
Fairy Tail

"This is Fairy tail."

"Well, what are you standing there for. Let's go inside." Gildarts said opening the door.

The inside was similar to a large lunch hall and mainly made of wood, possessing a parquet floor and a mezzanine held up by wood beams overlooking it. Several long benches and the related tables stretched across its length with a bar at the end.

There were many people inside. Eating, drinking or just chatting themselves.

Seeing the man enter the whole room went silent for a bit.

"Ohh...it's Gildarts. Did he finish the job already.?"

"As expected from the ace of fairy tail."

"Ehhh, there's a kid with him. Is it his..?"

"No way...The kid doesn't even look like him."

"Maybe he got the looks from his mother."

All kinds of murmurs were heard from the hall.

"These guys...hey all of you, he's not mine, got it," Gildarts said in an irritated tone point at Ciel. To a certain brown-haired girl's relief.

"Seriously, don't go around making rumors ok. It will damage my image among ladies." He said in a dramatic tone.

"Forget what I thought earlier. This guy's no good." Ciel thought looking at Gildarts.

Walking forward, they reached a bar counter, where a short-statured man sat. He wore an orange hoodie with a blue striped jester hat on his head.

"I've returned, master" Gildarts said approaching the man.

"What..! he's the master." Luciel let out a surprised voice.

"Welcome back Gildarts, how was the mission. And who's that kid..?"

"Ahh..about the mission. I failed." He replied sheepishly.

"WHAT..!" A collective response was heard from the whole guild.

"When I got there, this guy had already taken care of the business." He said pointing at the young boy with him.

"WHAT..!" Another collective shout was heard from the whole guild.

"Hooo..that's interesting. Tell me the whole story.." Master said stroking his mustache.

[After a few minutes]

"So that's what happened.." Guildarts concluded telling the whole story.

"For real...?"

"He's just a small kid..!"

"I wonder how strong he actually is..?"

Discussions could be heard from across the hall again.

"Mmm...he does have an unnatural amount of magic power inside him." The short man said observing the boy.

While the boy in question himself was looking around the guildhall.

"So, you wanted to join Fairy tail, Didn't you kid," Master asked him.

"That's right. Nice to meet you master. My name is Luciel Aracelis." Ciel bowed introducing himself.

"Hmm. He has very good manners. Say Luciel, what kind of magic do you use."

"I use wind magic." He said creating a ball of wind in his hand.

"Hmm... Natsu.." After thinking a bit, he called out to someone.

"Oii, dragon boy..master is calling for you." A boy dressed in only shorts said smacking the head of the pink-haired kid who was sleeping next to him.

"You jerk, what was that for." The boy shouted waking from his sleep.

"I said..Master is calling you."

"Hmm...what...? gramps did.!" He said looking around.

That's when he noticed Gildarts standing next to the master.

"Gildarts....you said we could fight when you got back..." he yelled charging at the man.

Grabbing him by his clothes, Gildarts stopped Natsu.

"Not now kid. Master's got something to tell you."

"Natsu , you wanted a fight right. Do a little spar with this boy right here." He said pointing at Ciel.

"This is the dragon slayer..hmm he certainly has a different smell than everyone else." Ciel thought looking at the elder boy in front of him.

"What...him..! I don't want to fight him. I need to fight HIM " He said pointing at Gildarts.

"Then how's this Natsu. If you can defeat Ciel here. I'll fight with you anytime you want." Gildarts told the boy.

"All right...Let's get this finished with." The boy named Natsu yelled bringing up flames around him.

"Not here...Let's go outside." Master stood up from the counter and started walking.

After some time, everyone in the guild had gathered outside to see the fight.

"The one who falls down first loses. Keep your attacks limited,remember this is just a spar." The master explained the rules to both of them.

"Yes," Both the contestants agreed in unison.

"Then...Let the match start."

As soon as the signal was given, Natsu closed in the distance charging an attack.

"Sorry...But I'll be winning this one"

*Fire Dragon's Iron Fist*

But before the fire punch would hit him, Ciel sidestepped and gave a little push to Natsu's back. Causing him to fall down. And then he turned to look at the master.

"That's all. I won right."

"Hey, that's not fair." The fallen boy got back up and complained.

"But I did follow the rules though. Very little attack power was used and you fell down. So it's my win right." Ciel argued back in a monotone voice.


"That's enough Natsu. Luciel has won." Master declared.

"But he didn't even use magic..!" Natsu protested.

"Still, it's true that we couldn't see your magic in action." The small man said looking at Ciel.

"I can demonstrate if you want," Ciel replied by cladding his hands in wind.

*Sky Devil's Tempest Fist*

And punched down at the ground. With a bang, a small crater was formed at the place where the punch landed. Leaving the people around watching in awe.

"Hmm...I can see how you defeated those criminals now." The small man said observing the crater the punch had created.

"Alright. You're in." He declared with a smile.

"Just like that..?"

"Just like that."

"Wow dude, you're really strong even though you're little than me." The pink-haired kid said approaching him.

"Hmm..sorry..?" Causing the boy to wake up from his thoughts.

"Fight me..!"

"No thanks" Declining the boy, Ciel started walking towards the guildhall.

"Oh come on.." The small dragon slayer begged running after the white-haired boy.

"Where would you like the guild mark to be tattooed..?" the receptionist girl asked Ciel with a stamper in her hands.

"I'll have it on my right arm please." He replied and she pressed the tool against his arm to reveal a light green colored stigma of Fairy tail.

"With this, your registration has been completed successfully. You can now take requests on the board and give it to me if you want to partake in them." She informed the boy who was inspecting the tattoo on his hand.

"Ohh...thanks "

After getting done with the registration, he went to the bar to eat something. Gildarts was already seated there, drinking with the master.

"Heyy...how did the registration go.?" Gildarts asked seeing the boy approach them.

"You used me."


"You made me fight Natsu because you knew he would pester me instead, didn't you.?" The boy asked with an irritated face.

"Hahh...Figured it out already..? Man..you're one scary kid, did you know that." he said sipping the jar of alcohol in his hands.

"I'll have a sandwich please."Ignoring the comments Ciel turned to the counter, ordering his food.

"By the way...it's quite an interesting magic you have, kiddo" Makarov also said to the boy.

"Why do you say that.. master.?" he asked.

"It is quite similar to the magic that Natsu uses, Isn't it."

"Yes. You're correct. It allows also me to eat the element of air to replenish strength and become immune to its effects" He explained it to the men.

"Hooo. That's just like his. So I guess this one is used to exorcise demons then."

"Yes. Or so I'm told. Since I haven't fought a demon yet, I can't confirm that."

"Still, it's an impressive type of magic no..?"

"Ha...Thank you for your raise. Master."

"Why are you so stiff. This guild is going to be like your home from now on. So relax a bit."

"Mmmhm" He nodded stuffing his mouth with the sandwich.

"LISTEN YOU LOT. TODAY WE HAVE A NEW MEMBER IN OUR FAMILY. SO LET'S CELEBRATE" Master yelled raising the cup in his hands.

"YEAHH....." The applause of all the members were heard in unison.

"Sigh...my life is gonna be noisy from now on, isn't it.." Ciel sighed inside.

"Still, this feels nice." he thought looking at all the people who were celebrating his arrival.