
Soul Board: DxD

Got ran over by a truck and got transported into a 'special' DxD world with traces of other anime within it. With the all-powerful Soul Board, how much will our MC's arrival screw up canon when it's all screwed up already? ---------------------- Disclaimer: I don't own the cover pic, or the characters besides the OCs, or the works those characters originate from. Main World - High School DxD Crossover - Fairy Tail, ........ I'll decide if I want more later on. Upload is gonna be sporadic. Discord - https://discord.gg/XJgQVdAQ P A T R E O N - patreon.com/renmoduo

Moduo_Ren · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

The Beginning (1)

(Third person POV)

In the spacious underground training room, there is a wide field with wood logs firmly stuck vertically into the ground with differing heights.

Within that forest of logs, stood numerous wooden dummies in places that were hard to reach and spot.

Everything seemed peaceful for the moment, but if one paid close attention, one might be able to feel the winds fluctuating.

At one of the dummies in the middle of the log forest, one moment the dummy was intact, but after a sharp whistle-like sound past followed by some thuds, the dummy suddenly had small holes that looked like eyes going straight through its head and a knife stuck in its neck.

Two similar holes appeared on the tall log behind the dummy, burrowing right through it and on another log a bit behind that log; two metallic balls were embedded in it.

Similar things happened throughout the log forest, after a sharp whistle sound like something cut through the air followed by thuds, the various dummies had knives stuck in their vital points and small holes digging through their body.

The perpetrator of this was nowhere to be found, only the dancing of the wind left for anyone lucky enough to be spared.

Of course, we all know this is the work of Roger himself. He was currently running and jumping at the top of the log forest from one log to another in quick succession.

When a new dummy came into his sight, two small metal balls suddenly appeared in his right hand and a knife in his left; the next instant, both his arms blurred before appearing again with his fingers seemingly a little bruised up.

That sharp whistle sound echoed out again as the two metal balls cut through the air while curving and avoiding the logs before finding their target in the chest of the dummy within mere seconds.

However, that's not all, not even a second passed as the two balls passed through the thicc dummy and through another log before a knife flew in and stuck itself in the dummy's back neck.

While this supernatural feat was happening, Roger didn't even spare to look at his handy work as he quickly fled from the area in haste.

He was gritting his teeth to bear the pain while running and jumping from log to log, the pain wasn't from external damage but from the overexertion of his body.

This is the work of exerting way more force than what his physical body can handle, the work of [Power Burst] 10, which allows him to output up to more than 10 times his normal physical power which is his [Strength] 10.

Fortunately, some of the physical backlashes were mitigated by his [Balance], [Flexibility], [Dexterity], and also his [Throwing] (MAX) but only when he does things related to it.

Another great point is, his [Natural Recovery] 6, which not only covers mana and stamina recovery but also passively heals his body of damages at a superhuman rate.

The bruises on his fingers were now completely gone after just a few seconds with only a bit of pain still lingering. Though his feet and legs were another story as even though he was only outputting 3 times more power than normal compared to the 10 times he used when throwing, due to constant use of it, he could feel a slight sting that shoots up his leg every time he lands and jumps again.

However, he figured that he could just steel himself and start getting used to it. After all, he knows there will be more pain in the future in the path to strongest so might as well get used to it now.

Half a minute later, Roger landed outside of the log forest and dropped on his back, panting heavily with sweat drenching his whole body. All the tension in his body was released at this moment and his muscle relaxed.

Going more than 4 hours straight of intense training without any break can really take a toll on you, if Roger didn't have his superhuman level body, mind, and recovery, he would have dropped on the ground even before the one-hour mark.

Suddenly, he felt a wave of drowsiness and fell unconscious right there on the ground, peacefully napping in his own sweat.

He can go clean up his weapons later after he has well-rested in like 30 minutes.


Back again in the dimly lit room, this time all 4 were present and every one of them was looking as happy as they could be because one of them came up with a way to solve their money problem.

"So, what do you all think about this plan? It's perfect, isn't it? Sometimes genius ideas just come out at the weirdest place" The small leader smirks cockily while tapping the armrest of his chair.

"You could have at least finished inside me before calling this meeting, you know? Now, I'm all frustrated" The woman rubbed her thighs together with a pout and flushed face; this guy had stopped in the middle of their stress relief session to talk about his genius plan.

"I hate to admit it, but I like this idea. While two of us fight off those detestable mages, the other two can go steal from one of the mansions in the rich area. Maybe we could even mind control the owner and take it for ourselves, hehehe" The lean man ignored the woman and started putting his ideas on the metaphorical table while sporting an evil grin.

"The plan is good and all, but who will be fighting and who will steal. I personally like to get in the action" The bulky man clenched his fist, making his muscle bulge as a black aura came off of him.

"How about you get in some action by f*cking me hard before this mission? I'm still not satisfied because of a certain someone" The woman sensually fondled her mounds while touching herself down under and biting her purple-colored lips seductively.

"I'd like to be as far from this whore as possible" The lean man snorted in distaste, he thought to himself 'To think I used to f*ck this queen of all sluts'.

"Well, it's settled then. She will go with him to fight off the mages while you and I take over a mansion; I'm sure there are some untouched flowers there working as maids" The leader smirked widely seeing the changing expression of the lean man as he heard 'untouched flowers'.

"Now, you're talking" Said man grinned perversely and a black aura flared from him as he thought of tainting the young maidens, he just loves corrupting innocent girls; it's just part of his nature.

"Hey~ Won't you do me just once? I can't possibly fight when I'm all hot and bothered~" The woman floated herself off her chair and sat on the bulky man's lap, grinding her bare and soaking wet entrance against his hard rod.

"After the fighting, I can't spare the energy for such thing when a fight is near" Despite reacting, his face was stoic and full of seriousness.

"Fine, I'll take that, I guess. Prepare yourself, because I will suck you dry~" She licked her lips while caressing his face as a black aura also envelop her.

"Alright, let's move out" The leader as well had a black aura radiating off of him, though his looked mist-like.

As you can see, these 'people' are not normal at all.


(MC's POV)

I awoke after an unknown amount of time of napping on the training room's floor; I checked the clock on the wall above the entrance and saw it was roughly around 6:30 pm.

Seeing that it was close to evening, I quickly picked myself up off the ground and proceeded to clean up the mess I made for the past 4 to 5 hours.

I picked up all my weapons and stored them away before collecting the wooden dummies and setting them back where I found them.

It only took around 10 minutes due to me using [Power Burst] at 3 times power on my legs and also the 『Item Box』, imagine I have to do round trips for everything, *Shiver*, that would be such a hassle.

After I finish cleaning up, I headed to the shower room to wash up. Side note, I did change into sportswear before my training started, I'm not a psychopath.

The shower was heaven~, the hot water really hit the spot after being drenched in sweat for so long.

Hmm, random thought, but am I enjoying a hot shower more than usual because I have a high [Elemental Affinity] to Fire?

You could also call this a shower thought.



But, for real though, I should try to find that out someday.

Getting out and drying myself, I put on the clothes I came here in and went upstairs.

When I stepped out, I see Roy giving out orders to the maids, who had already changed back to their normal work uniform of normal maid attire.

I stood by and waited for him to finish with his thing before asking if he can get me more of those throwing knives and metal balls since I want more.

He said he will have them delivered to my room as soon as he could before excusing himself to go back to work.

I was about to head back to my room when my detection picked up two big reactions. When I concentrate more on the two, who stood out like a sore thumb, I can see both have a brighter life and mana channel than me and was approaching the mansion at a high speed.

This sets off my alarm bells already but what really hit it out the field was that both of their channels were glowing with black color, death energy.

Though, before I could even start thinking about anything, a semi-transparent blue screen popped up in front of me.


『Fate Plus』 [-]

[First Fate Quest – The Beginning]

Description: Starting anew at the beginning of your adventure within this new world, you must take the first step in your journey to the top.


1- [First Blood: Get your first kill]

2- [Encounter: Make your first encounter with the supernatural side]

3- [Tainted Blood: Kill someone hostile of the supernatural side]

4- [Unexpected: Individuals who seek to attack and take over this mansion have suddenly appeared. Either escape from this place or eliminate the intruders]

Rewards: 5 SPs and ???



A/N: It seems the people wants blood. Thus blood I shall give.