
Soul Board: DxD

Got ran over by a truck and got transported into a 'special' DxD world with traces of other anime within it. With the all-powerful Soul Board, how much will our MC's arrival screw up canon when it's all screwed up already? ---------------------- Disclaimer: I don't own the cover pic, or the characters besides the OCs, or the works those characters originate from. Main World - High School DxD Crossover - Fairy Tail, ........ I'll decide if I want more later on. Upload is gonna be sporadic. Discord - https://discord.gg/XJgQVdAQ P A T R E O N - patreon.com/renmoduo

Moduo_Ren · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

New Home

(MC's POV)

I stood at the entrance of the hospital, looking far better than when I first woke up in this world 3 days ago.

Yes, I was now officially discharged from this hospital. Hopefully, I don't have to ever set foot in this place as a patient again.

Anyway, the discharge process wasn't anything special. The head of the hospital just came and bid me farewell and I went with Gramps to the car that will take me to my new home.

While on the drive there, Gramps asked me what I wanted to do moving forward, he said he'll support me even if I decide not to attend school.

"I'd like to get my bearings for now and think about it, I still need to adjust to my new lifestyle"

"Mhm, you did miss 2 years of your life so it's fine to take some time to ease your way back into society, just know I will support whatever your choice is" Gramps nodded and looked at me with tender eyes, ones filled with affection.

"Thanks, Gramps" I smiled unconsciously before turning to look at the changing scenery outside.

Frankly, I don't know where else to go after this. Going to school might be a great way to pass time and reintegrate back into normal society, but that would take time away from my training.

In the last 3 days, while I was in the hospital getting rehabilitation sessions, I was able to test out some of the new abilities I got. I couldn't test out some of them like [Strength] or [Burst Power], you know, the more destructive and noticeable ones, but I did try out some of them to learn how they work.



I didn't do anything extreme; I just did trick shots with paper balls in my room. I would hit rebound shots, straight shots, and even curved shots all around the room.

The first several shots were just normal tosses; I was just going easy with throwing them from the bed all the way in the trashcan across the room.

After I got the hang of it, I started trying out more and more complex throws; off the wall, off the ceiling, curved shots, and many more until I got bored of it.

There was only so much I can do with paper balls after all, if only I better, heavier objects to throw, like rocks or bullets.


When I first tried it out, I got a massive headache from all the influx of too deeply precise information of all sources of mana and life force in a 1km radius of me.

Even though I immediately turned it off, the headache still lingered for several seconds before finally subsiding.

I think if I didn't have [Mental Strength] 5 and [Memory] 4, I would've passed out for sure.

The next time, I tried tuning it down to only a few meters around me and I didn't get a headache this time.

While having both Life and Mana Detection on, my senses were greatly overwhelmed by lots of different colored specks of lights. If I have epilepsy, I would have been on the ground 2 seconds after seeing that, thankfully I don't.

Anyway, I decided to turn off Mana Detection first and see what Life Detection can detect first.

I saw tiny specks of light green, golden yellow, and black lights lingering in the air around me, and balls of golden yellow light scattered throughout my body connected by golden yellow strings.

With this, I could assume that the golden yellow light represents life force. The other two I wasn't sure about at first but I was able to label them after some time.

The light green is a mix of life force and mana; I know this because when I only turned on Mana Detection afterward I still saw these things around. For what they are? No f*cking clue.

For the black ones, I decided to call them death energy. The reason being, I only saw these in the bodies of old people or those who were dying from illness or something else.

It didn't feel great seeing black dots in Gramps' life channel (the balls of life force scattered throughout the body connected by strings) or those black splotches in the cancer patients'.

Alright, next I turned off Life Detection and turned on Mana Detection, like I mentioned before, the light green light was still there. Along with them, there were specks of blue, white, red, and purple lights, and also the mana channel of my body.

The blue one is mana, of course, while the other three gave me vastly different feelings when I looked at them.

White light gave me a pure and gentle feel so I dubbed it, holy power, the power of the Angels.

Red light gave me an evil and sinful feel like it would consume me whole if I got too close to it, and since it's red it only makes sense if this is demonic power, the power of the Devils.

As for the purple light, although it gave vaguely the same feel as the demonic power, going by its color of purple, which is commonly associated with taint, I dubbed it, fallen power, the power of the Fallen Angels.

Now, these are just inferences from my wild imagination since fallen power, as I call it, wasn't mentioned in the anime, so I might be wrong about it; but, at the same, it might have existed in the LN or this world is one of those AU worlds, and considering I have the Soul Board the latter point does not seem too farfetched.

After I had labeled every light color, except the light green one, I started to adjust the potency of the detection so I filter out the very small speck of energy floating in the air; don't get me wrong, seeing the tiny minuscule detail will definitely come in useful later, but that's for later, not now when I'm trying to adapt to my abilities.

So, after I filter it out, I finally turned both detections on simultaneously and looked at my body.

This time I can see something new, I saw something liken to the bodily structure of the human body. The mana and life channel were neatly and intricately connected with many blue and golden yellow strings between the brightest balls of light of the two channels, which I will call the core.

The mana core is in the head while the life core is located in the heart, the two most important parts of a living creature.

I wonder what would happen if the string connecting the two cores were to be severed; I can imagine what would happen if I were to hit or destroy one of or both of them, but what if the connections are cut.

What would happen if I sever the connections of the mana and life channel?

So many possible outcomes that I can't pinpoint just one to be the correct answer. I just have to know, so on the list you go.

Moving on, there's also the small ball of mana and life force too that are scattered around the body, connected by strings like a system. These seem to be like vital points of the two channels so I'll call them notes.

After I finished looking at myself, I turned my attention to other people's channels and I can see that every person has slight differences in their notes' placement, but aside from my two channels being brighter than normal people, there was nothing else.

I kept playing around with the range of the detection for a while and manage to find that I can comfortably detect up to 250m radius, and if I try, I can go up to 400m with a bit of mental strain, any wider and I start feeling a headache that grows in intensity the wider my detection range goes.

Maybe if my [Mental Strength] and [Memory] are higher, I can handle more.


This one was a little hard to find the right time to try out, but I still somehow managed. It is going to be my main go-to ability after all since it has the most point invested into it.

Plus, I'm not about to just disregard the power I was given and go with another build entirely. This is free power, why the hell would I not use it considering how powerful it is just from Hikaru's memory alone.

Staying hidden, and hitting unnoticed attacks and shots with [Assassination] and [Snipe] bonus dealing a f*ck ton of damage.

Tell me that doesn't sound like a cool and effective fighting style, I dare you.

Anyway, at first, it was kinda tricky to use since I'm not experienced with moving around unnoticed. One time I almost bumped into someone because they couldn't see or notice me.

I also practiced doing silent movements too because I was almost caught for knocking over a trashcan in the dead of night, unfortunately, though fortunately, the light there was broken so I was able to escape in time.

The day after, I overheard the nurses talking about hearing loud footsteps at midnight and thinking it was a ghost during my rehabilitation session.

This is what sparked the memory of Hikaru also learning silent movements too when he was in Scholarzard.


The sound of clanging metal brought me back to the present as I see the black sedan I was in, rolling in and passing a large gate, leading to a wide road that led to a big mansion with huge grass fields on both sides.

While I was admiring the wide expands of lush green grass, the car arrived in front of the mansion entrance before coming to a stop.

Gramps got out on his side and I followed along, I dazedly stared at the line of beautiful women in black and white maid attire lining up on both sides of the path to the mansion entrance.

"Welcome to your new home, Roger"

In my daze, Gramps arrived at my side and placed his hand on my shoulder.

Now, this would be a touching and heartwarming moment if not for a little tiny detail.

"Gramps…Why are the maids dressed in French style?" I glanced at the skimpy maid outfit on the sexy mature maids before blankly staring at Gramps.

"Uh, I thought you would like this, you have always liked those Japanese Animation shows since you were a kid so I had Roy research about it, and…" Gramps has sweat all over his face while turning to the old man in a butler outfit standing at the front door.

"This is the result, huh?" I asked and Gramps nodded in confirmation.

"Give him a raise" Was all I could say while giving a thumbs up.


A/N: Be like Roy. Roy is very cultured.