
episode 6

(The episode opens with a 30-year-old woman who has black hair, brown skin, wearing a black fur coat, white pants, and white boots walking around seeing pets: Dogs, cats, hamsters, and fish)

The woman: I am so glad, you all are good and healthy

(Her name is Edamitsu Ginko)

(The pets chatter)

Edamitsu: I know you all want to some food, hang on

(Edamitsu grabs a bag, grabs a cup from out of the bag, walks to hamsters and gives them food)

(Edamitsu also pours food for the dogs, cats, and fish)

(All the pets look happy, while eating)

Edamitsu: Great, now time to paint

(Edamitsu heads to the back room, grabs a canvas, and puts on a belt with paint supplies in the belt's pouches)

(Edamitsu heads back to the pet room)

(Sorlos is looking outside and watches Edamitsu painting the cats playing)

(Sorlos looks at the sky, gets up, shrinks, and flies up in the sky)

(Edamitsu heads to the hamsters and her eyes light up)

Edamitsu: I know the perfect thing to paint

(Edamitsu paints the hamsters riding on the cats)

(Sorlos heads back home)

(The screen switches to Sorlos back to normal size)

Abbie: Sorlos?

(Sorlos turns around to see Abbie who has curly ginger hair, white skin, wearing a yellow dress and shoes)

Sorlos (smiles) (low volume): Abbie

Abbie (eyes widened): It's true (runs to Sorlos) wait, I can't really hug you, can I?

Sorlos: I don't exactly know how to shrink to normal human size

(A light comes from the sky)

(Seno is shown)

Seno: I think I can fix that (waves her hand)

(Sorlos shrinks in normal human size and hugs Abbie)

Abbie: How did that happen?

Sorlos: I guess I have a guardian angel looking after me

(Seno winks)

Sorlos: Alright, I can't stay like this for long

Abbie (backs up): Right

(Seno waves her hand again)

(Sorlos gets back to her giantess form)

Sorlos (telepathic): Thank you

Seno (thought): I said I would be here for you, I should go

(Seno closes the clouds)

Abbie: Is it inconvenient being this big?

Sorlos (low volume): Yes, since can't ever scream, jump, I can't hug my friends or family, I can't go to school, I can't really cry unless I am in a completely safe location otherwise I could cause a panic. So, yeah it's inconvenient being big

Abbie (looked sad): I am so sorry

Sorlos (low volume): It's okay, I have new friends

Abbie: Great, I know we don't really talk, but you wouldn't mind me visiting

Sorlos (low volume): That reminds me, what's going on in school

Abbie: Oh my gosh, you are the hot topic around school, a bunch of people want to see you, the teachers could barely keep the students under control

Sorlos (low volume): No way! I am a school celebrity and I don't go to school anymore

Abbie: Speaking of that, do you miss school?

Sorlos (low volume) (sad): Ironically yes, even though it was boring, they gave us a stupid amount of homework, but I loved it

Abbie: Well, can you make other things grow because I could bring homework and you can make it grow and you could be a normal student

Sorlos (low volume): Like home schooling

Abbie: Kinda

Sorlos (low volume): I could try, but I should practice on paper to see if I can make things grow

Abbie: Well, I have a blank paper you can use

(Sorlos puts her hand down and Abbie climbs on Sorlos' hand and puts paper on it)

(Abbie climbs down from Sorlos' hand)

(Sorlos' hand and eyes glow)

(The small paper turns into a big paper)

(Abbie backups from the giant paper)

(Sorlos' hand moves Abbie from being crushed)

Abbie: Thank you, did you get a paper cut?

Sorlos (low volume): A little (shows her tiny paper cut)

Abbie: Oh, wait look

(Sorlos sees her paper cut is healed)

Abbie: You can heal yourself, that is awesome

Sorlos (low volume): I agree, well now I can do homework and I bet the teachers are waiting to give me a pile of homework for disrupting their class.

Abbie: Yeah, I overheard the teachers saying that

Aunt Ryuichi: Hello, Sorlos

Sorlos (low volume): Around back, Ryuichi

(Aunt Ryuichi heads to the back with crutches and sees Sorlos along with Abbie)

Aunt Ryuichi: Hey, I didn't know you had company

Sorlos (low volume): Abbie, just got here, Aunt Ryuichi I just discovered I can heal stuff

Aunt Ryuichi: Cool, what kinds of things?

Sorlos (low volume): Seems like wounds

Aunt Ryuichi: Interesting

Sorlos (low volume): Maybe I can help you

Aunt Ryuichi: I mean I guess, are you sure it won't hurt?

Sorlos (low volume): Good point, I need a better Guinea pig

(Abbie hurts her leg)

Sorlos (low volume): Abbie, I didn't think you would hurt yourself purposely

Abbie (eyes twitching): It's okay, just heal it

(Sorlos' eyes glow and white aura spreads around Abbie's leg)

(Abbie moved her leg and feels no pain)

Sorlos (smiles) (low volume): It worked! It worked!

Abbie: Cool, want to try Ms. Ryuichi?

Aunt Ryuichi (nervous smile): I guess

Sorlos (low volume): You don't have to, after all this is a small injury so it won't take long to heal

Aunt Ryuichi: Give it a try

Sorlos (low volume): Alright

(Sorlos' eyes and a white aura spreads around Aunt Ryuichi's legs)

(Aunt Ryuichi walks without the crutches and smiles)

Sorlos (eyes glows) (low volume): It worked

Aunt Ryuichi: Cool, you know you could help hospitals with this power

Sorlos (eyes glows) (low volume): True, if they would trust a giantess like me

Aunt Ryuichi: Why wouldn't they trust you? As long as you give them a reason to trust you.

Abbie: Some people don't easily trust other people

Aunt Ryuichi: True, and this is your choice if you want to help people

(Sorlos looks from the distance and sees a hospital)

(The screen shows people on crutches, sick in bed, people hooked to machines, and people watching tv)

Sorlos (low volume): I want to give it a try, but it'll be hard to get to the hospital without getting noticed

Abbie: You don't know how to turn invisible

Aunt Ryuichi: You should try to practice your powers before you try something like that

(Sorlos' body glows and turns into an eagle)

(Aunt Ryuichi and Abbie looks shocked)

Sorlos (low volume): I turned into an eagle, cool

Aunt Ryuichi: What about the food?

Sorlos (low volume): I get it from a place full of giants.

Aunt Ryuichi: Then, did you eat breakfast?

Sorlos (low volume): I did, but now that I can make things grow, I can be able to eat your breakfast and make it grow

Aunt Ryuichi (smiles): And to think I thought I would never make food for you again

Sorlos (low volume): Well, I can't exactly earn a job to always get food from that place, it does cost money

Abbie: You mean you spent all your allowance?

Sorlos (low volume) (nervous smile): Half

Aunt Ryuichi: Let's not focus on food and focus on helping you control your powers.

Sorlos (low volume): Good idea, tomorrow I made a promise to do something with my new friends

Abbie (excited): Can I come with?

Sorlos (low volume): I guess

(The screen shows Sorlos and Abbie heading to the mountains)

Abbie: Riding on a giantess, this has to be the craziest thing that has ever happened to me.

Sorlos (low volume): I hope so

(The screen shows Edamitsu painting with kids)

(Sorlos and Abbie appears)

Hora: Look it's Sorlos

(The kids cheer)

Sorlos (low volume): Hi, meet a friend from school (brings Abbie down)

Abbie: Hi

Maebara: I'm Maebara, nice to meet you

Hino (shyly): I'm Hino

Abbie: Hi, Hino and Maebara

Sorlos (holding a paint brush with her tail) (smiles) (low volume): So, what are we painting?

Edamitsu: I say we paint you and you paint the mansion and the mountain.

Sorlos (low volume) (smiles): I think that will work

(Episode ends with them painting)