
Soul Board: DxD

Got ran over by a truck and got transported into a 'special' DxD world with traces of other anime within it. With the all-powerful Soul Board, how much will our MC's arrival screw up canon when it's all screwed up already? ---------------------- Disclaimer: I don't own the cover pic, or the characters besides the OCs, or the works those characters originate from. Main World - High School DxD Crossover - Fairy Tail, ........ I'll decide if I want more later on. Upload is gonna be sporadic. Discord - https://discord.gg/XJgQVdAQ P A T R E O N - patreon.com/renmoduo

Moduo_Ren · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

[Quest Complete]

(MC's POV)

After the second mana explosion, and violent mana bursting out and filling the area inside the light barrier; I was about to jump in on the action and finish off the quest.

But my instinct was screaming for me to stay put and so I complied.

I stayed where I was and pulled out the Drakon Wakizashi to absorb the fierce mana trying to attack me; watching as my 2 targets of elimination turned into a mass of death energy and moved faster than my eyes could follow.

I almost rushed out to try and catch them, but I stopped in time to sense them coming to a stop near the light barrier.

Right, we're 'trapped' inside this barrier; well, they are, but not me. I can get out at any time.

I rooted myself on the tree branch and kept watching, watching as the second phase of the fight started. I was a little surprised by their sudden transformation and the newfound power that came along with it.

Now I'm wondering, why didn't Glacc go all berserk mode like these two? It would've been way harder to kill him if he was this strong, and I might've had to use one or two bullets to try and off him.

Whatever I can just look through their memories after all this is finished and find the answer I'm looking for. I need to focus now, even if I'm only observing them, there is much I can learn; plus, I'm at a crucial point in this quest right now.

I can say 'bye-bye' to the rewards if even one of them dies at that mage's hand before I can get my hands on them, and the exp as well.

Hence why, the moment the female demon absorbed all the violent mana in the air, I sheathed my sword and started slowly creeping closer to the battlefield but still stayed quite a bit away from the clearing.

This way, I can jump in when the time is right. Now, I'll just observe them as they tire themselves out before swooping in and cleaning everything up.

'What about honor?', you ask? What's that? Can you eat it?

You think I would just jump into a fight between 3 powerful people, with one side at High Class power and the other with two Peak Mid Class maybe Low High Class, like an absolute imbecile, fool, clown, jester?

H*ll no! I don't feel like dying 3 days into my new life in this world. The safest course of action in this situation is to stay put and wait for the right moment to strike; plus, it's way easier to take them out when they're tired out from fighting.

If you can do something easier and still reach the same result as when you do it normally, you should take the easy way.

Instead of risking my life trying to fight them with my meager experience in combat, all I have to do now is make sure none of them dies in the process.

At that, I see the mage being cornered by the female demon's wave of wind attacks and the big male demon fastly closing the gap between him and the mage.

Seeing that the demon side will win in this fight if the big male demon reaches the mage, I, wanting to stop him, swiftly shot out 4 attacks with 2 as feints to ensure the other 2 hits.

To my surprise, even at full force, my attacks only managed to embed themselves into his skin and not fully pierce into his flesh. How tough is his body right now!?

I was about to send out more, but seeing him stop and was feeling pain, I stopped since that's what I wanted to happen, to stop him from reaching the mage.

After that, I started circling around the mage as I felt the climax of this fight will be approaching soon, what with the mage preparing a light-based attack to try and finish the 2 off.

On my way into position, I sense the female demon stop attacking to ready a powerful spell, intending to end the mage. However, once the attacks ceased, the mage sent out two light spears.

I leaped down and ran into the clearing; then, the moment I barely have come out of the shadows of the trees, I felt strong winds blowing in all directions from the collision between the mage's light spear and the female demon's spell.

Then, the other light spear hit the big male demon but I didn't pay it any mind because I sensed the spear not hitting anywhere lethal. I put 3 times power into my legs and quickly closed in on him and slashed through the two cracked barriers he has up with ease before pulling a knife out and lodging it through his nape then out the front.

After silencing him, I pulled up his 『Soul Board』 before finishing him off with a sword through his mana core aka the back of his head. While all that happened, he wasn't even able to react until the deed was already done.

"Uuhduit?" He groaned in confusion as the lights in his eyes slowly faded and his arms lost their strength. I pulled back my sword once he was drained of everything and his body fell to the ground like a puppet with its strings cut.

I disregarded him after as I turned to the extra floating screen to the side of me.


『Soul Board』

Algor Fralzer - Human

Age: 78 Rank: 86

Soul Points: 6


[Natural Recovery] 2/20

[Stamina] 5/50


『Magical Power』

[Mana] 24/50

[Elemental Affinity]

- Lightning 4/10

- Light 3/10



- Magic Principle 4/10

- Magic Creation 4/10

- Elemental Magic 4/10

- Barrier Magic 4/10

- Enchantment Magic 3/10

- Norse Magic 3/10

- Concealment Magic 3/10

- Physical Reinforcement Magic 2/10

『Physical Strength』

[Strength] 6/50


[Balance] 1/20

[Flexibility] 1/20



[Dexterity] 3/20



[Mental Strength] 5/20


- Holy 1/20

- Evil 4/20



[Instinct] 3/20

[Insight] 5/20

[Memory] 6/20



[Mana] 24, a whole 7 points higher than Glacc, who is a Mid Class. So, the level of High Class should be around the range of 22-25 give or take a point or two.

His main [Elemental Affinity] are Lightning 4 and Light 3, which is quite obvious, and a few other elements too. His [Magic] is where it's at though, he has a total of 6 different types of magic; 2 at 4 points, 3 at 3 points, and the last one at 2 points.

His magical ability is only a bit higher than Glacc, and yet one is a powerful High Class while the other is only a Mid Class. I guess the difference has to do with their [Mana] being so far apart and skills, I guess.

Now, enough of that. I can analyze all of that later, I still have something to finish up. I sensed the big male demon still standing so I shot at both his legs and surprisingly, my attacks managed to break through his defense and pierced into his legs.

I guess he must be really tired after that last attack that his defense must have weakened; well, I ain't complaining about easier work.

I swiftly cleaned the blood off my sword and turned to my 2 targets, who were now writhing on the ground in pain; the female demon lost the blue lines that were on her body, and the big male demon partially lost the black color on his body.

I stepped up closer and pulled up their 『Soul Board』, finding out that their names were Luria and Hank. Well, not like it matters anyway.

Getting closer to them, I stopped at Hank first and kicked up some dust before going into stealth mode. I circled around him and went for a stab at the back of his head, he seems to sense danger and tried to avoid my sword but ultimately still got my sword stuck in his forehead.

Like how when the other 2 demons died, he turned into a chaotic black smoke with red streaks. The chaotic smoke fought back against my sword but it still got absorbed into the blade and turned into mana before being stored away.

After that, I kicked off the ground into the air and avoided a wide wind blade intending to cut me in half. Landing back on the ground, I dashed to the now kneeling Luria with one hand outstretched and the other holding the hole in the abdomen.

Dodging the random wind attacks haphazardly thrown at my direction with ease, I made it to her side and cut off her arms before jumping back as a blast of wind expanded out, wanting to blast me away.

She screamed out in more agony as her two severed arms turned to pink mist as more blasts of wind blew out. Taking this chance while she's busy dealing with the pain, I forced my way through the strong blast of wind with one full power dash, driving my sword through her life core aka her heart.

She turned to pink mist and became another collection of mana stored in my sword.

"Ugh!" I kneeled down on my knees at my legs and feet experiencing an extreme version of pins and needles that hurts like a b*tch.

Though, it only lasted for a few seconds before it returned to normal again.

That went differently than what I imagined would happen when I used 10 times power on my legs, the pain was one I expected but the numbness came out of left field.

Noted, need to get used to that too so my legs don't give out whenever I want to do a full power dash again. The aftermath is another thing, just with that one step and now there's a sizable indent on the ground.

Sigh, I seriously need to learn to use magic so I can fix these kinds of things later down the road, especially after I grow stronger.

Shaking myself out of that thought, I got up and started making my way out of the forest. While jumping from tree to tree, I gave a few glances at the floating screen off at my right side.


『Fate Plus』 [-]

[First Fate Quest – The Beginning] (Completed)


Rewards: 5 SPs and 『Job Class(Unlock)』



A/N: Alright, as promised the quest is now over and done with. Now, onto the next one!