
Soul Board: DxD

Got ran over by a truck and got transported into a 'special' DxD world with traces of other anime within it. With the all-powerful Soul Board, how much will our MC's arrival screw up canon when it's all screwed up already? ---------------------- Disclaimer: I don't own the cover pic, or the characters besides the OCs, or the works those characters originate from. Main World - High School DxD Crossover - Fairy Tail, ........ I'll decide if I want more later on. Upload is gonna be sporadic. Discord - https://discord.gg/XJgQVdAQ P A T R E O N - patreon.com/renmoduo

Moduo_Ren · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

New Quest And Procrastination

(MC's POV)

After that whole getting Roy as a sword teacher affair, I excused myself but before I could get to the door, Gramps said something that almost made me trip.

"Oh right, I forgot to mention. Roger, you will be assigned a personal maid to help you with anything you need starting tomorrow"

I managed to catch myself in time before turning my head around with a puzzled look on my face.

"And, why do I need one exactly?" I curiously asked, I can honestly take care of most things on my own just fine, no need for something like a maid.

"Of course, you need one, they are more than just eye candy, you know" Hearing him joke like, I deadpanned. There are a lot of people who would get triggered by that joke, but I guess he wouldn't really care what the commoners think; he is super-rich after all.

"Anyway, you will get a personal maid assigned to you, it's been decided. Figure out what you do with her later" Gramps then waved me off and wished me 'good night'.

I leave the room and walked back to my room, passing by a few maids who stopped what they were doing and bowed to me. I smiled wryly at this and sighed; I'm seriously not used to these kinds of treatment.

After getting back to my room, I plop down at my desktop computer and searched up some music, not really expecting much since this is an anime world.

However, to my surprise, some of my favorite artists are in this world. I'm counting Back Number, Sharou, RADWIMPS, Yonezu Kenshi, YOASOBI, and a couple more.

I then went on to search for anime, manga, light novels, shows, and movies. Many of the popular works back in my previous world are here, but some are missing like Fairy Tail, Fate, The Irregular at Magic High School, The World God Only Knows, and probably many more I don't know about; after all, I'm not really a diehard anime fan who knows every title in existence.

Also, the High School DxD series is missing too for obvious reason. I could just imagine the supernatural world freaking the hell out at the discovery of their entire world being based on an erotic fantasy light novel.

Oh, the number of existential crises that will incur will be off the chart.

Anyway, this is really a pleasant surprise, now I won't have to be bored out of my mind because this world has no culture to it.

Putting on Fish by Back Number, I put on earphones and just sit back and listen. It feels so different now to when I listened to it in my previous life, the song is the same but there's just something that makes a world of a difference.

I can understand the lyrics.

Hikaru's fluency in Japanese is really a bigger boon than I thought. I now can understand the words being sung by the vocalist unlike before where I had to use the subtitle to get an idea of what the story of the MV was.

No more will I have to bite my nails in frustration because the MV doesn't have English subtitles *cough* Kenshi *cough*.

Now enough with that, let's turn my attention to the thing I set aside back in the dining room. My second quest; the one who gave me the 『Soul Board』 is a real slave driver, huh? Not even 2 hours after the first one and I'm getting another one already.


『Fate Plus』 [-]

[Second Fate Quest – First Step to Greatness]

Description: Now that the beginning of your journey in this world had already come to pass, it is high time to take that first step to become a future powerhouse of this world so you can protect yourself, your friends, and your family.

A true powerhouse is someone who can deal with almost anything thrown at them, so why not strive to become one? The holder of the all-powerful 『Soul Board』 should always aim high, surpassing even the realms of the so-called gods of this world.


1- [Simply A Must: Learn to use magic in however ways you want]

2- [Two > One: Become skilled and adept in the use of 2 different weapons]

3- [Nothing Left Unused: Master the art of Stealth]

4- [Remain Anonymous: Figure out a way to hide your real identity so enemies won't be able to easily target your family and friends]

5- [Cash-in Your Gift: Awaken your Sacred Gear]'

Rewards: 8 SPs, 1 SP+, and 1 Drop of Pheonix Tear


Oh, thank Michael this is just a training quest. I mean, even if it were another kill quest, I could just refuse to do it. Then again, not getting the rewards would hurt my conscience as a gamer; simply leaving good things to disappear while I just watch gives me a bitter taste in my mouth.

You could also call it Collector's Anxiety or FMO(Fear of missing out), though those and this feel different in many ways but they closely resemble each other so just pick whatever you prefer.

Anyway, back to the quest. All these objectives are things I was already planning about doing anyway so if they give me rewards for it, I'm even more down to complete them.

The first one I'll have to spend some more time gathering information and thinking before jumping into, I wouldn't want to waste my precious time learning something just for it to turn out to be completely inefficient.

For example; spending months to learn Human Magic wherein it requires a lot of calculations and mental power to use just to find out I could've followed how the demons use their 'curses' with ease and with little calculation.

I know for a fact 'curses' only use a bit of calculation for targeting and the rest is just control of the 'curses'; after all, I did witness how Luria and Hank used their 'curses' without a magic circle while Algor formed a magic circle for every spell he cast, plus I also know how Curtio uses his from his memory.

So, I need to cross-compare their 『Soul Board』 and check out their memory before doing anything else. But I can already make an educated guess just from the first glance at their [Magic].

However, that's for another time.

Onto the second objective, I don't need to talk much about this since I've already decided to pick up the sword way back in the forest. What can I say? I think having mastery of a long to mid-range weapon and a close-range weapon is just a positive overall, not to mention, I have 2 powerful magical weapons for these types of weapons so, why not go for it?

Now that I have Roy, who I will assume is a master swordsman from him having Sword 5, becoming skilled with the sword will only be a matter of time with the 『Soul Board's』 help. Then, Throwing is even easier as I have the memory of someone who has reached the pinnacle of it, I can just use the training he did and the techniques he uses as a guide.

For the third one, I have Hikaru's memory to guide me along, enough said.

The fourth objective will have to wait until I learn how to use magic as I can imagine there being something I can do with magic to change/hide my true appearance while out in the field.

The final one, like the fourth one, will have to wait. I still don't have a solid clue on how to awaken one, although I have some ideas and a bit of faith that they will work, it all boils down to waiting for the right time.

In conclusion, this quest will take a considerable amount of time to complete so there's really no need to rush things as rushing things will result in mistakes, and personally, I don't like making mistakes that could potentially cost me my life.

"Welp, that's enough thinking for today" is what I would like to say if I didn't have something else to check on.

This day is just absolutely full of events that I might just forget that I've only arrived here in this mansion TODAY!

Breathe in, breathe out, Roger. No need to scream at the top of your lung in the middle of the night, just listen to music playing in your earphone and relax for a bit, let all the stress you've built up from today be washed away.

A few minutes later…

Alright, I think I'm ready to check out the main reward I got from the quest. After this, I'm gonna take a nice long bath before jumping straight into that bed made of angel feathers and falling asleep.

I pulled my 『Job Class』 screen and immediately regretted my decision as I felt my head festering with a strong headache.


『Job Class』 [-]

Active: None


[Night Stalker]

[Dark Wanderer]

[Forest Walker]

[Dead Shot]

[Eye of The Storm]

[Dungeon Walker]


[Grand Sonar]

[Dragon Slayer]

[Bane of Evil]

[Bane of Holy]


[Flame Magus]

[True Mage]


[Truth Seeker]




Alright, that bath sounds pretty damn good right about now. Closing that screen, I, with a big smile plastered on my face, made my way to my bathroom. I don't care what Keqing will say, I'll deal with all that tomorrow after a good night of sleep.


A/N: Got back into Genshin and now I'm addicted again, great....