they might end up letting each other go if their is parents couldn't accept their relationship. He truly didn't want that.

Mister Pompey stared at Owen with his hands intertwined as he glared at him intensely, "You're a hunter. Hunters always stuck with their path to protect our kind from danger even it means taking down their marked brothers and sisters. Like dragons, you're both vulnerable to corruption and going mad turning into a force that will mindless destroy everything around them. I know you aren't marked and I don't have to worry about that, but it doesn't mean it won't happen." Mister Pompey explains.

"Dad!" Adalin put his hands on his chest looking at him in horror.

"I know. All of us hunters fear this. I can't say it won't happen. If it dragons can be corrupted and were truly the guardian of species… than how are we supposed to not follow down the sand path, when we also vowed to help them protect the species and keep the peace… All I can say is… my fear keeps me from being reckless and rash. I'll keep my wits about me. I'm get the training to avoid such a fate… yet…" Owen looked at the floor in pain.

"I know you'll never be able to guarantee that you'll not fall to similar fate to the dragons, but I know you are very honest and strong man. I'm going to trust you to take care of my son. To protect him even from yourself." Mister Pompey stands up to head over to Owen, who looks at him in shock.

"You have my blessing, because I know… regardless you're the only one who can make my boy truly happy in this life time. And that's more important than anything else." He smiled softly.

"I… I won't…" Owen felt tears roll down his face as he stands up and gives him a hug, "I won't let your faith in me get broken. I'll fight the hardest I've ever fought if I lose my mind. Because I have too much to lose to allow madness to control me!" Owen proudly announced slowly let him go.

"Good answer." Mister Pompey pat his head making Owen shyly blush feeling happy.

"Dad…" Adalin sighed in relief smiling at both of them happily.

There was a knock on the door making the dog bark and do a happy spin, "That's my dad. Imma let him in." Owen excused himself wiping his eyes as Mister Pompey nodded.

Owen felt so relieved to be accepted by Adalin's father. It's definitely not an easy decision on the old man, but he knows like every parent that it's the child's happiness that's the most important in situations like this. At least some of his fears about this whole ordeal was gone, now it's time to face the rest of the ordeal with his father in on the conversation.