
Soul Advancement

Blake died with many regrets on the battlefield, he awakes in what is known as the "soul world" and is able to take an aptitude test for when he is reborn into a dead body, there are many choices to choose from to do this test. Using a Soul Battery which is left when a soul warrior dies, the levels of it go up to 15. Or he can just randomize it, but Blake doesn't feel like doing that. He realized that they all have caps on power! This leads him to decide to choose the weakest path there is.. and after his aptitude test he is able to choose before he is sent to the world once more. His path and an image of his future after choosing appears and he makes his decision.. Written about a dream I had, enjoy.

Salad_Adressing · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

3. New world

Blake blinked his eyes in a state of confusion. Streams of memories entered his head as a man in his forties was currently yelling at him.


Blake slapped the man. "Don't you ever yell into my face like that again."

The man looked at Blake, stunned.

"You're right son.. it's my fault for yelling. It's just that I'm worried. He's the son of our rival clan and he's much stronger than you. I don't want him to kill you." The man replied somberly.

"It's.. it's ok. I'll win. I still have a few months before the battle anyway." Blake replied.

"That's why I have bought you this!" The man held out four pills in his hand that were golden and red. An aroma filled the room.

"What are those father?" Blake asked. The old owner of the body didn't seem to have any knowledge on it.

"Oh.. these are just.. Mana Enhancement pills!" The man laughed with a smile.

".. Am I going to become a mage?!" Blake screamed out with glee. He had to act the part.

"Yes son! Though we are a family of knights, I have finally saved enough money to buy these pills to help you become a mage!" The man erupted into laughter as he handed the pills to Blake.

Blake grabbed them and ran to his room, his father had a look of pride on his face.

"The first mage in our long history of knights.. I know you can become powerful son." The man spoke to himself.

This world was one where Mages dominated and there were Knights strong enough that they could cut down mountains if they so choose.

It wasn't easy for just anybody to become a mage, a person needed talent, money, and time.

Blake closed the door to his room and hopped onto his bed and consumed all four pills at once. He entered a meditative stance and concentrated on keeping the pills effects in his body. Sweat gleamed on his forehead as the pain began to assault his body. It felt like magma was poured down his esophagus and somebody repeatedly hit his organs with hammers, refining them repeatedly.

A scream escaped Blake's mouth as he continued to keep the energy in.

Hours passed. Two days passed.

It was finally over.

Blake opened the door and a putrid smell wafted from his room out into the rest of the house. His father puked up his breakfast and motioned for Blake to jump into the shower.

Blake smiled and ran to the bathroom. Once he went inside he closed the door and unclothed himself. The robes he was wearing were quite comfortable.

He looked down at his body and saw his chiseled abs, his family was a knight family alright. He smiled and showered in pure bliss.

Blake closed his eyes in the shower and he began to feel energy encircling around him, the pills were successful!

"So this is mana.. does every world have mana or just this one?" Blake questioned himself curiously.

"All worlds have their own unique energy that you can convert and use any skill you choose." A robotic voice replied into his head.

Blake jumped and screamed in terror. "I didn't know you were in my head!" He shouted.

His bodies father looked at the shower door curiously. "He is at that age.." He spoke to himself and shrugged his shoulders.

"I am here to guide and assist you. I have removed all impurities from the pill that attempted to assault your brain and heart, although you are now considered a novice mage, you are still a very weak one." The voice replied.

"I don't need to know things I already know." Blake sighed and washed his body and hair. He then exited the shower and changed into a clean pair of robes and opened the door.

His father eyed him with suspicion. "Have a good shower?" He teased.

"Uh.. yeah.. anyway father is there any way I can improve my strength right now?" Blake asked.

"Hmm. You can defeat some weak monsters and consume their energy and increase your mana. You can also meditate as you usually do. Once you're strong enough you can challenge other people and go to competitions to win prizes." His father explained.

"I see." Blake sighed. There was no easy way to go about this it seemed.

"If you defeat that rival clan's kid in that duel.. I will send you to the Royal Mage's academy in the big city.. " His father said quietly.

A smile appeared onto Blake's face. What a good father he had.

Blake hurriedly strapped a sword inside of his robe onto his side and put shoes on. He then opened the door outside and waved goodbye to his father.

"Its about time I increase my power a bit." Blake began to walk to an area he knew weak monsters poured out of. The fog forest.

Man and Women around his age saw him exit his house and laughed to each other, gossiping.

"How is that weak Knight's kid going to defeat Len? He's just going to make a fool of himself!"

"I know! I heard that he hadn't even properly trained as a Knight and has no clue on footwork. What a disgrace!"

They were interrupted by the window opening from Blake's father's house.

"YOU WANT SOMETHING? TELL YOUR FATHER TO COME ON OVER AND WE CAN SETTLE IT!" He shouted as he slammed the window down.

The people dispersed and acted as if they were just doing normal things.

Blake's father was no pushover, Len's clan was just far too strong!

As for Blake, he was currently approaching the Forest, from his memories he knew that there was plenty of weak monsters but he had to be careful as people were known to get lost in the forest due to the heavy fog.

"Welp. Let's do this."