

On what appeared to be a typical day, the peace of a town is shattered when a dark spot appears on the sun and meteors crash into the Earth, causing panic and chaos. The aftermath of the disaster is even more harrowing as the town is left in darkness and isolation, with all human technology crippled by the radiation emitted by the meteors. The event marks the end of their world, leaving the townspeople struggling to process the extent of the damage and desperate to escape the disaster.

ArcyWaterson · Fantasia
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7 Chs


The next day, after he woke up from his sleep, Erfolg found his thoughts still consumed by the man and woman he had encountered the day before. He couldn't help but wonder who they were and what they were doing in that secluded place. As he went about his day, his mind kept returning to the encounter, trying to piece together any clues or hints about their identities. It was like a puzzle he couldn't solve, but one that he felt compelled to solve nonetheless.

Erfolg pondered whether he should return to the secret room deep within the tunnel to meet the weirdos again. He couldn't shake off the feeling that they perhaps had information that he needed to know. After some hesitation, he decided to take the risk and make his way back to the hidden room. The journey to meet those weirdos was daunting, but his determination fueled his steps.

Erfolg finally reached the secret room deep within the tunnel, but to his dismay, all he saw was emptiness. The room looked abandoned, as if it had been untouched for a long time. Erfolg's heart sank as he realized that his hope of finding the information he needed might have been in vain. He looked around, hoping to find a clue or a sign that would lead him to his goal, but there was nothing. The only sound was the faint drip of water from the damp walls. Erfolg couldn't help but wonder if he had made a mistake in coming back to this desolate place.

As Erfolg stood in the empty room, his heart racing with disappointment, he suddenly felt a presence behind him. He turned around, and to his horror, he saw the tall man who had warned him not to come back. Fear washed over him as he stared into the man's cold, unwavering eyes.

"I told you not to come back here," the tall man said, his voice low and threatening.

Erfolg tried to steady his nerves and said, "I need to know, did you know my parents? That's why I had to come back."

The tall man's expression remained impassive. "Why do you think I would know anything about your parents?" he asked.

Erfolg took a deep breath and said in trembling voice, "You knew my surname, I'm sure you know about my parent."

"It's not the time yet. You should come back to the district," the guy answered, his tone stern. "Don't ever try to meet me again. I'll meet you when the time is right."

Erfolg felt a surge of frustration and anger. He wanted answers, and this man seemed to hold the key to the mystery of his parents' disappearance. But he knew he couldn't force the issue, not without risking his own safety.

Out of nowhere, Skye appeared with a grin on her face. "Hey, why do you all look so serious?" she said with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

Erfolg's heart skipped a beat as Skye suddenly appeared out of nowhere, a grin on her face. He couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as he remembered their violent confrontation just the day before. His muscles tensed as he prepared himself for another attack, but Skye made no sudden movements. Instead, she seemed almost amused by the tension in the room.

"Erfolg, you look like you've seen a ghost," Skye said with a playful wink. "Did you miss me?"

Erfolg's mind raced as he tried to process the sudden appearance of his would-be attacker. He couldn't help but wonder what her game was, and whether he was in danger once again. But something about Skye's carefree demeanor and mischievous grin made him hesitate.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

Skye shrugged, her eyes dancing with mischief. "Just thought I'd come to say hello," She answered.

Erfolg felt a mix of emotions as he looked at Skye. Just yesterday, she had seemed like she was willing to kill him, and now she was acting as if nothing had happened. He couldn't help but feel confused by her sudden change of attitude.

"Enough with the games," the tall man said sternly, his tone brooking no argument. He thrust an object into Erfolg's hand. "You'll know what it's for when the time comes."

Erfolg looked down at the object, but he couldn't make sense of it. It looked like a piece of shiny orange rock, but it felt warm to the touch and seemed to pulse with otherworldly energy. Before he could ask any questions, the tall man cut him off.

"Now, go home. We'll meet again when the time is right." With that, the tall man turned on his heel and disappeared into the shadows of the tunnel.

Erfolg was left standing alone in the secret room, feeling both confused and unnerved by the encounter. He didn't know what to make of the strange rock in his hand, but he had a feeling that it was just the beginning of a much larger and more dangerous journey.

Erfolg couldn't take his eyes off the strange object in his hand as he made his way back home. It pulsed with an eerie orange glow and seemed to emit a low humming sound that he could feel in his bones. He wondered what it could be and why the tall man had given it to him.

When he finally arrived at his small dwelling, he went straight to his room and closed the door behind him. He held the meteorite up to the light, hoping that he could glean some insight into what it was or what it was meant to do. But the object remained as enigmatic as ever, its surface smooth and unyielding. Erfolg knew that he had to figure out what the meteorite was and why the tall man had given it to him.

As Erfolg continued to stare at the meteorite, a thought suddenly flashed through his mind. What would happen if he tried to use his power on it? He couldn't resist the temptation to find out. He tentatively reached out his right hand and laid all five fingers onto the smooth, orange surface of the meteorite.

Suddenly, he felt a strange sensation spreading through his body, starting from his right hand and slowly working its way up. It was as if his skin was turning to the same material as the stone. The transformation continued until every inch of his body had become as hard and unyielding as the meteorite itself. He stood there, frozen in place, his heart pounding with both excitement and fear.

He suddenly felt a surge of energy coursing through his body. The orange light emanating from the stone grew brighter, enveloping him in its warm glow. His vision began to blur, and he could feel his body getting warmer. He was overwhelmed by the power surging through him, and he couldn't hold it in any longer. With a loud scream, he punched the ground with his fist, and everything went black. He had lost consciousness.

As Erfolg regained consciousness, he found himself suspended in mid-air by a twisted rock formation that encased his body. He immediately recognized it as his grandpa's power, and felt relieved that he was still alive. But his relief turned to horror as he surveyed the scene around him. The room was in shambles, with broken furniture and shattered windows scattered everywhere. And on the ground stood his grandpa, covered in blood. Erfolg's heart pounded in his chest as he looked at his grandfather. The old man was barely conscious, and his breathing was shallow. Erfolg could see the wounds all over his body, and he knew that he was responsible for his grandfather's injuries.

With his grandpa's blood staining his shirt, he lifted the old man in his arms and hurried towards the closest radiant with healing power he knew. The weight of his burden made his muscles ache, but he dared not slow down. His grandpa's life hung in the balance, and every second counted. As he ran, memories of their time together flooded his mind - the stories his grandpa told him, the adventures they had shared. He prayed that he would not lose him now, not after everything they had been through. Finally, he arrived at the healer's doorstep and pounded on the steel door, shouting for help.

The door creaked open, and a middle-aged man with wavy white hair emerged from the dimly lit hut. He looked at the wounded old man in the Erfolg's arms and nodded gravely. "Come in," he said and gestured toward the bed in the corner of the room.

With a relieved sigh, Erfolg carefully laid his grandpa down on the bed, watching as the healer approached. The man's hands glowed with a soft green light as he placed them on the injured man's chest, his eyes closed in concentration. Erfolg held his breath, praying for his grandpa's recovery.

As the minutes ticked by, the room grew still except for the sound of the healer's whispered incantations. Erfolg watched in wonder as the blue light spread from the healer's hands, suffusing his grandpa's body with a gentle warmth.

At last, the healer opened his eyes and stepped back, wiping the sweat from his brow. "He will recover," he said, his voice raspy with exhaustion. "But he will need rest and care for some time."

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