

"Seems like one got left out...huh."

*Sky demon's tempest fist*

Ciel said closing the distance with his wind clad fist.

Just as he was about to land the hit, the man talked.

"Now, now let's not get too violent here." He said with a smile.

Ciel's expression suddenly changed into fear. Boosting himself with the wind, he jumped backward.

"This man...he's a mage too..?" Up until now, one could not find even a slight magic power emitting from the man. But just as he was about to get attacked, a sudden burst of magic was had from him.

"He was concealing his magic power...And It's about the same as my dad...who is he.?" Ciel continued to think watching the man.

While Ciel was thinking of a way to deal with the new man, the same man was looking around the room trying to get a hold of the current situation.

"Hey kid tell me, did you do all of this..? " He asked pointing at the fallen men.

"I don't think I can win against this guy as of now. I need to leave as soon as possible." Thinking about an escape route Ciel answered.

"Y..yes...I did it." Pondering a bit.

"Ohh...that's gonna be troublesome."

"Oh no...It looks like he's with these guys. I need to go now. I can't risk my life here." Charing up his magic he got ready to jump outside.

Just as he was about to make an escape the man talked again.

"How am I gonna get the mission rewards now...?"


"Ha..Ha..Ha..Ha...So you let yourself get caught by them, so you could come here...?" The man said laughing at the boy sitting at a rumble of the partly destroyed building.

"Yeah...I kinda overheard them talking about kidnapping me. So I thought it would better if I caught all of them redhanded." Scratching his head, Ciel replied in a tired tone.

"Ha..Ha...You're one weird kid, you know that." The man continued to laugh.

"Haah...So you came on a mission to catch these guys..?"

"Yeah. These guys have been on the radar of the government for some time. They were capturing children and women to sell them as slaves.

Even though the knights tried to capture them multiple times, they fled towards another location. So they issued a quest at our guild."

The man said showing him a poster from his pocket.

"Guild..?" He said taking a look at the poster.

"Mmhm...It's a place where people of the same trade gathers. So that they could take quests to earn money."

"A place for mages.!"

"But our guild is like a real family."

"A family...." Ciel whispered thinking about his father.

"Yeah...It's the best guild in the entire Fiore region after all. Fairy tail..." The man said with a look of pride.

"Hmm...He doesn't look like lying. Looks like holds his guild in high regard." Ciel thought looking at the man.

"Ohh. By the way. Which one of these is their boss." The man said poking some of the unconscious men.

"Ahh. The boss guy is outside. I kinda went overboard on him." Ciel said pointing at the destroyed wall.

But when they went to look outside, there was no one there.

A few miles from the hideout A man could be seen flying on a flame-like object. It was Bora.

"That damned kid. All of my plans are in the water now. Next time I see him, I'll make sure to kill him with my own hands." Bora said as he flew standing on a purple flame at his feet.

"Tch...Looks like he got away again.. Kid, did you happen to catch his name or something " The man asked turning to the boy.

"I suppose they called him Bora, from a guild called Titan Nose."

"Titan Nose huh...That should be enough to get him."

"So what are you gonna do now," Ciel asked the man.

"Now..we wait." The man said sitting down.

"We..? I have to stay too.??"

"You're the one who took them down right.? The rune knights are on their way here. You'll need to give a testimony to them."

"Whaat..that's too much work," Ciel said in a defeated tone and sat on the ground.

"You know right. I've been in this kinda situation myself countless times now. It's going to be a pain in the ass real soon." the man with a helpless face.

"Sigh.. Ah...I forgot to ask your name.." Ciel asked turning towards the man.

"Oh..I'm Gildarts. Now that you mention it, I don't know your's too."

"Nice to meet you Gildarts. I am Luciel."

"Hahhh...That was so tiring." Luciel sighed sitting on the cart. They were finally done with the testimony. As the knights wouldn't believe their words.

It took a lot of time to convince the rune knights that the kidnappers were done in by a six-year-old child. In the end, he had to show them some magic to make them believe.

"Still, I can't believe how powerful you're at this age, kid. That blow you gave him back then was too good of one." Gildarts smirked recalling the blow Luciel gave the rune knight captain.

"Ha ha.." He nodded with a face of regret.

Not believing Ciel to fight all the men on his own, the knight captain had asked him to hit him with a magic attack to prove his strength.

Without wasting another second Ciel gave him a tempest fist in the gut, blowing him away. Thus convincing them of his power.

Right now Ciel and Gildarts are on their way back to Shirotsume on a cart with the rune knights.

"Guilds... a place like that could have many connections. Maybe I can use it to find that Anna person... Besides, I'll need money to live too." Ciel thought about a way to ask Gildarts.

Seeing the boy staring at him Gildarts asked.

"Do you have something to ask..?"


"You've been staring at me for quite some time."

"Ahh, I see...Can anyone join a guild.?" Sighing he asked the man.

"Hmm...As long as they meet the conditions though. For example, to join a merchant guild, you have to be a merchant or a mage guild requires the person to be able to use magic."

Looking at the boy thinking deeply he asked again.

"Do you want to join Fairy tail..?"