
Soul Board: DxD

Got ran over by a truck and got transported into a 'special' DxD world with traces of other anime within it. With the all-powerful Soul Board, how much will our MC's arrival screw up canon when it's all screwed up already? ---------------------- Disclaimer: I don't own the cover pic, or the characters besides the OCs, or the works those characters originate from. Main World - High School DxD Crossover - Fairy Tail, ........ I'll decide if I want more later on. Upload is gonna be sporadic. Discord - https://discord.gg/XJgQVdAQ P A T R E O N - patreon.com/renmoduo

Moduo_Ren · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

The Beginning (5)

(MC's POV)

After lamenting how this world is being so hard on me, my eyes got caught on a single part of the screen.


Rewards: 5 SPs and 『Job Class(Unlock)』


『Job Class(Unlock)』

Yeah, now this is a major incentive for me to finish this quest, and that makes me even warier.

Will something big happen if I go through and finish killing the other two? Or maybe something will happen while I'm fighting these two?

Either way, I'm still going to finish it even if the rewards weren't revealed because there might be a chance of them coming to this place again. I don't know how, but I just feel like they can, or will is a more accurate word for it.

It is inevitable.

Now that I'm resolved to kill the last two demons, another problem cropped up. Where do I find them?

I mean; I could just brute force it and try to detect them with my maximum range, and just tank the eventual headache that comes with it.

But, there has got to be an easier solution to this. Think Roger, think!

I sat down on the grass while holding my head, thinking of all the possible ways to find the two last demons without suffering another of that splitting headache.

I swayed my body from side to side, massaging my temple to stimulate some kind of memory that will help me out of this predicament.

Then, the keyword 'memory' reminded me of something. One of my 『Soul Board+』 abilities has something to do with memory!

I hurriedly brought up the screens and looked for that specific ability that I didn't have a full understanding of. Now is a good time to try it out and if the description of it is how I interpret it, it might just be my ticket to avoiding pain town for the time being.

『Soul Record』 [-]

- Cortio

- Glacc

I saw 2 names in white font listed under it and I tapped on one of their names while thinking of the 2 other demons.

A sudden flux of memories entered my head; it was only a small bit though so I didn't feel any headache at all. Once that was done, I looked and saw the name 'Cortio' grayed out while the name 'Glacc' was still white.

Looking through his memory was quite different from when I look at Hikaru's or OG Roger's, I felt like I was watching a movie in my head.

Anyway, I got to see a snippet of his memory from today. He was just talking to himself in a dim room; well, he was cursing at his 'teammates' and was plotting to kill them all. He seems to particularly hold extreme loathing for a woman named 'Luria'

Well, this was just unnecessary information so I skimmed through it until it got to the part where they plan to split up and rendezvous at a clearing in the middle of the forest outside of the wealthy area once they finish up their part.

The reason they were doing this was apparently they wanted to wipe out a group of mages who were annoying them lately. They needed to work together to take down the leader of that group because he is a mage with the same strength as a High Class Devil.

So, my guess of them being Mid Class was correct and from the looks of it, all four of the demons are Mid Class with their leader, Glacc, being the strongest overall of them.

Glacc is an all-rounder so he's good at both his 'Curse', their version of magic, and physical combat. Cortio is a bit better with his Curse of Corruption than hand-to-hand combat, and he's considered the weakest of the group.

While the last two, a bulky male demon and a female demon, are polar opposites. The bulky male demon is pure physical combat while the female demon is purely magical.

That's really all I got from the snippet of his memory, but it's just enough for me to fill in the rest of the missing parts on my own.

Let's get moving, I need to be there before both party arrives so I can prepare.

I have gotten quite a bit of SPs to play with.


『Soul Board』 [+]

Roger A. Stayv - Human

Age: 16 Rank: 21

Soul Points: 31




(Third person POV)

While Roger was making his way to the meeting point.

Back at the street where the previous battle was taking place, it looks like the two demons have just finished up whatever they were doing.

Luria was putting her dress back on with a satisfied smile on her face, humanoid husks lying on the ground around her. Her skin was very glossy at the moment and a thick black aura was constantly surrounding her.

Hank was just standing there with his arms crossed; he killed all the women he was having fun with once he finished so there are a lot of corpses around him.

"Fufufu, that was quite fun, wasn't it~?" Luria directed this question not at Hank, but at the dozens of dried-up husks around her. She licked up the leftover seeds on her face and moaned.

"Are you done? If so, we need to move quickly, it'll only be a matter of time before the main forces of those mages reach here" Hank walked up to her and picked her up, holding her under his arm like you would an object.

"I think that's a bit late, don't you think?" A deep masculine voice echoed throughout the street as many powerful spells were launched at the two demons at great speed from all directions, the most prominent being a bolt of purple lightning.

A deep pink wave burst out from Luria, slowing down all the spells considerably except for the lightning which barely lost any speed. Before the lightning could hit them, Hank covered his body with a black aura and his strength exploded, he then jumped at some of the weaker spells to escape from the more powerful magic spells.

Though the two had escaped from the on slot with only a few scratches, that wasn't the end of it. When all those spells landed, a huge elemental explosion occurred, hitting the back of Hank and blasting the two demons away.

The two demons flew and landed far from the encirclement of mages with minor wounds, if not for Luria making a magic barrier to protect them, their wounds would've been far worse.

Hank quickly darted in a certain direction once he landed, going as fast as he could while creating deep imprints on the ground with each step.

"After them!" That same voice echoed out and all the mages, who were flying, chased after them. Suddenly, a dark wind blade flew and beheaded one of the mages.

"Barrier!" Many shouts rang out and a large light barrier appeared between the two sides, blocking more incoming dark wind blades, bullets, and many more.

"Tsk, they sure came prepared. Move faster!" Luria, the one casting those dark wind attacks, cast an enchantment on Hank to make him slightly faster.

A dark green color glowed on Hank's body and the air seems to move out of his way without much resistance. He hastily jumped to the side to avoid many spells aimed at them before kicking a big rock at the barrier then continued running into the forest.

While in the forest, they will have a much easier time avoiding spells coming their way and Luria can still cast wind attacks at the mages from below.

All the two have to do is meet up with the other two and in the meantime pick off the mages' numbers. If they could do this, they can take out the biggest thorn in their side for quite a while now. That's what they think at least.

Of course, they don't know that they were running from one enemy and into another potentially more dangerous enemy, one who has a quest to complete.


(MC's POV)

It took me close to 20 minutes to get to a big clearing in the middle of the woods. The journey to here went more smoothly than I had anticipated.

In the first several minutes of my trek through the forest, I went slow and steady, jumping from tree branch to tree branch to avoid leaving track marks. I was wary of falling off the branches but that proved to be a needless worry because I was able to balance myself very well.

That [Balance] 5 on my 『Soul Board』 really showed its power when stepping on places with little foot room.

So for the rest of the trip, I only need to watch the amount of power I put into my jump so I didn't break the branches. Aside from that, I also made sure to keep my detection on and watch out for any big mana signature.

One interesting thing, I found out that I can see the outlines of trees or basically anything through Mana Detection. This translates to me being able to see things even under the cover of darkness or in places with no light, even without using my eyes.

I was contemplating a little about dropping some SPs in Sight because it was way darker in the forest but this discovery put that thought to the back of my mind.

Anyway, I'm now sitting on a tree branch quite a ways away from the clearing. There wasn't anyone here yet or anyone that is within my 250m detection range, aside from small wild critters.

So, I looked towards my 『Soul Board』. I have some free time before the actions start so I'll just spend that time thinking about what to put my points in, having too many excess SPs doesn't really sit right with me.

Hence, I shall be using some.


『Soul Board』 [+]

Roger A. Stayv - Human

Age: 16 Rank: 21

Soul Points: 31


[Natural Recovery] 6/20

[Stamina] 8/50


『Magical Power』

[Mana] 8/50


『Physical Strength』

[Strength] 10/50



[Power Burst] 10/20

[Balance] 5/20

[Flexibility] 3/20



[Dexterity] 5/20



[Mental Strength] 5/20



[Instinct] 7/20

[Insight] 6/20

[Memory] 4/20




A/N: Haven't felt like writing recently, but I still tried.

Tell me, is the Soul Board sized down enough or do I need to go smaller?

Also, I will be using the word 'mage' and 'magician' along with 'mana' and 'magic/magical power' very synonymously going forward. So, mage = magician, and mana = magic power = magical power.

That's all folks!