
Chapter 123: Time Passes

[WARNING, this chapter contains time skip and status update. Enychta is 20, Luke and Pruno are 19, Thalia is 16, Annabeth is 12, Nico DiAngelo is 12, Bianca DiAngelo is 14 just so you know their ages now.]

Opening his eyes, Enychta observed the sleeping members of his family, they were all laying on the grass at Half-Blood Hill, the hill outside the camp where they could chill for a while due to Enychta's strong presence that scared the monsters away from them, giving them a peace of mind to sleep without thinking too much about it. Now that all were sleeping, Enychta was alone with his thoughts, he wanted to be stronger so he will have to train, the first thing he has to do is master over [Night Magic] and next [Dream Magic], not only those but also some type of attacking focused magic, sure he has [Cosmic Magic] but the risk of having a black hole blow up on his face while he is fighting other stronger beings because he is sure that in the future, things will be bad.

Chronus will leave Tartarus and there will be the second Titanomachy, and he is not sure if he wants his family to fight that war, he is not sure if HE wants to fight that war... And Percy Jackson, huh, thay boy's flaw is literally loving people too much so unless some bat shit crazy stuff happens, the boy won't turn evil. Oh no, did he just jinx it? Damnit. Sighing, Enychta turned his wolf body, yes he was in his Nemean Wolf form, how else is someone supposed to relax in the grass and keep guard at the same time?

Anyway, turning his wolfish body to the side, his nose comes in contact with Luke's head and sniffles, scenting the sweet dew smell of the teen before smiling a smile that would a weal hearted person faint, after all, he had so many teeth! His tongue licked his nose to moisturize it because it was getting dry and he kept thinking... He could take his family away from this all, he can run away and hide- Oh, who is he kidding? The Fates hate him, ever since he broke the destinated fates of his family, the Fates have been plotting shit to go down on him, Nyx told him that when they were on his head that day. He is worried he won't be strong enough to keep his family safe and will have to save them from every danger around the corner- No, he has to make them strong, so he will not save them from non life threatening danger as long as they can use said danger to grow and become stronger than before.

Oh, they'll be the end of him, won't they?

"Mmm... Eny..." Hearing his name being called by a very sleepy Annabeth, Enychta tilted his head like a confused dog, it would look adorable if he didn't have this heavy dangerous aura around him that pushed those that didn't know him away and cutting their chances to even talk to him! "Yes my dear?" His voice was an octave lower, making his already husky voice even huskier, he spoke like a growling low noise that made Annabeth shake her head before saying: "Turn off the sun..." Chuckling at the antics of his sister, he decided to know along, soon a gigantic draconic wing sprouted out of his back and covered the sun in front of her eyes, saying: "What else would you like me to do, dear?

The little girl giggles as she looked at the creature that would terrorize most people, her giggles soon woke the other three who had lazy smiles seeing such scene, Enychta felt at bliss and looked at the sky...

Time passes, and soon enough, days blended into weeks, weeks blended into months, months blended into years and 5 years and a few months passed. A lot of things happened in this time, the trio Enychta, Pruno, and Luke went on several quests together and became known as the most powerful Demigods, which caused a great rivalry amongst the hot headed children of Ares, which even though they knew Enychta was able to beat their dad in a fight they still challenged him and lost miserably. Thalia started going on her own quests, at first Enychta was very nervous and would always go with her while leaving behind Luke and Pruno to be two good babysitters and take care of Annabeth.

They also visited the underworld a lot, which Persephone liked and Hades pretended to not like but was secretly glad he always had a trio of noisy brats at his home... It made the times where Persephone was up above easier to deal with, but he prefers his conversations with Enychta, it surprised him how knowledged the boy was about death and the dead, they had discussed for several hours what would be considered alive by mythical standards. He brought up the concept that sentient weapons are alive in a way due to the fact that they have souls, or Soul Shards as it's called which made Hades research sentient weapons and see its true, he was impressed Enychta knew that.

And because both didn't need to sleep, they could discuss over days on end about random subjects, each had different views over the concepts of emotions, thoughts, will, souls, reality and existence itself! A budding relationship between them grew and they started to truly enjoy each other's company very much, so much in fact he requested Enychta to rescue his son and daughter from their time prison at that club, so of course Enychta took them under his wings and albeit they had the whole Hades cabin for themselves, they would still sleep inside the Nyx cabin.

The month way May and Enychta knee what that meant, cannon time, which was something he was hoping for and yet dreading for. "Eny?" The now 12 years old Nico DiAngelo calls him from behind the counter, sitting on a stoll at a little bar he had installed but since alcohol has no effect on him whatsoever, he drinks for the flavor of it, as well as smoking tobacco cigarettes, since it doesn't deteriorates his health at all. He is also being careful to not influence the kids or even let them be second hand smokers by inhaling his smoke, which was easy due to the few abilities he got himself... He ate s lot of monsters, but most of them already had the abilities he has, so he didn't get a lot of new abilities but 5 of them. And he may also have spent all these years relaxing as well as training, you cannot stress yourself or else you'll break. Right?

"Yeah pup?"

-Scene ends-

Anyway, he mastered a lot of abilities:

[Careful: Text ahead is a copy/paste and edited]



[[Unique Skill] Night Beast's Natural Weapon: 99%

Natural Weapons flow with magic, Natural Weapons are considered magical and can damage monsters easily and when turned into a [Unique Skill], grants the ability to cause bleeding on a target, it keeps bleeding and causing damage to the target as long as the target has mana because it feeds off of the mana to keep the target bleeding and dying.



[Unique Skill] Cosmic Magic {00}: 99%

After upgrading this ability to [Skill], you can choose a certain amount of people to not be affected by your spells. [Not Harm] Targets.

Up to 50 (6 Already being used)






Grenade (Hellhound)

Nuclear (Hellhound)


[New] Mark of Cosmus: You can mark up to 5 people with spells that you know, giving them the ability to cast that spell once per day. The stronger the bond between the marked and the one who put the mark, the stronger the spell gets, also making the marked able to cast that spell more than once a day.


[Cosmic Dust: Pain] [Proficiency: 100%]

Creates a green-colored cloud of cosmic dust around the user, can be used to hide the presence or distract targets, and when inhaled by target causes [Pain].

[Pain]: Pain stuns the target for 5 to 10 seconds and if the target is resistant to pain, this effect is reduced to half, and if the target is immune to pain, skill does not affect.

[New] [Cosmic Dust: Confusion] [Proficiency: 100%]

Spreads a cloud of red-colored sparkling dust that everyone who inhales becomes confused about everything for the next 5-20 seconds.

Resistance against Mental attacks reduces confusion time.

Immunity against Mental attacks nullifies the confusion effect.

[New] [Cosmic Dust: Grief] [Proficiency: 100%]

Spreads a blue-colored cloud of sparkling dust that everyone who inhales becomes filled with grief, the heavyweight of their actions gives them the [Slow] effect.

Resistance against Mental attacks reduces confusion time.

Immunity against Mental attacks nullifies the confusion effect.

[Cosmus: Falling Star] [Proficiency: 100%]

Consumes all of your magical energy to completely increase your speed, after impact with the target all the magical energy will explode outwards, and everything in a radius equal to half of your proficiency with this spell will be exploded and receive vast amounts of damage.

Can be resisted by a strong opponent, but not nullified nor evaded unless by a powerful spell.

[Cosmus: Shooting Star] [Proficiency: 100%]

Consumes mana to create a projectile at the size of a small pebble, but is very fast and capable of exploding. Can be used together with [Dust] spells, making that as soon as the projectile explodes, dust will be expanded from where it exploded.

[Cosmus: Orbit] [Proficiency: 100%]

Consumes mana to create 1 to 10 projectiles like [Shooting Star], but they hover around the user at great speeds, they are also very sturdy and can take some damage before breaking, and after breaking it causes explosive damage to those around excluding the user and user [Not Harm] targets.

[Cosmus: Lightspeed] [Proficiency: 100%]

Consumes mana to increase moving speed, applicable to any form of movement, flying, running. swimming, and more.

[Cosmus: Solar Strenght] [Proficiency: 100%]

Consumes mana to increase physical strength and physical damage output, making knuckles weapons of mass destruction.

[Cosmic Star: Stun] [Proficiency: 100%]

Consumes mana to create an illusory floating star, everyone who stares at it (except user and [Not Harm] targets) will be unable to move or do anything for 1-10 seconds.

[Cosmic Star: Burning Pain] [Proficiency: 100%]

Consumes mana to create an illusory floating star, everyone who stares at it (except user and [Not Harm] targets) will suffer from pain in their entire body from 1-10 seconds.

[Cosmic Star: Lullaby] [Proficiency: 100%]

Consumes mana to create an illusory floating star, everyone who stares at it (except user and [Not Harm] targets) will feel [Drowzy] and will fall asleep in 1-10 seconds, sleeping effect lasts 1-10 seconds.

[Cosmus: Meteorite] [Proficiency: 100%]

Consumes mana to send off a powerful blast towards the target, causes magical damage, and impacts sending away enemies. May cause the [Burning] effect.

[Cosmus: Meteorite Shower] [Proficiency: 100%]

Consumes mana to send hundreds of [Meteorite] spells, albeit their strength is decreased.

[Cosmus: Asteroid Rings] [Proficiency: 100%]

Creates a ring of asteroids around the user's body, they spin slowly, and when targets are selected, all the asteroids will lock on the targets and follow them around until they all touch the targets or are destroyed. If all asteroids touch the targets, all the targets will receive a [Cosmic Mark].

[Cosmus: Asteroid] [Proficiency: 100%]

Consumes mana to send off an asteroid, albeit slower than a [Shooting Star] and a [Meteorite] spell, when hit, the target will get a [Cosmic Mark]

[Cosmic Mark: Sunburn] [Proficiency: 100%]

Consumes mana and a [Cosmic Mark] to make the target with the [Cosmic Mark] burn and receive great damage from the fire. The fire lasts for 1-10 minutes.

[Cosmic Mark: Space Freeze] [Proficiency: 100%]

Consumes mana and a [Cosmic Mark] to make the target marked by [Cosmic Mark] freeze. The target will be frozen in black ice for 1-10 minutes, taking damage from the cold.

[Cosmic Mark: Space Cut] [Proficiency: 100%]

Consumes mana and a [Cosmic Mark] to make the target marked by a [Cosmic Mark] be split in half causing a great amount of damage, instant death when using to Demigods, some monsters, and Mortals. However, consumes more mana than other spells.

[Cosmic Mark: Gravity Press] [Proficiency: 100%]

Consumes mana and a [Cosmic Mark] to make the target marked by a [Cosmic Mark] suffer from a sudden increase in gravity, causing the target to acquire the effect [Slow] and take damage.

[Cosmic Magic: Black Hole] [Proficiency: 100%]

[Consumes mana to create/destroy a black hole that can consume almost anything that it touches. Deals insane amounts of damage. Black holes are also unstable.]


Unique Skill] Night Beast Senses {00}: 99%

Sharply enchants your senses both day and night.

[Unique Skill] Night Beast Stomach {00}: 99%

Every digested thing can be converted into magical energy, waste shall not exist anymore. It also grants you the ability to eat monsters and get their ability, after getting upgraded to [Unique Skill], grants the ability to eat objects and possibly get abilities from them as well.

[Unique Skill] Insomnia {00}: 99%

When standing completely still to rest, you are considered to be [Stealthing], which hides your presence. After being upgraded to [Unique Skill], you no longer need to sleep as the act itself is non-vital. You get your energy from just standing still for 10 minutes.

[Unique Skill] Night Vision {00}: 99%

Can see completely fine in the dark and even through magical darkness or lack of 100% of light. After being upgraded to [Unique Skill], you can see even through the Miasma of Tartarus.

[Unique Skill] Night Camouflage: 99%

When standing completely still for 3 seconds you enter an invisibility mode that can only be activated at night, and when you move a muscle, you will leave this mode in 5 seconds, slowly getting more and more visible until completely visible. After being upgraded to [Unique Skill], it no longer needs to be at night to use this skill.

[Unique Skill] Night Beast Brutality {00}: 99%

When fighting, you tend to destroy your enemies. Increases physical damage by 5% but can cause psychological scars on others. After being upgraded to [Unique Skill], when fighting, there's a chance you might cause the [Fear] effect on weaker enemies.

[Unique Skill] Night Beast Hunger {00}: 99%

Hunger craves on you faster, when hungry you get more aggressive, but also stronger, increases physical and magical damage by 5% when hungry but increases aggressiveness by 10%. You are not you when you're hungry after all.

After being upgraded to [Unique Skill], you hunger slower but gets stronger and stronger the hungrier you are, going as far as 50% stronger.

[Unique Skill] Night Beast Pack {00}: 99%

When fighting alone, magic and physical damage increases by 5%, but horniness increases by 80% when in mating season (Lasts 2 Months, starts in August, and ends in October, Mating seasons start when the body is mature enough

After upgrading it to [Unique Skill], this ability no longer needs you to be alone, when fighting alongside your pack, or family, you get a 10% bonus in strength and speed. (Still has mating season though, and it starts when you are 15 years old on the 1st of August, ending on 1 of October, every year after the same.)

[New: Chapter 03]

[For Some reason, your Lycanthrope Form mutated]

[Unique Skill] Dark Chimera's Poisonous Gland {03}: 99% [Ability]

As a Dark Chimera, your body naturally creates venom, which is very lethal to both monsters and Demigods, it also works on mortals! Albeit slower. After being upgraded to [Unique Skill], can work effectively in both mortals and immortals alike, can control all and any liquid from the body, changing them

[Unique Skill] Dark Chimera's Flight {03}: 99%] [Non-combat]

With wings, you can fly! However, don't think you can do a 360° spin in the air at great speeds with such a low flying experience. After being upgraded to [Unique Skill], speed is increased drastically together with reaction time and stamina for longer and faster flights, just be careful of Mr. Lightbulb striking you down.

[Unique Skill] Dark Chimera's Forms {03}: 99% [Ability/Combat]

As a Dark Chimera and being part of Lycanthrope, Scorpion, Bat, and Viper, you can change between them at will (or fully transform) while in human form, however, it may make tired maintaining a form for too long, not while its night or when in full form.

After being upgraded to [Unique Skill], you can change between any monster form you have while in human form or completely change your entire Dark Chimera form with other monsters as well.

[New: Chapter 06]

[Unique Skill] [Mist Control: 99%] [Ability]

Control mortal minds, create memories, create illusions, hide monsters, teleport through the mist, summon Mistforms, and even cancel the Mist from a mortal's eyes momentarily.

You can permanently remove the mist from a mortal's eyes, making them able to see the supernatural world]

[Unique Skill] Willpower: 99%

By resisting mental manipulation, you can just resist things using your own will to do so.

After becoming a [Unique Skill], you have a great mental defense, immune to mind attacks, resistant to soul attacks, and with the undying will to protect. It moves you as long as you know you want to protect you family.

[Gives Extra Boon: {Protection of Eros}]

For love is one of the strongest forces for a reason.]

[New: Chapter 08]

[Unique Skill] [Fire Immunity: 99%] [Ability]

Immunity to any type of fire and hot substances.

[New: Chapter 09]

[Unique Skill] Thread Works: 99%

From eating a giant spider, daughter of Arachne, you get the ability to produce silk from your body and control it mentally, it is very flammable but resistant to cutting.

After Upgrading to [Unique Skill], the thread is now harder than steel and can cut through mortal materials easily, however, not so easily against magical material.]

[Unique Skill] Height Manipulation: 99%

From eating a Southern Cyclops, son of Poseidon, you get the ability to grow or shrink your size, but because you aren't a giant, you can grow further from double your max size

From Upgrading this to [Unique Skill], you can now increase your size up to 5 times your max size.

[Max Size:

Human: 8 feet → 40 feet)

Night Beast: 16 feet → 80 feet)]

[Unique Skill] Fire Breathing: 99%

From eating a Dragon, you get the ability to breathe fire, however, this fire burns from within you and always keeps your body warm to touch. Losing control may cause fire to leave your mouth unconsciously.

From upgrading this to [Unique Skill], you can now freely control the flames inside your body, increasing your body temperature at will as well as producing now blue flames, hotter than normal flames.]

[Unique Skill] Monster Mimicry: 99%

From eating various creatures, you receive the ability to mimic some of their physical body parts. You can add these parts to your Night Beast From at will or simply transform into them while your human body, they are considered part of your Dark Chimera's body

From Upgrading this to [Unique Skill], you can now fuse forms to create new ones, the previous forms will be lost until you eat the same monster again to regain that form. Various forms fused may cause an error in the skill, the form created from the fusion may also give you new skills or have new skills that you can only use while partially transformed or fully transformed.






Giant Spider

Giant Eagle

Giant Snake

Giant Badger

Carnivorous Sheep


Stymphalia Bird




Flesh-Eating Horses


Gorgon (Medusa)






Nemean Lion

Giant Porcupine




Nemean Wolf (Nemean Lion + Lycanthrope)


Quetzalcoatl (Giant Eagle + Giant Snake)

Green Ooze



Killer Bee





Tyrannosaurus Rex

Thunder Elemental

Water Elemental

Fire Elemental

Wind Elemental

Earth Elemental

Ice Elemental

Metal Golem

Giant Heracles Beetle

Giant Butterfly



[Unique Skill] Healing: 99%

From eating a Calandrius, you got the ability to heal, this ability is hard to be used for it consumes both magical energy and stamina. However, it can cure any disease, heal any wound, and even save the dead if used right. It cannot, however, regenerate lost appendages.

After upgrading this to [Unique Skill], you are now able to regenerate lost members/appendages/organs from someone's body, it is very slow and causes physical and mental pain to the person being healed, leading to a long and painful process, however, once done, a new and healthy appendage/member/organ will be ready to use.]

[Unique Skill] Weapon Mastery: 99%

Every single weapon! You can wield any weapon with great proficiency, even if you never touched the weapon before, even if it is a Unique Weapon designed for a "chosen one", or even if it is cursed and has a personality of it's own, you can wield it with great proficiency. This makes you immune to anything harmful that may affect you while wielding a sword, a great example is if the weapon is cursed, while you wield it you are completely immune to it, but once you let go of the weapon, you can be affected by it. However, spending long periods of time with the cursed item makes you completely immune to it too.

Gets [Inanimate Speak] Extra Boon.]

[Unique Skill] Cooking: 99%

The ability to cook something. What? It's cooking, it doesn't need a description.

After being upgraded to [Unique Skill], eveey food tou make tastes heavenly. Like ambrosia and nectar.

[Skill] Gorgon Petrification: 99%

When looked in the eye, can turn anyone into a stone statue, which kills can kill them if wanted to. When upgraded to skill, can be turned in and off at will without the need to hide the eyes.

Greate contol over skill]

[New: Chapter 28]

[Unique Skill] Regeneration: 99%

Increases regenerative capabilities, although it won't make you grow a new head every time your head is chopped off, it can slowly help you regenerate serious damage done to you, fire is the only problem since it can't regenerate completely burned cells.

After being turned into a skill, this ability can now regenerate big injuries and slowly grow lost limbs and appendages.

After being turned into a Unique Skill, you can easily grow missing limbs, he, even your heart will grow if you rip it out of your chest.]

[New: Chapter 31]

[Unique Skill] Voice Imitation: 99%

The ability of the Leucrota, after eating the monster you can now imitate other voices, although not perfect and you need practice before you can mimic every voice you gear perfectly.

You can now perfectly immitate someone's voice at will.

You can now do two voices at the same time, talking twice.]

[New: Chapter 38]

[New Proficiency:

[Magic] [Unique Skill] Enchanting Magic: 99%

Description: Add magical effects to items.

[Compact Runes: You can compact your runes to make them so you can fit more and more runes in one item]

[Powerful Runes: all runes written by you are twice as strong as a normal rune]

Known Enchantments:

[Mark]: Know the location of the marked entity all time, no matter the location. Can be removed if the enchanted item is destroyed.

[Light]: Manipulate light on a small scale, producing or erasing light in a region, or even bend light to cause invisibility. This enchantment cannot be used to cause harm directly.

[Lock]: Locks any lockable target magically, can only be unlocked by breaking the locked target or magically taking out the enchantment. It can be also deactivated and reactivated by the enchanter's will, like on/off.

[Block]: Blocks any magical or physical damage to the enchanted target until a certain threshold, in which the rest of the damage will pass through the enchantment and be dealt to the enchanted target.

[Protection]: Blocks attacks, magical and physical in nature at a certain threshold, after that threshold is suppressed the shield will absorb the damage and shatter itself. Consumes mana every time it absorbs damage.

[Movement]: Makes the enchanted target move in any direction the user wants to at a limited speed, the object cannot weight more than 1 Kilogram.

[Float]: Makes the enchanted target float in any direction the user wants to at a limited speed and height, the object cannot weight more than 1 Kilogram.

[Heat]: Consumes mana to produce heat (Maximum of 100° Celsius), may cause combustion if enchanted in flammable objects.

[Cold]: Consumes mana to produce cold (Maximum of -100° Celsius), may crack or break if enchanted in fragile objects.

[Isolation]: With this rune, you can isolate or block things, like water (essentially making the material waterproof) fire (making the material fireproof up to 100° Celsius), air (making the material soundless), acid (making the material hard to melt with acid), and even cold (making the material resistant to cols temperatures down to -100° Celsius).

[Enlarge]: Consumes mana to increase the size of the enchanted target (5× the size maximum), the bigger the enlargement, the more mana it consumes.

[Reduce]: Consumes mana to decrease the size of the enchanted target (5× the size maximum), the smaller the reducement, the more mana it consumes.

[Store]: Can be used to create more space inside items as well as store things on the rune itself, like nails and things like that]

[Dark]: Reduces light around the enchanted target by consuming it into magical darkness, consumes mana]

[Absorption]: Absorbs energy around the enchanted target, cannot much energy alone, releasing it into the air]

[Battery]: Stores energy inside the enchanted target, cannot absorb energy alone, being empty. if the container is filled more than it can hold, it blows up.]

[Projectile]: Consumes mana to create a projectile, choose the projectile while carving the rune.]

[Channeling]: A rune that only servesas wires for the mana]

[New: Chapter 40]

[Unique Skill] Color Change: 99%

Can freely change the color of anything produced by the body.]

[New: Chapter 71]

[Unique Skil Magical Resistance: 99%

You are immune to magic.

[New: Chapter 72]

[Unique Skill] Cold Rage: 99%

Anger increases your physical status by 100% but decreases your control by 100% too. This effect can be resisted through [Will].

After becoming a [Skill], your strength is doubled plus the increase of the skill itself.

After becoming a [Unique Skill], you no longer lose your composure when using this skill.]

[Uniqe Skill] Cold Immunity: 99%

You are immune to the cold, magical or otherwise.

[New: Chapter 95]

[Unique Skill] Night Magic: 99%

A Magic specially focused on the mind, debuffing, and illusions. You can do many things with this magic, from healing the mind of unstable individuals, to breaking said mind further with illusions and manifesting their worst nightmare.]

[Mark of the Night: After becoming a [Skill], you can mark up to 10 willing indiviuals, this mark gives them the ability to get invisible while at night]

[Lurking Darkness: While you are in the darknessof the night, all your sneak attacks does doible the normal damage. This also affects the psyche because they'll perceive you as their worst nightmare.]

[Minor Illusion: You create a sound, image, or smell that can trick the mind of others, but looking closely to the illusion or touching can easily make one known that it is a illusion created by magic.] [100%]

[Night Terror: You are the monster under the bed, you are the shadow that moves through the night, you are the most horrifying thing someone can think of.

Effect: Applies [Fear] to viewing targets.] [100%]

[Palpable Illusion: Make your illusions physical to the touch, able to interact with their surrounding without fear] [100%]

[Phantom: An illusion only seen inside the kind of an specific individual, tricks the mind of that specific enemy] [100%]

[Moonbeam: A beam of silver magical that causes burning damage on the mind and reveals the truth, breaking away any Glamour or illusion] [100%]

[Nightshroud: You instantly becomes a dark cloud of smoke, being able to phase through physical matter. You cannot attack while in this form.] [100%]

[Nightmare: You can cause the target to suffer from haunting nightmares.] [100%]

[Bane of the Night: Releases a dark blot of energy that bounds the target in place, snaring them to the ground.] [100%]

[Calamity of the Night: Sends a blast of energy that slows all enemies around.] [100%]

[New: Chapter 96]

[Unique Skill] Danger Sense: 99%

A mystical sixth sense that has been inside you for a long time, only awakening now due to your caution nature and not your previously paranoid personality that refused to get yourself in high danger that could awaken this ability. Well, now you have it, you are able to feel danger approaching you and can react accordingly to the situation. It is also an instant [Skill] due to your high senses and natural danger sense.

Due to becoming a [Unique Skill], your senses are ahead of you, you can even momentarily see into the future.]

[Unique Skill] Liquid Manipulation: 99%

Can manipulate any and every liquid inside you and around you (100 Meters). Only apply to things in the liquid state!]

[Unique Skill] Unbreakable: 99%

Decreases physical damage and magic damage to an almost impossible level, your skin naturally becomes smooth but tingly to the touch, due to the natural protection you now constantly have.

After becoming a [Skill], you can infuse mana into your skin to change it into a strong carapace.

After becoming a [Unique Skill], you can do it at will]

[Unique Skill] Otherworldly Stomach: 99%

Your stomach can now hold 100× your size in pounds.]


[Unique Skill] Lightning Manipulation: 99%

You can control lightning, shock, fry, or even completely electrocute someone to death. Its your choice.

After becoming a Unique Skill, you have a greater control over lightning.]

[Unique Skill] Earth Manipulation: 99%

You can control the soil upon your feet with a mere thought, dirt, sand, rock, and even metal if it has dirt inside.

After becoming a Unique Skill, you have a greater contol over it.]

[Unique Skill] Ice Manipulation: 99%

You can control the cold and ice, freezing or even just making a cool breeze, you can do it all. You can also reduce your temperature at will.

After becoming a Unique Skill, you have a greater control over it.]

[Unique Skill] Wind Manipulation: 99%

You can control the wind and breezes, pushing others or even simply cutting everything in half, creating breezes and even hurricanes.

After becoming a Unique Skill, you have greater control over it.]

[Unique Skill] Dream Magic: 99%

[Wanderer of Dreams: you can lucid dream at will and even make others lucid dream with a single thought]

[Dreamer: Your dreams are the best dreams, you can invite others to enter your dream with you, whenever. Or you can enter theirs...]

[Sleep: Makes the target sleep. ] [100%]

[Sweet Dreams: Heals wounds while sleeping, through dreams.] [100%]

[Slumber: Makes the target get drowsy and yawn, this spreads the drowsiness around, and in a short amount of time, all who yawned will sleep] [100%]

[Sleep Protection: Protects those marked by spell from any attempt at invading their dreams] [1000%]

[Dream Connection: Connects the dreams of two or more individuals together, you can enter their dreams and they'll see each other as well as you.] [100%]

[Dream Reality: Can only affect sleeping targets, creates a false reality within the dream, copying the real world and trapping them in the dream that you control] [100%]

[Dream Travel: Can enter the dreams of others] [100%]

[Dream Eater: Consume the dreams of people, consuming their very imagination and mind, rendering them catatonic and brain dead.] [100%]