
Chapter 162: Twin Meal

It was easy to find that HErmes was out of Olympus, after all, he was being their delivery boy right now! Going around the United States of 'Merica to deliver things for the gods, demigods, and his believers alike, as long as they ay for his services, he accepts drachmas, dollars, food, prayer, and sex. So yeah, if you go all porn scenario on him like: [Oh no, i don't have moneey to pay! Maybe i can pay it in another way~?] and he'll accept it- in fact, that's how he met Luke's mother.

So, at the moment, he was out of Olympus- But artemis and Apollo were here on Olympus, doing their official competition of arcchery, where they shot the stars of the sky, and the one who could hit more stars would win... Enychta found that stupi, they could put living target there, and due to his budding Divinity of night, that is steadily growing and needs more energy to bloom (Since most of his energy is going to make him a Primordial God), but even though it is only a budding Divinity he can still feel it- The night sky crying as the arrows hit it, taking away it's stars...

Maybe because of Nyx's existence the night sky has some sort of sentience that Nyx and now Enychta can feel, can understand. "Sister, you've become rusty!" Apollo, the blond, lithe, tall man with shining blue eyes and a cocky smile on his lips pulled the bow back as an arrow of light manifested on his golden sunlight bow. "Because i'm winning!" He chuckled as he released the golden arrow into the sky, the arrow flew so fast, it dissapeared, one of the stars in the distance simply dissapeared.

Now, Olympus is always light, but where they were, it was night, the sky full of stars and beautiful darkness, that they were using to to shoot the stars in the fucking sky!? Enychta growled as he mentally sent two messages through their bond: [Let's take them out quickly, I'll take Artemis on, you two focus and kill Apollo fast] Was the first message, the second one was: [Be careful, i love you.] And after such messages, he dashed towards Artemis. They werer on the darkness of the night, completely undetected due to Enychta's ability to go completely undetectable when fully still, and his ability also granted him the ability to hide others with him.

Luke was faster, he got behind Apollo before the High God could even notice it, the sword he had gotten from Ares a long time ago was now completely useless to him, he needed a thinner sword, lightweight and sharp, so he can flash forward and cut somethingin pieces in a few seconds. but Ares' sword was too heavy for that, and too thick as well (Get your mind out of that gutter), so he couldn't use it for fast attacks without holding it with his two hands, which he didn't like because he wanted to dual wield.

Black vines and roots, as well as black skull prjectiles, together with grasping branches of green trees, all rushed forward, all controlled by Pruno, who grinned when the skull-like projectiles hit Apollo's back, but then a golden shield surrounded him completely, dissipaiting both the skull-like projectiles but also the black vines, only the branches of the trees continued to move faster, until they got close to Apollo and strike- That wave of energy only seemed to dissipate Pruno's death energy, so Luke was fine, his hands held Ares' sword and he slashed several times- Always going for the vitals points on the human body, even though Gods are not human.

And of course, he went for the head.

Enychta was having a harder time, because Artemis' divinity was made to fight him! She quickly noticced him and focused on him, using her divinity to release silver wolves, that attacked him with powerful bites, taking out pieces of his flesh and stopped him from regenerating his body- But he could easily shatter them with [Absolute Psionics], a simple though and the projection of divine energy waas shattered by him. His arms and legs spinned many tentacles and tendrils of flesh and bones as Enychta used them all to catch the silver arrows shot at him, on his heels, heart, head, stomach, chest, eyes, and many other places.

His body cracked and turned as he was getting angrier at her, his mind kept flashing back to when she tried to shoot his lovers- Tried to hurt them!

His shoulders popped out of their sockets with a crunching sound, his neck twisted on the sides, his hands and fingers expanded and turned, his body turned into flesh and teeth, his head turned into this abominationon a large mouth, from his head a tendril slithered to the ground as two extra insect-like arms popped out of his flesh, his mouth let out a groaning wail that was echoed through their heads- A headache exploded out of Artemis' head, followed by thousands of whisperings voices that grasped her mental self and tore it apart, limb by limb.

Enychta moved fast, his legs and large main arms pulling him forward, he was running on all fours, but it looked like he was dragging himself with his arms. Mouth gaping open, you could see thousands of rouws of teeth and bones, the one, single eye on top of the mouth was completely black- He was a monstrosity.

Artemis pulled the string of her bow, a silver arrow apperead on her hand, she shot it and- It broke before it could even leave her hand.

Before she could even retreat, her body was frozen by an invisble force that held her in place as the creature opene it's gargantuan mouth, biting down on her head.

-Scene Cut-

[You received the {Hunt} Divinity]

[{Hunt} Divinity integrated]

[You received the {Absolute Hunting} skill]

[You received the {Prophecy} Divinity]

[Divinity Stored on Divine Core]

[You received the {Light} Divinity]

[Divinity Stored on Divine Core]

What surprised Enychta was when he ate Apollo, he received 2 divinities- Oh, i understand now. He is Apollo, he is both Apollo to the Greek and Roman, which means he is only one, so he technically also ate the Roman God Apollo, at the same time he ate the Greek God Apollo- That's convinient.

He transformed back to normal and kissed luke, he did so well fighting Apollo, he deflected thousands of golden arrows so easily- It was hot, so hot to see him stab the god and decapitate him, damn, he's a completely pervert isn't he?

But, Luke had an affinity to the divinities he received from Apollo- So now he was the God of [Speed], [Dimensions], [Love], [Light], and [Prophecy]... Wild combination.

-Scene End-

Author Note:

I think i can get the image up, i'll try to.