
Chapter 84: Athena Cabin

After talking to the children of Hephaestus, Enychta went to the children of Athena on their cabin, which was a very nice and clean place, a sturdy looking cabin with grey color, it looked more like a traditional Greek temple than a cabin for children to live on. This was Cabin 6, the cabin where the claimed children of Athena lived their camp life and did everything they would do... Which summarizes to:





Also, participate on the Chariot Games and the Capture the Flag games too, because the children of Athena always have a plan to put on action. Thinking about it, Enychta should try and exercise Annabeth's quick thinking and brain capabilities by giving her some puzzles to play with... Maybe he could enchant some rubic (?) cubes with some of the runes he knows, maybe he should learn more of those... Also, the children of Athena are very good at weaving! He needs to have Annabeth exercising her gift, because like that she will grow stronger in the future. Just like he, Pruno, and Luke had!

At the entrance of the cabin were three children, Annabeth and two older children of Athena, who seemed to be talking to her. They were older by maybe 3 or 4 years, making them 10 or 11 years old, and Enychta, in his 16th glory, his body being fully developed appearance wise, making him look like a 24 years old guy, approached them. He could their voices as Annabeth told them: "See? Like this, you can make better knots-" She seemed to be holding a pair of small threads, both of the same size and shape, as well as material. Her explanations stopped when she was interrupted by one of the other children of Athena that were older than her: "So you're telling me, that you found a new way to tie a knot better than me? Okay. Go on please."

One of the problems that the children of Athena have is that they trust their own knowledge and brain more than others... Unless that person has shown superior intelligence to them, then it's useless to listen to them. That also reflects their mortal flaw being Hubris, as they first learn "Mother is the best at everything, and those who don't agree are wrong." Enychta also noticed that one of the older children had golden pencil in their hands as they were drawing something on a sheet of parchment made by their own cabin! Annabeth pouted, of course she knew how to better tie a knot, she watched Enychta do it several times!

Her fingers holding the two threads danced around each other, firmly grasping at themselves and holding on each other as Annabeth skillfully copied Enychta's movements that he always did when tying something up. When she was done, although it couldn't be compared to the original work, it was a better job than others who had no previous experience with Enychta's tying method would do, which means that it was more advanced than the other children of Athena could make. "And this is how it's done." Annabeth excitedly exclaimed as her hands held the tight knot that was skillfully tied by her little hands seconds ago! "W-what?" The same child that mocked Annabeth seconds ago showed a shocked expression as he saw the finished product, well, they were children, so the things they could make was very limited to their skill and age, because of the danger of handling certain things.

"Annabeth." Enychta's low voice made Annabeth look over at the calling older Enychta, who was right beside them without their notice all this time. "Eny!" Annabeth, surprised, jumped a little off of the ground towards Enychta, who caught her before she could fall to the ground and get hurt. "Hi to you too." Enychta chuckled as he held the little girl in his strong arms, he looked over at the other children of Athena who were tense as they looked at him... It looks like they were afraid of him due to his wild appearance and personality.

"Oh, you were talking to your older half-siblings?" Enychta's purple eyes stared down at their souls, his overprotective side started to appear a little bit as Enychta felt like his "cub" was in danger... Annabeth noticed Enychta's muscles tense up as he stared down at the children of Athena, who were sweating an entire ocean, and said: "I was showing them how to tie a knot! Just the way you taught me!" Enychta smiled sweetly at Annabeth as she showed him the knot she just finished tying. Enychta took it and smiled, saying: "It's good! But it can be better, i'm proud of the progress you made in so little time!" Enychta praised her work and encourages her to improve, making the girl nod in excitement. "Are you going to teach me something new today!?"

Enychta pondered, a blueprint for a house wouldn't be done in only one day, so he had time to teach her something new today. "Sure." Enychta smiled and looked around, he soon found what he was searching for: A tree. His nails started to grow and change color, his transparent nails started to get thicker and darker, until his normal nails became black, sharp claws that he used to cut one of the big branches of the tree before showing it to Annabeth, she took out her dagger as Enychta always told her to keep it on her, Enychta smiled as he began to teach her a little bit about what he knew of carving, which although was not much, was a lot compared to the young Annabeth who watched and copied Enychta's movements, successfully carving a small duck.

Enychta of course talked to the oldest member of cabin 6 to get a blueprint for his cabin, which wasn't something hard to do, he only had to describe what he wanted and how he wanted it to be, and in two or three days the blueprints would be ready.

-Scene Ends-

Author Notes:

Damn, i hate small keyboards. I am getting used to it.

Fun fact, my phone died on a Friday 13th.