
Chapter 94: Meeting

The raindrops hit the ground as a dark figure rushed away, to mortals it was nothing but a breeze, but for those who could see beyond the the veil that separates the world of the mundane and magical, those who have a Clear Sight through the Mist, would see only a dark figure... This dark figure couldn't be recognized by anyone who would see it, due to the fact that this darl figure was non recognizable. Something, something blocked the view of this dark figure's face and leaving only a dark shroud where the hood of a simple black as the night sky veil covered the figure's body.

The figure suddenly stopped, looked at the night sky as the clouds parted way, revealing the silver moon, accompanied by the beautiful light of the stars, the dark figure pulled back the hood, revealing the black hair that had thousands of little shining dots, similar to the surprisingly clear night sky above. She was at a skyscraper, in the middle of New York City, how could the sky be clear? This was Nyx, The Primordial Goddess of the Night, looking down at the mortals below her, the city that never sleeps... "Nyx." A masculine voice speaks from behind her, she didn't look back while the man behind her got closer and closer, until his face could be seen. A black man with golden eyes and a very, very trimmed pure white suit smiled at her, his eyes had no pupils and only the color of gold could be seen...

"What do i owe you the pleasure?" The man smirked, his grin revealed his also completely white and perfect teeth, which was reflecting non-existent light and shining through the darkness of the top of this skyscraper. "I came here to talk, and you know about what, so don't even try to deceive me, because unlike others you can and will lie if given the opportunity." The man placed his hand on his chest, where his heart would be as if he was hurt by Nyx's rude comment, but he had none and Nyx knew that, so he was once again being a drama queen. "My, you're sharp as always my dear~" The man chuckled as he held his hand towards Nyx, who sighed before grabbing it, and in a blinding flash of white light, they were gone.

Rain continued to fall after they left, as if they were never the to begin with.

-Scene Cuts-

[Date: November 8, 2000]

Back at Camp Half-Blood, its been a week since the event at the meadow, Enychta has been able to resist temptation as he was still getting used to the ability to resist more of his instincts, which stopped the percentage of his [Legacy of Echidna] from going up, which is great.

It was awkward for a little bit for Enychta, since he wasn't used to show weakness to others because he was supposed to be the strong one, to be their fortress and help them though everything... But he got over it after a few days, which just made their relationship stronger, i mean... Enychta still is rather reluctant to speak about his inner doubts and insecurities, but he would if given enough time and space for him to approach them with the subject, not the contrary!

Today was another normal day for the odd family of different Demigods, raging from Athena, Persephone, Nyx, Hermes, and even Zeus himself. These five children of different origins always were together, but they also weren't as unapproachable as others thought they were, except Enychta, who was too cautious about them getting close to his family but allowing nonetheless. Like a animal that you invaded the territory of but the animal won't attack you, only watch you from a distance with a creepy stare that seems to see through your soul... Only the animal is a 7 feet tall muscular handsome man with purple eyes and hot body that can break you in half and break your spine like its a stick, oh yeah, Enychta grew an extra inch.

He watched like that stereotypical father watches a man hus daughter brought back home, like he is ready to shoot them with a shotgun.

Once again this was happening at the communal feast, where everyone was eating bread, barbeque, fruits, while no one drinked alcoholic beverages, Enychta was drinking something he liked which was considered deadly and gross to most Demigods: Pit Scorpion poison, which he was drinking directly from the source, he just had to summon one and kill it, and now he was drinking the scorpion that was deadly to so many demigods like it was a smoothie. Don't worry, he will make sure to brush his teeth and use lava to clean his mouth fully from the poison because if he kisses Luke or Pruno, then they would get really sick and possibly die.

And he doesn't want that to happen.

"So, what we're doing tonight?" Pruno, who was eating a small apple while staring at Enychta like what he was doing was completely normal and fine, asked while smiling to the big man who was wearing no shirt due to a request of his~ And well, Enychta agreed because it was only a shirt, little did he knew that a lot of bisexuals were awoken that day... Not because of the simple dxt that he was not wearing a shirt, but because of the sex appeal that emanated from his body. He was fully physical mature now, this is his body peak, maybe he will get taller when his Demonic side awakens or when his [Legacy of Echidna] reaches 100%, but now all he wants to is grow a beard and maybe never shave his body again...

"We can stargaze today." Luke said, Enychta's room on the attic to study the night sky to try and learn how to use [Night Magic] was finally ready and they wanted to look at the stars together as well. Enychta just stretched his back, making his muscles flex and everyone who was looking at his back could see his tattoo, as well as the tattoo on his shoulder and left chest, making him hotter. "I'm up for it." Smiled Thalia, using her lighting to try and make a small but physical dart, what she was doing was something Enychta recommend: Materialization.

Make her lighting touchable, usable as a physical weapon. She tried and it was really hard to do, but after several tries, she was able to materialize a small dart that quickly disappeared but was physically possible to touch.

Now having a plan for the night, they simply got up and left. Enychta felt eyes on his ass and back when he left...

-Scene Ends-

Author Note:

Be gay, do gay.