
Son of the Underworld

Fate is not always fair sometimes who was born to be king can become an animal. One fool's act can lead to a path of blood and madness. Will you sell your kindness for revenge? Can you forgive someone who doesn't deserve that? Olympians destroyed your life can you take revenge on them? Do you have enough power to destroy your enemies? (Hi I'm glad to meet you, my friend and I hope we will have very interesting adventures. Okay first of all this is not my story I'm not original author of that fan-fic. I'm just rewriter, and I don't know why author of original work decide to delete that work. It's up to him to do whatever he wants with his own work. So this version belongs to me for that I changed couple stuff but don't worry the main idea is still a same)

Asemertias · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
42 Chs

Woman's Things Part 2

Queen's eyes widened as she locked gazes with the demoness before her. Her mind froze, struggling to comprehend the weight of Lilith's words. It felt as though the very heavens had collapsed upon her when Lilith uttered the forbidden name, "Eden." The legendary garden, created by the primordial forces of light, existed in a time so distant that even ancient beings remained unaware of its true nature. They spoke of its magnificence, a place capable of overwhelming the mind of anyone who beheld it. Deep within their souls, every being yearned to enter and experience the truest form of bliss and pleasure. But only the human race, chosen by some divine hand, had been granted the honor, save for the pair of feathered guardians. And now, Lilith, who had once reveled in the ecstasy of Eden, claimed with unwavering certainty that Queen Hel's son carried the very essence of that sacred place. The giantess struggled to accept this revelation, her mind recoiling from the implications of her friend's words.

With a sharp grip on Lilith's shoulders, Hel commanded her in a voice filled with concern, "Lilith, you must never speak of this to anyone, especially not my spouse! A fate worse than death awaits us if this secret is revealed!" Wild horror flickered in the queen's eyes as she fully grasped the gravity of her predicament. Lilith, ever mischievous, tried to lighten the mood with a smile. "Did you betray your husband? Now, that's an unexpected twist, my friend. I never thought you were capable of such actions. But fear not, we stand together in solidarity!" she said, her voice laced with playfulness. Releasing her friend, Hel lowered her head and whispered in a soft, pained voice, "I didn't betray him." Lilith, either feigning ignorance or choosing to taunt her further, asked Hel to repeat her words, but louder and clearer. "I didn't betray my spouse!" the queen uttered slowly, her voice heavy with resignation as she covered her face with her hands. Lilith's tone dripped with joy and mockery as she cupped her hand to her ear, pretending to strain to hear. In response, Hel unveiled her face slightly and fixed Lilith with a gaze that silenced her instantly, stifling her own laughter. "Ha-ha, I certainly don't wish to appear as a quarrelsome old hag, but pray to tell, how did you manage to conceive without your magnificent spouse, all without betraying him?" Lilith spoke, raising an eyebrow.

"I have no idea!" Hel quickly responded, her voice filled with desperation. She shook her head, her hands trembling as she tightly gripped her hair, seeking some form of grounding amidst the chaos. "And it's possible that the child is Haemon's," the queen declared, her voice wavering with a mix of uncertainty and a flicker of hope. She tried to muster confidence, attempting to convince herself and Lilith of her innocence. But her words were met with Lilith's wild laughter, a piercing sound that tore through the fragile remnants of Hel's hope, plunging her back into the depths of despair.

As the laughter subsided, Lilith gazed at Hel with a mixture of amusement and concern. "My dear Hel, trust the wisdom of one who has been a mother many times over. Children, even in part, inherit traits from their parents. And your child, I must say, bears no resemblance whatsoever to the brutish father!" Lilith pointed her finger at the child and then proceeded to mock Haemon, mimicking his muscular figure in a taunting manner. "And I highly doubt your black heart desires your child to resemble his father, am I right?" Lilith's words struck at the core of Hel's deepest fears, for they held an undeniable truth, no matter how twisted it may be. After all, who in their right mind would wish to bring into the world a creature as monstrous and deranged as Haemon? No mother would desire such a fate and burden for her child, especially one as tormented as Hel.

The weight of Hel's self-doubt and sorrow intensified, and she locked eyes with Lilith, baring her true form to the world. Her once radiant beauty was marred by the festering wounds that covered her body, and half of her face had transformed into a skeletal visage of skin and bone. "But what man would ever want someone like me to be the mother of his children?" Hel's voice trembled with a haunting sadness, a reflection of her own insecurities and the belief that she was unworthy of love and acceptance.

Lilith's touch on Hel's cheek was gentle and filled with compassion. "Do not grieve, my beauty, for your hand has been sought after for many years," Lilith spoke softly, her voice carrying reassurance. "Yes, you are right. And among all my admirers, Haemon was never one of them. The truth is, I forced him to marry me!" Lilith's eyes widened in surprise as Hel revealed the truth. "His sole desire and request were for me to aid him in seeking revenge against Thor. And if I am completely honest, I was the one who approached him first and bestowed upon him the means to summon me in his hour of great need, thereby condemning his soul to an eternal pact with me. Surtur, burn me! Why does everything have to be so complicated?" Hel's voice was filled with remorse and self-blame, the weight of her actions pressing heavily upon her.

In a display of helpless rage, Hel began to scratch at her hands until they bled, a futile attempt to find release from the internal conflict tearing her apart. Lilith, filled with genuine concern, swiftly grabbed Hel's hands, holding them firmly to halt the self-inflicted torment. "Quiet, my friend, or else you'll frighten the child!" The red-haired demoness urged, her voice laced with worry. She sought to bring a sense of calm to the distraught queen, to shield her child from witnessing their mother's anguish. 

"Perhaps you could tell me how you found out about this Olympian?" the demoness asked with genuine interest, hoping to distract her friend from her distress. Hel's eyes flickered with a mix of amusement and fascination as she recounted the tale.

"It was a mere coincidence, no romance or intricate schemes involved. I had the privilege of attending a council gathering between the lords of death and representatives from the lower planes. Hades, the legendary figure of the Underworld, rarely participated in such events, preferring to distance himself from political intrigues. However, on that particular day, he made a grand entrance, displaying his majestic beauty, and announced his intention to relinquish his position. He declared that his spouse would take his place as the ruler of the Underworld."

A sly smirk curled on Hel's lips as she wiped the blood from her hands, momentarily forgetting her woes. "Imagine the shock and bewilderment on everyone's faces. They were at a loss for words. But, I quickly grasped the significance of the moment. I approached Hades, the magnificent father of Haemon, and inquired why he would pass the power to his spouse instead of his beloved son, Zagreus. His piercing gaze met mine, and a chill ran down my spine. With a cold voice, he responded that he no longer had sons worthy of inheriting the throne."

Hel's recollection of Hades's formidable presence sent shivers through her body, but she pressed on, cradling her child against her chest. Her smile was both triumphant and mischievous, akin to a cat reveling in its victory. "That very day, I discovered a hidden truth. The king of the Underworld had always had two sons. The younger prince, Zagreus, was well-known, his life entwined with his beautiful mother, Persephone. But the king also had an elder son—a shadowy figure, a black sheep banished from the public eye due to fears of his inherent madness and the harm he might bring upon others."

Hel's laughter echoed in the room, but Lilith's expression remained serious. She touched her own neck, recalling recent events that had unfolded with Haemon. "Perhaps this sheds some light on certain mysteries," the demoness mused, her attempt at a smile strained. "And yet, do you know who Haemon's mother is? Maybe, due to her, your child possesses certain... special qualities!" Lilith gestured with her hand, connecting her thumb and pinky finger while raising the other three fingers toward the ceiling—an infernal sign of acknowledging that not everything was fully comprehended.

"It is as unknown to me as the reason why my spouse's body is covered in scars, yet he possesses a remarkable ability to heal himself!" the queen snapped in an angry tone, grinding her teeth. Just then, a hapless demon servant burst into the room, intending to deliver some news, only to be instantly reduced to dust. "There are countless versions of who his mother truly is, and none of them are meant for outsiders..." Hel paused for a moment, noticing her child falling asleep. She gently laid them aside, covering them with a blanket, before continuing. "Some say Hades mated with a saint to conceive a miracle. Instead, they created a being that defied miracles, ha-ha! Others claim that the enigmatic Haemon has no mother at all, suggesting that he emerged from Tartarus itself, summoned by his master and rewarded by being made his own son. There are plenty of theories about his origins, but the truth is that this half-blood has been burdened with a dark fate."

"Well, our boy clearly didn't have enough sweet pies during childhood!" Lilith sarcastically commented, scratching her brow. "Ha-ha, you know, he said the same thing during our first wedding night!" the queen joyfully recounted, a soft smile playing on her lips as she recalled the pleasant memory. "Really? Ha-ha, by the way, how was your first night? Did you find pleasure in it? Or are all those stories about Olympians being great in bed just false rumors?" the redhead demoness asked with great interest, twirling her curls with her fingers. "The answer is a mix of yes and no! But considering the circumstances, as I practically coerced him into it, the experience was quite peculiar," Hel awkwardly confessed, gently stroking her neck. "Yet, you clearly enjoyed it, didn't you? Tell me all about it, down to the most vivid details!" demanded Lilith immediately, noticing a certain sparkle in her friend's eyes at the mention of their first night with Haemon. "You seem to react strangely whenever even the slightest mention of sexual activity arises," the queen remarked, observing her friend beginning to twitch with anticipation of salacious topics. Lilith immediately started biting her lip impatiently, her right eye twitching uncontrollably.

The demoness's temperature suddenly spiked, and her body became bathed in sticky sweat. Nervously, she hurried to respond, her words almost accompanied by spewing flames from her mouth. "Sorry, let me explain this to you later. For now, please just answer the question: How is Haemon in bed!?" Lilith began to tremble, causing a slight repulsion in Hel, but she decided not to pay it any mind. "He was unlike anyone I have ever encountered!" Hel uncertainly replied, pausing briefly to find the right words. "Is that... all... you can say!?" protested Lilith. "You asked me to describe the experience!" Hel retorted, raising a finger in protest. "Yes, but I expected you to describe every detail. Something like: he approached me from behind, and then with intense passion...!" Lilith wanted to indulge in her lustful fantasies but was interrupted by Hel. "Ha-ha, no, I have no intention of sharing such intimate details with you!" Hel's face contorted with disgust, and she covered it with her hand.

"Well, Hel, please, don't torment me. Just tell me everything as it is!" Lilith purred, moving closer to her friend. "My answer is no! I'm not going to divulge such details to you!" Hel declared angrily. She wanted to add something else, but she immediately stopped when she noticed her friend's eyes turning completely black, resembling an endless abyss. Hel sensed danger, though not mortal, and turned away, shielding her eyes with her hands. "Hel, let me help you!" Lilith spoke in a gentle and affectionate voice. She reached out to touch Hel's face and tried to turn her towards her, so they could lock eyes, but it was in vain. Hel didn't budge, attempting to distance herself from Lilith. Squinting her eyes tightly, the queen tried to push Lilith away, but the demoness stood her ground, only slightly swaying back from the queen's attempt.

"Why did you suddenly decide to use your demonic charms on me?" Hel asked with a hint of sadness, devoid of malice in her voice, understanding that Lilith didn't actually want to harm her.

"My dear, I urgently need to uncover what lies behind Haemon's hidden desires!" Lilith quickly replied, tightly gripping her friend's hands and pulling her closer.

"I bear you no ill will, but I can only forgive your little stunt this time if you release me immediately!" the queen demanded firmly, and in the next moment, they found themselves lying on the floor.

Even as they fell, Lilith didn't loosen her grip and persisted in trying to meet Hel's gaze. "Come on, just one look into my beautiful eyes, and all this misunderstanding will be over!" the creature impatiently pleaded, scorching her friend's eyelids with her fiery, infernal breath.

"Ha-ha, thank you, but I think I'll pass!" Hel softly smiled and immediately released a freezing stream from her lips, an icy flow from Niflheim.

Heat and cold clashed in a strange duel, and any casual observer would think that the women were about to join their lips.

And once again, at the most inopportune moment, another unfortunate servant dared to enter the royal chambers with the intention of delivering important news: "My queen, you are expected..." But before he could finish, he was instantly turned into a handful of ashes, just like his predecessor.

Both women turned towards the door, intending to shout at the servant to leave immediately, but all they saw were two neat ash mounds lying next to each other.

Enraged, Hel momentarily forgot about her eyes and immediately paid the price for it. Lilith invaded her friend's mind and eagerly observed a scene of a wedding night with an Olympian athlete. Lilith's entire body trembled with wild pleasure. She moaned, biting her lower lip and scratching her neck until it bled.

Not wanting to allow her friend to further stain her dress with that foul-smelling blood, Hel decisively threw the ecstatic Lilith against the wall with such force that she ended up in the adjacent room.

Lying amidst the rubble of the shattered wall, the demoness trembled, a mixture of pain and ecstasy contorting her features. Her labored breathing and the wisps of steam rising from her body betrayed the toll of her ordeal.

"And now, you're going to tell me what you've done?" the queen hissed furiously, stepping forward from the breach in the wall. Hel's voice dripped with anger, her desire to tear Lilith apart evident in her eyes.

Unable to contain her rage any longer, Hel seized the demoness by the throat, forcing her to kneel. Her visage hardened, and in her hands materialized dark chains.

"So this is what little Hel has been up to!" a surprised female voice interjected from behind the queen. Hel, masking her true emotions with a false smile, turned around and greeted the uninvited guest with forced cheerfulness. "Ah, dear Ulfrun, you've finally graced me with your presence."

Amidst the tense atmosphere, a piercing cry of a child reverberated through the room.

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