
Soul Board: DxD

Got ran over by a truck and got transported into a 'special' DxD world with traces of other anime within it. With the all-powerful Soul Board, how much will our MC's arrival screw up canon when it's all screwed up already? ---------------------- Disclaimer: I don't own the cover pic, or the characters besides the OCs, or the works those characters originate from. Main World - High School DxD Crossover - Fairy Tail, ........ I'll decide if I want more later on. Upload is gonna be sporadic. Discord - https://discord.gg/XJgQVdAQ P A T R E O N - patreon.com/renmoduo

Moduo_Ren · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

The Beginning (10)

(Third person POV)

The air was stagnant; making it hard to breathe for all that were near.

Algor's two barriers slowly faded away into specks of mana, leaving him wholly defenseless for this moment onward.

In his rage, he completely ignored the disappearance of his only line of defense and opted to focus his all on eliminating the 2 insects right in front of him.

Sensing great danger, the 2 demons immediately decided it was hopeless to try to kill him what with the High Class Mage going all out gunning for their heads.

They looked towards each other and nodded before both used their race's special ability to turn into astral form, Hank turning into black smoke while Luria turned into pink fog.

The 2 immediately booked it in different directions but they weren't able to get far before coming face to face with a barrier of light that covered all sides.

"HAHAHAHA! Did you seriously think I would let you escape after going to all the trouble to track you down!? No! Neither of you are going anywhere aside from Hell!" Algor crazedly spewed out with his eyes bloodshot.

Another magical power explosion occurred, filling the inside of the barrier with violent mana that assaulted the 2 demons even in their astral form.

They now realized that escape was no longer an option and canceled their racial ability, becoming physical again where their demon body could better defend against the violent mana because of Magic Resistance.

Their one time per day racial ability was wasted and now they have no way to run even if they somehow managed to break the light barrier. Now the only option they have of getting out of here alive is to kill Algor.

Now they're desperate and cornered, and you know what they say; "Even a cornered puppy will bite back". Even more so when it applies to demons, creatures created by their creator with the sole purpose to kill.

They are made to be killing machines what with their signature 'Curses' being overall very lethal in battle.

"Hank, rush him down. I'll take care of the violent magical power" Luria had a cold blank expression on, nowhere can you see the previously expressive and alluring woman.

"Alright…" Hank stepped forward and readied himself, his expression was still the same neutral one but it feels different.

The two's black aura exploded much like Algor but on a smaller scale, pushing the violent mana aside temporarily.

Hank's entire body bulged out before compressing back to its normal size but his entire being was covered in a layer of black with red lines tracing all over his body like veins.

Along with the new look, his power skyrocketed as he rushed forward and started deflecting all the light spells that zoomed at them with his bare fist, slowly closing the distance between him and Algor.

Algor was flabbergasted when he saw his light spells, that was far more powerful than before, being brushed aside like it was nothing; not knowing that Hank was experiencing excruciating pain right now from both touching the light spells and his new transformation.

Even so, Algor still kept up his rage-filled attacks with a bit of desperation as well from the new danger he was feeling from the 2 demons.

Suddenly, a powerful pink wave washed over the entire area in the barrier before all the violent lingering mana gushed towards a certain point.

Luria. She absorbed all the fierce mana into her body as blue lines appeared on her body. Next, powerful barrages of sharp wind burst from her body and headed towards the defenseless Algor with full intent to shred him to pieces.

Algor, seeing this, stopped his attacks and went on the defense. He blinked out and appeared further away, widening the distance between him and Hank while also buying time to put up light barriers to protect himself.

He managed to get up three barriers before the sharp winds assaulted him, completely melting through his first barrier with ease before moving on to the next one.

Having no other ways to escape, Algor tried to stall for more time by putting up as many barriers as he could before more breaks under the barrages wind attacks that are way stronger than Luria's last one.

While Algor was stalling for every second he could; Hank, now uninhibited by any more light spells, charged full force at the cornered mage.

Suddenly, he felt danger coming from his left side so he dodged to the side but ran right into two more attacks that hit his dominant right arm and also his stomach.

Hank was about to continue charging at Algor again because the two attacks didn't even pierce his skin but halted in his steps due to sudden sharp shooting through his right arm and stomach that was even greater than the pain of both the light attacks and his transformation combined.

Which was something completely inconceivable to him. In his 169 years of life, he has never felt this kind of pain before, the only thing he could imagine that would cause this much pain to a demon like him would be those hateful angels or those rumored people who could use Demon Slayer Magic.

Though that would just be his guess, he has never met either one of them before since they are rare, and plus, he never actively tried to encounter either of them because he would be hunted down until he is killed by them.

Hank touched the place on his right arm that hurts so much and felt a metallic object embedded into his skin, then the fingers he used to touch it started to hurt as well.

Luria saw everything go down in the corner of her vision, she was puzzled at first but she sensed the foreign death energy attacking Hank which further confused her. However, she was quickly snapped out of it by the pain assaulting every part of her body.

Yeah, she's feeling pain too because of the mana she absorbed into her body. Demons aren't supposed to have pure mana in their body so her body is rejecting that energy.

So why did she do it? To power up her attacks of course; she would never do this normally but she was desperate for power so she used her Curse to take in the immense mana released by Algor.

This is how she is able to push the High Class Mage into a defensive position, she was hoping for Hank to be able to finish Algor off before she couldn't handle the mana anymore but it seems she has to do it herself.

Luria halted her barrage of wind attacks to charge up one last powerful blow to finish this fight. However, when the remaining barrages of wind finally hit against Algor's barrier, leaving large cracks on it; two light spears flew out from the exhausted Algor towards both demons.

Luria widened her eyes and immediately released the charged-up spell to block the incoming light spear. Hank, who just managed to remove the objects stuck in his skin, finally sense the light spear coming and chose to block it with his arm because it was too late to avoid it.

Luria's charged wind spell collided with the light spear and caused an explosion to occur, sending dust flying. She protected her eyes from the dust and failed to react in time as the same light spear went through her abdomen.

Hank had the light spear pierce both his arms and barely stabbing into his chest, not going deep enough to stab his heart but very close to it.

Both demon quickly grabbed their respective light spear and pulled it out as they used their hands to stop the bleeding as their wounds healed at a snail's pace while letting out sizzling sounds.

Luria quickly fell to the ground as blood gushed from the hole, while at the same time, she felt power leaving her body as the pain she experienced only intensified further to the point that she shrieked in pain. The blue lines on her body were no longer visible as she continued to cry out.

Hank was barely just holding onto his transformation because he knew he would pass out and died if he so much as let control of it slip.

He turned his eyes to the blurry silhouette behind the cloud of dust and was ready to finish what he initially intended to do to their now exhausted mage opponent.

Hank took an unsteady step forward while enduring every bit of pain he was feeling right now before he too fell to the ground screaming in pain as two new holes on his leg could be seen.

As the dust slowly cleared, the figure of a person stood tall, garbed in all black with a Japanese-style sword in his hand that is dripping with blood.

There, laying on the ground near his feet is the remain of the once-powerful magician, Algor. The body was pale and ghastly with its throat sliced and a stab wound on the back of its head, leaking blood.

The figure's green eyes seem to glow but quickly fade as he flicked away the blood on his sword before turning his eyes to the 2 demons on the ground with the glint of a predator.


『Soul Board』 [+]

Roger A. Stayv - Human

Age: 16 Rank: 34

Soul Points: 23




A/N: Aye, I'm feeling good today. A day without class is always a nice day.