
song in my dream




The first feeling i register is someone calling my name and the crowd closing in on me. Today I'm at the fair my dad used to take me when I was young.

The smell of popcorn and cotton candy and various other stall foods hit my nose. I try to move towards the voice calling me but I feel the faceless crowd drowning me in them.

I faintly hear a melody being played. I have no idea if it's from a violin, a flute or a piano but the melody is hauntingly familiar. I know and dread the end of it..

The lights are flashing on the rides and they are hurting my eyes. Involuntarily I search the faceless people bustling around me knowing that i will find that bone chilling smile and ear shrieking scream .

There is an urgency in the voice calling my name. I feel it taunting me. The low calibre is like nails on a chalk board. There in the distant crowd my eyes lock on a face. There is no distinctive features of the face I remember.

A big smile can be found on the face but the smile is devoid of any warmth or familiarity. On the contrary, it contains such pure evil that sweat rolls down on the back of my head involuntarily.

A big melee breaks out. It's like a huge fire has broken out and people are running everywhere . THAT has seen me and it's making its way towards me slowly. I hear the screaming and shrieking around me. My legs are stuck to the ground and i see IT making its way slowly but steadfastly towards me.

My brain wants me to run but my muscles are frozen. The smile on its face grows as it senses all the chaos and cries around it.

It has neared me and I feel it's long bony hand near my face. My head explodes in pain and my voice breaks in a hoarse cry. My body which was rendered immobile breaks out in a sudden burst of energy. I wake up as a sweaty mess in my bed facing my open window. The alarm shows 4.00 am.

I can't see it now but there is the trace of the sinister smile looking at me from a window across my flat