
Chapter 25: A little Sadistic

Thalia observed the trio, they were all in their underwear as she was, bathing in the river, she looked at their bodies and noticed the difference in them. One was big and muscular, one was tall and muscular, and one was small and thin. However, they did not attract her in any way, shape, or form because their gender was wrong. Thalia is the rare lesbian, can hardly be found in the wild- okay, now being serious, Thalia knew she was not exactly attracted to boys and preferred girls over boys, she also grew with an actress mother so she knew when someone was acting and that pink-haired boy was acting, why he was acting like that she didn't know, but she assumed he had something to hide from the other two big guys.

The thin sandy blondie one was stiff as the big one brushed his back and he brushed the small pink-haired one's back, his face slowly turning red in a blush as he quietly continued to gently brush the pink boy's back. If Thalia knew that this scene was one of the scenes Luke had a wet dream about, she wouldn't be so calm and would look away quickly. As if noticing her eyes, the big one stared back at her with slight hostility which reminded her of a time she stumbled upon a year mother and her cubs, how the mother stood in front of the cubs protectively and looked at her with hostility.

This now reminded her of that day, she smirked and winked at the big boy, normally winking makes them look away, she hated doing this because it reminded her of her mother and how she acted to get Zeus's attention to her... Thalia shook her head and looked away. Eny sighed and pondered as he noticed the red ears of Luke as ge blushed intensely.

Eny was not dense. He knew it, he knew both his "brothers" liked him in a way a brother shouldn't like his siblings... Lustfully, but oh well, they are technically all cousins so fuck it! If Zeus can do incest and he is a God that makes a lot of mistakes, then so can Eny as he is a mortal and also makes a lot of mistakes. He doesn't know how to feel about it, first, he knows them as his brothers and he can't exactly change that instantly because he would continue to think of them as his brothers as long as their interactions continue the same. If they want him to think of them as something more than a brother then they need to change the interactions.

Pruno tried that, but he did everything they always did, which made it feel like he was being a clingy little brother rather than a young teen trying to seduce someone. Eny had the urge to laugh but he kept it checked and did not laugh, he wants to see how long both of them can keep trying to hide what they feel before they start to accept it or succumb to it, talking about succumbing... Eny needs to think.

They are in February and his first Mating Season starts this August and he needs to get both Luke and Pruno to safety away from him. Why? He doesn't know what will happen and doesn't know if he will end up hurting them or no, or worse... Making them suffer for two months as he loses control of himself and ends up locking them away in a random cave, fucking them and possibly hurting them badly. Eny knew this was something that could happen, and knowing his luck then it would happen and he doesn't like the thought. Smirking, Eny grabbed Luke by the waist and lifted him, doing the same to a blushing pink-haired boy, dragging them out of the river as he noticed why both were blushing.

He was wearing silk underwear, the best type since it was soft and comfortable, but he forgot the simple fact that when wet it turns almost completely invisible, and because they were with their backs turned to each other, they didn't see. But as he took Luke by the waist, Luke turned to see it, and not only did he but also did Pruno, who both could not help but blush at that. The image was imprinted in their mind, it was not the first time they had seen each other naked, but every time was memorable and deserved to be remembered with gusto. "Let's get going, we need to get back to the cave and dry up," Eny stated as his fingers pushed back his hair as he adjusted Luke to sit on his shoulders while Pruno sat on Luke's shoulders.

For Eny it was effortless to carry this much weight, as both Luke and Pruno combined were light as a feather for him who dragged the corpse of the Nemean Lion back to his cave to eat it while also giving the pelt to Pruno and Luke, it was enough to cover both of them making them invulnerable to damage in combat, however, the pelt vanished when the Nemean Lion reformed three years later. He still wonders where is that lion now...

Anyway, drying up was easy when he can just use [Skill] Fire Breath to increase the heat of his body, he learned how to do this when he accidentally used the ability with his mouth close, it caused damage to him internally but his body heat increased by a lot. He just held both boys close to him as the heat dried them up slowly, he hugged them tightly with his big arms and made them sit on his lap, with a smirk as he watched the girl shiver in cold. Pruno frowned and looked at Eny who just averted his gaze, making the boy sigh and get up from his lap to get Thalia a towel. Eny was acting a little more possessive than he normally acts just to see if both boys can catch his hints, but they seemed oblivious.

When Pruno came back with the girl and she entered their cave, Eny made a frown and pulled Pruno over. The girl raised an eyebrow while Eny just stared at her eyes, suddenly she seemed to realize and coughed looking away, a little embarrassed while thinking how she should tell him she wasn't interested in the other two in any way. Eny smirked since both boys can't seem to get a hint, what about a bold answer to their doubts?

He wants to see how they will react, he wants to see them struggle a little bit, like a kitten that is hanging on a sofa while screaming desperately even though they are a few inches from the ground. Desperate and cute not realizing nothing bad will happen if they just put their feet on the ground... He wants to see them overthink and act embarrassed in front of him feeling awkward, he wants to see them-! Okay, maybe he has sadistic tendencies.

'Sorry Thalia, but I will use you just a little bit...' Eny apologized in his heart as he looked at the girl with a little bit of hostility: "You can't have them. They are mine." Now, how will you two react?